Attronarch's Athenaeum



You can read more about the challenge here and here.

Wow, what a month had this been! Making eighty fourth level charactes for the original Dungeons & Dragons (little brown booklets only) took some time, despite having much less options than in later editions. But I do not regret the work, since I now have enough fully fleshed out pregens for both cons and one shots. Perhaps you find them useful as well!

Final distribution is:

  • 40 Fighting-Man Heroes (10 human, 10 dwarf, 10 elf, 10 hobbit)
  • 20 Magic-User Theurgists (10 human, 10 elf)
  • 20 Cleric Vicars (all human)

They are all of the same alignment—Law—and I ensured that each is legitimately playable and can meaningfully contribute to any game session. That was of course made easier by OD&D not putting a huge emphasis on ability scores.

Since checking 30+ blog posts to find the right character and their abilities can be a bit time consuming and unfriendly, I took time to create a hyperlinked index for ease of use. Just click on their name and the link will take you directly to that character. Links to racial special abilities as well as thoughts on character creation are just below the index table.

No. Class Race Character
1 Fighting-Man Human Seruh the Hero
2 Fighting-Man Human Erif the Hapless
3 Fighting-Man Human Medr the Silent
4 Fighting-Man Human Malulf Silvertongue
5 Fighting-Man Human Side-Eye Oleg
6 Magic-User Human Egil Goldenrod
7 Magic-User Human Culann the Pale
8 Magic-User Human Fork-Tongued Dragolen
9 Magic-User Human Bresal The Seer
10 Magic-User Human Justin
11 Cleric Human Ailill the Crusader
12 Cleric Human Aldoin Xill
13 Cleric Human Gisulf the Gray
14 Cleric Human Thorvald Godspeaker
15 Cleric Human Senan the Bear
16 Cleric Human Bent Boris
17 Cleric Human Sigibert Yellow
18 Cleric Human Egbert the Stolid
19 Cleric Human Hewald
20 Cleric Human Lamissio the Heavyhanded
21 Fighting-Man Dwarf Gottri Smallbaily
22 Fighting-Man Dwarf Vikram Grimlisson
23 Fighting-Man Dwarf Belegar Grimlisnev
24 Fighting-Man Dwarf Hurgar Belegarsnev
25 Fighting-Man Dwarf Skorri Redgenerous
26 Fighting-Man Elf Yavwine Termaris / Brillianttear
27 Fighting-Man Elf Errras Valholen Pellad / Underflower
28 Fighting-Man Elf Alellion Urdithhilemir / Greenhickory
29 Fighting-Man Elf Gilandilas Imraandiril / Firmgiant
30 Fighting-Man Elf Filmor Filmir / Rosefir
31 Magic-User Elf Yavwine Termaris / Brillianttear
32 Magic-User Elf Errras Valholen Pellad / Underflower
33 Magic-User Elf Alellion Urdithhilemir / Greenhickory
34 Magic-User Elf Gilandilas Imraandiril / Firmgiant
35 Magic-User Elf Filmor Filmir / Rosefir
36 Fighting-Man Hobbit Lilidon Elwed
37 Fighting-Man Hobbit Bildad Oans
38 Fighting-Man Hobbit Otto Fallfoot
39 Fighting-Man Hobbit Hergo Cotton
40 Fighting-Man Hobbit Alfred Tightfield
41 Fighting-Man Human Becuma the Sneaky
42 Fighting-Man Human Wild Thecla
43 Fighting-Man Human Winiperga
44 Fighting-Man Human Macatrude Trollbane
45 Fighting-Man Human Iaroslavna
46 Magic-User Human Sophia Strongarm
47 Magic-User Human Aethelthryth the Cruel
48 Magic-User Human Galswinth the Temptress
49 Magic-User Human Squeaky Bebba
50 Magic-User Human Anastasia Wagner
51 Cleric Human Alpsuinda Frontrank
52 Cleric Human Theodora
53 Cleric Human Gentle Signy
54 Cleric Human Natalia Bowyer
55 Cleric Human Deirdre the Hedgehog
56 Cleric Human Baldhild the Prankster
57 Cleric Human Judge Theodohilda
58 Cleric Human Ingund Mistborn
59 Cleric Human Annushka, The Scourge of World Emperor
60 Cleric Human Theophano the Pious
61 Fighting-Man Dwarf Duree Fathand
62 Fighting-Man Dwarf Kettra Silvertarge
63 Fighting-Man Dwarf Lenka Karstinsniz
64 Fighting-Man Dwarf Gerta Gertasniz
65 Fighting-Man Dwarf Karelia Bredasdottir
66 Fighting-Man Elf Linfar Gilhali Sirendil / Clawnut
67 Fighting-Man Elf Imgrana Yavaendil Sircore / Winddelta
68 Fighting-Man Elf Loraerr Ellronddil / Goldfortune
69 Fighting-Man Elf Maranel Shasfana / Touchinglight
70 Fighting-Man Elf Ellnor Alcore Gildriga / Freshsheen
71 Magic-User Elf Linfar Gilhali Sirendil / Clawnut
72 Magic-User Elf Imgrana Yavaendil Sircore / Winddelta
73 Magic-User Elf Loraerr Ellronddil / Goldfortune
74 Magic-User Elf Maranel Shasfana / Touchinglight
75 Magic-User Elf Ellnor Alcore Gildriga / Freshsheen
76 Fighting-Man Hobbit Goldwyn Hornblower
77 Fighting-Man Hobbit Susan Barrels
78 Fighting-Man Hobbit Bess Lindenbrook
79 Fighting-Man Hobbit Sallon Amblin
80 Fighting-Man Hobbit Ulfam Rainwell

Humans are the only race that can progress in each of the three classes. Other races have the following special abilities and limitations:

If you are interested in my thoughts behind creating fourth level characters:

  • Day 1: tools used.
  • Day 2, day 6, day 10: magical item determination.
  • Day 4: on ability scores.
  • Day 5: categorising equipment.
  • Day 7: unusual hirelings hiring table.
  • Day 15: decision to present same elf as Fighting-Man and Magic-User.

And just as I finish typing this I get another idea... now only to find good character sheet for the original Dungeons & Dragons to make it a reality...


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You can read more about the challenge here and here.

Second batch of fourth level characters for the original Dungeons & Dragons done! I'll take a break today, then spend the following two days cleaning up errors, and then create an index on the final day.


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You can read more about the challenge here and here.

With hobbit Heroines, the second round of character creation comes to an end. Read more about hobbit abilities in the original Dungeons & Dragons little brown booklets here. Although not explicitly forbidden, I avoided large two-handed weapons and also opted for mules as mounts instead of horses.

1. Goldwyn Hornblower

Class: Fighting-Man Race: Hobbit Level: Hero Alignment: Law Languages: Hobbit, Divisional

Appearance: 3'6'' / 1.07 m, 110 lbs / 50 kg; golden hair; silver eyes; pale orange skin tone Traits: composed, pacifistic

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 12 Armor class: 4 Movement: 6''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 8 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 9 Stone: 10 Dragon Breath: 10 Staves & Spells: 12


STR: 11 (average score) INT: 11 (average score; speak up to 1 additional languages) WIS: 7 (low score) CON: 12 (average score; 90% chance of survival) DEX: 11 (average score) CHA: 11 (average score; up to 4 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of 0)


Armour: 1 × Chain-type Mail +2; 1 × Shield Weapons: 1 × Sword +1, +2 vs. Lycanthropes (AL Law; INT 9; EGO 3; COM empathy; POW detect gems, detect magic, detect sloping passages, see invisible objects); 1 × Dagger (1H); 1 × Spear (1H, 2H, thrown range 3”); 1 × Light Crossbow (2H, ranges: 1–6’’ +2 AC, 7–12’’ +1 AC, 13–18’’ 0 AC); 1 ×30 Quarrels; 1 × 30 Quarrels, Enchanted Gear: 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 4 × Small Sack (50 coin capacity); 2 × Water/Wine Skin (30 coin capacity); 2 × Case with 30 Quarrels; 2 × 50’ of Rope; 2 × 12 Iron Spikes; 1 × Lantern; 4 × Flask of Oil; 1 × Silver Mirror, Small; 1 × Silver Cross; 2 × Holy Water/Vial; 2 × Garlic, bud; 2 × Wine, quart; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 1 × Potion of Healing Coins: 22 gp Encumbrance: 1052 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

1 × Mule (HD 2+1, AC 7, MV 12’’, max load 3500 cn); 1 × Saddle; 1 × Saddle Bags; 1 × Barding (Horse Armor).

2. Susan Barrels

Class: Fighting-Man Race: Hobbit Level: Hero Alignment: Law Languages: Hobbit, Divisional, Common

Appearance: 3'6'' / 1.07 m, 115 lbs / 52 kg; red hair; yellow eyes; ochre skin tone Traits: nosy, oily

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 20 Armor class: 2 Movement: 6''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 8 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 9 Stone: 10 Dragon Breath: 10 Staves & Spells: 12


STR: 9 (average score) INT: 8 (low score; speak no additional languages) WIS: 9 (average score) CON: 6 (low score; minus 1 from each hit die; 40% chance of survival) DEX: 8 (low score; fire any missile at -1) CHA: 15 (high score; up to 5 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of +1)


Armour: 1 × Plate Mail; 1 × Shield; 1 × Helmet Weapons: 1 × Sword +1 (AL Law; INT 8; EGO 3; COM empathy; POW detect traps, note shifting walls and rooms); 1 × Dagger (1H); 3 × Hand Axe (1H, thrown range 3”) Gear: 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 4 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 1 × Water/Wine Skin (30 coin capacity); 1 × 6 Torches; 2 × Flask of Oil; 1 × 3 Stakes & Mallet; 1 × Steel Mirror; 3 × Belladonna, bunch; 3 × Garlic, bud; 1 × Wine, quart; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 1 × Potion of Healing; 1 × Potion of Giant Strength Coins: 60 gp Encumbrance: 1370 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

1 × Mule (HD 2+1, AC 7, MV 12’’, max load 3500 cn); 1 × Saddle; 1 × Saddle Bags; 1 × Barding (Horse Armor).

3. Bess Lindenbrook

Class: Fighting-Man Race: Hobbit Level: Hero Alignment: Law Languages: Hobbit, Divisional, Common

Appearance: 3'7'' / 1.09 m, 115 lbs / 52 kg; dark brown hair; dark brown eyes; light tan skin tone Traits: honorable, disturbed

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 11 Armor class: 4 Movement: 6''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 8 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 9 Stone: 10 Dragon Breath: 10 Staves & Spells: 12


STR: 13 (high score; add 5% to earned experience) INT: 9 (average score; speak no additional languages) WIS: 13 (high score) CON: 8 (low score; 50% chance of survival) DEX: 13 (high score; fire any missile at +1) CHA: 13 (high score; up to 5 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of +1)


Armour: 1 × Chain-type Mail +1; 1 × Shield; 1 × Helmet Weapons: 1 × Mace (1H); 1 × Dagger (1H); 1 × Spear (1H, 2H, thrown range 3”); Light Crossbow (2H, ranges: 1–6’’ +2 AC, 7–12’’ +1 AC, 13–18’’ 0 AC); 1 × 30 Quarrels Gear: 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 4 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Water/Wine Skin (30 coin capacity); 1 × Case with 30 Quarrels; 2 × 50’ of Rope; 1 × Lantern; 4 × Flask of Oil; 1 × Silver Mirror, Small; 1 × Silver Cross; 4 × Holy Water/Vial; 2 × Wine, quart; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 3 × Potion of Healing Coins: 117 gp Encumbrance: 1257 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

1 × Mule (HD 2+1, AC 7, MV 12’’, max load 3500 cn); 1 × Saddle; 1 × Saddle Bags; 1 × Barding (Horse Armor).

Emrond Ipinile: HD Hobbit Veteran; HP 7; AC 2 (plate mail, shield, and helmet); Atk spear or sword; MV 6''; AL Neutrality; Morale 5; STR 14 INT 6 WIS 8 CON 10 DEX 9 CHA 12 LOY 6.

Huco Elrunner: HD Hobbit Veteran; HP 6; AC 2 (plate mail, shield, and helmet); Atk spear or sword; MV 6''; AL Neutrality; Morale 6; STR 5 INT 10 WIS 12 CON 15 DEX 16 CHA 13 LOY 12.

4. Sallon Amblin

Class: Fighting-Man Race: Hobbit Level: Hero Alignment: Law Languages: Hobbit, Divisional

Appearance: 3'6'' / 1.07 m, 110 lbs / 50 kg; blonde hair; grey eyes; pale gold skin tone Traits: shady, hotheaded

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 21 Armor class: 2 Movement: 6''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 8 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 9 Stone: 10 Dragon Breath: 10 Staves & Spells: 12


STR: 11 (average score) INT: 13 (high score; speak up to 3 additional languages) WIS: 11 (average score) CON: 12 (average score; 90% chance of survival) DEX: 13 (high score; fire any missile at +1) CHA: 10 (average score; up to 4 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of 0)


Armour: 1 × Plate Mail +2; 1 × Shield; 1 × Helmet Weapons: 1 × Sword +1 (AL Law; INT 6; EGO 0; COM none; POW none); 1 × Battle Axe (1H, 2H); 1 × Dagger (1H) Gear: 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 1 × Water/Wine Skin (30 coin capacity); 2 × 50’ of Rope; 1 × 12 Iron Spikes; 2 × 6 Torches; 4 × Flask of Oil; 1 × Silver Mirror, Small; 4 × Wolvesbane, bunch; 1 × Wine, quart; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 2 × Potion of Healing; 1 × Potion of Giant Strength Coins: 56 gp Encumbrance: 1346 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

1 × Mule (HD 2+1, AC 7, MV 12’’, max load 3500 cn); 1 × Saddle; 1 × Saddle Bags; 1 × Barding (Horse Armor).

5. Ulfam Rainwell

Class: Fighting-Man Race: Hobbit Level: Hero Alignment: Law Languages: Hobbit, Divisional

Appearance: 3'6'' / 1.07 m, 110 lbs / 50 kg; bald; tan eyes; dark brown skin tone; 1' scar Traits: scruffy, shallow

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 15 Armor class: 2 Movement: 6''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 8 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 9 Stone: 10 Dragon Breath: 10 Staves & Spells: 12


STR: 10 (average score) INT: 10 (average score; speak no additional languages) WIS: 5 (low score) CON: 13 (high score; will withstand adversity) DEX: 8 (low score; fire any missile at -1) CHA: 12 (average score; up to 4 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of 0)


Armour: 1 × Plate Mail; 1 × Shield; 1 × Helmet Weapons: 1 × Sword +1 (AL Law; INT 12; EGO 8; *COM telepathy, speaks dragon, and common; POW detect metal and what kind, detect sloping passages, locate secret doors, read magic, 1d4 times normal strength for 1d10 turns once per day); 1 × Dagger (1H); 1 × Heavy Crossbow (2H, ranges: 1–8’’ +2 AC, 9–16’’ +1 AC, 17–24’’ 0 AC); 1 × 30 Quarrels, Enchanted Gear: 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 6 × Small Sack (50 coin capacity); 1 × Water/Wine Skin (30 coin capacity); 1 × Case with 30 Quarrels; 1 × Lantern; 4 × Flask of Oil; 1 × Steel Mirror; 1 × Wine, quart; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 2 × Potion of Healing Coins: 167 gp Encumbrance: 1337 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

1 × Mule (HD 2+1, AC 7, MV 12’’, max load 3500 cn); 1 × Saddle; 1 × Saddle Bags; 1 × Barding (Horse Armor).

I'll be taking a break day tomorrow.


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You can read more about the challenge here and here.

These are the same elves from yesterday, but outfitted as Theurgists. Their martial equipment is packed away and they carry only what they are allowed to use.

1. Linfar Gilhali Sirendil / Clawnut

Class: Magic-User Race: Elf Level: Theurgist Alignment: Law Languages: Elvish, Divisional, Common, Orc, Hobgoblin, Gnoll

Appearance: 5'1'' / 1.55 m, 110 lbs / 50 kg; brown hair; copper eyes; pale grey skin tone Traits: noble, active, forgetful

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 10 Armor class: 9 Movement: 12''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 13 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 14 Stone: 13 Dragon Breath: 16 Staves & Spells: 15


STR: 15 (high score) INT: 11 (average score; speak up to 1 additional languages) WIS: 11 (average score) CON: 13 (high score; will withstand adversity) DEX: 5 (low score; fire any missile at -1) CHA: 12 (average score; up to 4 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of 0)


Armour: None Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1H) Gear: 1 × Elven Cloak and Boots; 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 1 × Water/Wine Skin (30 coin capacity); 2 × 50’ of Rope; 2 × Flask of Oil; 1 × Steel Mirror; 2 × Holy Water/Vial; 1 × Wine, quart; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 2 × Potion of Healing; 1 × Ring of Delusion; 1 × Scroll (Light); 1 × Scroll (Read Languages); 1 × Scroll (Locate Object); 1 × Scroll (Phantasmal Forces); 1 × Wand of Enemy Detection (reveals hidden or invisible enemies if they are aware of your presence; 6'' radius) Coins: 54 gp Encumbrance: 414 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

1 × Warhorse, Medium (HD 2+1, AC 7, MV 18’’, max load 3750 cn); 1 × Saddle; 1 × Saddle Bags; 1 × Barding (Horse Armor). In saddle bags: 1 × Plate Mail; 1 × Helmet; 1 × Shield; 1 × Sword (1H); 1 × Dagger (1H); 1 × Spear (1H, 2H, thrown range 3”); 1 × Composite Bow (2H, ranges: 1–8’’ +2 AC, 9–16’’ +1 AC, 17–24’’ 0 AC); 1 × 20 Arrows; 20 × Silver Tipped Arrow; 2 × Quiver of 20 Arrows.

2. Imgrana Yavaendil Sircore / Winddelta

Class: Magic-User Race: Elf Level: Theurgist Alignment: Law Languages: Elvish, Divisional, Orc, Hobgoblin, Gnoll

Appearance: 5'2'' / 1.57 m, 105 lbs / 48 kg; black hair; black eyes; amber skin tone; 8'' scar Traits: jovial, grim

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 12 Armor class: 9 Movement: 12''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 13 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 14 Stone: 13 Dragon Breath: 16 Staves & Spells: 15


STR: 13 (high score) INT: 12 (average score; speak up to 2 additional languages) WIS: 14 (high score) CON: 9 (average score; 60% chance of survival) DEX: 13 (high score; fire any missile at +1) CHA: 5 (low score; up to 2 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of -1)


Armour: 1 × Helm of Reading Magic and Languages (10% chance to get smashed when worn in combat) Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1H) Gear: 1 × Elven Cloak and Boots; 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Small Sack (50 coin capacity); 2 × 50’ of Rope; 1 × Lantern; 2 × Flask of Oil; 2 × Garlic, bud; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 1 × Potion of Healing; 1 × Scroll (Light); 1 × Scroll (Protection from Evil); 1 × Wand of Illusion (like Phantasmal Force but wielder can move; 56 charges) Coins: 10 gp Encumbrance: 330 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

1 × Light Horse (HD 2, AC 7, MV 24’’, max load 3000 cn); 1 × Saddle; 1 × Saddle Bags. In saddle bags: 1 × Chain-type Mail; 1 × Sword +1 (AL Law; INT 12; EGO 4; COM telepathy, speaks common; POW detect gems, detect magic, detect sloping passages, levitation, read magic); 1 × Long Bow (2H, ranges: 1–7’’ +2 AC, 8–14’’ +1 AC, 15–21’’ 0 AC); 1 × 20 Arrows; 1 × 20 Arrows, Enchanted; 2 × Quiver of 20 Arrows.

3. Loraerr Ellronddil / Goldfortune

Class: Magic-User Race: Elf Level: Theurgist Alignment: Law Languages: Elvish, Divisional, Orc, Hobgoblin, Gnoll

Appearance: 4'11'' / 1.5 m, 80 lbs / 36 kg; light blonde hair; silver eyes; pale green skin tone; 4'' scar Traits: honorable, cautious, quaint

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 8 Armor class: 4 Movement: 9''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 13 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 14 Stone: 13 Dragon Breath: 16 Staves & Spells: 15


STR: 5 (low score) INT: 10 (average score; speak up to none additional languages) WIS: 9 (average score) CON: 12 (average score; 90% chance of survival) DEX: 12 (average score) CHA: 9 (average score; up to 3 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of 0)


Armour: 1 × Chain-type Mail +1; 1 × Shield +1 Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1H) Gear: 1 × Elven Cloak and Boots; 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 1 × 50’ of Rope; 1 × 12 Iron Spikes; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 1 × Wand of Paralyzation (save or paralyzed; cone 6'' long and 3'' wide; 25 charges); 1 × Medallion of ESP 9'' Range Coins: 11 gp Encumbrance: 931 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

Packed in a bundle and tied with rope: 1 × Helmet; 1 × Hand Axe (1H, thrown range 3”); 1 × Spear (1H, 2H, thrown range 3”); 1 × Short Bow (2H, ranges: 1–5’’ +2 AC, 6–10’’ +1 AC, 11–15’’ 0 AC); 1 × 20 Arrows; 1 × Quiver of 20 Arrows.

4. Maranel Shasfana / Touchinglight

Class: Magic-User Race: Elf Level: Theurgist Alignment: Law Languages: Elvish, Divisional, Orc, Hobgoblin, Gnoll

Appearance: 5'1'' / 1.55 m, 105 lbs / 48 kg; white hair; blue eyes; milky white skin tone; 1'' scar Traits: interested, forceful

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 5 Armor class: 9 Movement: 12''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 13 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 14 Stone: 13 Dragon Breath: 16 Staves & Spells: 15


STR: 15 (high score) INT: 10 (average score; speak no additional languages) WIS: 11 (average score) CON: 9 (average score; 60% chance of survival) DEX: 8 (low score; fire any missile at -1) CHA: 9 (average score; up to 3 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of 0)


Armour: None Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1H) Gear: 1 × Elven Cloak and Boots; 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 4 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 4 × Small Sack (50 coin capacity); 2 × Water/Wine Skin (30 coin capacity); 2 × 50’ of Rope; 1 × 12 Iron Spikes; 1 × 3 Stakes & Mallet; 4 × Wolvesbane, bunch; 4 × Belladonna, bunch; 2 × Wine, quart; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 1 × Scroll (Hold Portal); 1 × Scroll (Levitate); 2 × Potion of Healing Coins: 34 gp Encumbrance: 334 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

1 × Warhorse, Heavy (HD 3, AC 7, MV 12’’, max load 4500 cn); 1 × Saddle; 1 × Saddle Bags; 1 × Barding (Horse Armor). In saddle bags: 1 × Plate Mail; 1 × Helmet; 1 × Shield; 1 × Sword, One Life Energy Draining Ability (AL Chaotic; INT 5; EGO none; COM none; POW none); 1 × Morning Star (1H, 2H); 1 × Long Bow (2H, ranges: 1–7’’ +2 AC, 8–14’’ +1 AC, 15–21’’ 0 AC); 1 × 20 Arrows; 20 × Silver Tipped Arrow; 2 × Quiver of 20 Arrows.

5. Ellnor Alcore Gildriga / Freshsheen

Class: Magic-User Race: Elf Level: Theurgist Alignment: Law Languages: Elvish, Divisional, Orc, Hobgoblin, Gnoll

Appearance: 5'0'' / 1.52 m, 105 lbs / 48 kg; silver hair; violet eyes; pale green skin tone; triangle-shaped birthmark Traits: quiet, brilliant, foolish

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 11 Armor class: 3 Movement: 6''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 13 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 14 Stone: 13 Dragon Breath: 16 Staves & Spells: 15


STR: 10 (average score) INT: 12 (average score; speak up to 2 additional languages) WIS: 14 (high score) CON: 9 (average score; 60% chance of survival) DEX: 9 (average score) CHA: 11 (average score; up to 4 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of 0)


Armour: 1 × Plate Mail +1 Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1H) Gear: 1 × Elven Cloak and Boots; 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 3 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 3 × Water/Wine Skin (30 coin capacity); 3 × 50’ of Rope; 1 × 12 Iron Spikes; 1 × Steel Mirror; 3 × Wolvesbane, bunch; 3 × Belladonna, bunch; 3 × Garlic, bud; 3 × Wine, quart; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 2 × Scroll (Charm Person); 1 × Scroll (Light); 1 × Scroll (Locate Object); 4 × Potion of Healing; 1 × Wand of Fire Balls (60 charges); 1 × Ring of Water Walking Coins: 72 gp Encumbrance: 1242 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

1 × Warhorse, Medium (HD 2+1, AC 7, MV 18’’, max load 3750 cn); 1 × Saddle; 1 × Saddle Bags; 1 × Barding (Horse Armor). In saddle bags: 1 × Sword, Flaming +1 (AL Law; INT 4; EGO none; COM none; POW none); 3 × Hand Axe (1H, thrown range 3”).

Tomorrow: hobbit Heroines.


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You can read more about the challenge here and here.

And we return to elves! In the original Dungeons & Dragons little brown booklets they switch between Fighting-Man and Magic-User between the adventures. For that reason I roll one character and then use their budget to outfit them for both classes.

Without further ado, meet five elven Heroines.

1. Linfar Gilhali Sirendil / Clawnut

Class: Fighting-Man Race: Elf Level: Hero Alignment: Law Languages: Elvish, Divisional, Common, Orc, Hobgoblin, Gnoll

Appearance: 5'1'' / 1.55 m, 110 lbs / 50 kg; brown hair; copper eyes; pale grey skin tone Traits: noble, active, forgetful

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 13 Armor class: 2 Movement: 6''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 10 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 11 Stone: 12 Dragon Breath: 13 Staves & Spells: 14


STR: 15 (high score; add 10% to earned experience) INT: 11 (average score; speak up to 1 additional languages) WIS: 11 (average score) CON: 13 (high score; will withstand adversity) DEX: 5 (low score; fire any missile at -1) CHA: 12 (average score; up to 4 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of 0)


Armour: 1 × Plate Mail; 1 × Helmet; 1 × Shield Weapons: 1 × Sword (1H); 1 × Dagger (1H); 1 × Spear (1H, 2H, thrown range 3”); 1 × Composite Bow (2H, ranges: 1–8’’ +2 AC, 9–16’’ +1 AC, 17–24’’ 0 AC); 1 × 20 Arrows; 20 × Silver Tipped Arrow Gear: 1 × Elven Cloak and Boots; 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 1 × Water/Wine Skin (30 coin capacity); 2 × Quiver of 20 Arrows; 2 × 50’ of Rope; 2 × Flask of Oil; 1 × Steel Mirror; 2 × Holy Water/Vial; 1 × Wine, quart; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 2 × Potion of Healing; 1 × Ring of Delusion Coins: 54 gp Encumbrance: 1434 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

1 × Warhorse, Medium (HD 2+1, AC 7, MV 18’’, max load 3750 cn); 1 × Saddle; 1 × Saddle Bags; 1 × Barding (Horse Armor). In saddle bags: 1 × Scroll (Light); 1 × Scroll (Read Languages); 1 × Scroll (Locate Object); 1 × Scroll (Phantasmal Forces); 1 × Wand of Enemy Detection (reveals hidden or invisible enemies if they are aware of your presence; 6'' radius).

2. Imgrana Yavaendil Sircore / Winddelta

Class: Fighting-Man Race: Elf Level: Hero Alignment: Law Languages: Elvish, Divisional, Orc, Hobgoblin, Gnoll

Appearance: 5'2'' / 1.57 m, 105 lbs / 48 kg; black hair; black eyes; amber skin tone; 8'' scar Traits: jovial, grim

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 10 Armor class: 5 Movement: 9''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 10 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 11 Stone: 12 Dragon Breath: 13 Staves & Spells: 14


STR: 13 (high score; add 5% to earned experience) INT: 12 (average score; speak up to 2 additional languages) WIS: 14 (high score) CON: 9 (average score; 60% chance of survival) DEX: 13 (high score; fire any missile at +1) CHA: 5 (low score; up to 2 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of -1)


Armour: 1 × Chain-type Mail; 1 × Helm of Reading Magic and Languages (10% chance to get smashed when worn in combat) Weapons: 1 × Sword +1 (AL Law; INT 12; EGO 4; COM telepathy, speaks common; POW detect gems, detect magic, detect sloping passages, levitation, read magic); 1 × Dagger (1H); 1 × Long Bow (2H, ranges: 1–7’’ +2 AC, 8–14’’ +1 AC, 15–21’’ 0 AC); 1 × 20 Arrows; 1 × 20 Arrows, Enchanted Gear: 1 × Elven Cloak and Boots; 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Small Sack (50 coin capacity); 2 × Quiver of 20 Arrows; 2 × 50’ of Rope; 1 × Lantern; 2 × Flask of Oil; 2 × Garlic, bud; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 1 × Potion of Healing Coins: 10 gp Encumbrance: 790 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

1 × Light Horse (HD 2, AC 7, MV 24’’, max load 3000 cn); 1 × Saddle; 1 × Saddle Bags. In saddle bags: 1 × Scroll (Light); 1 × Scroll (Protection from Evil); 1 × Wand of Illusion (like Phantasmal Force but wielder can move; 56 charges).

3. Loraerr Ellronddil / Goldfortune

Class: Fighting-Man Race: Elf Level: Hero Alignment: Law Languages: Elvish, Divisional, Orc, Hobgoblin, Gnoll

Appearance: 4'11'' / 1.5 m, 80 lbs / 36 kg; light blonde hair; silver eyes; pale green skin tone; 4'' scar Traits: honorable, cautious, quaint

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 11 Armor class: 4 Movement: 6''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 10 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 11 Stone: 12 Dragon Breath: 13 Staves & Spells: 14


STR: 5 (low score; minus 20% from earned experience) INT: 10 (average score; speak no additional languages) WIS: 9 (average score) CON: 12 (average score; 90% chance of survival) DEX: 12 (average score) CHA: 9 (average score; up to 3 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of 0)


Armour: 1 × Chain-type Mail +1; 1 × Helmet; 1 × Shield +1 Weapons: 1 × Hand Axe (1H, thrown range 3”); 1 × Dagger (1H); 1 × Spear (1H, 2H, thrown range 3”); 1 × Short Bow (2H, ranges: 1–5’’ +2 AC, 6–10’’ +1 AC, 11–15’’ 0 AC); 1 × 20 Arrows Gear: 1 × Elven Cloak and Boots; 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 1 × Quiver of 20 Arrows; 2 × 50’ of Rope; 1 × 12 Iron Spikes; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 1 × Wand of Paralyzation (save or paralyzed; cone 6'' long and 3'' wide; 25 charges); 1 × Medallion of ESP 9'' Range Coins: 11 gp Encumbrance: 1181 cn

Hirelings & Mounts


4. Maranel Shasfana / Touchinglight

Class: Fighting-Man Race: Elf Level: Hero Alignment: Law Languages: Elvish, Divisional, Orc, Hobgoblin, Gnoll

Appearance: 5'1'' / 1.55 m, 105 lbs / 48 kg; white hair; blue eyes; milky white skin tone; 1'' scar Traits: interested, forceful

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 14 Armor class: 2 Movement: 6''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 10 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 11 Stone: 12 Dragon Breath: 13 Staves & Spells: 14


STR: 15 (high score; add 10% to earned experience) INT: 10 (average score; speak no additional languages) WIS: 11 (average score) CON: 9 (average score; 60% chance of survival) DEX: 8 (low score; fire any missile at -1) CHA: 9 (average score; up to 3 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of 0)


Armour: 1 × Plate Mail; 1 × Helmet; 1 × Shield Weapons: 1 × Sword, One Life Energy Draining Ability (AL Chaos; INT 5; EGO none; COM none; POW none); 1 × Dagger (1H); 1 × Morning Star (1H, 2H); 1 × Long Bow (2H, ranges: 1–7’’ +2 AC, 8–14’’ +1 AC, 15–21’’ 0 AC); 1 × 20 Arrows; 20 × Silver Tipped Arrow Gear: 1 × Elven Cloak and Boots; 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 4 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 4 × Small Sack (50 coin capacity); 2 × Water/Wine Skin (30 coin capacity); 2 × Quiver of 20 Arrows; 2 × 50’ of Rope; 1 × 12 Iron Spikes; 1 × 3 Stakes & Mallet; 4 × Wolvesbane, bunch; 4 × Belladonna, bunch; 2 × Wine, quart; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 2 × Potion of Healing Coins: 34 gp Encumbrance: 1344 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

1 × Warhorse, Heavy (HD 3, AC 7, MV 12’’, max load 4500 cn); 1 × Saddle; 1 × Saddle Bags; 1 × Barding (Horse Armor). In saddle bags: 1 × Scroll (Hold Portal); 1 × Scroll (Levitate); 1 × Wand of Paralyzation (save or paralyzed; cone 6'' long and 3'' wide; 50 charges).

5. Ellnor Alcore Gildriga / Freshsheen

Class: Fighting-Man Race: Elf Level: Hero Alignment: Law Languages: Elvish, Divisional, Orc, Hobgoblin, Gnoll

Appearance: 5'0'' / 1.52 m, 105 lbs / 48 kg; silver hair; violet eyes; pale green skin tone; triangle-shaped birthmark Traits: quiet, brilliant, foolish

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 8 Armor class: 3 Movement: 6''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 10 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 11 Stone: 12 Dragon Breath: 13 Staves & Spells: 14


STR: 10 (average score) INT: 12 (average score; speak up to 2 additional languages) WIS: 14 (high score) CON: 9 (average score; 60% chance of survival) DEX: 9 (average score) CHA: 11 (average score; up to 4 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of 0)


Armour: 1 × Plate Mail +1 Weapons: 1 × Sword, Flaming +1 (AL Law; INT 4; EGO none; COM none; POW none); 1 × Dagger (1H); 3 × Hand Axe (1H, thrown range 3”) Gear: 1 × Elven Cloak and Boots; 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 3 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 3 × Water/Wine Skin (30 coin capacity); 3 × 50’ of Rope; 1 × 12 Iron Spikes; 1 × Steel Mirror; 3 × Wolvesbane, bunch; 3 × Belladonna, bunch; 3 × Garlic, bud; 3 × Wine, quart; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 1 × Ring of Water Walking Coins: 72 gp Encumbrance: 1262 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

1 × Warhorse, Medium (HD 2+1, AC 7, MV 18’’, max load 3750 cn); 1 × Saddle; 1 × Saddle Bags; 1 × Barding (Horse Armor). In saddle bags: 2 × Scroll (Charm Person); 1 × Scroll (Light); 1 × Scroll (Locate Object); 4 × Potion of Healing; 1 × Wand of Fire Balls (60 charges).

Same elves but as Theurgists coming tomorrow!


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You can read more about the challenge here and here.

Let's roll some dwarf Heroines! As a reminder here I wrote about dwarf magic items and dwarf abilities in the original Dungeons & Dragons. Like with Heroes, I decided to substitute warhorses with mules.

1. Duree Fathand

Class: Fighting-Man Race: Dwarf Level: Hero Alignment: Law Languages: Dwarf, Divisional, Gnome, Kobold, Goblin

Appearance: 4'8'' / 1.42 m, 160 lbs / 73 kg; golden hair; yellow eyes; medium brown skin tone Traits: jovial, thoughtful

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 22 Armor class: 2 Movement: 6''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 8 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 9 Stone: 10 Dragon Breath: 10 Staves & Spells: 12


STR: 16 (high score; add 10% to earned experience) INT: 9 (average score; speak no additional languages) WIS: 9 (average score) CON: 7 (low score; 40% chance of survival) DEX: 15 (high score; fire any missile at +1) CHA: 10 (average score; up to 4 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of 0)


Armour: 1 × Plate Mail; 1 × Helmet; 1 × Shield Weapons: 1 × War Hammer +3, 6” Throwing Range with Return; 1 × Dagger (1H); 1 × Sword (1H); 1 × Light Crossbow (2H, ranges: 1–6’’ +2 AC, 7–12’’ +1 AC, 13–18’’ 0 AC); 1 × 30 Quarrels Gear: 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Small Sack (50 coin capacity); 1 × Water/Wine Skin (30 coin capacity); 1 × Case with 30 Quarrels; 1 × 50’ of Rope; 1 × 12 Iron Spikes; 1 × Wine, quart; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 2 × Potion of Healing; 1 × Potion of Giant Strength Coins: 37 gp Encumbrance: 1327 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

1 × Mule (HD 2+1, AC 7, MV 12’’, max load 3500 cn); 1 × Saddle; 1 × Saddle Bags; 1 × Barding (Horse Armor).

2. Kettra Silvertarge

Class: Fighting-Man Race: Dwarf Level: Hero Alignment: Law Languages: Dwarf, Divisional, Gnome, Kobold, Goblin

Appearance: 4'11'' / 1.5 m, 150 lbs / 68 kg; mixed orange and red hair; light green eyes; pale silver skin tone; snake-shaped birthmark Traits: cheerless, reclusive

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 23 Armor class: 2 Movement: 6''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 8 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 9 Stone: 10 Dragon Breath: 10 Staves & Spells: 12


STR: 17 (high score; add 10% to earned experience) INT: 16 (high score; speak up to 6 additional languages) WIS: 13 (high score) CON: 15 (high score; add 1 to each hit die; will withstand adversity) DEX: 13 (high score; fire any missile at +1) CHA: 4 (low score; up to 1 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of -2)


Armour: 1 × Plate Mail; 1 × Helmet; 1 × Shield +1 Weapons: 1 × Sword +1 (AL Law; INT 1; EGO none; COM none; POW none); 1 × Dagger (1H); 1 × Spear (1H, 2H, thrown range 3”); 1 × Short Bow (2H, ranges: 1–5’’ +2 AC, 6–10’’ +1 AC, 11–15’’ 0 AC); 1 × 20 Arrows; 1 × 20 Arrows, Enchanted Gear: 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 4 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Water/Wine Skin (30 coin capacity); 2 × Quiver of 20 Arrows; 2 × 50’ of Rope; 3 × Flask of Oil; 1 × 12 Iron Spikes; 1 × Steel Mirror; 3 × Holy Water/Vial; 2 × Wine, quart; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 1 × Potion of Healing Coins: 85 gp Encumbrance: 1415 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

1 × Mule (HD 2+1, AC 7, MV 12’’, max load 3500 cn); 1 × Saddle; 1 × Saddle Bags; 1 × Barding (Horse Armor).

3. Lenka Karstinsniz

Class: Fighting-Man Race: Dwarf Level: Hero Alignment: Law Languages: Dwarf, Divisional, Gnome, Kobold, Goblin

Appearance: 4'7'' / 1.4 m, 155 lbs / 70 kg; auburn hair; light green eyes; dark brown skin tone Traits: sexy, bad

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 10 Armor class: 2 Movement: 6''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 8 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 9 Stone: 10 Dragon Breath: 10 Staves & Spells: 12


STR: 14 (high score; add 5% to earned experience) INT: 13 (high score; speak up to 3 additional languages) WIS: 12 (average score) CON: 10 (average score; 70% chance of survival) DEX: 10 (average score) CHA: 15 (high score; up to 5 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of +1)


Armour: 1 × Plate Mail; 1 × Helmet; 1 × Shield Weapons: 1 × Sword +1, +2 vs. Magic-Users and Enchanted Monsters (AL Law; INT 6; EGO none; COM none; POW none); 1 × Dagger (1H); 1 × Spear (1H, 2H, thrown range 3”); 1 × Heavy Crossbow (2H, ranges: 1–8’’ +2 AC, 9–16’’ +1 AC, 17–24’’ 0 AC); 1 × 30 Quarrels Gear: 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Small Sack (50 coin capacity); 1 × Water/Wine Skin (30 coin capacity); 1 × Case with 30 Quarrels; 2 × 50’ of Rope; 2 × Flask of Oil; 1 × Silver Mirror, Small; 1 × Silver Cross; 2 × Wolvesbane, bunch; 2 × Belladonna, bunch; 1 × Wine, quart; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 3 × Potion of Healing Coins: 106 gp Encumbrance: 1496 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

1 × Mule (HD 2+1, AC 7, MV 12’’, max load 3500 cn); 1 × Saddle; 1 × Saddle Bags; 1 × Barding (Horse Armor).

Grom Weakskull: HD Dwarf Veteran; HP 3; AC 4 (chain-type mail and shield); Atk battle axe or spear; MV 9''; AL Neutrality; Morale 4; STR 12 INT 12 WIS 13 CON 11 DEX 10 CHA 11 LOY 11.

Mendri Thickskull: HD Dwarf Veteran; HP 5; AC 4 (chain-type mail and shield); Atk spear; MV 9''; AL Neutrality; Morale 4; STR 15 INT 10 WIS 8 CON 7 DEX 10 CHA 11 LOY 11.

4. Gerta Gertasniz

Class: Fighting-Man Race: Dwarf Level: Hero Alignment: Law Languages: Dwarf, Divisional, Gnome, Kobold, Goblin

Appearance: 4'5'' / 1.35 m, 145 lbs / 66 kg; silver hair; copper eyes; amber skin tone; snake-shaped birthmark Traits: quiet, humble

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 14 Armor class: 4 Movement: 6''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 8 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 9 Stone: 10 Dragon Breath: 10 Staves & Spells: 12


STR: 6 (low score; minus 20% from earned experience) INT: 9 (average score; speak no additional languages) WIS: 12 (average score) CON: 5 (low score; minus 1 from each hit die; 40% chance of survival) DEX: 7 (low score; fire any missile at -1) CHA: 10 (average score; up to 4 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of 0)


Armour: 1 × Chain-type Mail +1; 1 × Shield Weapons: 1 × Battle Axe (1H, 2H); 1 × Spear (1H, 2H, thrown range 3”); 1 × Dagger (1H); 1 × Composite Bow (2H, ranges: 1–8’’ +2 AC, 9–16’’ +1 AC, 17–24’’ 0 AC); 1 × 20 Arrows; 1 × 20 Arrows, Enchanted Gear: 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 1 × Water/Wine Skin (30 coin capacity); 2 × Quiver of 20 Arrows; 2 × 50’ of Rope; 2 × 12 Iron Spikes; 1 × Wine, quart; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 3 × Potion of Healing Coins: 4 gp Encumbrance: 1144 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

1 × Mule (HD 2+1, AC 7, MV 12’’, max load 3500 cn); 1 × Saddle; 1 × Saddle Bags; 1 × Barding (Horse Armor).

5. Karelia Bredasdottir

Class: Fighting-Man Race: Dwarf Level: Hero Alignment: Law Languages: Dwarf, Divisional, Gnome, Kobold, Goblin

Appearance: 4'9'' / 1.45 m, 150 lbs / 68 kg; dark brown hair; brown eyes; dark brown skin tone; 1' scar Traits: educated, fretful, vain

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 14 Armor class: 4 Movement: 6''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 8 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 9 Stone: 10 Dragon Breath: 10 Staves & Spells: 12


STR: 11 (average score) INT: 12 (average score; speak up to 2 additional languages) WIS: 16 (high score) CON: 12 (average score; 90% chance of survival) DEX: 5 (low score; fire any missile at -1) CHA: 8 (low score; up to 3 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of 0)


Armour: 1 × Chain-type Mail +2; 1 × Helmet; 1 × Shield Weapons: 1 × Sword +1 (AL Law; INT 11; EGO 6; COM speaks dwarf, elf, dragon, and beholder; POW detect magic, detect traps, locate secret doors); 1 × Dagger (1H); 3 × Hand Axe (1H, thrown range 3”) Gear: 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 1 × Water/Wine Skin (30 coin capacity); 1 × 50’ of Rope; 1 × Steel Mirror; 1 × Silver Mirror, Small; 1 × Silver Cross; 1 × Wine, quart; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 2 × Potion of Healing; 1 × Potion of Giant Strength Coins: 76 gp Encumbrance: 1166 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

1 × Mule (HD 2+1, AC 7, MV 12’’, max load 3500 cn); 1 × Saddle; 1 × Saddle Bags; 1 × Barding (Horse Armor).

Lady elves coming tomorrow!


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You can read more about the challenge here and here.

Continuing with five more Vicars for original Dungeons & Dragons...

6. Baldhild the Prankster

Class: Cleric Race: Human Level: Vicar Alignment: Law Languages: Common, Divisional

Appearance: 6'2'' / 1.88 m, 150 lbs / 68 kg; auburn hair; grey eyes; pale gold skin tone Traits: funny, bright

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 14 Armor class: 3 Movement: 6''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 11 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 12 Stone: 14 Dragon Breath: 16 Staves & Spells: 15


STR: 10 (average score) INT: 9 (average score; speak no additional languages) WIS: 12 (average score) CON: 10 (average score; 70% chance of survival) DEX: 12 (average score) CHA: 16 (high score; up to 6 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of +2)


Armour: 1 × Plate Mail +1; 1 × Helmet Weapons: 1 × Mace +2; 1 × Snake Staff (2H, +1 to hit and to damage; on command it twines itself about a man-sized opponent it hits, rendering them helpless for 1d4 turns) Gear: 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 1 × 50’ of Rope; 1 × 12 Iron Spikes; 1 × Lantern; 4 × Flask of Oil; 1 × Silver Cross; 4 × Holy Water/Vial; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 1 × Scroll (Detect Evil); 1 × Scroll (Detect Magic); 1 × Scroll (Bless); 1 × Scroll (Hold Person); 2 × Potion of Healing Coins: 121 gp Encumbrance: 1491 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

1 × Warhorse, Medium (HD 2+1, AC 7, MV 18’’, max load 3750 cn); 1 × Saddle; 1 × Saddle Bags; 1 × Barding (Horse Armor).

7. Judge Theodohilda

Class: Cleric Race: Human Level: Vicar Alignment: Law Languages: Common, Divisional

Appearance: 5'8'' / 1.73 m, 145 lbs / 66 kg; black hair; yellow eyes; yellow white skin tone Traits: disrespectful, authoritative

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 12 Armor class: 2 Movement: 6''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 11 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 12 Stone: 14 Dragon Breath: 16 Staves & Spells: 15


STR: 7 (low score) INT: 12 (average score; speak up to 2 additional languages) WIS: 11 (average score) CON: 10 (average score; 70% chance of survival) DEX: 8 (low score; fire any missile at -1) CHA: 5 (low score; up to 2 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of -1)


Armour: 1 × Plate Mail; 1 × Shield Weapons: 1 × Mace (1H); 1 × Staff of Commanding (2H, Animal, Plant Control, and Human Control, 155 charges) Gear: 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 4 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 1 × Water/Wine Skin (30 coin capacity); 2 × 50’ of Rope; 1 × 12 Iron Spikes; 1 × 6 Torches; 2 × Flask of Oil; 1 × 3 Stakes & Mallet; 1 × Silver Mirror, Small; 1 × Silver Cross; 2 × Holy Water/Vial; 2 × Wolvesbane, bunch; 2 × Belladonna, bunch; 2 × Garlic, bud; 1 × Wine, quart; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 1 × Scroll (Detect Evil); 1 × Scroll (Light); 1 × Scroll (Find Traps); 1 × Scroll (Speak with Animals); 2 × Potion of Healing Coins: 4 gp Encumbrance: 1474 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

1 × Warhorse, Medium (HD 2+1, AC 7, MV 18’’, max load 3750 cn); 1 × Saddle; 1 × Saddle Bags; 1 × Barding (Horse Armor). In saddle bags: 1 × Potion of Healing.

8. Ingund Mistborn

Class: Cleric Race: Human Level: Vicar Alignment: Law Languages: Common, Divisional

Appearance: 6'2'' / 1.88 m, 195 lbs / 88 kg; silver hair; light blue eyes; pale green skin tone; bird-shaped birthmark Traits: placid, curious

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 9 Armor class: 2 Movement: 6''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 11 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 12 Stone: 14 Dragon Breath: 16 Staves & Spells: 15


STR: 11 (average score) INT: 14 (high score; speak up to 4 additional languages) WIS: 9 (average score) CON: 10 (average score; 70% chance of survival) DEX: 11 (average score) CHA: 8 (low score; up to 3 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of 0)


Armour: 1 × Plate Mail; 1 × Helmet; 1 × Shield Weapons: 1 × War Hammer +1 Gear: 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Small Sack (50 coin capacity); 1 × Water/Wine Skin (30 coin capacity); 1 × 6 Torches; 2 × Flask of Oil; 1 × 3 Stakes & Mallet; 1 × Silver Cross; 2 × Holy Water/Vial; 1 × Wine, quart; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 1 × Scroll (Detect Magic); 1 × Scroll (Light); 1 × Scroll (Hold Person); 1 × Scroll (Speak With Animals); 2 × Potion of Healing Coins: 14 gp Encumbrance: 1234 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

1 × Warhorse, Medium (HD 2+1, AC 7, MV 18’’, max load 3750 cn); 1 × Saddle; 1 × Saddle Bags; 1 × Barding (Horse Armor).

9. Annushka, The Scourge of World Emperor

Class: Cleric Race: Human Level: Vicar Alignment: Law Languages: Common, Divisional

Appearance: 5'4'' / 1.63 m, 150 lbs / 68 kg; light brown hair; light brown eyes; pale orange skin tone; horns-shaped birthmark Traits: resolute, vengeful

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 13 Armor class: 4 Movement: 9''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 11 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 12 Stone: 14 Dragon Breath: 16 Staves & Spells: 15


STR: 7 (low score) INT: 8 (low score; speak up to none additional languages) WIS: 15 (high score; add 10% to earned experience) CON: 8 (low score; 50% chance of survival) DEX: 9 (average score) CHA: 8 (low score; up to 3 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of 0)


Armour: 1 × Chain-type Mail; 1 × Helmet; 1 × Shield +3 Weapons: 1 × Flail (1H, 2H) Gear: 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 4 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 2 × 50’ of Rope; 2 × 12 Iron Spikes; 1 × Lantern; 2 × Flask of Oil; 1 × Silver Mirror, Small; 1 × Silver Cross; 2 × Holy Water/Vial; 2 × Wolvesbane, bunch; 2 × Belladonna, bunch; 2 × Garlic, bud; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 1 × Scroll (Level Cure Light Wounds); 1 × Scroll (Hold Person); 1 × Potion of Healing; 1 × Potion of Giant Strength Coins: 16 gp Encumbrance: 996 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

1 × Warhorse, Medium (HD 2+1, AC 7, MV 18’’, max load 3750 cn); 1 × Saddle; 1 × Saddle Bags; 1 × Barding (Horse Armor).

10. Theophano the Pious

Class: Cleric Race: Human Level: Vicar Alignment: Law Languages: Common, Divisional

Appearance: 5'5'' / 1.65 m, 185 lbs / 84 kg; scarlet hair; green eyes; yellow white skin tone; z-shaped birthmark Traits: obedient, loves challenge

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 14 Armor class: 4 Movement: 9''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 11 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 12 Stone: 14 Dragon Breath: 16 Staves & Spells: 15


STR: 10 (average score) INT: 10 (average score; speak no additional languages) WIS: 12 (average score) CON: 17 (high score; add 1 to each hit die; will withstand adversity) DEX: 10 (average score; none) CHA: 15 (high score; up to 5 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of +1)


Armour: 1 × Chain-type Mail +1; 1 × Shield Weapons: 1 × Mace +2 Gear: 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 1 × Silver Cross; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week) Coins: 6 gp Encumbrance: 786 cn

Hirelings & Mounts


Five female dwarf Heroines coming tomorrow.


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You can read more about the challenge here and here.

Time to roll up lady clerics! As described before, since only humans can be clerics in the original Dungeons & Dragons, I will roll ten of them instead of usual five.

Without firther ado, meet first batch of lady Vicars!

1. Alpsuinda Frontrank

Class: Cleric Race: Human Level: Vicar Alignment: Law Languages: Common, Divisional

Appearance: 4'11'' / 1.5 m, 125 lbs / 57 kg; black hair; light blue eyes; dark brown skin tone Traits: curious, lively

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 19 Armor class: 2 Movement: 6''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 11 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 12 Stone: 14 Dragon Breath: 16 Staves & Spells: 15


STR: 4 (low score) INT: 10 (average score; speak no additional languages) WIS: 7 (low score; minus 10% from earned experience) CON: 12 (average score; 90% chance of survival) DEX: 12 (average score) CHA: 10 (average score; up to 4 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of 0)


Armour: 1 × Plate Mail; 1 × Helmet; 1 × Shield +1 Weapons: 1 × Mace (1H) Gear: 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 1 × 50’ of Rope; 1 × 6 Torches; 4 × Flask of Oil; 1 × Silver Cross; 4 × Holy Water/Vial; 4 × Wolvesbane, bunch; 4 × Garlic, bud; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 2 × Scroll (Cure Light Wounds); 2 × Scroll (Bless); 2 × Potion of Healing Coins: 116 gp Encumbrance: 1336 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

1 × Warhorse, Medium (HD 2+1, AC 7, MV 18’’, max load 3750 cn); 1 × Saddle; 1 × Saddle Bags; 1 × Barding (Horse Armor).

2. Theodora

Class: Cleric Race: Human Level: Vicar Alignment: Law Languages: Common, Divisional

Appearance: 5'6'' / 1.68 m, 135 lbs / 61 kg; brown hair; violet eyes; dark brown skin tone; 1' scar Traits: enigmatic, arrogant

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 18 Armor class: 2 Movement: 6''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 11 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 12 Stone: 14 Dragon Breath: 16 Staves & Spells: 15


STR: 7 (low score) INT: 14 (high score; speak up to 4 additional languages) WIS: 6 (low score; minus 20% from earned experience) CON: 7 (low score; 40% chance of survival) DEX: 12 (average score) CHA: 9 (average score; up to 3 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of 0)


Armour: 1 × Plate Mail; 1 × Helmet; 1 × Shield +1 Weapons: 1 × Mace +2 Gear: 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Small Sack (50 coin capacity); 1 × Water/Wine Skin (30 coin capacity); 2 × 50’ of Rope; 1 × 12 Iron Spikes; 1 × Lantern; 2 × Flask of Oil; 1 × 3 Stakes & Mallet; 1 × Silver Mirror, Small; 1 × Silver Cross; 3 × Holy Water/Vial; 3 × Garlic, bud; 1 × Wine, quart; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 1 × Scroll (Cure Light Wounds); 1 × Scroll (Light); 1 × Scroll (Protection from Evil); 2 × Potion of Healing Coins: 162 gp Encumbrance: 1382 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

1 × Warhorse, Medium (HD 2+1, AC 7, MV 18’’, max load 3750 cn); 1 × Saddle; 1 × Saddle Bags; 1 × Barding (Horse Armor).

3. Gentle Signy

Class: Cleric Race: Human Level: Vicar Alignment: Law Languages: Common, Divisional

Appearance: 6'1'' / 1.85 m, 195 lbs / 88 kg; roan hair; amber eyes; milky white skin tone Traits: delicate, pacifistic

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 9 Armor class: 4 Movement: 9''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 11 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 12 Stone: 14 Dragon Breath: 16 Staves & Spells: 15


STR: 16 (high score) INT: 12 (average score; speak up to 2 additional languages) WIS: 5 (low score; minus 20% from earned experience) CON: 3 (low score; minus 1 from each hit die; 40% chance of survival) DEX: 8 (low score; fire any missile at -1) CHA: 13 (high score; up to 5 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of +1)


Armour: 1 × Chain-type Mail; 1 × Helmet; 1 × Shield +1 Weapons: 1 × War Hammer +1 Gear: 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 4 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 4 × 50’ of Rope; 2 × 12 Iron Spikes; 2 × 6 Torches; 4 × Flask of Oil; 1 × Silver Cross; 6 × Holy Water/Vial; 6 × Belladonna, bunch; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 2 × Potion of Healing Coins: 41 gp Encumbrance: 931 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

1 × Warhorse, Medium (HD 2+1, AC 7, MV 18’’, max load 3750 cn); 1 × Saddle; 1 × Saddle Bags; 1 × Barding (Horse Armor).

Ina: HD Acolyte; HP 4; AC 4 (chain-type mail armor and shield); Atk mace; MV 12''; AL Law; Morale 6; STR 15 INT 11 WIS 8 CON 11 DEX 14 CHA 14 LOY 12. Gear silver cross.

Monine: HD Acolyte; HP 6; AC 4 (chain-type mail armor and shield); Atk mace; MV 12''; AL Law; Morale 7; STR 12 INT 14 WIS 7 CON 8 DEX 8 CHA 12 LOY 12. Gear silver cross.

4. Natalia Bowyer

Class: Cleric Race: Human Level: Vicar Alignment: Law Languages: Common, Divisional

Appearance: 5'7'' / 1.7 m, 160 lbs / 73 kg; red hair; grey eyes; ochre skin tone Traits: inconsiderate, spendthrift

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 14 Armor class: 2 Movement: 6''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 11 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 12 Stone: 14 Dragon Breath: 16 Staves & Spells: 15


STR: 12 (average score) INT: 11 (average score; speak up to 1 additional languages) WIS: 16 (high score; add 10% to earned experience) CON: 9 (average score; 60% chance of survival) DEX: 11 (average score) CHA: 11 (average score; up to 4 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of 0)


Armour: 1 × Plate Mail; 1 × Helmet; 1 × Shield Weapons: 1 × War Hammer +2 Gear: 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 3 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 3 × Small Sack (50 coin capacity); 3 × Water/Wine Skin (30 coin capacity); 1 × 50’ of Rope; 1 × Lantern; 3 × Flask of Oil; 1 × Silver Mirror, Small; 1 × Silver Cross; 3 × Holy Water/Vial; 3 × Wine, quart; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 4 × Potion of Healing Coins: 63 gp Encumbrance: 1263 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

1 × Warhorse, Heavy (HD 3, AC 7, MV 12’’, max load 4500 cn); 1 × Saddle; 1 × Saddle Bags; 1 × Barding (Horse Armor).

5. Deirdre the Hedgehog

Class: Cleric Race: Human Level: Vicar Alignment: Law Languages: Common, Divisional

Appearance: 6'6'' / 1.98 m, 185 lbs / 84 kg; quills for hair; light brown eyes; yellow white skin tone Traits: hostile, youthful

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 16 Armor class: 2 Movement: 6''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 11 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 12 Stone: 14 Dragon Breath: 16 Staves & Spells: 15


STR: 15 (high score) INT: 17 (high score; speak up to 7 additional languages) WIS: 11 (average score) CON: 9 (average score; 60% chance of survival) DEX: 9 (average score) CHA: 6 (low score; up to 2 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of -1)


Armour: 1 × Plate Mail; 1 × Helmet; 1 × Shield Weapons: 1 × War Hammer +3 (3'' Throwing Range) Gear: 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 1 × Water/Wine Skin (30 coin capacity); 2 × 50’ of Rope; 1 × 12 Iron Spikes; 1 × 6 Torches; 2 × Flask of Oil; 1 × 3 Stakes & Mallet; 1 × Silver Cross; 2 × Holy Water/Vial; 1 × Wine, quart; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 1 × Scroll (Detect Evil); 2 × Scroll (Light); 3 × Scroll (Speak with Animals; 1 × Potion of Healing Coins: 168 gp Encumbrance: 1398 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

1 × Warhorse, Medium (HD 2+1, AC 7, MV 18’’, max load 3750 cn); 1 × Saddle; 1 × Saddle Bags; 1 × Barding (Horse Armor).

Remaining five Vicars tomorrow.


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