2025 Character Creation Challenge Day 27


You can read more about the challenge here and here.

With hobbit Heroines, the second round of character creation comes to an end. Read more about hobbit abilities in the original Dungeons & Dragons little brown booklets here. Although not explicitly forbidden, I avoided large two-handed weapons and also opted for mules as mounts instead of horses.

1. Goldwyn Hornblower

Class: Fighting-Man Race: Hobbit Level: Hero Alignment: Law Languages: Hobbit, Divisional

Appearance: 3'6'' / 1.07 m, 110 lbs / 50 kg; golden hair; silver eyes; pale orange skin tone Traits: composed, pacifistic

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 12 Armor class: 4 Movement: 6''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 8 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 9 Stone: 10 Dragon Breath: 10 Staves & Spells: 12


STR: 11 (average score) INT: 11 (average score; speak up to 1 additional languages) WIS: 7 (low score) CON: 12 (average score; 90% chance of survival) DEX: 11 (average score) CHA: 11 (average score; up to 4 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of 0)


Armour: 1 × Chain-type Mail +2; 1 × Shield Weapons: 1 × Sword +1, +2 vs. Lycanthropes (AL Law; INT 9; EGO 3; COM empathy; POW detect gems, detect magic, detect sloping passages, see invisible objects); 1 × Dagger (1H); 1 × Spear (1H, 2H, thrown range 3”); 1 × Light Crossbow (2H, ranges: 1–6’’ +2 AC, 7–12’’ +1 AC, 13–18’’ 0 AC); 1 ×30 Quarrels; 1 × 30 Quarrels, Enchanted Gear: 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 4 × Small Sack (50 coin capacity); 2 × Water/Wine Skin (30 coin capacity); 2 × Case with 30 Quarrels; 2 × 50’ of Rope; 2 × 12 Iron Spikes; 1 × Lantern; 4 × Flask of Oil; 1 × Silver Mirror, Small; 1 × Silver Cross; 2 × Holy Water/Vial; 2 × Garlic, bud; 2 × Wine, quart; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 1 × Potion of Healing Coins: 22 gp Encumbrance: 1052 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

1 × Mule (HD 2+1, AC 7, MV 12’’, max load 3500 cn); 1 × Saddle; 1 × Saddle Bags; 1 × Barding (Horse Armor).

2. Susan Barrels

Class: Fighting-Man Race: Hobbit Level: Hero Alignment: Law Languages: Hobbit, Divisional, Common

Appearance: 3'6'' / 1.07 m, 115 lbs / 52 kg; red hair; yellow eyes; ochre skin tone Traits: nosy, oily

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 20 Armor class: 2 Movement: 6''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 8 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 9 Stone: 10 Dragon Breath: 10 Staves & Spells: 12


STR: 9 (average score) INT: 8 (low score; speak no additional languages) WIS: 9 (average score) CON: 6 (low score; minus 1 from each hit die; 40% chance of survival) DEX: 8 (low score; fire any missile at -1) CHA: 15 (high score; up to 5 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of +1)


Armour: 1 × Plate Mail; 1 × Shield; 1 × Helmet Weapons: 1 × Sword +1 (AL Law; INT 8; EGO 3; COM empathy; POW detect traps, note shifting walls and rooms); 1 × Dagger (1H); 3 × Hand Axe (1H, thrown range 3”) Gear: 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 4 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 1 × Water/Wine Skin (30 coin capacity); 1 × 6 Torches; 2 × Flask of Oil; 1 × 3 Stakes & Mallet; 1 × Steel Mirror; 3 × Belladonna, bunch; 3 × Garlic, bud; 1 × Wine, quart; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 1 × Potion of Healing; 1 × Potion of Giant Strength Coins: 60 gp Encumbrance: 1370 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

1 × Mule (HD 2+1, AC 7, MV 12’’, max load 3500 cn); 1 × Saddle; 1 × Saddle Bags; 1 × Barding (Horse Armor).

3. Bess Lindenbrook

Class: Fighting-Man Race: Hobbit Level: Hero Alignment: Law Languages: Hobbit, Divisional, Common

Appearance: 3'7'' / 1.09 m, 115 lbs / 52 kg; dark brown hair; dark brown eyes; light tan skin tone Traits: honorable, disturbed

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 11 Armor class: 4 Movement: 6''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 8 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 9 Stone: 10 Dragon Breath: 10 Staves & Spells: 12


STR: 13 (high score; add 5% to earned experience) INT: 9 (average score; speak no additional languages) WIS: 13 (high score) CON: 8 (low score; 50% chance of survival) DEX: 13 (high score; fire any missile at +1) CHA: 13 (high score; up to 5 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of +1)


Armour: 1 × Chain-type Mail +1; 1 × Shield; 1 × Helmet Weapons: 1 × Mace (1H); 1 × Dagger (1H); 1 × Spear (1H, 2H, thrown range 3”); Light Crossbow (2H, ranges: 1–6’’ +2 AC, 7–12’’ +1 AC, 13–18’’ 0 AC); 1 × 30 Quarrels Gear: 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 4 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Water/Wine Skin (30 coin capacity); 1 × Case with 30 Quarrels; 2 × 50’ of Rope; 1 × Lantern; 4 × Flask of Oil; 1 × Silver Mirror, Small; 1 × Silver Cross; 4 × Holy Water/Vial; 2 × Wine, quart; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 3 × Potion of Healing Coins: 117 gp Encumbrance: 1257 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

1 × Mule (HD 2+1, AC 7, MV 12’’, max load 3500 cn); 1 × Saddle; 1 × Saddle Bags; 1 × Barding (Horse Armor).

Emrond Ipinile: HD Hobbit Veteran; HP 7; AC 2 (plate mail, shield, and helmet); Atk spear or sword; MV 6''; AL Neutrality; Morale 5; STR 14 INT 6 WIS 8 CON 10 DEX 9 CHA 12 LOY 6.

Huco Elrunner: HD Hobbit Veteran; HP 6; AC 2 (plate mail, shield, and helmet); Atk spear or sword; MV 6''; AL Neutrality; Morale 6; STR 5 INT 10 WIS 12 CON 15 DEX 16 CHA 13 LOY 12.

4. Sallon Amblin

Class: Fighting-Man Race: Hobbit Level: Hero Alignment: Law Languages: Hobbit, Divisional

Appearance: 3'6'' / 1.07 m, 110 lbs / 50 kg; blonde hair; grey eyes; pale gold skin tone Traits: shady, hotheaded

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 21 Armor class: 2 Movement: 6''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 8 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 9 Stone: 10 Dragon Breath: 10 Staves & Spells: 12


STR: 11 (average score) INT: 13 (high score; speak up to 3 additional languages) WIS: 11 (average score) CON: 12 (average score; 90% chance of survival) DEX: 13 (high score; fire any missile at +1) CHA: 10 (average score; up to 4 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of 0)


Armour: 1 × Plate Mail +2; 1 × Shield; 1 × Helmet Weapons: 1 × Sword +1 (AL Law; INT 6; EGO 0; COM none; POW none); 1 × Battle Axe (1H, 2H); 1 × Dagger (1H) Gear: 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 1 × Water/Wine Skin (30 coin capacity); 2 × 50’ of Rope; 1 × 12 Iron Spikes; 2 × 6 Torches; 4 × Flask of Oil; 1 × Silver Mirror, Small; 4 × Wolvesbane, bunch; 1 × Wine, quart; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 2 × Potion of Healing; 1 × Potion of Giant Strength Coins: 56 gp Encumbrance: 1346 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

1 × Mule (HD 2+1, AC 7, MV 12’’, max load 3500 cn); 1 × Saddle; 1 × Saddle Bags; 1 × Barding (Horse Armor).

5. Ulfam Rainwell

Class: Fighting-Man Race: Hobbit Level: Hero Alignment: Law Languages: Hobbit, Divisional

Appearance: 3'6'' / 1.07 m, 110 lbs / 50 kg; bald; tan eyes; dark brown skin tone; 1' scar Traits: scruffy, shallow

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 15 Armor class: 2 Movement: 6''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 8 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 9 Stone: 10 Dragon Breath: 10 Staves & Spells: 12


STR: 10 (average score) INT: 10 (average score; speak no additional languages) WIS: 5 (low score) CON: 13 (high score; will withstand adversity) DEX: 8 (low score; fire any missile at -1) CHA: 12 (average score; up to 4 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of 0)


Armour: 1 × Plate Mail; 1 × Shield; 1 × Helmet Weapons: 1 × Sword +1 (AL Law; INT 12; EGO 8; *COM telepathy, speaks dragon, and common; POW detect metal and what kind, detect sloping passages, locate secret doors, read magic, 1d4 times normal strength for 1d10 turns once per day); 1 × Dagger (1H); 1 × Heavy Crossbow (2H, ranges: 1–8’’ +2 AC, 9–16’’ +1 AC, 17–24’’ 0 AC); 1 × 30 Quarrels, Enchanted Gear: 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 6 × Small Sack (50 coin capacity); 1 × Water/Wine Skin (30 coin capacity); 1 × Case with 30 Quarrels; 1 × Lantern; 4 × Flask of Oil; 1 × Steel Mirror; 1 × Wine, quart; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 2 × Potion of Healing Coins: 167 gp Encumbrance: 1337 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

1 × Mule (HD 2+1, AC 7, MV 12’’, max load 3500 cn); 1 × Saddle; 1 × Saddle Bags; 1 × Barding (Horse Armor).

I'll be taking a break day tomorrow.


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