Attronarch's Athenaeum


Tome of Worldbuilding and The Nomicon, companion volumes to the Tome of Adventure Design, have just landed on the DriveThruRPG. The former is more of a guidebook with random tables, while the latter is entirely random tables for generating names.

Tome of Worldbuilding has 350 pages, 15 chapters, and 401 tables:

Companion volume to the Tome of Adventure Design and The Nomicon, Tome of Worldbuilding is a system-neutral tool for designing fantasy worlds for TTPRG gaming. The book contains hundreds of random generation tables and other resources!

The Tome of World Building is written by ENNIE-award winning author Matt Finch, author of the critically-acclaimed Tome of Adventure Design. Using the Tome of World Building, you can create fantasy worlds quickly and fill them out with a wealth of detail from the random-generation tables in this book.

Tome of Worldbuilding is a guidebook in the style of How to Make a Fantasy Sandbox and World Builder's Guidebook. It offers direct guidance, with examples, supplemented by random tables to roll on for inspiration.

Here is the table of contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Cosmic Matters
  3. The World
  4. Broad Brushstroke Details for the “Other” Continents
  5. Cultural Basins of the “Home” Continent
  6. Countries
  7. Terrain and Borders
  8. Illuminarchies
  9. Legendary Locations
  10. Cities and Settlements
  11. Deities and Religions
  12. Personalities
  13. Mythical Items and Places
  14. Monstrous Leaders
  15. Useful Facts

The Nomicon has 351 pages, 29 chapters and 231 tables:

A system-neutral book of tables for generating fantasy names for people and places! This book is a companion volume to the Tome of Worldbuilding and the Tome of Adventure Design.

As it says on the lid, The Nomicon contains tables for generating names. Some tables have full names (e.g. Atafa or Ianizzo) while others have multiple parts that you combine (e.g. Curiondio or Mbadiwothi). Names are divided into chapters by either their intended use (e.g. divine names) or how they sound like (e.g. Anglish or Nörslik). The latter are based on how real-world names sound like but do not replicate them entirely (for historical names I recommend Treasury of Archaic Names and The Everyone Everywhere List).

Here is the table of contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Primordial and Divine Names
  3. Continent Names
  4. Anglish
  5. Arabish
  6. Britonnian
  7. Celtigaulic
  8. Dwarven
  9. East-Asiantic
  10. Elderweirdish
  11. Elven
  12. Espannic
  13. Eurovesian
  14. Hellenica
  15. Italican
  16. Metallik
  17. Nanskrit
  18. Nörslik
  19. Russlavik
  20. Sequatorial
  21. Stygian/Egyptic
  22. Teutonnic
  23. Trobadoric
  24. Names for Legendary Places
  25. City and Settlement Names
  26. Monster Names
  27. Titles
  28. Personal Epithets
  29. Miscellaneous Tables

Offset print copies should be available on the Mythmere Games website once the backers receive them.

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