Let's roll twenty Dwarf Fighter/Thief characters for the Swords & Wizardry Complete Revised! 3d6 in order:
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As before, first ten are male and following ten are female. Since Thieves can be only Neutral or Chaotic, I've divided them half-and-half. Remember that you can't freely mix-and-match saves: you either use Fighter or Thief save and their matching modifiers. Thieving skills can only be used whilst in leather armour and without shield. I've used equipment packs I shared before.
1. Gomrund Redgriffon
Class: Fighter / Thief
Ancestry: Dwarf
Alignment: Neutral
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Alignment
Appearance: 4'6'' / 1.37 m, 150 lbs / 68 kg; dark blonde hair; violet eyes; medium tan skin tone; 5'' scar
Traits: truculent, logical, creepy
Hit points: 2
Armor class: 6[13]
Saving throw, Fighter: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
Saving throw, Thief: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Thief: +2 bonus against devices, including traps, magical wands or staffs, and other magical devices, +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
STR: 12 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs)
DEX: 10 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none)
CON: 11 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%)
INT: 13 (max additional languages: 3)
WIS: 11 (experience bonus: none)
CHA: 10 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)
Class abilities
Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); backstab (+4 to-hit bonus and double damage when attacking from behind); thieving skills (climb walls: 87%; delicate tasks and traps: 15% (+15% to traps only); hear sounds: 3-in-6; hide in shadows: 15%; move silently: 25%; open locks: 15%).
Ancestry abilities
Notice stonework features (sloping corridors, moving walls, and traps made of stone); can identify whether stonework is recent or not; 60' darkvision.
Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Leather (-2[+2] AC)
Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Mace, heavy (1d6); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Bow, short (2H, ROF 2, range 50’); 1 × Arrows (20) (1d6)
Gear: 1 × Thieves’ tools; 1 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 1 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Lamp, bronze; 6 × Candle; 1 × Lantern, hooded; 2 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll
Coins: 4 gp, 2 sp, 9 cp
Encumbrance: 74 lbs
2. Morgrim Dargosnev
Class: Fighter / Thief
Ancestry: Dwarf
Alignment: Neutral
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Alignment
Appearance: 4'6'' / 1.37 m, 155 lbs / 70 kg; red hair; light blue eyes; light brown skin tone; sword-shaped birthmark
Traits: nosy, devoted, miserly
Hit points: 1
Armor class: 4[15]
Saving throw, Fighter: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
Saving throw, Thief: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Thief: +2 bonus against devices, including traps, magical wands or staffs, and other magical devices, +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
STR: 13 (to-hit modifier: +1; open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +10 lbs)
DEX: 15 (missile to-hit modifier: +1; AC modifier: better by 1 point)
CON: 8 (hp per hit die modifier: -1; raise dead survival: 50%)
INT: 16 (max additional languages: 5)
WIS: 13 (experience bonus: +5%)
CHA: 11 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)
Class abilities
Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); backstab (+4 to-hit bonus and double damage when attacking from behind); thieving skills (climb walls: 87%; delicate tasks and traps: 15% (+15% to traps only); hear sounds: 3-in-6; hide in shadows: 15%; move silently: 25%; open locks: 15%).
Ancestry abilities
Notice stonework features (sloping corridors, moving walls, and traps made of stone); can identify whether stonework is recent or not; 60' darkvision.
Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC)
Weapons: 1 × Axe, battle (1H 1d8; 2H 1d8+1); 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Mace, heavy (1d6); 1 × Crossbow, light (2H, ROF 1, range 60’); 1 × Bolts, light (20) (1d4+1)
Gear: 1 × Thieves’ tools; 1 × Bell; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 1 × Sack (15 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Lamp, bronze; 6 × Candle; 1 × Lantern, hooded; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Mirror, small steel; 1 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll
Coins: 4 gp, 3 sp, 4 cp
Encumbrance: 94 lbs
3. Heganbor Thungnisson
Class: Fighter / Thief
Ancestry: Dwarf
Alignment: Neutral
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Alignment
Appearance: 4'6'' / 1.37 m, 145 lbs / 66 kg; light blonde hair with white stripes; light brown eyes; pale green skin tone; square-shaped birthmark
Traits: grim, remorseful
Hit points: 3
Armor class: 6[13]
Saving throw, Fighter: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
Saving throw, Thief: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Thief: +2 bonus against devices, including traps, magical wands or staffs, and other magical devices, +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
STR: 13 (to-hit modifier: +1; open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +10 lbs)
DEX: 10 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none)
CON: 12 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%)
INT: 13 (max additional languages: 3)
WIS: 15 (experience bonus: +5%)
CHA: 15 (max # of special hirelings: 5; retainer morale adjustment: +1; experience bonus: +5%)
Class abilities
Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); backstab (+4 to-hit bonus and double damage when attacking from behind); thieving skills (climb walls: 87%; delicate tasks and traps: 15% (+15% to traps only); hear sounds: 3-in-6; hide in shadows: 15%; move silently: 25%; open locks: 15%).
Ancestry abilities
Notice stonework features (sloping corridors, moving walls, and traps made of stone); can identify whether stonework is recent or not; 60' darkvision.
Armour: 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC)
Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Sword, bastard (1H 1d8; 2H 1d8+1); 1 × Crossbow, light (2H, ROF 1, range 60’); 1 × Bolts, light (20) (1d4+1)
Gear: 1 × Thieves’ tools; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 1 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 6 × Candle; 6 × Torch; 2 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll
Coins: 4 gp, 7 sp, 8 cp
Encumbrance: 70 lbs
4. Grimli Kettrisson
Class: Fighter / Thief
Ancestry: Dwarf
Alignment: Neutral
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Alignment
Appearance: 4'6'' / 1.37 m, 150 lbs / 68 kg; changeable hair; tan eyes; medium tan skin tone
Traits: organized, boundless, stingy, loud, self-giving
Hit points: 4
Armor class: 6[13]
Saving throw, Fighter: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
Saving throw, Thief: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Thief: +2 bonus against devices, including traps, magical wands or staffs, and other magical devices, +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
STR: 12 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs)
DEX: 6 (missile to-hit modifier: -1; AC modifier: worse by 1 point)
CON: 13 (hp per hit die modifier: +1; raise dead survival: 100%)
INT: 11 (max additional languages: 2)
WIS: 13 (experience bonus: +5%)
CHA: 9 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)
Class abilities
Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); backstab (+4 to-hit bonus and double damage when attacking from behind); thieving skills (climb walls: 87%; delicate tasks and traps: 15% (+15% to traps only); hear sounds: 3-in-6; hide in shadows: 15%; move silently: 25%; open locks: 15%).
Ancestry abilities
Notice stonework features (sloping corridors, moving walls, and traps made of stone); can identify whether stonework is recent or not; 60' darkvision.
Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC)
Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Sword, long (1d8); 1 × Bow, short (2H, ROF 2, range 50’); 1 × Arrows (20) (1d6)
Gear: 1 × Thieves’ tools; 1 × Bell; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Hammer; 2 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Rope, silk (50 feet); 1 × Shovel; 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (15 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Candle; 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll
Coins: 5 gp, 1 sp, 3 cp
Encumbrance: 89 lbs
5. Thori Kargunsson
Class: Fighter / Thief
Ancestry: Dwarf
Alignment: Neutral
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Alignment
Appearance: 4'5'' / 1.35 m, 160 lbs / 73 kg; silver hair; light brown eyes; pale green skin tone; 7'' scar; triangle-shaped birthmark
Traits: arrogant, weird, jaded, naive
Hit points: 3
Armor class: 5[14]
Saving throw, Fighter: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
Saving throw, Thief: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Thief: +2 bonus against devices, including traps, magical wands or staffs, and other magical devices, +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
STR: 7 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: 0 lbs)
DEX: 10 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none)
CON: 8 (hp per hit die modifier: -1; raise dead survival: 50%)
INT: 16 (max additional languages: 5)
WIS: 9 (experience bonus: none)
CHA: 8 (max # of special hirelings: 3; retainer morale adjustment: -1; experience bonus: none)
Class abilities
Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); backstab (+4 to-hit bonus and double damage when attacking from behind); thieving skills (climb walls: 87%; delicate tasks and traps: 15% (+15% to traps only); hear sounds: 3-in-6; hide in shadows: 15%; move silently: 25%; open locks: 15%).
Ancestry abilities
Notice stonework features (sloping corridors, moving walls, and traps made of stone); can identify whether stonework is recent or not; 60' darkvision.
Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC)
Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Sword, long (1d8); 1 × Bow, short (2H, ROF 2, range 50’); 1 × Arrows (20) (1d6)
Gear: 1 × Thieves’ tools; 1 × Bell; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Hammer; 2 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Rope, silk (50 feet); 1 × Shovel; 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (15 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Candle; 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll
Coins: 5 gp, 1 sp, 3 cp
Encumbrance: 89 lbs
6. Yanni Brightcrow
Class: Fighter / Thief
Ancestry: Dwarf
Alignment: Chaotic
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Alignment
Appearance: 4'7'' / 1.4 m, 150 lbs / 68 kg; yellow hair; copper eyes; medium tan skin tone
Traits: undependable, changeable
Hit points: 3
Armor class: 7[12]
Saving throw, Fighter: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
Saving throw, Thief: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Thief: +2 bonus against devices, including traps, magical wands or staffs, and other magical devices, +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
STR: 14 (to-hit modifier: +1; open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +10 lbs)
DEX: 6 (missile to-hit modifier: -1; AC modifier: worse by 1 point)
CON: 13 (hp per hit die modifier: +1; raise dead survival: 100%)
INT: 11 (max additional languages: 2)
WIS: 15 (experience bonus: +5%)
CHA: 8 (max # of special hirelings: 3; retainer morale adjustment: -1; experience bonus: none)
Class abilities
Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); backstab (+4 to-hit bonus and double damage when attacking from behind); thieving skills (climb walls: 87%; delicate tasks and traps: 15% (+15% to traps only); hear sounds: 3-in-6; hide in shadows: 15%; move silently: 25%; open locks: 15%).
Ancestry abilities
Notice stonework features (sloping corridors, moving walls, and traps made of stone); can identify whether stonework is recent or not; 60' darkvision.
Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Leather (-2[+2] AC)
Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Sword, short (1d6); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 9 × Dart (1d3, ROF 3, range 15’)
Gear: 1 × Thieves’ tools; 1 × Hammer; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (15 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 6 × Candle; 6 × Torch; 2 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll
Coins: 4 gp, 0 sp, 8 cp
Encumbrance: 72 lbs
7. Ragni Boldnose
Class: Fighter / Thief
Ancestry: Dwarf
Alignment: Chaotic
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Alignment
Appearance: 4'7'' / 1.4 m, 155 lbs / 70 kg; grey / golden hair; grey eyes; shifting light brown and milky white skin tone; ½'' scar
Traits: embittered, ill, patient, unreasonable
Hit points: 1
Armor class: 5[14]
Saving throw, Fighter: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
Saving throw, Thief: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Thief: +2 bonus against devices, including traps, magical wands or staffs, and other magical devices, +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
STR: 13 (to-hit modifier: +1; open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +10 lbs)
DEX: 9 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none)
CON: 8 (hp per hit die modifier: -1; raise dead survival: 50%)
INT: 10 (max additional languages: 2)
WIS: 3 (experience bonus: none)
CHA: 11 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)
Class abilities
Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); backstab (+4 to-hit bonus and double damage when attacking from behind); thieving skills (climb walls: 87%; delicate tasks and traps: 15% (+15% to traps only); hear sounds: 3-in-6; hide in shadows: 15%; move silently: 25%; open locks: 15%).
Ancestry abilities
Notice stonework features (sloping corridors, moving walls, and traps made of stone); can identify whether stonework is recent or not; 60' darkvision.
Armour: 1 × Chain (-4[+4] AC)
Weapons: 1 × Axe, hand (1d6; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Flail (2H, 1d8); 1 × Crossbow, light (2H, ROF 1, range 60’); 1 × Bolts, light (20) (1d4+1)
Gear: 1 × Thieves’ tools; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Hammer; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Lamp, bronze; 6 × Candle; 1 × Lantern, hooded; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Mirror, small steel; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll
Coins: 4 gp, 0 sp, 9 cp
Encumbrance: 84 lbs
8. Grom Hurgarsnev
Class: Fighter / Thief
Ancestry: Dwarf
Alignment: Chaotic
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Alignment
Appearance: 4'8'' / 1.42 m, 150 lbs / 68 kg; dark blonde hair with auburn sideburns; bronze eyes; pale silver skin tone
Traits: no self-confidence, closed, versatile
Hit points: 6
Armor class: 6[13]
Saving throw, Fighter: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
Saving throw, Thief: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Thief: +2 bonus against devices, including traps, magical wands or staffs, and other magical devices, +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
STR: 9 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs)
DEX: 12 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none)
CON: 14 (hp per hit die modifier: +1; raise dead survival: 100%)
INT: 11 (max additional languages: 2)
WIS: 11 (experience bonus: none)
CHA: 13 (max # of special hirelings: 5; retainer morale adjustment: +1; experience bonus: +5%)
Class abilities
Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); backstab (+4 to-hit bonus and double damage when attacking from behind); thieving skills (climb walls: 87%; delicate tasks and traps: 15% (+15% to traps only); hear sounds: 3-in-6; hide in shadows: 15%; move silently: 25%; open locks: 15%).
Ancestry abilities
Notice stonework features (sloping corridors, moving walls, and traps made of stone); can identify whether stonework is recent or not; 60' darkvision.
Armour: 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC)
Weapons: 1 × Axe, battle (1H 1d8; 2H 1d8+1); 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Bow, short (2H, ROF 2, range 50’); 1 × Arrows (20) (1d6)
Gear: 1 × Thieves’ tools; 1 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Flask, leather; 1 × Lamp, bronze; 1 × Lantern, hooded; 1 × Lantern, bullseye; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 1 × Signal whistle; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll
Coins: 4 gp, 0 sp, 2 cp
Encumbrance: 84 lbs
9. Kazadar Goddisson
Class: Fighter / Thief
Ancestry: Dwarf
Alignment: Chaotic
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Alignment
Appearance: 4'4'' / 1.32 m, 150 lbs / 68 kg; red and golden hair; yellow eyes; pale blue skin tone
Traits: fuddyduddy, lunatic, xenophobic, mischievous
Hit points: 4
Armor class: 6[13]
Saving throw, Fighter: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
Saving throw, Thief: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Thief: +2 bonus against devices, including traps, magical wands or staffs, and other magical devices, +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
STR: 9 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs)
DEX: 11 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none)
CON: 6 (hp per hit die modifier: -1; raise dead survival: 50%)
INT: 9 (max additional languages: 1)
WIS: 13 (experience bonus: +5%)
CHA: 13 (max # of special hirelings: 5; retainer morale adjustment: +1; experience bonus: +5%)
Class abilities
Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); backstab (+4 to-hit bonus and double damage when attacking from behind); thieving skills (climb walls: 87%; delicate tasks and traps: 15% (+15% to traps only); hear sounds: 3-in-6; hide in shadows: 15%; move silently: 25%; open locks: 15%).
Ancestry abilities
Notice stonework features (sloping corridors, moving walls, and traps made of stone); can identify whether stonework is recent or not; 60' darkvision.
Armour: 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC)
Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Sword, bastard (1H 1d8; 2H 1d8+1); 1 × Crossbow, light (2H, ROF 1, range 60’); 1 × Bolts, light (20) (1d4+1)
Gear: 1 × Thieves’ tools; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 1 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 6 × Candle; 6 × Torch; 2 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll
Coins: 4 gp, 7 sp, 8 cp
Encumbrance: 70 lbs
10. Grimli Goldbull
Class: Fighter / Thief
Ancestry: Dwarf
Alignment: Neutral
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Alignment
Appearance: 4'5'' / 1.35 m, 140 lbs / 64 kg; light brown hair; light green eyes; violet skin tone
Traits: sensuous, pessimistic, cowardly, arrogant, rebellious
Hit points: 5
Armor class: 5[14]
Saving throw, Fighter: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
Saving throw, Thief: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Thief: +2 bonus against devices, including traps, magical wands or staffs, and other magical devices, +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
STR: 8 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: 0 lbs)
DEX: 10 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none)
CON: 11 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%)
INT: 8 (max additional languages: 1)
WIS: 14 (experience bonus: +5%)
CHA: 10 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)
Class abilities
Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); backstab (+4 to-hit bonus and double damage when attacking from behind); thieving skills (climb walls: 87%; delicate tasks and traps: 15% (+15% to traps only); hear sounds: 3-in-6; hide in shadows: 15%; move silently: 25%; open locks: 15%).
Ancestry abilities
Notice stonework features (sloping corridors, moving walls, and traps made of stone); can identify whether stonework is recent or not; 60' darkvision.
Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC)
Weapons: 1 × Axe, battle (1H 1d8; 2H 1d8+1); 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Mace, heavy (1d6); 1 × Crossbow, light (2H, ROF 1, range 60’); 1 × Bolts, light (20) (1d4+1)
Gear: 1 × Thieves’ tools; 1 × Bell; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 1 × Sack (15 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Lamp, bronze; 6 × Candle; 1 × Lantern, hooded; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Mirror, small steel; 1 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll
Coins: 4 gp, 3 sp, 4 cp
Encumbrance: 94 lbs
11. Kalea Gottrasniz
Class: Fighter / Thief
Ancestry: Dwarf
Alignment: Neutral
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Alignment
Appearance: 4'8'' / 1.42 m, 145 lbs / 66 kg; auburn hair; violet eyes; dark brown skin tone; scaly skin
Traits: scheming, bold, disturbed, kind
Hit points: 5
Armor class: 5[14]
Saving throw, Fighter: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
Saving throw, Thief: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Thief: +2 bonus against devices, including traps, magical wands or staffs, and other magical devices, +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
STR: 9 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs)
DEX: 9 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none)
CON: 13 (hp per hit die modifier: +1; raise dead survival: 100%)
INT: 9 (max additional languages: 1)
WIS: 6 (experience bonus: none)
CHA: 6 (max # of special hirelings: 2; retainer morale adjustment: -2; experience bonus: none)
Class abilities
Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); backstab (+4 to-hit bonus and double damage when attacking from behind); thieving skills (climb walls: 87%; delicate tasks and traps: 15% (+15% to traps only); hear sounds: 3-in-6; hide in shadows: 15%; move silently: 25%; open locks: 15%).
Ancestry abilities
Notice stonework features (sloping corridors, moving walls, and traps made of stone); can identify whether stonework is recent or not; 60' darkvision.
Armour: 1 × Chain (-4[+4] AC)
Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Hammer, war (1d4+1); 1 × Sword, bastard (1H 1d8; 2H 1d8+1); 1 × Crossbow, heavy (2H, ROF ½, range 80’); 1 × Bolts, heavy (20) (1d6+1)
Gear: 1 × Thieves’ tools; 1 × Bell; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Lamp, bronze; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Candle; 1 × Lantern, hooded; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 1 × Signal whistle; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll
Coins: 4 gp, 2 sp, 4 cp
Encumbrance: 89 lbs
12. Brondra Madmail
Class: Fighter / Thief
Ancestry: Dwarf
Alignment: Neutral
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Alignment
Appearance: 4'6'' / 1.37 m, 155 lbs / 70 kg; yellow and auburn hair; blue eyes; black skin tone
Traits: impulsive, hard, sacrificing, disparaging, sexy
Hit points: 3
Armor class: 5[14]
Saving throw, Fighter: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
Saving throw, Thief: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Thief: +2 bonus against devices, including traps, magical wands or staffs, and other magical devices, +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
STR: 15 (to-hit modifier: +1; open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +10 lbs)
DEX: 10 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none)
CON: 11 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%)
INT: 12 (max additional languages: 3)
WIS: 9 (experience bonus: none)
CHA: 11 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)
Class abilities
Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); backstab (+4 to-hit bonus and double damage when attacking from behind); thieving skills (climb walls: 87%; delicate tasks and traps: 15% (+15% to traps only); hear sounds: 3-in-6; hide in shadows: 15%; move silently: 25%; open locks: 15%).
Ancestry abilities
Notice stonework features (sloping corridors, moving walls, and traps made of stone); can identify whether stonework is recent or not; 60' darkvision.
Armour: 1 × Chain (-4[+4] AC)
Weapons: 1 × Axe, battle (1H 1d8; 2H 1d8+1); 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Mace, heavy (1d6); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Bow, short (2H, ROF 2, range 50’); 1 × Arrows (20) (1d6)
Gear: 1 × Thieves’ tools; 1 × Block and tackle; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Grappling hook; 3 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Candle; 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Mirror, small steel; 1 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bottle of wine, glass; 1 × Bedroll
Coins: 4 gp, 4 sp, 3 cp
Encumbrance: 104 lbs
13. Katrin Squaretarge
Class: Fighter / Thief
Ancestry: Dwarf
Alignment: Neutral
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Alignment
Appearance: 4'6'' / 1.37 m, 150 lbs / 68 kg; golden hair; maroon eyes; pale grey skin tone; pentagram-shaped birthmark
Traits: enduring, rejects change, talented, witty
Hit points: 2
Armor class: 5[14]
Saving throw, Fighter: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
Saving throw, Thief: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Thief: +2 bonus against devices, including traps, magical wands or staffs, and other magical devices, +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
STR: 9 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs)
DEX: 11 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none)
CON: 9 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%)
INT: 13 (max additional languages: 3)
WIS: 10 (experience bonus: none)
CHA: 11 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)
Class abilities
Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); backstab (+4 to-hit bonus and double damage when attacking from behind); thieving skills (climb walls: 87%; delicate tasks and traps: 15% (+15% to traps only); hear sounds: 3-in-6; hide in shadows: 15%; move silently: 25%; open locks: 15%).
Ancestry abilities
Notice stonework features (sloping corridors, moving walls, and traps made of stone); can identify whether stonework is recent or not; 60' darkvision.
Armour: 1 × Chain (-4[+4] AC)
Weapons: 1 × Axe, hand (1d6; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Flail (2H, 1d8); 1 × Crossbow, light (2H, ROF 1, range 60’); 1 × Bolts, light (20) (1d4+1)
Gear: 1 × Thieves’ tools; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Hammer; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Lamp, bronze; 6 × Candle; 1 × Lantern, hooded; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Mirror, small steel; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll
Coins: 4 gp, 0 sp, 9 cp
Encumbrance: 84 lbs
14. Kalea Grimmean
Class: Fighter / Thief
Ancestry: Dwarf
Alignment: Neutral
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Alignment
Appearance: 4'7'' / 1.4 m, 170 lbs / 77 kg; light blonde hair; silver eyes; pale blue skin tone; ½'' scar
Traits: unscrupulous, bloodthirsty, pessimistic, sly, curious
Hit points: 5
Armor class: 6[13]
Saving throw, Fighter: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
Saving throw, Thief: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Thief: +2 bonus against devices, including traps, magical wands or staffs, and other magical devices, +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
STR: 13 (to-hit modifier: +1; open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +10 lbs)
DEX: 12 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none)
CON: 16 (hp per hit die modifier: +1; raise dead survival: 100%)
INT: 12 (max additional languages: 3)
WIS: 12 (experience bonus: none)
CHA: 12 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)
Class abilities
Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); backstab (+4 to-hit bonus and double damage when attacking from behind); thieving skills (climb walls: 87%; delicate tasks and traps: 15% (+15% to traps only); hear sounds: 3-in-6; hide in shadows: 15%; move silently: 25%; open locks: 15%).
Ancestry abilities
Notice stonework features (sloping corridors, moving walls, and traps made of stone); can identify whether stonework is recent or not; 60' darkvision.
Armour: 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC)
Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Sword, bastard (1H 1d8; 2H 1d8+1); 1 × Crossbow, light (2H, ROF 1, range 60’); 1 × Bolts, light (20) (1d4+1)
Gear: 1 × Thieves’ tools; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 1 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 6 × Candle; 6 × Torch; 2 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll
Coins: 4 gp, 7 sp, 8 cp
Encumbrance: 70 lbs
15. Askima Sadaxe
Class: Fighter / Thief
Ancestry: Dwarf
Alignment: Neutral
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Alignment
Appearance: 4'7'' / 1.4 m, 155 lbs / 70 kg; grey / auburn hair; brown eyes; medium tan skin tone
Traits: relents, babbling, nice, trustworthy
Hit points: 4
Armor class: 4[15]
Saving throw, Fighter: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
Saving throw, Thief: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Thief: +2 bonus against devices, including traps, magical wands or staffs, and other magical devices, +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
STR: 14 (to-hit modifier: +1; open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +10 lbs)
DEX: 14 (missile to-hit modifier: +1; AC modifier: better by 1 point)
CON: 16 (hp per hit die modifier: +1; raise dead survival: 100%)
INT: 9 (max additional languages: 1)
WIS: 17 (experience bonus: +5%)
CHA: 10 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)
Class abilities
Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); backstab (+4 to-hit bonus and double damage when attacking from behind); thieving skills (climb walls: 87%; delicate tasks and traps: 15% (+15% to traps only); hear sounds: 3-in-6; hide in shadows: 15%; move silently: 25%; open locks: 15%).
Ancestry abilities
Notice stonework features (sloping corridors, moving walls, and traps made of stone); can identify whether stonework is recent or not; 60' darkvision.
Armour: 1 × Chain (-4[+4] AC)
Weapons: 1 × Axe, hand (1d6; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Flail (2H, 1d8); 1 × Crossbow, light (2H, ROF 1, range 60’); 1 × Bolts, light (20) (1d4+1)
Gear: 1 × Thieves’ tools; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Hammer; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Lamp, bronze; 6 × Candle; 1 × Lantern, hooded; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Mirror, small steel; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll
Coins: 4 gp, 0 sp, 9 cp
Encumbrance: 84 lbs
16. Lenka Glumblythe
Class: Fighter / Thief
Ancestry: Dwarf
Alignment: Chaotic
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Alignment
Appearance: 4'6'' / 1.37 m, 160 lbs / 73 kg; grey / brown hair; yellow eyes; caucasian skin tone; ¼'' scar
Traits: ruthless, proud, quiet
Hit points: 1
Armor class: 6[13]
Saving throw, Fighter: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
Saving throw, Thief: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Thief: +2 bonus against devices, including traps, magical wands or staffs, and other magical devices, +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
STR: 11 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs)
DEX: 9 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none)
CON: 7 (hp per hit die modifier: -1; raise dead survival: 50%)
INT: 9 (max additional languages: 1)
WIS: 8 (experience bonus: none)
CHA: 8 (max # of special hirelings: 3; retainer morale adjustment: -1; experience bonus: none)
Class abilities
Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); backstab (+4 to-hit bonus and double damage when attacking from behind); thieving skills (climb walls: 87%; delicate tasks and traps: 15% (+15% to traps only); hear sounds: 3-in-6; hide in shadows: 15%; move silently: 25%; open locks: 15%).
Ancestry abilities
Notice stonework features (sloping corridors, moving walls, and traps made of stone); can identify whether stonework is recent or not; 60' darkvision.
Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Leather (-2[+2] AC)
Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Mace, heavy (1d6); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Bow, short (2H, ROF 2, range 50’); 1 × Arrows (20) (1d6)
Gear: 1 × Thieves’ tools; 1 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 1 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Lamp, bronze; 6 × Candle; 1 × Lantern, hooded; 2 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll
Coins: 4 gp, 2 sp, 9 cp
Encumbrance: 74 lbs
17. Duree Modrasdottir
Class: Fighter / Thief
Ancestry: Dwarf
Alignment: Chaotic
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Alignment
Appearance: 4'6'' / 1.37 m, 155 lbs / 70 kg; mixed yellow and black hair; cyan eyes; light tan skin tone
Traits: merciful, optimistic, unruly
Hit points: 4
Armor class: 6[13]
Saving throw, Fighter: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
Saving throw, Thief: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Thief: +2 bonus against devices, including traps, magical wands or staffs, and other magical devices, +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
STR: 10 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs)
DEX: 9 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none)
CON: 12 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%)
INT: 11 (max additional languages: 2)
WIS: 4 (experience bonus: none)
CHA: 9 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)
Class abilities
Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); backstab (+4 to-hit bonus and double damage when attacking from behind); thieving skills (climb walls: 87%; delicate tasks and traps: 15% (+15% to traps only); hear sounds: 3-in-6; hide in shadows: 15%; move silently: 25%; open locks: 15%).
Ancestry abilities
Notice stonework features (sloping corridors, moving walls, and traps made of stone); can identify whether stonework is recent or not; 60' darkvision.
Armour: 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC)
Weapons: 1 × Axe, battle (1H 1d8; 2H 1d8+1); 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Polearm (2H, 1d8+1); 1 × Crossbow, light (2H, ROF 1, range 60’); 1 × Bolts, light (20) (1d4+1); 9 × Dart (1d3, ROF 3, range 15’)
Gear: 1 × Thieves’ tools; 1 × Block and tackle; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Grappling hook; 3 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 6 × Candle; 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 1 × Garlic, charmed; 6 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll
Coins: 3 gp, 9 sp, 8 cp
Encumbrance: 99 lbs
18. Helgar Astridsniz
Class: Fighter / Thief
Ancestry: Dwarf
Alignment: Chaotic
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Alignment
Appearance: 4'6'' / 1.37 m, 150 lbs / 68 kg; white hair; gold eyes; medium brown skin tone; 8 point star-shaped birthmark
Traits: perseveres, talkative, inconsistent, foul, lively
Hit points: 1
Armor class: 6[13]
Saving throw, Fighter: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
Saving throw, Thief: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Thief: +2 bonus against devices, including traps, magical wands or staffs, and other magical devices, +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
STR: 10 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs)
DEX: 11 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none)
CON: 4 (hp per hit die modifier: -1; raise dead survival: 50%)
INT: 12 (max additional languages: 3)
WIS: 7 (experience bonus: none)
CHA: 9 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)
Class abilities
Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); backstab (+4 to-hit bonus and double damage when attacking from behind); thieving skills (climb walls: 87%; delicate tasks and traps: 15% (+15% to traps only); hear sounds: 3-in-6; hide in shadows: 15%; move silently: 25%; open locks: 15%).
Ancestry abilities
Notice stonework features (sloping corridors, moving walls, and traps made of stone); can identify whether stonework is recent or not; 60' darkvision.
Armour: 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC)
Weapons: 1 × Axe, battle (1H 1d8; 2H 1d8+1); 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Bow, short (2H, ROF 2, range 50’); 1 × Arrows (20) (1d6)
Gear: 1 × Thieves’ tools; 1 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Flask, leather; 1 × Lamp, bronze; 1 × Lantern, hooded; 1 × Lantern, bullseye; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 1 × Signal whistle; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll
Coins: 4 gp, 0 sp, 2 cp
Encumbrance: 84 lbs
19. Sigrun Smallcruel
Class: Fighter / Thief
Ancestry: Dwarf
Alignment: Chaotic
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Alignment
Appearance: 4'4'' / 1.32 m, 140 lbs / 64 kg; red hair; grey eyes; light brown skin tone
Traits: philosophical, curious, lecherous, blunt, arrogant
Hit points: 2
Armor class: 5[14]
Saving throw, Fighter: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
Saving throw, Thief: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Thief: +2 bonus against devices, including traps, magical wands or staffs, and other magical devices, +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
STR: 7 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: 0 lbs)
DEX: 11 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none)
CON: 7 (hp per hit die modifier: -1; raise dead survival: 50%)
INT: 9 (max additional languages: 1)
WIS: 5 (experience bonus: none)
CHA: 12 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)
Class abilities
Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); backstab (+4 to-hit bonus and double damage when attacking from behind); thieving skills (climb walls: 87%; delicate tasks and traps: 15% (+15% to traps only); hear sounds: 3-in-6; hide in shadows: 15%; move silently: 25%; open locks: 15%).
Ancestry abilities
Notice stonework features (sloping corridors, moving walls, and traps made of stone); can identify whether stonework is recent or not; 60' darkvision.
Armour: 1 × Chain (-4[+4] AC)
Weapons: 1 × Axe, hand (1d6; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Flail (2H, 1d8); 1 × Crossbow, light (2H, ROF 1, range 60’); 1 × Bolts, light (20) (1d4+1)
Gear: 1 × Thieves’ tools; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Hammer; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Lamp, bronze; 6 × Candle; 1 × Lantern, hooded; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Mirror, small steel; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll
Coins: 4 gp, 0 sp, 9 cp
Encumbrance: 84 lbs
20. Brondra Smallmean
Class: Fighter / Thief
Ancestry: Dwarf
Alignment: Chaotic
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Alignment
Appearance: 4'6'' / 1.37 m, 155 lbs / 70 kg; roan hair; yellow eyes; yellow white skin tone
Traits: aristocratic, perserverant, lovely
Hit points: 2
Armor class: 6[13]
Saving throw, Fighter: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
Saving throw, Thief: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Thief: +2 bonus against devices, including traps, magical wands or staffs, and other magical devices, +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
STR: 10 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs)
DEX: 12 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none)
CON: 17 (hp per hit die modifier: +1; raise dead survival: 100%)
INT: 9 (max additional languages: 1)
WIS: 14 (experience bonus: +5%)
CHA: 11 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)
Class abilities
Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); backstab (+4 to-hit bonus and double damage when attacking from behind); thieving skills (climb walls: 87%; delicate tasks and traps: 15% (+15% to traps only); hear sounds: 3-in-6; hide in shadows: 15%; move silently: 25%; open locks: 15%).
Ancestry abilities
Notice stonework features (sloping corridors, moving walls, and traps made of stone); can identify whether stonework is recent or not; 60' darkvision.
Armour: 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC)
Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Sword, bastard (1H 1d8; 2H 1d8+1); 1 × Crossbow, light (2H, ROF 1, range 60’); 1 × Bolts, light (20) (1d4+1)
Gear: 1 × Thieves’ tools; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 1 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 6 × Candle; 6 × Torch; 2 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll
Coins: 4 gp, 7 sp, 8 cp
Encumbrance: 70 lbs
Dwarf Fighter / Clerics up next!
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