Attronarch's Athenaeum


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Fight On! presents: a

David A. Trampier and David C. Sutherland III Memorial Art Contest!

Honoring the dedicatees of Issues #16 and #17 of the legendary fanzine!

Rules: Artists retain ownership of and all rights to their work, except that winning artists grant Fight On! Publications the right to first publish that work in an issue of Fight On! and subsequent collections including that issue/article in perpetuity. No AI.

All Submissions Due by November 30 to

Prizes! Color Division: $80 First Prize; $40 Second Prize; $25 Third Prize. B&W Division: $75 First Prize; $35 Second Prize; $15 Third Prize. Trampier Memorial Prize: $50. Sutherland Memorial Prize: $50. (Multiple third prizes possible. Last two are for work inspired by or in the style of; can stack or award separately.)

Judges include:

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Marc Miller, one of the creators of Traveller, has shared his succession plan for the game:

Some years ago, fellow game designer Greg Stafford died, and I was impressed that his company announced almost immediately that he had a succession plan in place, and that his legacy and his designs would live on.

His example was an inspiration to me, and I resolved to emulate him. It would be a terrible loss if Traveller were encumbered, or somehow restricted in its outreach to present and future fans.

With that in mind, I have worked to make Traveller an asset to science-fiction role-players... with our user-friendly Fair Use policies, with the Travellers’ Aid Society programs, with the Cepheus editions of Traveller, and with Mongoose as a primary publisher of their edition of Traveller.

Over the past several years, I have turned over more and more responsibilities to Mongoose, and I have collaborated actively with them as they work to realize the Traveller dream. Earlier this year I passed full ownership of Traveller to Mongoose in order to secure its future.

With that in mind, I point out that, following the example of Greg Stafford, I have a succession plan in place: day-to-day decisions about the Traveller game system are already being made by Mongoose Publishing (with my co-operation and approval), and if anything should happen to me, they would carry on with my full knowledge and blessing.

That doesn’t stop me from speaking my mind: expressing opinions about Traveller, writing stories and lore, and even revealing secrets about the universe.

But Traveller is in good hands, now, and far into the far future.

And I thank you for your (continuing) support for Traveller.


I wish more authors and owners of legendary IP would adopt such mature and thoughtful approach to their legacy.

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Mythmere Games will soon launch a Kickstarter with two new world building books in the vein of Tome of Adventure Design:

Designing a world setting for your fantasy tabletop games just became a lot easier!

These two hardcover books complete a trilogy of creative power alongside the critically-acclaimed Tome of Adventure Design.

The first book is the Tome of Worldbuilding, allowing you to create maps, cultures, countries, wilderness regions, and all the history and backstabbing politics of a fantasy world.

The second book is the Nomicon, with tables to invent fantasy names for everything you'll generate using the Tome of Worldbuilding. Cultures, countries, continents, terrain features, and personal names are all in here!

Read more and back on Kickstarter.

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Fight On! issue 16 will be dedicated to Trampier. Calithena, one of the editors, has issued call for submissions:

Issue 16 is now open for submissions. For perhaps the first time ever – maybe because we're starting up again – we seem a little short on 'fiddly bits', races, classes, magic items, spells, etc. = so if you've got homebrewed stuff you want to share send it our way. Other stuff is fine too of course.

Send your ideas and submissions to iggyumlaut[AT]gmail[DOT]com.

For the last issue I contributed Special Ability Charts from our game; for this issue I'll contribute an adventure from our campaign, tentatively titled Broken Eagle, Raging Bull.

Fight On!

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Fight On! is back with force!

Brand new issue 15 now available on DTRPG (PDF) and Lulu (POD and PDF):

Ten years later, we are back from the dead to Fight On once more! These revenant runes are just as jam-packed as you remember with classes, monsters, spells, magic items, rules mods, homebrews, and awesome adventures in the spirit of the eldritch era of fantasy roleplaying! Dedicated to seventies D&D legend J. Eric Holmes, this issue brings together old and new stalwarts alike to celebrate our 15th issue and new beginning! With art and articles by J. Eric and Christopher Holmes, Tom Gordon, Calithena, Gabor Lux, Jeff Rients, James Maliszewski, Kesher, Pete Mullen, Cameron Hawkey, Zach Howard, Alex Schroder, Richard Rittenhouse, Settembrini, Patrick Farley, Jason Sholtis, Robert Conley, Kelvin Green, Philipp H., Attronarch, Mitzi!, and many more, this is the first of our new forays into fanzine fame and glory! Ride that wyvern while the sun is shining, and keep Fighting On!

Here is the table of contents:

Article Author Page
Ten Ways to Holmesify your Game Zach Howard 3
Special Ability Charts Attronarch 4
The Orthogonal Dwarf Olle Skogren 11
Gremlins! Calithena 14
Maze Master's Miscellany Alex Schroeder & Calithena 15
The Catacombs under Old Samora Phillip H. 17
Knights & Knaves: Holmes Town Heroes Tony Rowe 28
Bringing It All Back Holmes Clark, Grodog, and Calithena 30
Maps from the Maze of Peril J. Eric Holmes 34
Distributary of Darkness Alex Zisch 36
The Silken See Motley Dice 37
Grognard’s Grimoire Richard Rittenhouse 41
The Wizard’s Satchel J. Blasso-Gieseke 43
Artifacts, Adjuncts, and Oddments Richard Rittenhouse 44
Victory or Death! Gabor Lux 46
Megadungeon Workshop Extravaganza! Kesher 50
Calvero! István Boldog-Bernád 53
Creepies & Crawlies James Maliszewski 61
Tables for Fables Al, Greco, Wetzel, and Rients 63
The Darkness Beneath Alex Schroder & Lior Wehrli 68
Henchmen-Я-Us: Pole Arm Caddies! Calithena 91
Chainmail: Battle for Bronzolo Settembrini 92
Doxy, Urgent Care Cleric Linneman & Green 98
Education of a Magic User Douglas Cox 99
Wham! Tom Gordon 100

It's been a great honour to contribute, and I look forward to contributing to next issue as well.

Back issues are available as PDFs via DTRPG and PODs via Lulu.

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Matt Finch of Mythmere Games just published OSRIC mission statement at the Knights & Knaves Alehouse:

Since the “OSRIC's Path Forward” thread, there has been more discussion about OSRIC, licensing, and so forth.

Stuart and I are working on an OSRIC 3.0, but it will be under the AELF License (a Mythmere Games license that's similar to the OGL). OSRIC 3.0 will be produced by Mythmere Games, and we are planning (tentatively) for a Kickstarter in September or October of this year.

A few points:

1) Simply maintaining OSRIC under the OGL is possible at this time, but in the long run I think it's a bit of a risk. WotC can probably cut off access to new users of the OGL at any time by “withdrawing the open offer”. I don't think I'm giving WotC a roadmap here; they almost certainly are aware of this approach to the license. They wanted to do more than that to kill it quickly, but there's a much more reliable way to poison it over time, which is simply to withdraw the offer to “sign on” to the OGL. But after the massive backlash to their attempt to kill the license at one blow, they will have to wait a while before mentioning the OGL again. This potential future withdrawal of the offer would create a problem for anyone new who wanted to publish something for OSRIC, so it behooves us to move to a different license now, before the axe eventually comes down.

2) The ORC license has some problems with easy usability. I won't go into those because it's complicated and also because there's discussion about it in lots of other places. The AELF License, since it works in the same way as the OGL, is familiar enough that it can be adopted relatively easily by anyone familiar with the OGL.

3) OSRIC 3.0 is intended to be completely backward-compatible with OSRIC 2.0, and it shouldn't require any “new versions” of adventures that have been published in the past. There might turn out to be minor glitches in terms of backward compatibility, but those will be the exception.

4) The reasons for coming out with a new version: a) First, the license, as mentioned above. b) Secondly, it's to meet the needs of a younger batch of gamers in a context where the PDFs of the original books are available from WotC (which wasn't the case when we originally published OSRIC 2.0). This means several different avenues of approach.

—– The writing style will use bullet points and other visual call-outs to avoid the “wall of text” effect. Even those of us raised in pre-internet days are starting to find the bullet-point arrangement preferable to a long block that doesn't visually separate and organize the more important elements of the text.

—-We're going to include a VTT-friendly method of scale since so many people now game online.

—-We're going to try to make this version what EOTB calls a “teaching edition,” meaning lots of guidance for playing the game. The “how to play” information is in the original books to a degree, but it can be presented at the forefront and that's what anyone new to the whole OSR needs. Also, AD&D is simply more complex than other OSR games like B/X, so it needs to be presented in a step-by-step format that draws the learner into the process.

More information to come later.

Great move to focus on teaching and accessibility! First edition of Advanced Dungeons & Dragons is packed to the brim with stuff that stood the test of time, but its presentation and density sometimes scares people away. Stuart and Matt are more than capable in producing text that is both inspiring and informative—hence I'm looking very much forward to OSRIC 3.0.


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Wonderful news from Dan Proctor / Goblinoid Games:

The Labyrinth Lord full draft can be downloaded now!

Feel free to look it over and offer any feedback you might have over at our forum. Once we review for any additional formatting, typo, or other issues it will be made available for wider distribution and in print.

Also grab the character sheet by James West!

On the first skim it looks much, much better than the first preview version. Great art, solid writing, and very old-school feel. Just how it should be!

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Mythmere Games just launched a new Kickstarter with five books for Swords & Wizardry:

  • Swords & Wizardry: The Book of Options. 11 new optional character classes, new spells, new magic items, and much more.
  • Fiends & Foes – A Monster Compendium. 300 monsters updated with morale numbers and revisions to the Swords & Wizardry Complete Revised rules.
  • Domain of Heryngard. A hex-crawl campaign with a section of the Uldra Cthon megadungeon and room to explore.
  • Tomb of the Iron God. Great, challenging low-level adventure.
  • Referee Screen. 33 inches long and 8.5 inches tall, printed in color on cardstock.

Read more and back on Kickstarter.

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Legendary Fight On! OSR fanzine is now available on DriveTrhuRPG as well! Or, at least, some issues are:

In my opinion, Fight On! remains the best OSR zine. Each issue is filled to the brim with gameable material, and everything is bursting with creative energy. Rules, monsters, treasures, adventures, essays, interviews, megadungeon... So much!

Once I finish with the Dragon Magazine reading I'll do the same with Fight On!

Print compilations are available at Lulu:

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Return to Perinthos: A Memorial Book Fundraiser in the Memory of Jennell Jaquays has just launched. It contains over 80 “one-spread” dungeons that can be used together or standalone, unpublished Q&A with Jaquays, and a mini-setting by Luke Gearing.

Pre-publication contributions can be seen here. Some of the OSR systems included are OSE, S&W, Cairn, and Shadowdark. There are also OD&D and AD&D contributions as well.

I've donated the Halls of Viridian Mist, a dungeon level for 4 to 6 Swords & Wizardry Complete characters levels 3 to 5. This challenging adventure features many tricks Jaquays used in her dungeons like non-linear loops, multiple elevations, interactive factions, and secret doors hidden behind other secret doors.

You can learn more, support the fundraiser, and get the book here.

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