Attronarch's Athenaeum


My latest order from DriveThruRPG—before their upcoming dramatic price increase—has just arrived:

Dwellers in Dark Places:

Hoard of Delusion:

Guidebook to the City of Dolmvay (Special Edition):

Guidebook to the Duchy of Valnwall (Special Edition):

#Postbox #OSR #OSRIC #LL #Dolmvay

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Tome of Worldbuilding and The Nomicon, companion volumes to the Tome of Adventure Design, have just landed on the DriveThruRPG. The former is more of a guidebook with random tables, while the latter is entirely random tables for generating names.

Tome of Worldbuilding has 350 pages, 15 chapters, and 401 tables:

Companion volume to the Tome of Adventure Design and The Nomicon, Tome of Worldbuilding is a system-neutral tool for designing fantasy worlds for TTPRG gaming. The book contains hundreds of random generation tables and other resources!

The Tome of World Building is written by ENNIE-award winning author Matt Finch, author of the critically-acclaimed Tome of Adventure Design. Using the Tome of World Building, you can create fantasy worlds quickly and fill them out with a wealth of detail from the random-generation tables in this book.

Tome of Worldbuilding is a guidebook in the style of How to Make a Fantasy Sandbox and World Builder's Guidebook. It offers direct guidance, with examples, supplemented by random tables to roll on for inspiration.

Here is the table of contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Cosmic Matters
  3. The World
  4. Broad Brushstroke Details for the “Other” Continents
  5. Cultural Basins of the “Home” Continent
  6. Countries
  7. Terrain and Borders
  8. Illuminarchies
  9. Legendary Locations
  10. Cities and Settlements
  11. Deities and Religions
  12. Personalities
  13. Mythical Items and Places
  14. Monstrous Leaders
  15. Useful Facts

The Nomicon has 351 pages, 29 chapters and 231 tables:

A system-neutral book of tables for generating fantasy names for people and places! This book is a companion volume to the Tome of Worldbuilding and the Tome of Adventure Design.

As it says on the lid, The Nomicon contains tables for generating names. Some tables have full names (e.g. Atafa or Ianizzo) while others have multiple parts that you combine (e.g. Curiondio or Mbadiwothi). Names are divided into chapters by either their intended use (e.g. divine names) or how they sound like (e.g. Anglish or Nörslik). The latter are based on how real-world names sound like but do not replicate them entirely (for historical names I recommend Treasury of Archaic Names and The Everyone Everywhere List).

Here is the table of contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Primordial and Divine Names
  3. Continent Names
  4. Anglish
  5. Arabish
  6. Britonnian
  7. Celtigaulic
  8. Dwarven
  9. East-Asiantic
  10. Elderweirdish
  11. Elven
  12. Espannic
  13. Eurovesian
  14. Hellenica
  15. Italican
  16. Metallik
  17. Nanskrit
  18. Nörslik
  19. Russlavik
  20. Sequatorial
  21. Stygian/Egyptic
  22. Teutonnic
  23. Trobadoric
  24. Names for Legendary Places
  25. City and Settlement Names
  26. Monster Names
  27. Titles
  28. Personal Epithets
  29. Miscellaneous Tables

Offset print copies should be available on the Mythmere Games website once the backers receive them.

#News #OSR #MythmereGames

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Troll Lord Games just launched a crowdfunding campaign for the legendary megadungeon by Gary Gygax:

This is the first of two crowdfunding campaigns. With your help, we hope to return to shelves worldwide Gary Gygax's Castle Zagyg. It is a monstrous project; one with with an incredible legacy! We hope to see all the material in Castle Zagyg released in 5 full color, hardcover volumes, each in its own box with relevant game maps.

There will be five box sets, and this campaign is for the first three:

  • Castle Zagyg Vol. 1 The Citadel (the town of Yggsburgh)
  • Castle Zagyg Vol. 2 The Ruins (the castle, East Mark, Mouths of Madness, and dungeon level 1)
  • Castle Zagyg Vol. 3 The Cellars (dungeon levels 2, 3, 3a, 4, 4a, 5 and 5a)
  • Castle Zagyg Vol. 4 The Dungeons (dungeon levels 6-9 and sub-levels)
  • Castle Zagyg Vol. 5 The Caverns (dungeon levels 10-17 and sub-levels)

Castle Zagyg Vol. 1 The Citadel box set will contain:

  • A full setting guide for Yggsburgh and the Outs neighborhood
  • A Map of the Town of Yggsburgh
  • Nine Interior Maps of Points of Interest
  • 600+ Non-Player Characters
  • 30+ Random Encounter and Event Tables
  • 50+ Random Encounters, offering hundreds of potential adventure venues
  • Orders of Battle for everything from Goblins to Knights
  • Crime and Punishment in Yggsburgh

Castle Zagyg Vol. 2 The Ruins box set will contain:

  • A detailed setting guide for East Mark, including 60 geographic locales and the town of Garham
  • A complete setting guide for the ruins of Castle Zagyg, including the Upper Works, Castle Fortress, Tower Walls, Manse, and Mouths of Madness
  • A Map of the East Mark region and its surrounding Environs; over 1,500 square miles of adventuring terrain!
  • A Map of the Castle Zagyg and its structures
  • A Map of the Mouths of Madness and dungeon level 1: The Storerooms
  • 100+ Encounter Areas in the Castle
  • 120+ Encounter Areas in Caverns and Storerooms

Castle Zagyg Vol. 3 The Cellars box set will contain:

  • 7 Maps: one for each dungeon level
  • The Deep Cellars
  • The Dungeons
  • Arena of Death
  • Arcane Workshops
  • Black Reservoir
  • Eternity Galleries
  • The Catacombs
  • 300+ Encounter Areas and Rooms

Most of the content is based on Gary's notes:

Who is Writing It? Volume 1, The Citadel is written by Gary Gygax. This is the content some of you have in Yggsburgh, previously published by Troll Lord Games in 2004; it will contain updated art on the cover and interior, plus new maps.

Volume 2, The Castle is written by Jeffrey Talanian. This originally appeared in Upper Works, published by Troll Lord Games in 2008. It will also feature an updated cover and new interior art, as well as new maps for more seamless play.

Volume 3, The Cellars includes one level written by Jeffrey Talanian (the 1st). The rest is being written by Michael Stewart. Mike has written and published a number of adventures through Troll Lord Games, and his writing style fits Castle Zagyg perfectly. Couple that with his work on Yggsburgh alongside Gary Gygax, and he is the perfect candidate for the task. He is back on board to pore over Gary's original notes and maps and to create the dungeon that many of us have longed for, and many more never knew they wanted.

Castle Zagyg will be published for the TLG's Castles & Crusades system, meaning it is broadly compatible with TSR's D&D editions and other popular retroclones.

Read more about the campaign at Backerkit.

#News #Crowdfunding #OSR #TLG

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DriveThruRPG is running 40% sale off many titles in celebration of GM's day.

The whole TSR catalogue (OD&D, D&D, AD&D 1e, and AD&D 2e) is discounted as well. Below are several series that are worth getting but are rarely talked about.

AC (ACessory) modules were 11 publications for the basic line. AC1, AC9, and AC10 are great supplements for any basic game or its retroclone:

GAZ (GAZetteer) sourcebooks for the basic line detailed different parts of Mystara:

DMGR (Dungeon Master's Guide Rules supplement) books were published during the heyday of AD&D 2e overproduction. Still, I found something useful in each:

Finally, builder's guidebooks and sites did not have a code, but feature useful material:

Spend responsibly!

#Sale #OSR

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Robert Conley shared some great news about Majestic Fantasy Realms, the spiritual successor to the Wilderlands of High Fantasy:

I am halfway through the first draft of my upcoming project, Into the Majestic Fantasy Realms, the Northern Marches.

It will be divided into two sections. The first half focuses on the Northern Marches, which combines and expands Blackmarsh, Southland, and the Wild North into four 12” by 18” maps. ... The second half provides a brief overview of the larger Majestic Fantasy Realms. It will be formatted like the old Greyhawk Folio booklet and detail some history, important terrain, and various regions. ... The Kickstarter to fund editing and the art pieces is slated to begin late April. I hope to see many of you there. In the meantime, I will post various excerpts over the upcoming weeks to help folks to better understand the final product.

Read Rob's announcement to learn more about The Wild North, Blackmarsh, The Southlands, Vasa, Northport, and The Grey Sea.


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I will be hosting two original Dungeons & Dragons games (little brown booklets only) at Precognition. Both games will be delves into the legendary Darkness Beneath megadungeon published in the finest OSR zine Fight On:

Precognition is an independently-organized virtual tabletop roleplaying convention taking place March 14th–16th:

Welcome to Precognition, your portal to an entire weekend of online tabletop roleplaying. From March 14th–16th, we’re bringing gamers together from around the world to explore a broad range of roleplaying games—from classic fantasy settings to cutting-edge sci-fi worlds. Whether you’re seeking new adventures or just looking to connect with fellow enthusiasts, we invite you to roll dice, share stories, and forge friendships in our virtual halls.

Passes (i.e. tickets) are available via Kickstarter:

  • $5 for one-day pass
  • $10 for weekend pass (covers entire event)
  • $30 for four weekend passes

Once the Kickstarter is over, convention organisers will open up the site for backers to sign-up for games. Full list of hosted games is available here.

See you there?

#Convention #Precognition #FightOn #OSR

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Fight On! issue 16 now available on DTRPG and Lulu (POD and PDF):

Out of the dungeon and into your quivering palms, Fight On! is back again, bringing the full monty of magic and mayhem to your subterranean halls! FOUR big adventures along with classes, races, maps, rules variants, new worlds, monsters, magic items, spells, NPCs, and tables and other goodies galore will fill your fantasy campaigns with new wonders for your dark towers and demonweb pits! Dedicated to fantasy art legend David A. Trampier, this issue features contributions from great heroes old and new – from Dave Hargrave and Tim Kask to Peter Mullen and Cameron Hawkey, not to mention Sean ''Stonegiant'' Stone, Oakes Spalding, Simon Bull, Gabor Lux, Kevin Mayle, Evlyn Moreau, Calithena, Paul Carrick, Sophie Pulkus, J. Blasso-Gieseke, bät, Attronarch, Philipp H., James Maliszewski, Settembrini, Robert S. Conley, Idle Doodler, DeWayne Rogers, Rick Base, Dyson Logos, Jon Salway, Becami Cusack, Tony A. Rowe, Prince of Nothing, Jasmine Collins, Anthony Stiller, Allan T. Grohe Jr., Will Mistretta, Steve Queen, Zhu Baijee, Thomas Denmark, and many, many more! This BIG 128 page issue picks off pit fiends like a +5 pike of piercing – don't delve deeper into the darkling depths without it!

Here is the table of contents:

Article Author(s) Page
Creepies & Crawlies Zisch, Knarly, Mistretta, & Settembrini 3
Artifacts, Adjuncts & Oddments Salway, bät & DeSmet 7
Two Blades and Two Crowns David A. Hargrave 10
Gems of Zylarthen, Part 1 Oakes Spalding 13
Grognard’s Grimoire bät, Salway, & Mustonen 17
The Caverns of Arcane Silk Idle Doodler 19
The Sands of Isathar DangerIsReal 20
21 Lessons Learned After 100 Sessions Attronarch 22
Battleland Encounters Calithena 24
Variant Battlelands for Titan Tor Gjerde 25
Old Samora 2: Ghoul Lair and Balneum Philipp H. 29
The Wretched of the Earth Richard Rittenhouse 39
The Scout Jason Brentlinger 40
Biblical Fantasy Roleplaying Haralambos Kazantzakis 42
Races of sha-Arthan James Maliszewski 44
The Monastery of Darak Gabor Lux 47
Tables for Fables DeSmet, Logos, Terrible Sorcery & Kisko 53
Dun Crawlin’ Jon Salway 59
Alternative Demon Immunities PrinceofNothing 70
1d20 Magick-er Mouths Will Mistretta 72
The Dream Couches Donald Smith with Zherbus 76
Calabos and Mazmora J. Blasso-Gieseke 80
Darkness Beneath: The Snow Throne Simon Bull 81
Tales of Tramp and TSR Tim Kask, interviewed by Cal 92
Knights & Knaves: Wormy & Friends Allan Grohe 99
Seven Gates & Fifty Dog-Faced Men Becami Cusack 105
Comics & Carrick Kelvin Green, J. Blasso-Gieseke, and Paul Carrick 126

128 pages of awesome!

Back issues are available via DTRPG and Lulu.

#News #OSR #FightOn

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Another great sale I stumbled upon, this time by Frog God Games / Necromancer Games. They are celebrating 25 years so every month few books go on sale. This month The Lost City of Barakus (d20 and Swords & Wizardry) is 75% off and Heart of St. Bathus (OSE) is 60% off. Both are by W.D.B. Kenower who is one of my favourite authors. The Lost City of Barakus is a great module that has everything you need for a campaign. Heart of St. Bathus I haven't had the chance to run yet, but it is a gem that needs polishing since FGG dropped the ball on editing, laying it out, and presenting the information in acessible manner.

#Sale #FGG #NG #OSR #SW #OSE

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Advanced Adventures OSRIC (AD&D 1e retroclone) line by the Expeditious Retreat Press is on sale for 50% off until end of February. At the moment it counts 46 modules. Here are some of my favourites that I am happy to recommend (sorted by level range instead of module code):

Modules have nothing to do with each other (except few exceptions like Shadowvein and White Dragon Run), and they are easy to integrate in any sandbox game. Page counts are small, text is dense, maps are play-oriented. Just how I like it.


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I'm selling part of my Necrotic Gnome collection. All books are mint, unused, and some of them are still shrink-wrapped. Shipping from EU; bank transfer preferred within EU, otherwise PayPal is fine.

I'm selling four different lots:

  • LOT A: Old-School Essentials Box with Classic and Advanced Fantasy (Kickstarter edition), 160 EUR
  • LOT B: Carcass Crawler zines (Kickstarter editions), 60 EUR
  • LOT C: Necrotic Gnome adventures (Kickstarter editions), 80 EUR
  • LOT D: Old-School Essentials Classic Game Set and Advanced Expansion Set (Kickstarter editions), 140 EUR

Lists and photos below.

LOT A: Old-School Essentials Box with Classic and Advanced Fantasy (Kickstarter edition)

160 EUR

NG-0008SE1 Old-Shool Essentials box NG-0002 Classic Fantasy: Core Rules NG-0003 Classic Fantasy: Genre Rules NG-0004 Classic Fantasy: Cleric and Magic-User Spells NG-0005 Classic Fantasy: Monsters NG-0006 Classic Fantasy: Treasures NG-0009 Advanced Fantasy: Genre Rules NG-0010 Advanced Fantasy: Druid and Illusionist Spells (with “Advanced Fantasy: Genre Rules” misprint on the spine) NG-0015 Advanced Fantasy: Monsters NG-0016 Advanced Fantasy: Treasures

LOT B: Carcass Crawler zines (Kickstarter editions)

60 EUR

Carcass Crawler Issue Zero (Kickstarter exclusive) Carcass Crawler Issue 1 Carcass Crawler Issue 2 Carcass Crawler Issue 3

LOT C: Necrotic Gnome adventures (Kickstarter editions)

80 EUR

NG-0011 The Hole in the Oak NG-0001BX Winter's Daughter (uncensored version) NG-0020 The Incandescent Grottoes NG-0021 Halls of the Blood King NG-0022 The Isle of the Plangent Mage NG-0023 Holy Mountain Shaker

LOT D: Old-School Essentials Classic Game Set and Advanced Expansion Set (Kickstarter editions)

140 EUR

#Sale #NecroticGnome #NG #OSR #OSE

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