Attronarch's Athenaeum


My latest order from DriveThruRPG—before their upcoming dramatic price increase—has just arrived:

Dwellers in Dark Places:

Hoard of Delusion:

Guidebook to the City of Dolmvay (Special Edition):

Guidebook to the Duchy of Valnwall (Special Edition):

#Postbox #OSR #OSRIC #LL #Dolmvay

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Advanced Adventures OSRIC (AD&D 1e retroclone) line by the Expeditious Retreat Press is on sale for 50% off until end of February. At the moment it counts 46 modules. Here are some of my favourites that I am happy to recommend (sorted by level range instead of module code):

Modules have nothing to do with each other (except few exceptions like Shadowvein and White Dragon Run), and they are easy to integrate in any sandbox game. Page counts are small, text is dense, maps are play-oriented. Just how I like it.


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DiceParser is a Discord bot for rolling dice. Besides simple rolls, it also supports various commands like exploding dice, sorting dice, and so on. More importantly, it also allows us to code macros, a predefined set of commands we can call with a shortcut.

This comes very handy during character creation, which usually involves several rolls. That holds true for all four ability score generation methods explained in the Dungeon Masters Guide.

Using the codes below you will be able to quickly generate a set of rolls for any of the four methods described by Gary. See end of the post for additional DiceParser guidance.

Method I

All scores are recorded and arranged in the order the player desires. 4d6 are rolled, and the lowest die (or one of the lower) is discarded.


4d6k3;4d6k3;4d6k3;4d6k3;4d6k3;4d6k3;[$1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6]s;"Character ability scores\nMethod I\n\n@7\n"


cc-method-i 4d6k3;4d6k3;4d6k3;4d6k3;4d6k3;4d6k3;[$1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6]s;"Character ability scores\nMethod I\n\n@7\n" False

Method II

All scores are recorded and arranged as in Method I. 3d6 are rolled 12 times and the highest 6 scores are retained.


3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;[$1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12]k6;"Character ability scores\nMethod II\n\n@13\n"


cc-method-ii 3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;[$1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12]k6;"Character ability scores\nMethod II\n\n@13\n" False

Method III

Scores rolled are according to each ability category, in order, STRENGTH, INTELLIGENCE, WISDOM, DEXTERITY, CONSTITUTION, CHARISMA. 3d6 are rolled 6 times for each ability, and the highest score in each category is retained for that category.


3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;[$1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6]k1;[$7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12]k1;[$13, $14, $15, $16, $17, $18]k1;[$19, $20, $21, $22, $23, $24]k1;[$25, $26, $27, $28, $29, $30]k1;[$31, $32, $33, $34, $35, $36]k1;"Character ability scores\nMethod III\n\nSTR: @37\nINT: @38\nWIS: @39\nDEX: @40\nCON: @41\nCHA: @42\n"


cc-method-iii 3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;[$1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6]k1;[$7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12]k1;[$13, $14, $15, $16, $17, $18]k1;[$19, $20, $21, $22, $23, $24]k1;[$25, $26, $27, $28, $29, $30]k1;[$31, $32, $33, $34, $35, $36]k1;"Character ability scores\nMethod III\n\nSTR: @37\nINT: @38\nWIS: @39\nDEX: @40\nCON: @41\nCHA: @42\n" False

Method IV

3d6 are rolled sufficient times to generate the 6 ability scores, in order, for 12 characters. The player then selects the single set of scores which he or she finds most desirable and these scores are noted on the character record sheet.


3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;"Character ability scores\nMethod IV\n\nSET 1\n\nSTR: $1\nINT: $2\nWIS: $3\nDEX: $4\nCON: $5\nCHA: $6\n\nSET 2\n\nSTR: $7\nINT: $8\nWIS: $9\nDEX: $10\nCON: $11\nCHA: $12\n\nSET 3\n\nSTR: $13\nINT: $14\nWIS: $15\nDEX: $16\nCON: $17\nCHA: $18\n\nSET 4\n\nSTR: $19\nINT: $20\nWIS: $21\nDEX: $22\nCON: $23\nCHA: $24\n\nSET 5\n\nSTR: $25\nINT: $26\nWIS: $27\nDEX: $28\nCON: $29\nCHA: $30\n\nSET 6\n\nSTR: $31\nINT: $32\nWIS: $33\nDEX: $34\nCON: $35\nCHA: $36\n\nSET 7\n\nSTR: $37\nINT: $38\nWIS: $39\nDEX: $40\nCON: $41\nCHA: $42\n\nSET 8\n\nSTR: $43\nINT: $44\nWIS: $45\nDEX: $46\nCON: $47\nCHA: $48\n\nSET 9\n\nSTR: $49\nINT: $50\nWIS: $51\nDEX: $52\nCON: $53\nCHA: $54\n\nSET 10\n\nSTR: $55\nINT: $56\nWIS: $57\nDEX: $58\nCON: $59\nCHA: $60\n\nSET 11\n\nSTR: $61\nINT: $62\nWIS: $63\nDEX: $64\nCON: $65\nCHA: $66\n\nSET 12\n\nSTR: $67\nINT: $68\nWIS: $69\nDEX: $70\nCON: $71\nCHA: $72\n"


cc-method-iv 3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;"Character ability scores\nMethod IV\n\nSET 1\n\nSTR: $1\nINT: $2\nWIS: $3\nDEX: $4\nCON: $5\nCHA: $6\n\nSET 2\n\nSTR: $7\nINT: $8\nWIS: $9\nDEX: $10\nCON: $11\nCHA: $12\n\nSET 3\n\nSTR: $13\nINT: $14\nWIS: $15\nDEX: $16\nCON: $17\nCHA: $18\n\nSET 4\n\nSTR: $19\nINT: $20\nWIS: $21\nDEX: $22\nCON: $23\nCHA: $24\n\nSET 5\n\nSTR: $25\nINT: $26\nWIS: $27\nDEX: $28\nCON: $29\nCHA: $30\n\nSET 6\n\nSTR: $31\nINT: $32\nWIS: $33\nDEX: $34\nCON: $35\nCHA: $36\n\nSET 7\n\nSTR: $37\nINT: $38\nWIS: $39\nDEX: $40\nCON: $41\nCHA: $42\n\nSET 8\n\nSTR: $43\nINT: $44\nWIS: $45\nDEX: $46\nCON: $47\nCHA: $48\n\nSET 9\n\nSTR: $49\nINT: $50\nWIS: $51\nDEX: $52\nCON: $53\nCHA: $54\n\nSET 10\n\nSTR: $55\nINT: $56\nWIS: $57\nDEX: $58\nCON: $59\nCHA: $60\n\nSET 11\n\nSTR: $61\nINT: $62\nWIS: $63\nDEX: $64\nCON: $65\nCHA: $66\n\nSET 12\n\nSTR: $67\nINT: $68\nWIS: $69\nDEX: $70\nCON: $71\nCHA: $72\n" False

DiceParser notes

  • You can learn more about the Rolisteam Dice Parser here.
  • Full documentation is available here.
  • Finally, and this is important for macros to work, you must include them in reverse order! In other words, add them as follows:

/macro add line: cc-method-iv 3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;"Character ability scores\nMethod IV\n\nSET 1\n\nSTR: $1\nINT: $2\nWIS: $3\nDEX: $4\nCON: $5\nCHA: $6\n\nSET 2\n\nSTR: $7\nINT: $8\nWIS: $9\nDEX: $10\nCON: $11\nCHA: $12\n\nSET 3\n\nSTR: $13\nINT: $14\nWIS: $15\nDEX: $16\nCON: $17\nCHA: $18\n\nSET 4\n\nSTR: $19\nINT: $20\nWIS: $21\nDEX: $22\nCON: $23\nCHA: $24\n\nSET 5\n\nSTR: $25\nINT: $26\nWIS: $27\nDEX: $28\nCON: $29\nCHA: $30\n\nSET 6\n\nSTR: $31\nINT: $32\nWIS: $33\nDEX: $34\nCON: $35\nCHA: $36\n\nSET 7\n\nSTR: $37\nINT: $38\nWIS: $39\nDEX: $40\nCON: $41\nCHA: $42\n\nSET 8\n\nSTR: $43\nINT: $44\nWIS: $45\nDEX: $46\nCON: $47\nCHA: $48\n\nSET 9\n\nSTR: $49\nINT: $50\nWIS: $51\nDEX: $52\nCON: $53\nCHA: $54\n\nSET 10\n\nSTR: $55\nINT: $56\nWIS: $57\nDEX: $58\nCON: $59\nCHA: $60\n\nSET 11\n\nSTR: $61\nINT: $62\nWIS: $63\nDEX: $64\nCON: $65\nCHA: $66\n\nSET 12\n\nSTR: $67\nINT: $68\nWIS: $69\nDEX: $70\nCON: $71\nCHA: $72\n" False

/macro add line: cc-method-iii 3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;[$1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6]k1;[$7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12]k1;[$13, $14, $15, $16, $17, $18]k1;[$19, $20, $21, $22, $23, $24]k1;[$25, $26, $27, $28, $29, $30]k1;[$31, $32, $33, $34, $35, $36]k1;"Character ability scores\nMethod III\n\nSTR: @37\nINT: @38\nWIS: @39\nDEX: @40\nCON: @41\nCHA: @42\n" False

/macro add line: cc-method-ii 3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;3d6;[$1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12]k6;"Character ability scores\nMethod II\n\n@13\n" False

/macro add line: cc-method-i 4d6k3;4d6k3;4d6k3;4d6k3;4d6k3;4d6k3;[$1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6]s;"Character ability scores\nMethod I\n\n@7\n" False

Happy rolling!

#Resource #DiceParser #ADnD #OSRIC #OSR

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I've just updated the errata printouts to include the latest changes. You can download the latest A4 and letter versions here.

P.S. OSRIC 3.0 will be coming to Kickstarter later this year. I'll let you know as soon as the campaign sign-up goes live.

#Resource #OSRIC #ADnD #OSR

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Matt Finch of Mythmere Games just published OSRIC mission statement at the Knights & Knaves Alehouse:

Since the “OSRIC's Path Forward” thread, there has been more discussion about OSRIC, licensing, and so forth.

Stuart and I are working on an OSRIC 3.0, but it will be under the AELF License (a Mythmere Games license that's similar to the OGL). OSRIC 3.0 will be produced by Mythmere Games, and we are planning (tentatively) for a Kickstarter in September or October of this year.

A few points:

1) Simply maintaining OSRIC under the OGL is possible at this time, but in the long run I think it's a bit of a risk. WotC can probably cut off access to new users of the OGL at any time by “withdrawing the open offer”. I don't think I'm giving WotC a roadmap here; they almost certainly are aware of this approach to the license. They wanted to do more than that to kill it quickly, but there's a much more reliable way to poison it over time, which is simply to withdraw the offer to “sign on” to the OGL. But after the massive backlash to their attempt to kill the license at one blow, they will have to wait a while before mentioning the OGL again. This potential future withdrawal of the offer would create a problem for anyone new who wanted to publish something for OSRIC, so it behooves us to move to a different license now, before the axe eventually comes down.

2) The ORC license has some problems with easy usability. I won't go into those because it's complicated and also because there's discussion about it in lots of other places. The AELF License, since it works in the same way as the OGL, is familiar enough that it can be adopted relatively easily by anyone familiar with the OGL.

3) OSRIC 3.0 is intended to be completely backward-compatible with OSRIC 2.0, and it shouldn't require any “new versions” of adventures that have been published in the past. There might turn out to be minor glitches in terms of backward compatibility, but those will be the exception.

4) The reasons for coming out with a new version: a) First, the license, as mentioned above. b) Secondly, it's to meet the needs of a younger batch of gamers in a context where the PDFs of the original books are available from WotC (which wasn't the case when we originally published OSRIC 2.0). This means several different avenues of approach.

—– The writing style will use bullet points and other visual call-outs to avoid the “wall of text” effect. Even those of us raised in pre-internet days are starting to find the bullet-point arrangement preferable to a long block that doesn't visually separate and organize the more important elements of the text.

—-We're going to include a VTT-friendly method of scale since so many people now game online.

—-We're going to try to make this version what EOTB calls a “teaching edition,” meaning lots of guidance for playing the game. The “how to play” information is in the original books to a degree, but it can be presented at the forefront and that's what anyone new to the whole OSR needs. Also, AD&D is simply more complex than other OSR games like B/X, so it needs to be presented in a step-by-step format that draws the learner into the process.

More information to come later.

Great move to focus on teaching and accessibility! First edition of Advanced Dungeons & Dragons is packed to the brim with stuff that stood the test of time, but its presentation and density sometimes scares people away. Stuart and Matt are more than capable in producing text that is both inspiring and informative—hence I'm looking very much forward to OSRIC 3.0.


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Charlie Mason, of White Box: Fantasy Medieval Adventure Game fame, has just released a Player's Guide for OSRIC:

This is intended to be a table copy for players. Use it, write in it, spill soda on it and get cheeto fingers on the pages. Then when it falls apart, get another one.

You can get print version, at-cost, from Amazon.

PDF is available for free from here.

Thank you Charlie!

Old School Reference and Index Compilation (OSRIC) is an OGL retroclone of the AD&D 1E. It restates PHB, DMG and MM in a single book, with minor modifications for legal reasons.

Version 2.2 was released in 2013, and is freely available on Lulu and DTRPG. Knights & Knaves Alehouse hosts a thread for tracking and cataloguing latest known errata.


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25% on many titles. Here are few I'm happy to recommend to all OSR Judges, sorted by publisher. Most of the books bellow are settings and procedures, which makes it easy to take out elements you find interesting and use them in your game.


Dave Hargrave was a mad man. A very creative mad man. You might never play Arduin as written, which just like Palladium Fantasy was a bunch of AD&D 1E house rules, but you will walk away inspired like never before.

  • Arduin Trilogy. Compiles Arduin Grimoire Vol 1, 2, and 3. I still use special ability charts presented herein.
  • Arduin II. A first attempt to make a functional, stand-alone game after TSR and Gary turned on anyone who dared hack it.

Palladium Books

Palladium Books is a troubled publisher, but I still have a soft spot for their early fantasy work. Black and white illustrations galore!

Palladium Fantasy RPG 1E

Weapons, Armours and Castles

These are illustrated guides to various weapons, armours, and yes, castles, one might use in their fantasy game. I love thumbing through them for inspiration.


A well known publisher of Call of Cthulhu, RuneQuest, and Pendragon. Although I'm not interested in their rules, I've always been fascinated by Glorantha.


These are all modules from the first edition era. Just how I like them.

Goodman Games

Goodman Games might be best know for their Dungeon Crawl Classic system, but I love their system neutral supplements, as well as opulent re-releases of cherished classics. I like most of the stuff written by Michael Curtis, whom also authored the amazing Stonehell megadungeon.

Modules & Settings


Hack & Slash Publishing

Columbia Games

Columbia Games publications don't go on sale so often.

Harn has beautiful, well thought out materials that are usable with many fantasy systems. The maps are gorgeous and personalities are fleshed out just enough to drop them into any world without too much fuss.

Below are select brief supplements I found useful:

Two crunchier, but amazing resources are:

Campion & Clitherow

Weather? Weather! Never worry again. Never.

True Mask Games

Factions? Factions! Never worry again. Never.

Geoffrey McKinney

Seriously, for less than $10 you can get material that will last you a lifetime whenever your players decide to go somewhere you haven't prepared for. As a bonus, below supercharges B1 and B2.

Simon Forster

What, you want more variety than in Mike's dungeon. “Production qualities?” Well then you are in luck, because Simon Forster has written splendid digest-sized books of lairs:


Autarch is the publisher of Adventurer Conqueror King System, marvellous system built on B/X chassis. It offers superior take on domain management, race-as-class, functional and tightly integrated economy, and plethora of play-tested options for ambitious Judges and adventurous Players.



All adventures, except Dwimmermount, are set in Auran Empire, which is an ACKS setting. I've found all the adventures superb and easy to adjust (and steal from). AX3 has some great tables for urban dwellings.

Expeditious Retreat Press

The first publisher of OSRIC material. A lot of good stuff, but I picked few of more generic offerings I often use.

#Sale #OSR #Arduin #OSRIC #XRP #Chaosium #RQ #PFRPG #ACKS #GG #DCC #Harn

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Will Mistreta continues collating OSRIC errata.

You can download the latest A4 and letter versions here.

#Resource #OSRIC #ADnD #OSR

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The first publisher of OSRIC adventures and supplements is having a 60% sale to celebrate their 20th anniversary. Plenty of good stuff to wade through. Here are some of my favourites.

World-building supplements




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Will Mistreta continues collecting OSRIC errata.

Newest additions include notes for:

  • Know Alignment
  • Water Breathing
  • Lurker Above
  • Phoenix
  • Naga, Spirit
  • Spider, Huge
  • Squealer

I've added them to the A4 and letter versions available here.

#Resource #OSRIC #ADnD #OSR

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