Attronarch's Athenaeum


Is it almost June already? At the beginning of the year I started making Swords & Wizardry Complete pregens as part of the Character Creation Challenge.

Since it took me just a month to make 180 characters and matching equipment packs, I thought I'd make all the demihuman characters by end of February. Oh, how wrong I had been...

Anyway, time to roll up some Halflings. As a reminder, rules-as-written, they can either be Fighters or Thieves. If they opt for the former then the highest level they can reach is 4, ie Hero.

Let's roll some attributes, 3d6 in order:

1 11 10 9 13 8 13 12
2 18 15 8 7 10 7 9
3 12 12 7 6 6 9 14
4 12 14 9 9 14 16 10
5 6 15 16 9 6 11 18
6 13 7 16 8 11 10 12
7 7 12 12 10 8 12 10
8 11 16 7 12 10 16 10
9 10 10 12 13 14 13 10
10 11 9 15 10 15 8 9
11 13 7 10 8 11 8 6
12 10 6 8 16 5 9 11
13 13 6 16 9 11 11 15
14 8 13 10 11 9 13 13
15 5 9 12 5 10 13 10
16 7 14 12 13 14 11 15
17 13 4 10 11 14 14 9
18 6 12 6 12 10 10 13
19 14 11 13 10 7 17 12
20 6 14 11 8 11 12 14

First ten are male, and following ten are female. In each group we have three Lawful, four Neutral, and three Chaotic characters.

1. Vinjo Farrow

Class: Fighter Ancestry: Halfling Alignment: Lawful Languages: Common, Halfling, Alignment

Appearance: 3'6'' / 1.07 m, 110 lbs / 50 kg; black hair; gold eyes; pale gold skin tone; 4'' scar Traits: fatherly, charismatic

Hit points: 2 Armor class: 5[14] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic


STR: 11 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs) DEX: 10 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none) CON: 9 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%) INT: 13 (max additional languages: 3) WIS: 8 (experience bonus: none) CHA: 13 (max # of special hirelings: 5; retainer morale adjustment: +1; experience bonus: +5%)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14).

Ancestry abilities

+1 bonus when using missile weapons.


Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Sword, long (1d8); 1 × Crossbow, light (2H, ROF 1, range 60’); 1 × Bolts, light (20) (1d4+1) Gear: 1 × Bell; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Hammer; 2 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Rope, silk (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Flask, leather; 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 6 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bottle of wine, glass; 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll Coins: 4 gp, 2 sp, 6 cp Encumbrance: 89 lbs

2. Suweld Highhill

Class: Fighter Ancestry: Halfling Alignment: Lawful Languages: Common, Halfling, Alignment

Appearance: 3'8'' / 1.12 m, 120 lbs / 54 kg; magenta hair; yellow eyes; pale blue skin tone; five-point star-shaped birthmark Traits: devoted, noble, calculating

Hit points: 6 Armor class: 5[14] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic


STR: 18 (to-hit modifier: +3; damage modifier: +3; open doors: 1–5; carry modifier: +50 lbs) DEX: 15 (missile to-hit modifier: +1; AC modifier: better by 1 point) CON: 8 (hp per hit die modifier: -1; raise dead survival: 50%) INT: 7 (max additional languages: 0) WIS: 10 (experience bonus: none) CHA: 7 (max # of special hirelings: 3; retainer morale adjustment: -1; experience bonus: none)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14).

Ancestry abilities

+1 bonus when using missile weapons.


Armour: 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Sword, bastard (1H 1d8; 2H 1d8+1); 1 × Crossbow, light (2H, ROF 1, range 60’); 1 × Bolts, light (20) (1d4+1) Gear: 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 1 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 6 × Torch; 2 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll Coins: 4 gp, 3 sp, 4 cp Encumbrance: 69 lbs

3. Frodo Edgewater

Class: Fighter Ancestry: Halfling Alignment: Lawful Languages: Common, Halfling, Alignment

Appearance: 3'4'' / 1.02 m, 110 lbs / 50 kg; grey hair; light green eyes; dark brown skin tone; pentagram-shaped birthmark Traits: homeless, wishy washy, downtrodden

Hit points: 1 Armor class: 5[14] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic


STR: 12 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs) DEX: 12 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none) CON: 7 (hp per hit die modifier: -1; raise dead survival: 50%) INT: 6 (max additional languages: 0) WIS: 6 (experience bonus: none) CHA: 9 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14).

Ancestry abilities

+1 bonus when using missile weapons.


Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 1 × Axe, battle (1H 1d8; 2H 1d8+1); 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Crossbow, heavy (2H, ROF ½, range 80’); 1 × Bolts, heavy (20) (1d6+1) Gear: 1 × Mule; 1 × Bell; 1 × Block and tackle; 1 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Grappling hook; 3 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 4 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 6 × Torch; 2 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 1 × Signal whistle; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bottle of wine, glass; 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll Coins: 4 gp, 9 sp, 9 cp Encumbrance: 95 lbs

4. Wally Margold

Class: Fighter Ancestry: Halfling Alignment: Neutral Languages: Common, Halfling, Alignment

Appearance: 3'5'' / 1.04 m, 100 lbs / 45 kg; grey hair; brown eyes; light tan skin tone Traits: grim, calculating, blunt

Hit points: 2 Armor class: 5[14] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic


STR: 12 (to-hit modifier: 0; damage modifier: 0; open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs) DEX: 14 (missile to-hit modifier: +1; AC modifier: better by 1 point) CON: 9 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%) INT: 9 (max additional languages: 1) WIS: 14 (experience bonus: +5%) CHA: 16 (max # of special hirelings: 6; retainer morale adjustment: +2; experience bonus: +5%)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14).

Ancestry abilities

+1 bonus when using missile weapons.


Armour: 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 1 × Axe, battle (1H 1d8; 2H 1d8+1); 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 3 × Javelin (1d6, ROF 1, range 20’) Gear: 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Hammer; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Rope, silk (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Lamp, bronze; 1 × Lantern, hooded; 1 × Lantern, bullseye; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 3 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll Coins: 5 gp, 0 sp, 0 cp Encumbrance: 83 lbs

5. Emrond Goodtub

Class: Fighter Ancestry: Halfling Alignment: Neutral Languages: Common, Halfling, Alignment

Appearance: 3'4'' / 1.02 m, 105 lbs / 48 kg; light blonde hair; green eyes; black skin tone; six fingered Traits: rebellious, lively, defiant

Hit points: 7 Armor class: 3[16] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic


STR: 6 (to-hit modifier: -1; damage modifier: 0; open doors: 1; carry modifier: -5 lbs) DEX: 15 (missile to-hit modifier: +1; AC modifier: better by 1 point) CON: 16 (hp per hit die modifier: +1; raise dead survival: 100%) INT: 9 (max additional languages: 1) WIS: 6 (experience bonus: none) CHA: 11 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14).

Ancestry abilities

+1 bonus when using missile weapons.


Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Chain (-4[+4] AC) Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Sword, long (1d8); 1 × Lance (2d4+1); 3 × Javelin (1d6, ROF 1, range 20’) Gear: 1 × Mule; 1 × Block and tackle; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Grappling hook; 4 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 4 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 2 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll Coins: 3 gp, 4 sp, 9 cp Encumbrance: 114 lbs

6. William Proudfeet

Class: Fighter Ancestry: Halfling Alignment: Neutral Languages: Common, Halfling, Alignment

Appearance: 3'7'' / 1.09 m, 115 lbs / 52 kg; bald; violet eyes; striped violet and pale orange skin tone; hermaphrodite Traits: prudent, hard, wishy washy

Hit points: 4 Armor class: 6[13] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic


STR: 13 (to-hit modifier: +1; damage modifier: 0; open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +10 lbs) DEX: 7 (missile to-hit modifier: -1; AC modifier: worse by 1 point) CON: 16 (hp per hit die modifier: +1; raise dead survival: 100%) INT: 8 (max additional languages: 1) WIS: 11 (experience bonus: none) CHA: 10 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14).

Ancestry abilities

+1 bonus when using missile weapons.


Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Sword, long (1d8); 1 × Crossbow, light (2H, ROF 1, range 60’); 1 × Bolts, light (20) (1d4+1) Gear: 1 × Bell; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Hammer; 2 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Rope, silk (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Flask, leather; 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 6 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bottle of wine, glass; 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll Coins: 4 gp, 2 sp, 6 cp Encumbrance: 89 lbs

7. Goldpin Yimrick

Class: Fighter Ancestry: Halfling Alignment: Neutral Languages: Common, Halfling, Alignment

Appearance: 3'5'' / 1.04 m, 105 lbs / 48 kg; white hair; green eyes; pale green skin tone Traits: kinky, devoted, idealistic

Hit points: 3 Armor class: 6[13] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic


STR: 7 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: 0 lbs) DEX: 12 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none) CON: 12 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%) INT: 10 (max additional languages: 2) WIS: 8 (experience bonus: none) CHA: 12 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14).

Ancestry abilities

+1 bonus when using missile weapons.


Armour: 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 1 × Axe, battle (1H 1d8; 2H 1d8+1); 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 3 × Javelin (1d6, ROF 1, range 20’) Gear: 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Hammer; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Rope, silk (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Lamp, bronze; 1 × Lantern, hooded; 1 × Lantern, bullseye; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 3 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll Coins: 5 gp, 0 sp, 0 cp Encumbrance: 83 lbs

8. Rinma Dunbarrel

Class: Fighter Ancestry: Halfling Alignment: Chaotic Languages: Common, Halfling, Alignment

Appearance: 3'6'' / 1.07 m, 110 lbs / 50 kg; bald; brown eyes; dark brown skin tone Traits: cautious, ruthless, shady

Hit points: 1 Armor class: 5[14] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic


STR: 11 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs) DEX: 16 (missile to-hit modifier: +1; AC modifier: better by 1 point) CON: 7 (hp per hit die modifier: -1; raise dead survival: 50%) INT: 12 (max additional languages: 3) WIS: 10 (experience bonus: none) CHA: 16 (max # of special hirelings: 6; retainer morale adjustment: +2; experience bonus: +5%)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14).

Ancestry abilities

+1 bonus when using missile weapons.


Armour: 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 1 × Axe, battle (1H 1d8; 2H 1d8+1); 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 3 × Javelin (1d6, ROF 1, range 20’) Gear: 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Hammer; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Rope, silk (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Lamp, bronze; 1 × Lantern, hooded; 1 × Lantern, bullseye; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 3 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll Coins: 5 gp, 0 sp, 0 cp Encumbrance: 83 lbs

9. Lawild Claypotts

Class: Fighter Ancestry: Halfling Alignment: Chaotic Languages: Common, Halfling, Alignment

Appearance: 3'6'' / 1.07 m, 110 lbs / 50 kg; cyan hair; dark brown eyes; pale blue skin tone Traits: mediocre, unsure, insipid

Hit points: 6 Armor class: 6[13] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic


STR: 10 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs) DEX: 10 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none) CON: 12 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%) INT: 13 (max additional languages: 3) WIS: 14 (experience bonus: +5%) CHA: 13 (max # of special hirelings: 5; retainer morale adjustment: +1; experience bonus: +5%)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14).

Ancestry abilities

+1 bonus when using missile weapons.


Armour: 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 1 × Axe, battle (1H 1d8; 2H 1d8+1); 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 3 × Javelin (1d6, ROF 1, range 20’) Gear: 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Hammer; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Rope, silk (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Lamp, bronze; 1 × Lantern, hooded; 1 × Lantern, bullseye; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 3 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll Coins: 5 gp, 0 sp, 0 cp Encumbrance: 83 lbs

10. Hadaca Oans

Class: Fighter Ancestry: Halfling Alignment: Chaotic Languages: Common, Halfling, Alignment

Appearance: 3'7'' / 1.09 m, 110 lbs / 50 kg; yellow hair; silver eyes; light tan skin tone Traits: cunning, defiant, unscrupulous

Hit points: 2 Armor class: 6[13] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic


STR: 11 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs) DEX: 9 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none) CON: 15 (hp per hit die modifier: +1; raise dead survival: 100%) INT: 10 (max additional languages: 2) WIS: 15 (experience bonus: +5%) CHA: 8 (max # of special hirelings: 3; retainer morale adjustment: -1; experience bonus: none)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14).

Ancestry abilities

+1 bonus when using missile weapons.


Armour: 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Sword, bastard (1H 1d8; 2H 1d8+1); 1 × Crossbow, light (2H, ROF 1, range 60’); 1 × Bolts, light (20) (1d4+1) Gear: 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 1 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 6 × Torch; 2 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll Coins: 4 gp, 3 sp, 4 cp Encumbrance: 69 lbs

11. Mimose Littletoes

Class: Fighter Ancestry: Halfling Alignment: Lawful Languages: Common, Halfling, Alignment

Appearance: 3'7'' / 1.09 m, 115 lbs / 52 kg; golden hair; light blue eyes; pale green skin tone; ½'' scar Traits: biter, dependent, distant

Hit points: 7 Armor class: 7[12] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic


STR: 13 (to-hit modifier: +1; damage modifier: 0; open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +10 lbs) DEX: 7 (missile to-hit modifier: -1; AC modifier: worse by 1 point) CON: 10 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%) INT: 8 (max additional languages: 1) WIS: 11 (experience bonus: none) CHA: 8 (max # of special hirelings: 3; retainer morale adjustment: -1; experience bonus: none)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14).

Ancestry abilities

+1 bonus when using missile weapons.


Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Leather (-2[+2] AC) Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Sword, short (1d6); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 6 × Dart (1d3, ROF 3, range 15’) Gear: 1 × Hammer; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (15 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 6 × Torch; 2 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll Coins: 4 gp, 2 sp, 4 cp Encumbrance: 69 lbs

12. Elwed Innswell

Class: Fighter Ancestry: Halfling Alignment: Lawful Languages: Common, Halfling, Alignment

Appearance: 3'6'' / 1.07 m, 110 lbs / 50 kg; red hair; light blue eyes; grey-green skin tone Traits: restless, meek, young

Hit points: 2 Armor class: 7[12] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic


STR: 10 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs) DEX: 6 (missile to-hit modifier: -1; AC modifier: worse by 1 point) CON: 8 (hp per hit die modifier: -1; raise dead survival: 50%) INT: 16 (max additional languages: 5) WIS: 5 (experience bonus: none) CHA: 9 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14).

Ancestry abilities

+1 bonus when using missile weapons.


Armour: 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 2 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Mace, heavy (1d6); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Crossbow, heavy (2H, ROF ½, range 80’); 1 × Bolts, heavy (20) (1d6+1) Gear: 1 × Bell; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Grappling hook; 3 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Shovel; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (15 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Lamp, bronze; 1 × Lantern, hooded; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bottle of wine, glass; 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll Coins: 4 gp, 7 sp, 5 cp Encumbrance: 82 lbs

13. Adalad Scatterleaf

Class: Fighter Ancestry: Halfling Alignment: Lawful Languages: Common, Halfling, Alignment

Appearance: 3'7'' / 1.09 m, 115 lbs / 52 kg; white hair; blue eyes; light brown skin tone Traits: calculating, blunt, passionate

Hit points: 8 Armor class: 6[13] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic


STR: 13 (to-hit modifier: +1; damage modifier: 0; open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +10 lbs) DEX: 6 (missile to-hit modifier: -1; AC modifier: worse by 1 point) CON: 16 (hp per hit die modifier: +1; raise dead survival: 100%) INT: 9 (max additional languages: 1) WIS: 11 (experience bonus: none) CHA: 11 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14).

Ancestry abilities

+1 bonus when using missile weapons.


Armour: 1 × Chain (-4[+4] AC) Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Sword, bastard (1H 1d8; 2H 1d8+1); 9 × Dart (1d3, ROF 3, range 15’); 3 × Javelin (1d6, ROF 1, range 20’) Gear: 1 × Mule; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Hammer; 1 × Ladder (10 foot); 1 × Pole (10 foot); 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (15 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bottle of wine, glass; 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll Coins: 4 gp, 6 sp, 9 cp Encumbrance: 108 lbs

14. Fatima Elrunner

Class: Fighter Ancestry: Halfling Alignment: Neutral Languages: Common, Halfling, Alignment

Appearance: 3'5'' / 1.04 m, 100 lbs / 45 kg; silver hair; hazel eyes; pale grey skin tone; eight-point star-shaped birthmark Traits: charming, bossy, painstaking

Hit points: 6 Armor class: 4[15] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic


STR: 8 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: 0 lbs) DEX: 13 (missile to-hit modifier: +1; AC modifier: better by 1 point) CON: 10 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%) INT: 11 (max additional languages: 2) WIS: 9 (experience bonus: none) CHA: 13 (max # of special hirelings: 5; retainer morale adjustment: +1; experience bonus: +5%)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14).

Ancestry abilities

+1 bonus when using missile weapons.


Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Sword, long (1d8); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 3 × Javelin (1d6, ROF 1, range 20’) Gear: 1 × Mule; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Ladder (10 foot); 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Shovel; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 4 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Lamp, bronze; 6 × Torch; 1 × Lantern, hooded; 4 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bottle of wine, glass; 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll Coins: 4 gp, 0 sp, 4 cp Encumbrance: 98 lbs

15. Ganny Proudfeet

Class: Fighter Ancestry: Halfling Alignment: Neutral Languages: Common, Halfling, Alignment

Appearance: 3'5'' / 1.04 m, 95 lbs / 43 kg; orange hair; hazel eyes; pale grey skin tone; circle-shaped birthmark Traits: pitiful, surly, dim-witted

Hit points: 6 Armor class: 6[13] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic


STR: 5 (to-hit modifier: -1; damage modifier: 0; open doors: 1; carry modifier: -5 lbs) DEX: 9 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none) CON: 12 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%) INT: 5 (max additional languages: 0) WIS: 10 (experience bonus: none) CHA: 13 (max # of special hirelings: 5; retainer morale adjustment: +1; experience bonus: +5%)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14).

Ancestry abilities

+1 bonus when using missile weapons.


Armour: 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 1 × Axe, battle (1H 1d8; 2H 1d8+1); 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 3 × Javelin (1d6, ROF 1, range 20’) Gear: 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Hammer; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Rope, silk (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Lamp, bronze; 1 × Lantern, hooded; 1 × Lantern, bullseye; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 3 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll Coins: 5 gp, 0 sp, 0 cp Encumbrance: 83 lbs

16. Haha Witsum

Class: Fighter Ancestry: Halfling Alignment: Neutral Languages: Common, Halfling, Alignment

Appearance: 3'6'' / 1.07 m, 105 lbs / 48 kg; light brown hair; hazel eyes; pale silver skin tone Traits: disparaging, intellectual

Hit points: 5 Armor class: 4[15] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic


STR: 7 (to-hit modifier: 0; damage modifier: 0; open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: 0 lbs) DEX: 14 (missile to-hit modifier: +1; AC modifier: better by 1 point) CON: 12 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%) INT: 13 (max additional languages: 3) WIS: 14 (experience bonus: +5%) CHA: 11 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14).

Ancestry abilities

+1 bonus when using missile weapons.


Armour: 1 × Chain (-4[+4] AC) Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Sword, bastard (1H 1d8; 2H 1d8+1); 9 × Dart (1d3, ROF 3, range 15’); 3 × Javelin (1d6, ROF 1, range 20’) Gear: 1 × Mule; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Hammer; 1 × Ladder (10 foot); 1 × Pole (10 foot); 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (15 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bottle of wine, glass; 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll Coins: 4 gp, 6 sp, 9 cp Encumbrance: 108 lbs

17. Rose Jollygoat

Class: Fighter Ancestry: Halfling Alignment: Neutral Languages: Common, Halfling, Alignment

Appearance: 3'7'' / 1.09 m, 120 lbs / 54 kg; white hair; blue eyes; pale blue skin tone; x-shaped birthmark Traits: fair, judgmental, lively

Hit points: 4 Armor class: 7[12] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic


STR: 13 (to-hit modifier: +1; damage modifier: 0; open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +10 lbs) DEX: 4 (missile to-hit modifier: -1; AC modifier: worse by 1 point) CON: 10 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%) INT: 11 (max additional languages: 2) WIS: 14 (experience bonus: +5%) CHA: 14 (max # of special hirelings: 5; retainer morale adjustment: +1; experience bonus: +5%)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14).

Ancestry abilities

+1 bonus when using missile weapons.


Armour: 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Sword, bastard (1H 1d8; 2H 1d8+1); 1 × Crossbow, light (2H, ROF 1, range 60’); 1 × Bolts, light (20) (1d4+1) Gear: 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 1 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 6 × Torch; 2 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll Coins: 4 gp, 3 sp, 4 cp Encumbrance: 69 lbs

18. Veran Goodtub

Class: Fighter Ancestry: Halfling Alignment: Chaotic Languages: Common, Halfling, Alignment

Appearance: 3'5'' / 1.04 m, 105 lbs / 48 kg; silver hair; silver eyes; pale orange skin tone; 1 ½'' scar Traits: dubious, unmotivated, youthful

Hit points: 4 Armor class: 5[14] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic


STR: 6 (to-hit modifier: -1; damage modifier: 0; open doors: 1; carry modifier: -5 lbs) DEX: 12 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none) CON: 6 (hp per hit die modifier: -1; raise dead survival: 50%) INT: 12 (max additional languages: 3) WIS: 10 (experience bonus: none) CHA: 10 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14).

Ancestry abilities

+1 bonus when using missile weapons.


Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Sword, long (1d8); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 3 × Javelin (1d6, ROF 1, range 20’) Gear: 1 × Mule; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Ladder (10 foot); 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Shovel; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 4 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Lamp, bronze; 6 × Torch; 1 × Lantern, hooded; 4 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bottle of wine, glass; 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll Coins: 4 gp, 0 sp, 4 cp Encumbrance: 98 lbs

19. Uwelle Burrow

Class: Fighter Ancestry: Halfling Alignment: Chaotic Languages: Common, Halfling, Alignment

Appearance: 3'7'' / 1.09 m, 115 lbs / 52 kg; dark blonde hair; dark brown eyes; pale blue skin tone Traits: curious, weak-willed, oily

Hit points: 4 Armor class: 5[14] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic


STR: 14 (to-hit modifier: +1; damage modifier: 0; open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +10 lbs) DEX: 11 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none) CON: 13 (hp per hit die modifier: +1; raise dead survival: 100%) INT: 10 (max additional languages: 2) WIS: 7 (experience bonus: none) CHA: 17 (max # of special hirelings: 6; retainer morale adjustment: +2; experience bonus: +5%)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14).

Ancestry abilities

+1 bonus when using missile weapons.


Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Sword, long (1d8); 1 × Crossbow, light (2H, ROF 1, range 60’); 1 × Bolts, light (20) (1d4+1) Gear: 1 × Bell; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Hammer; 2 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Rope, silk (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Flask, leather; 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 6 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bottle of wine, glass; 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll Coins: 4 gp, 2 sp, 6 cp Encumbrance: 89 lbs

20. Lavinia Ramble

Class: Fighter Ancestry: Halfling Alignment: Chaotic Languages: Common, Halfling, Alignment

Appearance: 3'5'' / 1.04 m, 105 lbs / 48 kg; grey hair; metallic blue eyes; dark brown skin tone Traits: incompetent, idealistic, enigmatic, mild

Hit points: 4 Armor class: 4[15] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic


STR: 6 (to-hit modifier: -1; damage modifier: 0; open doors: 1; carry modifier: -5 lbs) DEX: 14 (missile to-hit modifier: +1; AC modifier: better by 1 point) CON: 11 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%) INT: 8 (max additional languages: 1) WIS: 11 (experience bonus: none) CHA: 12 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14).

Ancestry abilities

+1 bonus when using missile weapons.


Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 1 × Axe, battle (1H 1d8; 2H 1d8+1); 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Crossbow, heavy (2H, ROF ½, range 80’); 1 × Bolts, heavy (20) (1d6+1) Gear: 1 × Mule; 1 × Bell; 1 × Block and tackle; 1 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Grappling hook; 3 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 4 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 6 × Torch; 2 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 1 × Signal whistle; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bottle of wine, glass; 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll Coins: 4 gp, 9 sp, 9 cp Encumbrance: 95 lbs

Twenty halfling thieves and matching equipment packs coming next.

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And we finally come to Swords & Wizardry Complete Halflings.

Although there are no special rules for what they can wield, large two-handed weapons just don't make sense to me. A hobbit with two-handed sword, longbow, or polearm? No way. Hence I decided to make bespoke equipment packs for Halfling Fighters and Thieves.

From 130 gp and up, packs also include a mule; and from 160 gp and up, lances. You know, for that sweet, sweet hobbit cavalry!

P.S.: if you or your Judge allows all weapons to Halflings, then you can simply use Human Fighters' equipment packs.


Armour: 1 × Leather (-2[+2] AC) Weapons: 1 × Club (1d4); 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 3 × Javelin (1d6, ROF 1, range 20’) Gear: 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 6 × Torch; 2 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll Coins: 4 gp, 0 sp, 4 cp Encumbrance: 73 lbs


Armour: 1 × Leather (-2[+2] AC) Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Sword, short (1d6); 1 × Staff (2H 1d6); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4) Gear: 1 × Bell; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (15 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 6 × Torch; 2 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 3 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll Coins: 4 gp, 4 sp, 4 cp Encumbrance: 59 lbs


Armour: 1 × Leather (-2[+2] AC) Weapons: 1 × Club (1d4); 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Crossbow, light (2H, ROF 1, range 60’); 1 × Bolts, light (20) (1d4+1) Gear: 1 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (15 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 6 × Torch; 2 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll Coins: 4 gp, 4 sp, 9 cp Encumbrance: 65 lbs


Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Leather (-2[+2] AC) Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Sword, short (1d6); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 6 × Dart (1d3, ROF 3, range 15’) Gear: 1 × Hammer; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (15 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 6 × Torch; 2 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll Coins: 4 gp, 2 sp, 4 cp Encumbrance: 69 lbs


Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Leather (-2[+2] AC) Weapons: 1 × Axe, battle (1H 1d8; 2H 1d8+1); 1 × Hammer, war (1d4+1); 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Crossbow, light (2H, ROF 1, range 60’); 1 × Bolts, light (20) (1d4+1) Gear: 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Grappling hook; 2 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 2 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 6 × Torch; 2 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll Coins: 3 gp, 7 sp, 4 cp Encumbrance: 79 lbs


Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Leather (-2[+2] AC) Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Sword, long (1d8); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4) Gear: 1 × Block and tackle; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Hammer; 3 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Lamp, bronze; 1 × Lantern, hooded; 4 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Signal whistle; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll Coins: 4 gp, 3 sp, 5 cp Encumbrance: 74 lbs


Armour: 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Sword, bastard (1H 1d8; 2H 1d8+1); 1 × Crossbow, light (2H, ROF 1, range 60’); 1 × Bolts, light (20) (1d4+1) Gear: 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 1 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 6 × Torch; 2 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll Coins: 4 gp, 3 sp, 4 cp Encumbrance: 69 lbs


Armour: 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 1 × Axe, battle (1H 1d8; 2H 1d8+1); 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 3 × Javelin (1d6, ROF 1, range 20’) Gear: 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Hammer; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Rope, silk (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Lamp, bronze; 1 × Lantern, hooded; 1 × Lantern, bullseye; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 3 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll Coins: 5 gp, 0 sp, 0 cp Encumbrance: 83 lbs


Armour: 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 2 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Mace, heavy (1d6); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Crossbow, heavy (2H, ROF ½, range 80’); 1 × Bolts, heavy (20) (1d6+1) Gear: 1 × Bell; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Grappling hook; 3 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Shovel; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (15 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Lamp, bronze; 1 × Lantern, hooded; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bottle of wine, glass; 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll Coins: 4 gp, 7 sp, 5 cp Encumbrance: 82 lbs


Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Sword, long (1d8); 1 × Crossbow, light (2H, ROF 1, range 60’); 1 × Bolts, light (20) (1d4+1) Gear: 1 × Bell; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Hammer; 2 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Rope, silk (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Flask, leather; 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 6 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bottle of wine, glass; 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll Coins: 4 gp, 2 sp, 6 cp Encumbrance: 89 lbs


Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Sword, long (1d8); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 3 × Javelin (1d6, ROF 1, range 20’) Gear: 1 × Mule; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Ladder (10 foot); 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Shovel; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 4 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Lamp, bronze; 6 × Torch; 1 × Lantern, hooded; 4 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bottle of wine, glass; 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll Coins: 4 gp, 0 sp, 4 cp Encumbrance: 98 lbs


Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 1 × Axe, battle (1H 1d8; 2H 1d8+1); 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Crossbow, heavy (2H, ROF ½, range 80’); 1 × Bolts, heavy (20) (1d6+1) Gear: 1 × Mule; 1 × Bell; 1 × Block and tackle; 1 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Grappling hook; 3 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 4 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 6 × Torch; 2 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 1 × Signal whistle; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bottle of wine, glass; 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll Coins: 4 gp, 9 sp, 9 cp Encumbrance: 95 lbs


Armour: 1 × Chain (-4[+4] AC) Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Sword, bastard (1H 1d8; 2H 1d8+1); 9 × Dart (1d3, ROF 3, range 15’); 3 × Javelin (1d6, ROF 1, range 20’) Gear: 1 × Mule; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Hammer; 1 × Ladder (10 foot); 1 × Pole (10 foot); 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (15 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bottle of wine, glass; 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll Coins: 4 gp, 6 sp, 9 cp Encumbrance: 108 lbs


Armour: 1 × Chain (-4[+4] AC) Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Mace, heavy (1d6); 1 × Lance (2d4+1); 1 × Crossbow, light (2H, ROF 1, range 60’); 1 × Bolts, light (20) (1d4+1) Gear: 1 × Mule; 1 × Block and tackle; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Grappling hook; 2 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 4 × Sack (15 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 6 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll Coins: 4 gp, 3 sp, 4 cp Encumbrance: 94 lbs


Armour: 1 × Chain (-4[+4] AC) Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Hammer, war (1d4+1); 1 × Sword, bastard (1H 1d8; 2H 1d8+1); 1 × Lance (2d4+1); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4); 3 × Javelin (1d6, ROF 1, range 20’) Gear: 1 × Mule; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Grappling hook; 2 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 4 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Lamp, bronze; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 1 × Lantern, hooded; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 1 × Signal whistle; 6 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll Coins: 3 gp, 5 sp, 5 cp Encumbrance: 119 lbs


Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Chain (-4[+4] AC) Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Sword, long (1d8); 1 × Lance (2d4+1); 3 × Javelin (1d6, ROF 1, range 20’) Gear: 1 × Mule; 1 × Block and tackle; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Grappling hook; 4 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 4 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 2 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll Coins: 3 gp, 4 sp, 9 cp Encumbrance: 114 lbs

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Here are sixty fully fleshed out Half-Elf characters for Swords & Wizardry Complete Revised:

Class Equipment pack
Half-Elf Fighter/Magic-User Elf Fighter/Magic-User
Half-Elf Fighter/Magic-User/Cleric Fighter/Magic-User/Cleric
Half-Elf Thief Human Thief or Elf Thief

Halfling Fighters and Thieves coming soon.

P.S. Human classes and equipment packs can be found here; dwarven here; and elven here.

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I've just updated the errata printouts to include the latest changes. You can download the latest A4 and letter versions here.

P.S. OSRIC 3.0 will be coming to Kickstarter later this year. I'll let you know as soon as the campaign sign-up goes live.

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Besides two multi-classed options, half-elves can also choose a career of single-classed Swords & Wizardry Complete Revised Thief.

Do note that they do not get any bonuses to thieving skills, like elves and dwarves do. On the other hand, they have unlimited progression and benefit from experience bonuses from high wisdom and charisma.

I remain consistent in naming, i.e. first name is human and last name is “humanised” name of the elven parent. First ten characters are male, following ten are female. Half are Neutral and remaining Half are Chaotic.

Regarding the equipment packs, I flipped a coin to determine if any given character will get a human thief or elf thief pack.

Now, let's get to it. Here are the attributes, rolled 3d6 in order:

1 9 14 5 10 6 17 11 Human
2 10 7 14 15 12 15 13 Elf
3 6 15 13 11 14 13 8 Elf
4 9 13 11 10 8 10 9 Elf
5 8 10 11 6 16 10 4 Human
6 5 8 11 10 11 11 6 Elf
7 10 15 12 14 4 9 13 Elf
8 11 10 13 11 9 12 12 Elf
9 14 9 14 7 8 8 13 Elf
10 10 13 8 9 8 13 6 Elf
11 9 9 9 8 10 9 16 Elf
12 12 13 10 10 10 11 8 Human
13 5 12 11 14 10 12 12 Human
14 9 13 10 10 7 8 12 Elf
15 10 10 11 8 10 12 11 Elf
16 10 11 14 10 16 16 12 Human
17 11 12 13 10 11 14 7 Human
18 10 5 8 14 15 12 11 Human
19 14 13 17 12 8 5 9 Elf
20 8 15 14 13 8 11 11 Human

1. Pallactus Forestshrub

Class: Thief Ancestry: Half-Elf Alignment: Neutral Languages: Common, Elven, Alignment

Appearance: 5'3'' / 1.6 m, 125 lbs / 57 kg; black hair; violet eyes; amber skin tone Traits: self-controlling, unresponsive

Hit points: 3 Armor class: 6[13] Saving throw, Thief: 15 Saving throw modifier(s): +2 bonus against devices, including traps, magical wands or staffs, and other magical devices


STR: 9 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs) DEX: 14 (missile to-hit modifier: +1; AC modifier: better by 1 point) CON: 5 (hp per hit die modifier: -1; raise dead survival: 50%) INT: 10 (max additional languages: 2) WIS: 6 (experience bonus: none) CHA: 17 (max # of special hirelings: 6; retainer morale adjustment: +2; experience bonus: +5%)

Class abilities

Backstab (+4 to-hit bonus and double damage when attacking from behind); thieving skills (climb walls: 87%; delicate tasks and traps: 15%; hear sounds: 3-in-6; hide in shadows: 10%; move silently: 20%; open locks: 10%).

Ancestry abilities

4-in-6 chance to find secret doors when searching; 60' darkvision.


Armour: 1 × Leather (-2[+2] AC) Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Mace, heavy (1d6); 1 × Sword, long (1d8); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Bow, short (2H, ROF 2, range 50’); 1 × Arrows (20) (1d6); 3 × Dart (1d3, ROF 3, range 15’) Gear: 1 × Thieves’ tools; 1 × Block and tackle; 1 × Grappling hook; 3 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Candle; 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Lock (minimum price); 1 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 1 × Signal whistle; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll Coins: 5 gp, 4 sp, 8 cp Encumbrance: 78 lbs

2. Aham Loyalfoot

Class: Thief Ancestry: Half-Elf Alignment: Neutral Languages: Common, Elven, Alignment

Appearance: 5'3'' / 1.6 m, 135 lbs / 61 kg; golden hair; light green eyes; yellow white skin tone; pegasus-shaped birthmark Traits: ruthless, jovial, nosy

Hit points: 3 Armor class: 8[11] Saving throw, Thief: 15 Saving throw modifier(s): +2 bonus against devices, including traps, magical wands or staffs, and other magical devices


STR: 10 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs) DEX: 7 (missile to-hit modifier: -1; AC modifier: worse by 1 point) CON: 14 (hp per hit die modifier: +1; raise dead survival: 100%) INT: 15 (max additional languages: 4) WIS: 12 (experience bonus: none) CHA: 15 (max # of special hirelings: 5; retainer morale adjustment: +1; experience bonus: +5%)

Class abilities

Backstab (+4 to-hit bonus and double damage when attacking from behind); thieving skills (climb walls: 87%; delicate tasks and traps: 15%; hear sounds: 3-in-6; hide in shadows: 10%; move silently: 20%; open locks: 10%).

Ancestry abilities

4-in-6 chance to find secret doors when searching; 60' darkvision.


Armour: 1 × Leather (-2[+2] AC) Weapons: 1 × Axe, hand (1d6; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Bow, long (2H, ROF 2, range 70’); 1 × Arrows (20) (1d6) Gear: 1 × Thieves’ tools; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (15 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Flask, leather; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Hammer; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Rope, silk (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 6 × Candle; 6 × Torch; 4 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Mirror, small steel; 1 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 1 × Signal whistle; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll Coins: 5 gp, 0 sp, 0 cp Encumbrance: 59 lbs

3. Asclaccus Cherryhug

Class: Thief Ancestry: Half-Elf Alignment: Neutral Languages: Common, Elven, Alignment

Appearance: 5'1'' / 1.55 m, 130 lbs / 59 kg; dark blonde hair; amber eyes; pale orange skin tone; eight-point star-shaped birthmark Traits: philosophical, cautious, greedy

Hit points: 2 Armor class: 6[13] Saving throw, Thief: 15 Saving throw modifier(s): +2 bonus against devices, including traps, magical wands or staffs, and other magical devices


STR: 6 (to-hit modifier: -1; damage modifier: 0; open doors: 1; carry modifier: -5 lbs) DEX: 15 (missile to-hit modifier: +1; AC modifier: better by 1 point) CON: 13 (hp per hit die modifier: +1; raise dead survival: 100%) INT: 11 (max additional languages: 2) WIS: 14 (experience bonus: +5%) CHA: 13 (max # of special hirelings: 5; retainer morale adjustment: +1; experience bonus: +5%)

Class abilities

Backstab (+4 to-hit bonus and double damage when attacking from behind); thieving skills (climb walls: 87%; delicate tasks and traps: 15%; hear sounds: 3-in-6; hide in shadows: 10%; move silently: 20%; open locks: 10%).

Ancestry abilities

4-in-6 chance to find secret doors when searching; 60' darkvision.


Armour: 1 × Leather (-2[+2] AC) Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Sword, bastard (1H 1d8; 2H 1d8+1); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 12 × Dart (1d3, ROF 3, range 15’) Gear: 1 × Thieves’ tools; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Flask, leather; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Hammer; 3 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 6 × Candle; 6 × Torch; 2 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Mirror, small steel; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll Coins: 4 gp, 0 sp, 10 cp Encumbrance: 70 lbs

4. Valacus Cypressshrub

Class: Thief Ancestry: Half-Elf Alignment: Neutral Languages: Common, Elven, Alignment

Appearance: 5'2'' / 1.57 m, 135 lbs / 61 kg; light brown hair; hazel eyes; yellow white skin tone Traits: insincere, needs social approval

Hit points: 1 Armor class: 6[13] Saving throw, Thief: 15 Saving throw modifier(s): +2 bonus against devices, including traps, magical wands or staffs, and other magical devices


STR: 9 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs) DEX: 13 (missile to-hit modifier: +1; AC modifier: better by 1 point) CON: 11 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%) INT: 10 (max additional languages: 2) WIS: 8 (experience bonus: none) CHA: 10 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)

Class abilities

Backstab (+4 to-hit bonus and double damage when attacking from behind); thieving skills (climb walls: 87%; delicate tasks and traps: 15%; hear sounds: 3-in-6; hide in shadows: 10%; move silently: 20%; open locks: 10%).

Ancestry abilities

4-in-6 chance to find secret doors when searching; 60' darkvision.


Armour: 1 × Leather (-2[+2] AC) Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Staff (2H 1d6); 1 × Bow, long (2H, ROF 2, range 70’); 1 × Arrows (20) (1d6) Gear: 1 × Thieves’ tools; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 6 × Candle; 6 × Torch; 2 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll Coins: 3 gp, 9 sp, 8 cp Encumbrance: 55 lbs

5. Hililius Willowjewel

Class: Thief Ancestry: Half-Elf Alignment: Neutral Languages: Common, Elven, Alignment

Appearance: 5'1'' / 1.55 m, 120 lbs / 54 kg; dark blonde hair; bronze eyes; pale silver skin tone; 2'' scar Traits: weak, accommodating

Hit points: 3 Armor class: 7[12] Saving throw, Thief: 15 Saving throw modifier(s): +2 bonus against devices, including traps, magical wands or staffs, and other magical devices


STR: 8 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: 0 lbs) DEX: 10 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none) CON: 11 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%) INT: 6 (max additional languages: 0) WIS: 16 (experience bonus: +5%) CHA: 10 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)

Class abilities

Backstab (+4 to-hit bonus and double damage when attacking from behind); thieving skills (climb walls: 87%; delicate tasks and traps: 15%; hear sounds: 3-in-6; hide in shadows: 10%; move silently: 20%; open locks: 10%).

Ancestry abilities

4-in-6 chance to find secret doors when searching; 60' darkvision.


Armour: 1 × Leather (-2[+2] AC) Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Sword, short (1d6); 1 × Staff (2H 1d6); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4) Gear: 1 × Thieves’ tools; 1 × Bell; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Hammer; 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 6 × Candle; 6 × Torch; 2 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll Coins: 3 gp, 4 sp, 8 cp Encumbrance: 59 lbs

6. Guili Cherryspruce

Class: Thief Ancestry: Half-Elf Alignment: Chaotic Languages: Common, Elven, Alignment

Appearance: 5'0'' / 1.52 m, 115 lbs / 52 kg; red hair; amber eyes; yellow white skin tone; reptile tongued Traits: limited, lunatic, dignified

Hit points: 4 Armor class: 8[11] Saving throw, Thief: 15 Saving throw modifier(s): +2 bonus against devices, including traps, magical wands or staffs, and other magical devices


STR: 5 (to-hit modifier: -1; damage modifier: 0; open doors: 1; carry modifier: -5 lbs) DEX: 8 (missile to-hit modifier: -1; AC modifier: worse by 1 point) CON: 11 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%) INT: 10 (max additional languages: 2) WIS: 11 (experience bonus: none) CHA: 11 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)

Class abilities

Backstab (+4 to-hit bonus and double damage when attacking from behind); thieving skills (climb walls: 87%; delicate tasks and traps: 15%; hear sounds: 3-in-6; hide in shadows: 10%; move silently: 20%; open locks: 10%).

Ancestry abilities

4-in-6 chance to find secret doors when searching; 60' darkvision.


Armour: 1 × Leather (-2[+2] AC) Weapons: 3 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Staff (2H 1d6); 1 × Bow, short (2H, ROF 2, range 50’); 1 × Arrows (20) (1d6) Gear: 1 × Thieves’ tools; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (15 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Bell; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Grappling hook; 3 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 6 × Spike, iron; 6 × Candle; 6 × Torch; 2 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 3 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll Coins: 5 gp, 0 sp, 3 cp Encumbrance: 58 lbs

7. Sloy Roseash

Class: Thief Ancestry: Half-Elf Alignment: Chaotic Languages: Common, Elven, Alignment

Appearance: 5'4'' / 1.63 m, 125 lbs / 57 kg; red hair; light brown eyes; dark brown skin tone; eight-point star-shaped birthmark Traits: calculating, paranoid

Hit points: 1 Armor class: 6[13] Saving throw, Thief: 15 Saving throw modifier(s): +2 bonus against devices, including traps, magical wands or staffs, and other magical devices


STR: 10 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs) DEX: 15 (missile to-hit modifier: +1; AC modifier: better by 1 point) CON: 12 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%) INT: 14 (max additional languages: 4) WIS: 4 (experience bonus: none) CHA: 9 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)

Class abilities

Backstab (+4 to-hit bonus and double damage when attacking from behind); thieving skills (climb walls: 87%; delicate tasks and traps: 15%; hear sounds: 3-in-6; hide in shadows: 10%; move silently: 20%; open locks: 10%).

Ancestry abilities

4-in-6 chance to find secret doors when searching; 60' darkvision.


Armour: 1 × Leather (-2[+2] AC) Weapons: 1 × Axe, hand (1d6; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Bow, long (2H, ROF 2, range 70’); 1 × Arrows (20) (1d6) Gear: 1 × Thieves’ tools; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (15 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Flask, leather; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Hammer; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Rope, silk (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 6 × Candle; 6 × Torch; 4 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Mirror, small steel; 1 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 1 × Signal whistle; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll Coins: 5 gp, 0 sp, 0 cp Encumbrance: 59 lbs

8. Ahoc Northbend

Class: Thief Ancestry: Half-Elf Alignment: Chaotic Languages: Common, Elven, Alignment

Appearance: 5'2'' / 1.57 m, 140 lbs / 64 kg; grey / auburn hair; light green eyes; light tan skin tone Traits: ambitious, bitter, foolish

Hit points: 3 Armor class: 7[12] Saving throw, Thief: 15 Saving throw modifier(s): +2 bonus against devices, including traps, magical wands or staffs, and other magical devices


STR: 11 (to-hit modifier: 0; damage modifier: 0; open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs) DEX: 10 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none) CON: 13 (hp per hit die modifier: +1; raise dead survival: 100%) INT: 11 (max additional languages: 2) WIS: 9 (experience bonus: none) CHA: 12 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)

Class abilities

Backstab (+4 to-hit bonus and double damage when attacking from behind); thieving skills (climb walls: 87%; delicate tasks and traps: 15%; hear sounds: 3-in-6; hide in shadows: 10%; move silently: 20%; open locks: 10%).

Ancestry abilities

4-in-6 chance to find secret doors when searching; 60' darkvision.


Armour: 1 × Leather (-2[+2] AC) Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Sword, long (1d8); 1 × Staff (2H 1d6); 1 × Bow, short (2H, ROF 2, range 50’); 1 × Arrows (20) (1d6) Gear: 1 × Thieves’ tools; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Flask, leather; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Hammer; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Rope, silk (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 6 × Candle; 6 × Torch; 4 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Mirror, small steel; 1 × Manacles; 1 × Signal whistle; 1 × Garlic, charmed; 6 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll; 1 × Ink (1-ounce bottle); 1 × Parchment (sheet) Coins: 4 gp, 3 sp, 5 cp Encumbrance: 64 lbs

9. Cladidos Clearvale

Class: Thief Ancestry: Half-Elf Alignment: Chaotic Languages: Common, Elven, Alignment

Appearance: 5'3'' / 1.6 m, 130 lbs / 59 kg; silver hair; silver eyes; dark brown skin tone; 3'' scar Traits: scornful, ossified, demonic

Hit points: 2 Armor class: 7[12] Saving throw, Thief: 15 Saving throw modifier(s): +2 bonus against devices, including traps, magical wands or staffs, and other magical devices


STR: 14 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +10 lbs) DEX: 9 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none) CON: 14 (hp per hit die modifier: +1; raise dead survival: 100%) INT: 7 (max additional languages: 0) WIS: 8 (experience bonus: none) CHA: 8 (max # of special hirelings: 3; retainer morale adjustment: -1; experience bonus: none)

Class abilities

Backstab (+4 to-hit bonus and double damage when attacking from behind); thieving skills (climb walls: 87%; delicate tasks and traps: 15%; hear sounds: 3-in-6; hide in shadows: 10%; move silently: 20%; open locks: 10%).

Ancestry abilities

4-in-6 chance to find secret doors when searching; 60' darkvision.


Armour: 1 × Leather (-2[+2] AC) Weapons: 1 × Axe, hand (1d6; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Bow, long (2H, ROF 2, range 70’); 1 × Arrows (20) (1d6) Gear: 1 × Thieves’ tools; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (15 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Flask, leather; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Hammer; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Rope, silk (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 6 × Candle; 6 × Torch; 4 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Mirror, small steel; 1 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 1 × Signal whistle; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll Coins: 5 gp, 0 sp, 0 cp Encumbrance: 59 lbs

10. Thercer Airtouch

Class: Thief Ancestry: Half-Elf Alignment: Neutral Languages: Common, Elven, Alignment

Appearance: 5'3'' / 1.6 m, 120 lbs / 54 kg; white hair; green eyes; light brown skin tone; 7'' scar Traits: sensuous, fair, wise, cowardly, clever

Hit points: 2 Armor class: 6[13] Saving throw, Thief: 15 Saving throw modifier(s): +2 bonus against devices, including traps, magical wands or staffs, and other magical devices


STR: 10 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs) DEX: 13 (missile to-hit modifier: +1; AC modifier: better by 1 point) CON: 8 (hp per hit die modifier: -1; raise dead survival: 50%) INT: 9 (max additional languages: 1) WIS: 8 (experience bonus: none) CHA: 13 (max # of special hirelings: 5; retainer morale adjustment: +1; experience bonus: +5%)

Class abilities

Backstab (+4 to-hit bonus and double damage when attacking from behind); thieving skills (climb walls: 87%; delicate tasks and traps: 15%; hear sounds: 3-in-6; hide in shadows: 10%; move silently: 20%; open locks: 10%).

Ancestry abilities

4-in-6 chance to find secret doors when searching; 60' darkvision.


Armour: 1 × Leather (-2[+2] AC) Weapons: 3 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Staff (2H 1d6); 1 × Bow, short (2H, ROF 2, range 50’); 1 × Arrows (20) (1d6) Gear: 1 × Thieves’ tools; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (15 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Bell; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Grappling hook; 3 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 6 × Spike, iron; 6 × Candle; 6 × Torch; 2 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 3 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll Coins: 5 gp, 0 sp, 3 cp Encumbrance: 58 lbs

11. Daireen Straightspur

Class: Thief Ancestry: Half-Elf Alignment: Neutral Languages: Common, Elven, Alignment

Appearance: 5'3'' / 1.6 m, 130 lbs / 59 kg; blonde hair; orange eyes; metallic pale blue skin tone; square-shaped birthmark Traits: cunning, oily, quiet

Hit points: 4 Armor class: 7[12] Saving throw, Thief: 15 Saving throw modifier(s): +2 bonus against devices, including traps, magical wands or staffs, and other magical devices


STR: 9 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs) DEX: 9 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none) CON: 9 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%) INT: 8 (max additional languages: 1) WIS: 10 (experience bonus: none) CHA: 9 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)

Class abilities

Backstab (+4 to-hit bonus and double damage when attacking from behind); thieving skills (climb walls: 87%; delicate tasks and traps: 15%; hear sounds: 3-in-6; hide in shadows: 10%; move silently: 20%; open locks: 10%).

Ancestry abilities

4-in-6 chance to find secret doors when searching; 60' darkvision.


Armour: 1 × Leather (-2[+2] AC) Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Sword, long (1d8); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Bow, short (2H, ROF 2, range 50’); 2 × Arrows (20) (1d6) Gear: 1 × Horse, Riding; 1 × Thieves’ tools; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 6 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Flask, leather; 2 × Case (map or scroll); 1 × Block and tackle; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Hammer; 4 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Shovel; 12 × Spike, iron; 6 × Candle; 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Mirror, small steel; 2 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 1 × Signal whistle; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Canvas (per square yard); 1 × Bedroll; 1 × Ink (1-ounce bottle); 2 × Parchment (sheet) Coins: 5 gp, 4 sp, 5 cp Encumbrance: 65 lbs

12. Herophele Windfortune

Class: Thief Ancestry: Half-Elf Alignment: Neutral Languages: Common, Elven, Alignment

Appearance: 5'2'' / 1.57 m, 125 lbs / 57 kg; roan hair; tan eyes; pale grey skin tone; unicorn-shaped birthmark Traits: stingy, witty, adorable

Hit points: 1 Armor class: 6[13] Saving throw, Thief: 15 Saving throw modifier(s): +2 bonus against devices, including traps, magical wands or staffs, and other magical devices


STR: 12 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs) DEX: 13 (missile to-hit modifier: +1; AC modifier: better by 1 point) CON: 10 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%) INT: 10 (max additional languages: 2) WIS: 10 (experience bonus: none) CHA: 11 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)

Class abilities

Backstab (+4 to-hit bonus and double damage when attacking from behind); thieving skills (climb walls: 87%; delicate tasks and traps: 15%; hear sounds: 3-in-6; hide in shadows: 10%; move silently: 20%; open locks: 10%).

Ancestry abilities

4-in-6 chance to find secret doors when searching; 60' darkvision.


Armour: 1 × Leather (-2[+2] AC) Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Mace, heavy (1d6); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Bow, short (2H, ROF 2, range 50’); 1 × Arrows (20) (1d6) Gear: 1 × Thieves’ tools; 1 × Block and tackle; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Hammer; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Rope, silk (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Lamp, bronze; 6 × Candle; 1 × Lantern, hooded; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll Coins: 4 gp, 4 sp, 4 cp Encumbrance: 64 lbs

13. Malvabel Seaflower

Class: Thief Ancestry: Half-Elf Alignment: Neutral Languages: Common, Elven, Alignment

Appearance: 5'3'' / 1.6 m, 110 lbs / 50 kg; auburn hair; brown eyes; yellow white skin tone Traits: rebellious, unpredictable

Hit points: 4 Armor class: 7[12] Saving throw, Thief: 15 Saving throw modifier(s): +2 bonus against devices, including traps, magical wands or staffs, and other magical devices


STR: 5 (to-hit modifier: -1; damage modifier: 0; open doors: 1; carry modifier: -5 lbs) DEX: 12 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none) CON: 11 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%) INT: 14 (max additional languages: 4) WIS: 10 (experience bonus: none) CHA: 12 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)

Class abilities

Backstab (+4 to-hit bonus and double damage when attacking from behind); thieving skills (climb walls: 87%; delicate tasks and traps: 15%; hear sounds: 3-in-6; hide in shadows: 10%; move silently: 20%; open locks: 10%).

Ancestry abilities

4-in-6 chance to find secret doors when searching; 60' darkvision.


Armour: 1 × Leather (-2[+2] AC) Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Mace, heavy (1d6); 1 × Polearm (2H, 1d8+1); 1 × Crossbow, light (2H, ROF 1, range 60’); 1 × Bolts, light (20) (1d4+1) Gear: 1 × Thieves’ tools; 1 × Bell; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Hammer; 2 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Rope, silk (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Lamp, bronze; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Candle; 1 × Lantern, hooded; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Chain (10 feet); 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bottle of wine, glass; 1 × Bedroll Coins: 4 gp, 2 sp, 9 cp Encumbrance: 69 lbs

14. Halacilia Maroonsecret

Class: Thief Ancestry: Half-Elf Alignment: Neutral Languages: Common, Elven, Alignment

Appearance: 5'3'' / 1.6 m, 130 lbs / 59 kg; orange hair; blue eyes; caucasian skin tone Traits: intense, nosy, kinky, macho

Hit points: 2 Armor class: 6[13] Saving throw, Thief: 15 Saving throw modifier(s): +2 bonus against devices, including traps, magical wands or staffs, and other magical devices


STR: 9 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs) DEX: 13 (missile to-hit modifier: +1; AC modifier: better by 1 point) CON: 10 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%) INT: 10 (max additional languages: 2) WIS: 7 (experience bonus: none) CHA: 8 (max # of special hirelings: 3; retainer morale adjustment: -1; experience bonus: none)

Class abilities

Backstab (+4 to-hit bonus and double damage when attacking from behind); thieving skills (climb walls: 87%; delicate tasks and traps: 15%; hear sounds: 3-in-6; hide in shadows: 10%; move silently: 20%; open locks: 10%).

Ancestry abilities

4-in-6 chance to find secret doors when searching; 60' darkvision.


Armour: 1 × Leather (-2[+2] AC) Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Sword, long (1d8); 1 × Staff (2H 1d6); 1 × Bow, short (2H, ROF 2, range 50’); 1 × Arrows (20) (1d6) Gear: 1 × Thieves’ tools; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Flask, leather; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Hammer; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Rope, silk (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 6 × Candle; 6 × Torch; 4 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Mirror, small steel; 1 × Manacles; 1 × Signal whistle; 1 × Garlic, charmed; 6 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll; 1 × Ink (1-ounce bottle); 1 × Parchment (sheet) Coins: 4 gp, 3 sp, 5 cp Encumbrance: 64 lbs

15. Pallata Brightpath

Class: Thief Ancestry: Half-Elf Alignment: Neutral Languages: Common, Elven, Alignment

Appearance: 5'2'' / 1.57 m, 120 lbs / 54 kg; feathered hair; hazel eyes; caucasian skin tone Traits: receptive, flighty, squeamish

Hit points: 2 Armor class: 7[12] Saving throw, Thief: 15 Saving throw modifier(s): +2 bonus against devices, including traps, magical wands or staffs, and other magical devices


STR: 10 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs) DEX: 10 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none) CON: 11 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%) INT: 8 (max additional languages: 1) WIS: 10 (experience bonus: none) CHA: 12 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)

Class abilities

Backstab (+4 to-hit bonus and double damage when attacking from behind); thieving skills (climb walls: 87%; delicate tasks and traps: 15%; hear sounds: 3-in-6; hide in shadows: 10%; move silently: 20%; open locks: 10%).

Ancestry abilities

4-in-6 chance to find secret doors when searching; 60' darkvision.


Armour: 1 × Leather (-2[+2] AC) Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Hammer, war (1d4+1); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Bow, long (2H, ROF 2, range 70’); 1 × Arrows (20) (1d6) Gear: 1 × Thieves’ tools; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Flask, leather; 2 × Case (map or scroll); 1 × Grappling hook; 3 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Shovel; 6 × Candle; 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 6 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll; 1 × Ink (1-ounce bottle); 3 × Parchment (sheet) Coins: 5 gp, 3 sp, 5 cp Encumbrance: 64 lbs

16. Olufuane Nakedroam

Class: Thief Ancestry: Half-Elf Alignment: Chaotic Languages: Common, Elven, Alignment

Appearance: 5'2'' / 1.57 m, 135 lbs / 61 kg; orange hair; silver eyes; black skin tone Traits: studious, caustic, deliberate

Hit points: 2 Armor class: 7[12] Saving throw, Thief: 15 Saving throw modifier(s): +2 bonus against devices, including traps, magical wands or staffs, and other magical devices


STR: 10 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs) DEX: 11 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none) CON: 14 (hp per hit die modifier: +1; raise dead survival: 100%) INT: 10 (max additional languages: 2) WIS: 16 (experience bonus: +5%) CHA: 16 (max # of special hirelings: 6; retainer morale adjustment: +2; experience bonus: +5%)

Class abilities

Backstab (+4 to-hit bonus and double damage when attacking from behind); thieving skills (climb walls: 87%; delicate tasks and traps: 15%; hear sounds: 3-in-6; hide in shadows: 10%; move silently: 20%; open locks: 10%).

Ancestry abilities

4-in-6 chance to find secret doors when searching; 60' darkvision.


Armour: 1 × Leather (-2[+2] AC) Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Mace, heavy (1d6); 1 × Polearm (2H, 1d8+1); 1 × Crossbow, light (2H, ROF 1, range 60’); 1 × Bolts, light (20) (1d4+1) Gear: 1 × Thieves’ tools; 1 × Bell; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Hammer; 2 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Rope, silk (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Lamp, bronze; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Candle; 1 × Lantern, hooded; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Chain (10 feet); 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bottle of wine, glass; 1 × Bedroll Coins: 4 gp, 2 sp, 9 cp Encumbrance: 69 lbs

17. Pasithantia Sungiant

Class: Thief Ancestry: Half-Elf Alignment: Chaotic Languages: Common, Elven, Alignment

Appearance: 5'2'' / 1.57 m, 125 lbs / 57 kg; silver hair; no eyes (nor sockets or lids; 50' radar sense) eyes; pale blue skin tone; 4' long tail Traits: jovial, unscrupulous

Hit points: 4 Armor class: 7[12] Saving throw, Thief: 15 Saving throw modifier(s): +2 bonus against devices, including traps, magical wands or staffs, and other magical devices


STR: 11 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs) DEX: 12 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none) CON: 13 (hp per hit die modifier: +1; raise dead survival: 100%) INT: 10 (max additional languages: 2) WIS: 11 (experience bonus: none) CHA: 14 (max # of special hirelings: 5; retainer morale adjustment: +1; experience bonus: +5%)

Class abilities

Backstab (+4 to-hit bonus and double damage when attacking from behind); thieving skills (climb walls: 87%; delicate tasks and traps: 15%; hear sounds: 3-in-6; hide in shadows: 10%; move silently: 20%; open locks: 10%).

Ancestry abilities

4-in-6 chance to find secret doors when searching; 60' darkvision.


Armour: 1 × Leather (-2[+2] AC) Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Sword, short (1d6); 1 × Polearm (2H, 1d8+1); 1 × Bow, short (2H, ROF 2, range 50’); 1 × Arrows (20) (1d6) Gear: 1 × Thieves’ tools; 1 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Shovel; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 6 × Candle; 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Signal whistle; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll Coins: 4 gp, 0 sp, 3 cp Encumbrance: 64 lbs

18. Daceria Forestleaf

Class: Thief Ancestry: Half-Elf Alignment: Chaotic Languages: Common, Elven, Alignment

Appearance: 5'7'' / 1.7 m, 150 lbs / 68 kg; roan hair; light green eyes; pale orange skin tone; bird-shaped birthmark Traits: able, passionate, lordly

Hit points: 3 Armor class: 8[11] Saving throw, Thief: 15 Saving throw modifier(s): +2 bonus against devices, including traps, magical wands or staffs, and other magical devices


STR: 10 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs) DEX: 5 (missile to-hit modifier: -1; AC modifier: worse by 1 point) CON: 8 (hp per hit die modifier: -1; raise dead survival: 50%) INT: 14 (max additional languages: 4) WIS: 15 (experience bonus: +5%) CHA: 12 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)

Class abilities

Backstab (+4 to-hit bonus and double damage when attacking from behind); thieving skills (climb walls: 87%; delicate tasks and traps: 15%; hear sounds: 3-in-6; hide in shadows: 10%; move silently: 20%; open locks: 10%).

Ancestry abilities

4-in-6 chance to find secret doors when searching; 60' darkvision.


Armour: 1 × Leather (-2[+2] AC) Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Mace, heavy (1d6); 1 × Sword, long (1d8); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Bow, short (2H, ROF 2, range 50’); 1 × Arrows (20) (1d6); 3 × Dart (1d3, ROF 3, range 15’) Gear: 1 × Thieves’ tools; 1 × Block and tackle; 1 × Grappling hook; 3 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Candle; 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Lock (minimum price); 1 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 1 × Signal whistle; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll Coins: 5 gp, 4 sp, 8 cp Encumbrance: 78 lbs

19. Eshani Tallbeech

Class: Thief Ancestry: Half-Elf Alignment: Chaotic Languages: Common, Elven, Alignment

Appearance: 5'2'' / 1.57 m, 130 lbs / 59 kg; red hair; gold eyes; pale orange skin tone; 2'' scar Traits: plotting, nut, coarse

Hit points: 5 Armor class: 6[13] Saving throw, Thief: 15 Saving throw modifier(s): +2 bonus against devices, including traps, magical wands or staffs, and other magical devices


STR: 14 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +10 lbs) DEX: 13 (missile to-hit modifier: +1; AC modifier: better by 1 point) CON: 17 (hp per hit die modifier: +1; raise dead survival: 100%) INT: 12 (max additional languages: 3) WIS: 8 (experience bonus: none) CHA: 5 (max # of special hirelings: 2; retainer morale adjustment: -2; experience bonus: none)

Class abilities

Backstab (+4 to-hit bonus and double damage when attacking from behind); thieving skills (climb walls: 87%; delicate tasks and traps: 15%; hear sounds: 3-in-6; hide in shadows: 10%; move silently: 20%; open locks: 10%).

Ancestry abilities

4-in-6 chance to find secret doors when searching; 60' darkvision.


Armour: 1 × Leather (-2[+2] AC) Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Staff (2H 1d6); 1 × Bow, long (2H, ROF 2, range 70’); 1 × Arrows (20) (1d6) Gear: 1 × Thieves’ tools; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 6 × Candle; 6 × Torch; 2 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll Coins: 3 gp, 9 sp, 8 cp Encumbrance: 55 lbs

20. Albithea Closeshade

Class: Thief Ancestry: Half-Elf Alignment: Chaotic Languages: Common, Elven, Alignment

Appearance: 5'2'' / 1.57 m, 125 lbs / 57 kg; bald; gold eyes; pale blue skin tone; 1 ½'' scar Traits: corrupt, ambitious, ruthless

Hit points: 2 Armor class: 6[13] Saving throw, Thief: 15 Saving throw modifier(s): +2 bonus against devices, including traps, magical wands or staffs, and other magical devices


STR: 8 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: 0 lbs) DEX: 15 (missile to-hit modifier: +1; AC modifier: better by 1 point) CON: 14 (hp per hit die modifier: +1; raise dead survival: 100%) INT: 13 (max additional languages: 3) WIS: 8 (experience bonus: none) CHA: 11 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)

Class abilities

Backstab (+4 to-hit bonus and double damage when attacking from behind); thieving skills (climb walls: 87%; delicate tasks and traps: 15%; hear sounds: 3-in-6; hide in shadows: 10%; move silently: 20%; open locks: 10%).

Ancestry abilities

4-in-6 chance to find secret doors when searching; 60' darkvision.


Armour: 1 × Leather (-2[+2] AC) Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Mace, heavy (1d6); 1 × Sword, long (1d8); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Bow, short (2H, ROF 2, range 50’); 1 × Arrows (20) (1d6); 3 × Dart (1d3, ROF 3, range 15’) Gear: 1 × Thieves’ tools; 1 × Block and tackle; 1 × Grappling hook; 3 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Candle; 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Lock (minimum price); 1 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 1 × Signal whistle; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll Coins: 5 gp, 4 sp, 8 cp Encumbrance: 78 lbs

Halflings up next!

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Matt Finch of Mythmere Games just published OSRIC mission statement at the Knights & Knaves Alehouse:

Since the “OSRIC's Path Forward” thread, there has been more discussion about OSRIC, licensing, and so forth.

Stuart and I are working on an OSRIC 3.0, but it will be under the AELF License (a Mythmere Games license that's similar to the OGL). OSRIC 3.0 will be produced by Mythmere Games, and we are planning (tentatively) for a Kickstarter in September or October of this year.

A few points:

1) Simply maintaining OSRIC under the OGL is possible at this time, but in the long run I think it's a bit of a risk. WotC can probably cut off access to new users of the OGL at any time by “withdrawing the open offer”. I don't think I'm giving WotC a roadmap here; they almost certainly are aware of this approach to the license. They wanted to do more than that to kill it quickly, but there's a much more reliable way to poison it over time, which is simply to withdraw the offer to “sign on” to the OGL. But after the massive backlash to their attempt to kill the license at one blow, they will have to wait a while before mentioning the OGL again. This potential future withdrawal of the offer would create a problem for anyone new who wanted to publish something for OSRIC, so it behooves us to move to a different license now, before the axe eventually comes down.

2) The ORC license has some problems with easy usability. I won't go into those because it's complicated and also because there's discussion about it in lots of other places. The AELF License, since it works in the same way as the OGL, is familiar enough that it can be adopted relatively easily by anyone familiar with the OGL.

3) OSRIC 3.0 is intended to be completely backward-compatible with OSRIC 2.0, and it shouldn't require any “new versions” of adventures that have been published in the past. There might turn out to be minor glitches in terms of backward compatibility, but those will be the exception.

4) The reasons for coming out with a new version: a) First, the license, as mentioned above. b) Secondly, it's to meet the needs of a younger batch of gamers in a context where the PDFs of the original books are available from WotC (which wasn't the case when we originally published OSRIC 2.0). This means several different avenues of approach.

—– The writing style will use bullet points and other visual call-outs to avoid the “wall of text” effect. Even those of us raised in pre-internet days are starting to find the bullet-point arrangement preferable to a long block that doesn't visually separate and organize the more important elements of the text.

—-We're going to include a VTT-friendly method of scale since so many people now game online.

—-We're going to try to make this version what EOTB calls a “teaching edition,” meaning lots of guidance for playing the game. The “how to play” information is in the original books to a degree, but it can be presented at the forefront and that's what anyone new to the whole OSR needs. Also, AD&D is simply more complex than other OSR games like B/X, so it needs to be presented in a step-by-step format that draws the learner into the process.

More information to come later.

Great move to focus on teaching and accessibility! First edition of Advanced Dungeons & Dragons is packed to the brim with stuff that stood the test of time, but its presentation and density sometimes scares people away. Stuart and Matt are more than capable in producing text that is both inspiring and informative—hence I'm looking very much forward to OSRIC 3.0.


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Twenty Half-Elf Fighter/Magic-User/Cleric characters for Swords & Wizardry Complete Revised incoming! First half are male, remaining half are female. In each group half are Lawful and half are Chaotic. Deities are from the Petty Gods. Spellbooks have been randomly filled. Naming convention is the same as before. Attributes generated 3d6 in order:

1 7 9 10 17 15 7 6 8
2 12 7 8 10 11 9 14 16
3 12 10 13 11 10 14 11 10
4 11 10 6 15 12 14 6 17
5 9 10 18 9 10 7 14 19
6 8 16 16 11 13 10 17 17
7 11 5 8 13 13 14 8 5
8 4 11 6 12 18 15 11 18
9 14 10 15 9 6 7 11 19
10 7 11 13 11 10 9 13 19
11 12 13 11 15 12 11 8 19
12 7 11 8 12 11 5 14 8
13 9 11 15 14 11 7 6 1
14 9 10 4 6 10 12 17 12
15 6 12 15 13 11 9 11 7
16 13 13 10 13 13 9 11 10
17 13 11 16 11 8 16 11 16
18 8 9 15 15 10 9 13 12
19 8 8 4 9 13 14 10 3
20 9 13 15 14 8 11 9 6

1. Ragan Royalmarvel

Class: Fighter / Magic-User / Cleric Deity: Bartleby, petty god of inactivity; symbol is a quill (p. 17) Ancestry: Half-Elf Alignment: Lawful Languages: Common, Elven, Alignment

Appearance: 4'11'' / 1.5 m, 135 lbs / 61 kg; bald; light brown eyes; light brown skin tone; 5'' scar Traits: negative, cocky

Hit points: 3 Armor class: 6[13] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs) Saving throw, Magic-User: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Magic-User: +2 bonus on all saving throw rolls against spells (including those from magic wands and staffs) Saving throw, Cleric: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Cleric: +2 against being paralyzed or poisoned


STR: 7 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: 0 lbs) DEX: 9 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none) CON: 10 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%) INT: 17 (max additional languages: 5; max spell level: 9; chance to understand new spell: 85%; min/max number of basic spells understandable per level: 7/All) WIS: 15 CHA: 7 (max # of special hirelings: 3; retainer morale adjustment: -1)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); spell casting; banishing undead.

Ancestry abilities

4-in-6 chance to find secret doors when searching; 60' darkvision.


Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Leather (-2[+2] AC) Weapons: 1 × Mace, heavy (1d6); 1 × Staff (2H 1d6); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4) Gear: 1 × Spellbook; 1 × Holy symbol, wooden; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 3 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll Spellbook: Charm Person, Detect Magic, Hold Portal, Light, Magic Missile, Protection from Evil, Read Magic Coins: 7 gp, 3 sp, 9 cp Encumbrance: 73 lbs

2. Attala Broadshrub

Class: Fighter / Magic-User / Cleric Deity: Lord of Mediocre Plots, petty god of hackneyed stories and unoriginal tales; symbol are four runes in a language that no one knows, but that everyone implicitly understands to translate as comedy, romance, tragedy, and satire (p. 96) Ancestry: Half-Elf Alignment: Lawful Languages: Common, Elven, Alignment

Appearance: 5'4'' / 1.63 m, 130 lbs / 59 kg; silver hair; brown eyes; grey-green skin tone; circle-shaped birthmark Traits: tough, rebellious, intimidating

Hit points: 3 Armor class: 6[13] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs) Saving throw, Magic-User: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Magic-User: +2 bonus on all saving throw rolls against spells (including those from magic wands and staffs) Saving throw, Cleric: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Cleric: +2 against being paralyzed or poisoned


STR: 12 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs) DEX: 7 (missile to-hit modifier: -1; AC modifier: worse by 1 point) CON: 8 (hp per hit die modifier: -1; raise dead survival: 50%) INT: 10 (max additional languages: 2; max spell level: 5; chance to understand new spell: 50%; min/max number of basic spells understandable per level: 4/6) WIS: 11 CHA: 9 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); spell casting; banishing undead.

Ancestry abilities

4-in-6 chance to find secret doors when searching; 60' darkvision.


Armour: 1 × Chain (-4[+4] AC) Weapons: 1 × Hammer, war (1d4+1); 1 × Flail (2H, 1d8); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4) Gear: 1 × Spellbook; 1 × Holy symbol, silver; 1 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 2 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 6 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll Spellbook: Charm Person, Hold Portal, Read Languages, Shield Coins: 6 gp, 9 sp, 9 cp Encumbrance: 88 lbs

3. Klaudestus Keendelta

Class: Fighter / Magic-User / Cleric Deity: Zumbiboo, petty god of dust; symbol is a handful of dust (p. 206) Ancestry: Half-Elf Alignment: Lawful Languages: Common, Elven, Alignment

Appearance: 5'5'' / 1.65 m, 125 lbs / 57 kg; black hair; yellow eyes; pale silver skin tone; 10'' scar Traits: bold, disturbed

Hit points: 4 Armor class: 5[14] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs) Saving throw, Magic-User: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Magic-User: +2 bonus on all saving throw rolls against spells (including those from magic wands and staffs) Saving throw, Cleric: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Cleric: +2 against being paralyzed or poisoned


STR: 12 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs) DEX: 10 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none) CON: 13 (hp per hit die modifier: +1; raise dead survival: 100%) INT: 11 (max additional languages: 2; max spell level: 6; chance to understand new spell: 50%; min/max number of basic spells understandable per level: 4/6) WIS: 10 CHA: 14 (max # of special hirelings: 5; retainer morale adjustment: +1)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); spell casting; banishing undead.

Ancestry abilities

4-in-6 chance to find secret doors when searching; 60' darkvision.


Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 1 × Hammer, war (1d4+1); 1 × Staff (2H 1d6); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4) Gear: 1 × Spellbook; 1 × Holy symbol, silver; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Grappling hook; 2 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 2 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Garlic, charmed; 6 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll Spellbook: Hold Portal, Light, Shield, Sleep Coins: 3 gp, 0 sp, 9 cp Encumbrance: 87 lbs

4. Libalion Firmspur

Class: Fighter / Magic-User / Cleric Deity: Avirgiri, petty god of ordered decay; symbol is a walking stick and an hourglass (p. 14) Ancestry: Half-Elf Alignment: Lawful Languages: Common, Elven, Alignment

Appearance: 5'2'' / 1.57 m, 140 lbs / 64 kg; yellow hair; copper eyes; dark brown skin tone Traits: charming, dogmatic

Hit points: 4 Armor class: 6[13] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs) Saving throw, Magic-User: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Magic-User: +2 bonus on all saving throw rolls against spells (including those from magic wands and staffs) Saving throw, Cleric: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Cleric: +2 against being paralyzed or poisoned


STR: 11 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs) DEX: 10 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none) CON: 6 (hp per hit die modifier: -1; raise dead survival: 50%) INT: 15 (max additional languages: 4; max spell level: 8; chance to understand new spell: 75%; min/max number of basic spells understandable per level: 6/10) WIS: 12 CHA: 14 (max # of special hirelings: 5; retainer morale adjustment: +1)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); spell casting; banishing undead.

Ancestry abilities

4-in-6 chance to find secret doors when searching; 60' darkvision.


Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Leather (-2[+2] AC) Weapons: 1 × Mace, heavy (1d6); 1 × Staff (2H 1d6); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4) Gear: 1 × Spellbook; 1 × Holy symbol, wooden; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 3 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll Spellbook: Charm Person, Detect Magic, Light, Protection from Evil, Read Languages, Read Magic, Sleep Coins: 7 gp, 3 sp, 9 cp Encumbrance: 73 lbs

5. Bakaza Vermilionshine

Class: Fighter / Magic-User / Cleric Deity: Meifer, petty goddess of streetlamp lighters; symbol is a lantern surrounded by a glow (p. 107) Ancestry: Half-Elf Alignment: Lawful Languages: Common, Elven, Alignment

Appearance: 5'6'' / 1.68 m, 130 lbs / 59 kg; dark brown hair; silver eyes; scarlet skin tone Traits: bold, lecherous

Hit points: 4 Armor class: 5[14] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs) Saving throw, Magic-User: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Magic-User: +2 bonus on all saving throw rolls against spells (including those from magic wands and staffs) Saving throw, Cleric: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Cleric: +2 against being paralyzed or poisoned


STR: 9 (to-hit modifier: 0; damage modifier: 0; open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs) DEX: 10 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none) CON: 18 (hp per hit die modifier: +1; raise dead survival: 100%) INT: 9 (max additional languages: 1; max spell level: 5; chance to understand new spell: 45%; min/max number of basic spells understandable per level: 3/5) WIS: 10 CHA: 7 (max # of special hirelings: 3; retainer morale adjustment: -1)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); spell casting; banishing undead.

Ancestry abilities

4-in-6 chance to find secret doors when searching; 60' darkvision.


Armour: 1 × Chain (-4[+4] AC) Weapons: 1 × Hammer, war (1d4+1); 1 × Flail (2H, 1d8); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4) Gear: 1 × Spellbook; 1 × Holy symbol, silver; 1 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 2 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 6 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll Spellbook: Detect Magic, Hold Portal, Read Magic, Shield Coins: 6 gp, 9 sp, 9 cp Encumbrance: 88 lbs

6. Baraccatius Goldpassion

Class: Fighter / Magic-User / Cleric Deity: Pelchako, petty god of tricks and revenge; symbol is a leveled balance (p. 140) Ancestry: Half-Elf Alignment: Chaotic Languages: Common, Elven, Alignment

Appearance: 5'0'' / 1.52 m, 125 lbs / 57 kg; white hair; blue eyes; light tan skin tone Traits: apologetic, panicky

Hit points: 5 Armor class: 2[17] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs) Saving throw, Magic-User: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Magic-User: +2 bonus on all saving throw rolls against spells (including those from magic wands and staffs) Saving throw, Cleric: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Cleric: +2 against being paralyzed or poisoned


STR: 8 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: 0 lbs) DEX: 16 (missile to-hit modifier: +1; AC modifier: better by 1 point) CON: 16 (hp per hit die modifier: +1; raise dead survival: 100%) INT: 11 (max additional languages: 2; max spell level: 6; chance to understand new spell: 50%; min/max number of basic spells understandable per level: 4/6) WIS: 13 CHA: 10 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); spell casting; banishing undead.

Ancestry abilities

4-in-6 chance to find secret doors when searching; 60' darkvision.


Armour: 1 × Plate (-6[+6] AC) Weapons: 1 × Hammer, war (1d4+1); 1 × Staff (2H 1d6); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4) Gear: 1 × Spellbook; 1 × Holy symbol, silver; 1 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (15 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Lamp, bronze; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 1 × Lantern, hooded; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Garlic, charmed; 6 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll Spellbook: Charm Person, Read Magic, Shield, Sleep Coins: 6 gp, 1 sp, 5 cp Encumbrance: 107 lbs

7. Borares Touchingfold

Class: Fighter / Magic-User / Cleric Deity: Mosht Al Blopp, petty god of fetid pools; symbol is a turtle head dripping with slime (p. 113) Ancestry: Half-Elf Alignment: Chaotic Languages: Common, Elven, Alignment

Appearance: 5'3'' / 1.6 m, 130 lbs / 59 kg; roan hair; hazel eyes; dark tan skin tone; cyclopic eye Traits: ferocious, tasteful, tireless

Hit points: 3 Armor class: 7[12] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs) Saving throw, Magic-User: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Magic-User: +2 bonus on all saving throw rolls against spells (including those from magic wands and staffs) Saving throw, Cleric: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Cleric: +2 against being paralyzed or poisoned


STR: 11 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs) DEX: 5 (missile to-hit modifier: -1; AC modifier: worse by 1 point) CON: 8 (hp per hit die modifier: -1; raise dead survival: 50%) INT: 13 (max additional languages: 3; max spell level: 7; chance to understand new spell: 65%; min/max number of basic spells understandable per level: 5/8) WIS: 13 CHA: 14 (max # of special hirelings: 5; retainer morale adjustment: +1)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); spell casting; banishing undead.

Ancestry abilities

4-in-6 chance to find secret doors when searching; 60' darkvision.


Armour: 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 1 × Mace, heavy (1d6); 1 × Staff (2H 1d6); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4) Gear: 1 × Spellbook; 1 × Holy symbol, wooden; 1 × Block and tackle; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (15 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 1 × Lamp, bronze; 1 × Lantern, hooded; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 6 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll Spellbook: Detect Magic, Hold Portal, Protection from Evil, Read Languages, Read Magic Coins: 6 gp, 0 sp, 5 cp Encumbrance: 77 lbs

8. Atari Westcurve

Class: Fighter / Magic-User / Cleric Deity: Lady of Tasks Forgotten, petty goddess of forgotten tasks; symbol are dying ants floating in a bottle of dubious content (p. 89) Ancestry: Half-Elf Alignment: Chaotic Languages: Common, Elven, Alignment

Appearance: 4'11'' / 1.5 m, 120 lbs / 54 kg; dark blonde hair; tan eyes; pale blue skin tone; reptile tongued Traits: ambitious, academic, weird

Hit points: 1 Armor class: 5[14] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs) Saving throw, Magic-User: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Magic-User: +2 bonus on all saving throw rolls against spells (including those from magic wands and staffs) Saving throw, Cleric: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Cleric: +2 against being paralyzed or poisoned


STR: 4 (to-hit modifier: -2; damage modifier: -1; open doors: 1; carry modifier: -10 lbs) DEX: 11 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none) CON: 6 (hp per hit die modifier: -1; raise dead survival: 50%) INT: 12 (max additional languages: 3; max spell level: 6; chance to understand new spell: 55%; min/max number of basic spells understandable per level: 4/6) WIS: 18 CHA: 15 (max # of special hirelings: 5; retainer morale adjustment: +1)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); spell casting; banishing undead.

Ancestry abilities

4-in-6 chance to find secret doors when searching; 60' darkvision.


Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 1 × Hammer, war (1d4+1); 1 × Staff (2H 1d6); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4) Gear: 1 × Spellbook; 1 × Holy symbol, silver; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Grappling hook; 2 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 2 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Garlic, charmed; 6 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll Spellbook: Charm Person, Hold Portal, Protection from Evil, Shield Coins: 3 gp, 0 sp, 9 cp Encumbrance: 87 lbs

9. Rufares Silvershrub

Class: Fighter / Magic-User / Cleric Deity: Zzyzz, petty god of irrational fears; symbol is a swirling red vapor within a black void (p. 208) Ancestry: Half-Elf Alignment: Chaotic Languages: Common, Elven, Alignment

Appearance: 5'5'' / 1.65 m, 150 lbs / 68 kg; roan hair; magenta eyes; ochre and black shifting skin tone; pentagram-shaped birthmark Traits: unscrupulous, rakish

Hit points: 4 Armor class: 5[14] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs) Saving throw, Magic-User: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Magic-User: +2 bonus on all saving throw rolls against spells (including those from magic wands and staffs) Saving throw, Cleric: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Cleric: +2 against being paralyzed or poisoned


STR: 14 (to-hit modifier: +1; damage modifier: 0; open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +10 lbs) DEX: 10 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none) CON: 15 (hp per hit die modifier: +1; raise dead survival: 100%) INT: 9 (max additional languages: 1; max spell level: 5; chance to understand new spell: 45%; min/max number of basic spells understandable per level: 3/5) WIS: 6 CHA: 7 (max # of special hirelings: 3; retainer morale adjustment: -1)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); spell casting; banishing undead.

Ancestry abilities

4-in-6 chance to find secret doors when searching; 60' darkvision.


Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 1 × Hammer, war (1d4+1); 1 × Staff (2H 1d6); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4) Gear: 1 × Spellbook; 1 × Holy symbol, silver; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Grappling hook; 2 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 2 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Garlic, charmed; 6 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll Spellbook: Detect Magic, Hold Portal, Read Magic, Shield Coins: 3 gp, 0 sp, 9 cp Encumbrance: 87 lbs

10. Acastitheus Brightshoulder

Class: Fighter / Magic-User / Cleric Deity: Ellsbeth, petty goddess of damsels in distress; symbol is a frilly handkerchief or a hennin with attached veil (p. 46) Ancestry: Half-Elf Alignment: Chaotic Languages: Common, Elven, Alignment

Appearance: 4'11'' / 1.5 m, 125 lbs / 57 kg; golden hair; tan eyes; ochre skin tone Traits: obedient, curious, callous

Hit points: 4 Armor class: 5[14] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs) Saving throw, Magic-User: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Magic-User: +2 bonus on all saving throw rolls against spells (including those from magic wands and staffs) Saving throw, Cleric: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Cleric: +2 against being paralyzed or poisoned


STR: 7 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: 0 lbs) DEX: 11 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none) CON: 13 (hp per hit die modifier: +1; raise dead survival: 100%) INT: 11 (max additional languages: 2; max spell level: 6; chance to understand new spell: 50%; min/max number of basic spells understandable per level: 4/6) WIS: 10 CHA: 9 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); spell casting; banishing undead.

Ancestry abilities

4-in-6 chance to find secret doors when searching; 60' darkvision.


Armour: 1 × Chain (-4[+4] AC) Weapons: 1 × Hammer, war (1d4+1); 1 × Staff (2H 1d6); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4) Gear: 1 × Spellbook; 1 × Holy symbol, silver; 1 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 2 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Torch; 1 × Flint & steel; 6 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll Spellbook: Detect Magic, Read Languages, Read Magic, Sleep Coins: 5 gp, 5 sp, 9 cp Encumbrance: 88 lbs

11. Lorellautia Ivorymist

Class: Fighter / Magic-User / Cleric Deity: Dinud, petty god of shields & shield-makers and eggs, egg contents & egg-layers; symbol is an egg within an egg (p. 41) Ancestry: Half-Elf Alignment: Lawful Languages: Common, Elven, Alignment

Appearance: 5'5'' / 1.65 m, 130 lbs / 59 kg; white hair; light blue eyes; light tan skin tone; sword-shaped birthmark Traits: rowdy, self-reliant, ugly

Hit points: 2 Armor class: 5[14] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs) Saving throw, Magic-User: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Magic-User: +2 bonus on all saving throw rolls against spells (including those from magic wands and staffs) Saving throw, Cleric: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Cleric: +2 against being paralyzed or poisoned


STR: 12 (to-hit modifier: 0; damage modifier: 0; open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs) DEX: 13 (missile to-hit modifier: +1; AC modifier: better by 1 point) CON: 11 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%) INT: 15 (max additional languages: 4; max spell level: 8; chance to understand new spell: 75%; min/max number of basic spells understandable per level: 6/10) WIS: 12 CHA: 11 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); spell casting; banishing undead.

Ancestry abilities

4-in-6 chance to find secret doors when searching; 60' darkvision.


Armour: 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 1 × Mace, heavy (1d6); 1 × Staff (2H 1d6); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4) Gear: 1 × Spellbook; 1 × Holy symbol, wooden; 1 × Block and tackle; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (15 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 1 × Lamp, bronze; 1 × Lantern, hooded; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 6 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll Spellbook: Charm Person, Detect Magic, Hold Portal, Light, Magic Missile, Protection from Evil, Read Languages, Read Magic, Sleep Coins: 6 gp, 0 sp, 5 cp Encumbrance: 77 lbs

12. Levanidna Palespark

Class: Fighter / Magic-User / Cleric Deity: Kakanuawana, petty god of yam destitution; symbol is a basket in which a spider has built a web, but which s otherwise empty (p. 79) Ancestry: Half-Elf Alignment: Lawful Languages: Common, Elven, Alignment

Appearance: 5'0'' / 1.52 m, 115 lbs / 52 kg; grey / red hair; violet eyes; caucasian skin tone Traits: weird, judgmental

Hit points: 2 Armor class: 5[14] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs) Saving throw, Magic-User: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Magic-User: +2 bonus on all saving throw rolls against spells (including those from magic wands and staffs) Saving throw, Cleric: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Cleric: +2 against being paralyzed or poisoned


STR: 7 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: 0 lbs) DEX: 11 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none) CON: 8 (hp per hit die modifier: -1; raise dead survival: 50%) INT: 12 (max additional languages: 3; max spell level: 6; chance to understand new spell: 55%; min/max number of basic spells understandable per level: 4/6) WIS: 11 CHA: 5 (max # of special hirelings: 2; retainer morale adjustment: -2)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); spell casting; banishing undead.

Ancestry abilities

4-in-6 chance to find secret doors when searching; 60' darkvision.


Armour: 1 × Chain (-4[+4] AC) Weapons: 1 × Hammer, war (1d4+1); 1 × Flail (2H, 1d8); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4) Gear: 1 × Spellbook; 1 × Holy symbol, silver; 1 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 2 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 6 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll Spellbook: Charm Person, Detect Magic, Light, Read Magic Coins: 6 gp, 9 sp, 9 cp Encumbrance: 88 lbs

13. Lorice Narrowplum

Class: Fighter / Magic-User / Cleric Deity: Tix-ka-tix, petty god of patience; symbol is a pair of red eyes, or two vermilion circles (p. 171) Ancestry: Half-Elf Alignment: Lawful Languages: Common, Elven, Alignment

Appearance: 5'7'' / 1.7 m, 120 lbs / 54 kg; bald; copper eyes; pale grey skin tone; 7'' scar Traits: affectionate, gracious

Hit points: 4 Armor class: 6[13] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs) Saving throw, Magic-User: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Magic-User: +2 bonus on all saving throw rolls against spells (including those from magic wands and staffs) Saving throw, Cleric: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Cleric: +2 against being paralyzed or poisoned


STR: 9 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs) DEX: 11 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none) CON: 15 (hp per hit die modifier: +1; raise dead survival: 100%) INT: 14 (max additional languages: 4; max spell level: 7; chance to understand new spell: 65%; min/max number of basic spells understandable per level: 5/8) WIS: 11 CHA: 7 (max # of special hirelings: 3; retainer morale adjustment: -1)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); spell casting; banishing undead.

Ancestry abilities

4-in-6 chance to find secret doors when searching; 60' darkvision.


Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Leather (-2[+2] AC) Weapons: 1 × Mace, heavy (1d6); 1 × Staff (2H 1d6); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4) Gear: 1 × Spellbook; 1 × Holy symbol, wooden; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 3 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll Spellbook: Charm Person, Protection from Evil, Read Languages, Read Magic, Sleep Coins: 7 gp, 3 sp, 9 cp Encumbrance: 73 lbs

14. Trevola Springsweet

Class: Fighter / Magic-User / Cleric Deity: Tuu Bih D’turmin’d, petty god of empty spaces yet to be filled; symbol is an empty circle or empty square (p. 177) Ancestry: Half-Elf Alignment: Lawful Languages: Common, Elven, Alignment

Appearance: 5'3'' / 1.6 m, 145 lbs / 66 kg; red hair; light brown eyes; ochre skin tone Traits: sickly, pacifistic, ardent

Hit points: 3 Armor class: 3[16] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs) Saving throw, Magic-User: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Magic-User: +2 bonus on all saving throw rolls against spells (including those from magic wands and staffs) Saving throw, Cleric: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Cleric: +2 against being paralyzed or poisoned


STR: 9 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs) DEX: 10 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none) CON: 4 (hp per hit die modifier: -1; raise dead survival: 50%) INT: 6 (max additional languages: 0; max spell level: 4; chance to understand new spell: 30%; min/max number of basic spells understandable per level: 2/4) WIS: 10 CHA: 12 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); spell casting; banishing undead.

Ancestry abilities

4-in-6 chance to find secret doors when searching; 60' darkvision.


Armour: 1 × Plate (-6[+6] AC) Weapons: 1 × Hammer, war (1d4+1); 1 × Staff (2H 1d6); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4) Gear: 1 × Spellbook; 1 × Holy symbol, silver; 1 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (15 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Lamp, bronze; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 1 × Lantern, hooded; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Garlic, charmed; 6 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll Spellbook: Magic Missile, Sleep Coins: 6 gp, 1 sp, 5 cp Encumbrance: 107 lbs

15. Hafshira Leatherthorn

Class: Fighter / Magic-User / Cleric Deity: Gnunnug, petty god of the number seven; symbol is a seven-pointed star atop a rainbow (p. 58) Ancestry: Half-Elf Alignment: Lawful Languages: Common, Elven, Alignment

Appearance: 5'1'' / 1.55 m, 140 lbs / 64 kg; mixed red and light brown hair; light brown eyes; light brown skin tone Traits: grim, naive, judgmental

Hit points: 5 Armor class: 5[14] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs) Saving throw, Magic-User: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Magic-User: +2 bonus on all saving throw rolls against spells (including those from magic wands and staffs) Saving throw, Cleric: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Cleric: +2 against being paralyzed or poisoned


STR: 6 (to-hit modifier: -1; damage modifier: 0; open doors: 1; carry modifier: -5 lbs) DEX: 12 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none) CON: 15 (hp per hit die modifier: +1; raise dead survival: 100%) INT: 13 (max additional languages: 3; max spell level: 7; chance to understand new spell: 65%; min/max number of basic spells understandable per level: 5/8) WIS: 11 CHA: 9 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); spell casting; banishing undead.

Ancestry abilities

4-in-6 chance to find secret doors when searching; 60' darkvision.


Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 1 × Hammer, war (1d4+1); 1 × Staff (2H 1d6); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4) Gear: 1 × Spellbook; 1 × Holy symbol, silver; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Grappling hook; 2 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 2 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Garlic, charmed; 6 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll Spellbook: Light, Magic Missile, Read Languages, Read Magic, Sleep Coins: 3 gp, 0 sp, 9 cp Encumbrance: 87 lbs

16. Deidamiope Redlake

Class: Fighter / Magic-User / Cleric Deity: Lord Downall, petty god of drains and floods; symbol is a forked spiral (p. 94) Ancestry: Half-Elf Alignment: Chaotic Languages: Common, Elven, Alignment

Appearance: 5'4'' / 1.63 m, 130 lbs / 59 kg; red hair; blue eyes; purple skin tone Traits: ruthless, jovial

Hit points: 2 Armor class: 4[15] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs) Saving throw, Magic-User: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Magic-User: +2 bonus on all saving throw rolls against spells (including those from magic wands and staffs) Saving throw, Cleric: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Cleric: +2 against being paralyzed or poisoned


STR: 13 (to-hit modifier: +1; damage modifier: 0; open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +10 lbs) DEX: 13 (missile to-hit modifier: +1; AC modifier: better by 1 point) CON: 10 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%) INT: 13 (max additional languages: 3; max spell level: 7; chance to understand new spell: 65%; min/max number of basic spells understandable per level: 5/8) WIS: 13 CHA: 9 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); spell casting; banishing undead.

Ancestry abilities

4-in-6 chance to find secret doors when searching; 60' darkvision.


Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 1 × Hammer, war (1d4+1); 1 × Staff (2H 1d6); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4) Gear: 1 × Spellbook; 1 × Holy symbol, silver; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Grappling hook; 2 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 2 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Garlic, charmed; 6 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll Spellbook: Charm Person, Detect Magic, Hold Portal, Light, Magic Missile, Read Magic, Shield Coins: 3 gp, 0 sp, 9 cp Encumbrance: 87 lbs

17. Rosene Ivoryfoot

Class: Fighter / Magic-User / Cleric Deity: Berenedril, petty god of folly, stupidity and blind luck; symbol is a jester's hat (p. 20) Ancestry: Half-Elf Alignment: Chaotic Languages: Common, Elven, Alignment

Appearance: 5'2'' / 1.57 m, 130 lbs / 59 kg; mixed red and dark blonde hair; light blue eyes; milky white skin tone Traits: coy, jealous

Hit points: 5 Armor class: 5[14] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs) Saving throw, Magic-User: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Magic-User: +2 bonus on all saving throw rolls against spells (including those from magic wands and staffs) Saving throw, Cleric: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Cleric: +2 against being paralyzed or poisoned


STR: 13 (to-hit modifier: +1; damage modifier: 0; open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +10 lbs) DEX: 11 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none) CON: 16 (hp per hit die modifier: +1; raise dead survival: 100%) INT: 11 (max additional languages: 2; max spell level: 6; chance to understand new spell: 50%; min/max number of basic spells understandable per level: 4/6) WIS: 8 CHA: 16 (max # of special hirelings: 6; retainer morale adjustment: +2)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); spell casting; banishing undead.

Ancestry abilities

4-in-6 chance to find secret doors when searching; 60' darkvision.


Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 1 × Hammer, war (1d4+1); 1 × Staff (2H 1d6); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4) Gear: 1 × Spellbook; 1 × Holy symbol, silver; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Grappling hook; 2 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 2 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Garlic, charmed; 6 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll Spellbook: Charm Person, Hold Portal, Read Languages, Shield Coins: 3 gp, 0 sp, 9 cp Encumbrance: 87 lbs

18. Devera Silverbasin

Class: Fighter / Magic-User / Cleric Deity: Lady of Lost Angles, petty goddess of mathematical errors; symbol is a five-point tesseract star (p. 88) Ancestry: Half-Elf Alignment: Chaotic Languages: Common, Elven, Alignment

Appearance: 5'2'' / 1.57 m, 115 lbs / 52 kg; yellow hair; brown eyes; milky white skin tone Traits: unbiased, motherly, aristocratic

Hit points: 5 Armor class: 5[14] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs) Saving throw, Magic-User: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Magic-User: +2 bonus on all saving throw rolls against spells (including those from magic wands and staffs) Saving throw, Cleric: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Cleric: +2 against being paralyzed or poisoned


STR: 8 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: 0 lbs) DEX: 9 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none) CON: 15 (hp per hit die modifier: +1; raise dead survival: 100%) INT: 15 (max additional languages: 4; max spell level: 8; chance to understand new spell: 75%; min/max number of basic spells understandable per level: 6/10) WIS: 10 CHA: 9 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); spell casting; banishing undead.

Ancestry abilities

4-in-6 chance to find secret doors when searching; 60' darkvision.


Armour: 1 × Chain (-4[+4] AC) Weapons: 1 × Hammer, war (1d4+1); 1 × Staff (2H 1d6); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4) Gear: 1 × Spellbook; 1 × Holy symbol, silver; 1 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 2 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Torch; 1 × Flint & steel; 6 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll Spellbook: Charm Person, Detect Magic, Hold Portal, Light, Magic Missile, Protection from Evil, Read Languages, Shield, Sleep Coins: 5 gp, 5 sp, 9 cp Encumbrance: 88 lbs

19. Aidalla Sweepingfold

Class: Fighter / Magic-User / Cleric Deity: Lumagog, petty god of itching, festering wounds; symbol is a filthy, scabrous scratching finger (p. 97) Ancestry: Half-Elf Alignment: Chaotic Languages: Common, Elven, Alignment

Appearance: 5'2'' / 1.57 m, 120 lbs / 54 kg; light blonde hair; blue eyes; dark brown skin tone; raven-shaped birthmark Traits: tenacious, introspective

Hit points: 4 Armor class: 7[12] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs) Saving throw, Magic-User: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Magic-User: +2 bonus on all saving throw rolls against spells (including those from magic wands and staffs) Saving throw, Cleric: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Cleric: +2 against being paralyzed or poisoned


STR: 8 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: 0 lbs) DEX: 8 (missile to-hit modifier: -1; AC modifier: worse by 1 point) CON: 4 (hp per hit die modifier: -1; raise dead survival: 50%) INT: 9 (max additional languages: 1; max spell level: 5; chance to understand new spell: 45%; min/max number of basic spells understandable per level: 3/5) WIS: 13 CHA: 14 (max # of special hirelings: 5; retainer morale adjustment: +1)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); spell casting; banishing undead.

Ancestry abilities

4-in-6 chance to find secret doors when searching; 60' darkvision.


Armour: 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 1 × Mace, heavy (1d6); 1 × Staff (2H 1d6); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4) Gear: 1 × Spellbook; 1 × Holy symbol, silver; 1 × Block and tackle; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Hammer; 2 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 3 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll Spellbook: Detect Magic, Shield, Sleep Coins: 5 gp, 6 sp, 9 cp Encumbrance: 78 lbs

20. Arunda Longleap

Class: Fighter / Magic-User / Cleric Deity: Detriax, petty goddess of space junk and derelict hope; symbol is an angular, vampiric-looking skull (p. 37) Ancestry: Half-Elf Alignment: Chaotic Languages: Common, Elven, Alignment

Appearance: 5'2'' / 1.57 m, 135 lbs / 61 kg; auburn hair; light green eyes; pale grey skin tone Traits: matronly, superstitious, crafty

Hit points: 6 Armor class: 5[14] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs) Saving throw, Magic-User: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Magic-User: +2 bonus on all saving throw rolls against spells (including those from magic wands and staffs) Saving throw, Cleric: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Cleric: +2 against being paralyzed or poisoned


STR: 9 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs) DEX: 13 (missile to-hit modifier: +1; AC modifier: better by 1 point) CON: 15 (hp per hit die modifier: +1; raise dead survival: 100%) INT: 14 (max additional languages: 4; max spell level: 7; chance to understand new spell: 65%; min/max number of basic spells understandable per level: 5/8) WIS: 8 CHA: 11 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); spell casting; banishing undead.

Ancestry abilities

4-in-6 chance to find secret doors when searching; 60' darkvision.


Armour: 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 1 × Hammer, war (1d4+1); 1 × Staff (2H 1d6); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4) Gear: 1 × Spellbook; 1 × Holy symbol, silver; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Lamp, bronze; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 1 × Lantern, hooded; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 3 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll Spellbook: Light, Magic Missile, Read Languages, Read Magic, Shield, Sleep Coins: 4 gp, 3 sp, 5 cp Encumbrance: 77 lbs

Half-Elf Thieves up next.

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For the triple classed Half-Elf in Swords & Wizardry Complete, I opted for similar equipment packs as for human clerics since character must observe all class limitations in order to use their abilities. First-level spellbooks can be generated following the rules, or using premade books listed here.


Armour: 1 × Leather (-2[+2] AC) Weapons: 1 × Club (1d4); 1 × Staff (2H 1d6); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4) Gear: 1 × Spellbook; 1 × Holy symbol, wooden; 1 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Hammer; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (15 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 6 × Torch; 3 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll Coins: 4 gp, 3 sp, 9 cp Encumbrance: 63 lbs


Armour: 1 × Leather (-2[+2] AC) Weapons: 1 × Hammer, war (1d4+1); 1 × Staff (2H 1d6); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4) Gear: 1 × Spellbook; 1 × Holy symbol, wooden; 1 × Block and tackle; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Shovel; 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (15 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 6 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll Coins: 6 gp, 0 sp, 9 cp Encumbrance: 62 lbs


Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Leather (-2[+2] AC) Weapons: 1 × Hammer, war (1d4+1); 1 × Staff (2H 1d6); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4) Gear: 1 × Spellbook; 1 × Holy symbol, wooden; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (15 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Torch; 3 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll Coins: 7 gp, 7 sp, 9 cp Encumbrance: 73 lbs


Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Leather (-2[+2] AC) Weapons: 1 × Mace, heavy (1d6); 1 × Staff (2H 1d6); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4) Gear: 1 × Spellbook; 1 × Holy symbol, wooden; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 3 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll Coins: 7 gp, 3 sp, 9 cp Encumbrance: 73 lbs


Armour: 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 1 × Flail (2H, 1d8); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4) Gear: 1 × Spellbook; 1 × Holy symbol, wooden; 1 × Bell; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 6 × Torch; 2 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Garlic, charmed; 3 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll Coins: 4 gp, 1 sp, 9 cp Encumbrance: 67 lbs


Armour: 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 1 × Mace, heavy (1d6); 1 × Staff (2H 1d6); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4) Gear: 1 × Spellbook; 1 × Holy symbol, wooden; 1 × Block and tackle; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (15 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 1 × Lamp, bronze; 1 × Lantern, hooded; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 6 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll Coins: 6 gp, 0 sp, 5 cp Encumbrance: 77 lbs


Armour: 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 1 × Hammer, war (1d4+1); 1 × Staff (2H 1d6); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4) Gear: 1 × Spellbook; 1 × Holy symbol, silver; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Lamp, bronze; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 1 × Lantern, hooded; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 3 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll Coins: 4 gp, 3 sp, 5 cp Encumbrance: 77 lbs


Armour: 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 1 × Mace, heavy (1d6); 1 × Staff (2H 1d6); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4) Gear: 1 × Spellbook; 1 × Holy symbol, silver; 1 × Block and tackle; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Hammer; 2 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 3 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll Coins: 5 gp, 6 sp, 9 cp Encumbrance: 78 lbs


Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 1 × Hammer, war (1d4+1); 1 × Staff (2H 1d6); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4) Gear: 1 × Spellbook; 1 × Holy symbol, silver; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Grappling hook; 2 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 2 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Garlic, charmed; 6 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll Coins: 3 gp, 0 sp, 9 cp Encumbrance: 87 lbs


Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 1 × Mace, heavy (1d6); 1 × Staff (2H 1d6); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4) Gear: 1 × Spellbook; 1 × Holy symbol, silver; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Grappling hook; 2 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 2 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Garlic, charmed; 6 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll Coins: 4 gp, 0 sp, 9 cp Encumbrance: 87 lbs


Armour: 1 × Chain (-4[+4] AC) Weapons: 1 × Hammer, war (1d4+1); 1 × Staff (2H 1d6); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4) Gear: 1 × Spellbook; 1 × Holy symbol, silver; 1 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 2 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Torch; 1 × Flint & steel; 6 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll Coins: 5 gp, 5 sp, 9 cp Encumbrance: 88 lbs


Armour: 1 × Chain (-4[+4] AC) Weapons: 1 × Hammer, war (1d4+1); 1 × Flail (2H, 1d8); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4) Gear: 1 × Spellbook; 1 × Holy symbol, silver; 1 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 2 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 6 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll Coins: 6 gp, 9 sp, 9 cp Encumbrance: 88 lbs


Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Chain (-4[+4] AC) Weapons: 1 × Hammer, war (1d4+1); 1 × Staff (2H 1d6); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4) Gear: 1 × Spellbook; 1 × Holy symbol, silver; 1 × Bell; 1 × Block and tackle; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 2 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 6 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll Coins: 3 gp, 8 sp, 9 cp Encumbrance: 98 lbs


Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Chain (-4[+4] AC) Weapons: 1 × Mace, heavy (1d6); 1 × Staff (2H 1d6); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4) Gear: 1 × Spellbook; 1 × Holy symbol, silver; 1 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 6 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Torch; 2 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Garlic, charmed; 1 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll Coins: 3 gp, 3 sp, 9 cp Encumbrance: 98 lbs


Armour: 1 × Plate (-6[+6] AC) Weapons: 1 × Hammer, war (1d4+1); 1 × Staff (2H 1d6); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4) Gear: 1 × Spellbook; 1 × Holy symbol, silver; 1 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (15 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Lamp, bronze; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 1 × Lantern, hooded; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Garlic, charmed; 6 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll Coins: 6 gp, 1 sp, 5 cp Encumbrance: 107 lbs


Armour: 1 × Plate (-6[+6] AC) Weapons: 1 × Hammer, war (1d4+1); 1 × Flail (2H, 1d8); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4) Gear: 1 × Spellbook; 1 × Holy symbol, silver; 2 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 2 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Signal whistle; 1 × Garlic, charmed; 6 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll Coins: 11 gp, 4 sp, 4 cp Encumbrance: 108 lbs

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Wonderful news from Dan Proctor / Goblinoid Games:

The Labyrinth Lord full draft can be downloaded now!

Feel free to look it over and offer any feedback you might have over at our forum. Once we review for any additional formatting, typo, or other issues it will be made available for wider distribution and in print.

Also grab the character sheet by James West!

On the first skim it looks much, much better than the first preview version. Great art, solid writing, and very old-school feel. Just how it should be!

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Let's make some Half-Elf Fighter/Magic-User characters for Swords & Wizardry Complete Revised. Half-Elves are very similar to Elves, except they don't have immunity to ghoul paralysis and aren't as discerning (i.e. they don't get a 1-in-6 chance to spot secret doors passively).

For naming convention I went with human first name and Common-sounding elvish surname. The surname is in fact the human name of the elven parent. Equipment packs are the same as for the elven Fighter/Magic-Users.

First ten characters are male, following ten are female. In each group there are three Lawful, four Neutral, and three Chaotic charaters.

Attributes were rolled 3d6 in order:

1 9 13 9 13 8 12 9 2
2 11 7 4 11 10 13 10 5
3 13 9 17 15 12 9 16 15
4 10 7 12 13 12 8 10 6
5 9 8 8 15 9 10 3 15
6 9 15 4 9 11 11 5 8
7 15 13 9 13 5 14 10 13
8 9 9 8 14 7 8 12 9
9 6 11 8 15 10 10 9 2
10 13 11 5 9 9 10 8 5
11 14 9 11 15 8 13 6 14
12 6 10 14 8 15 3 8 5
13 13 6 14 9 8 13 10 18
14 10 9 8 8 9 13 9 10
15 11 11 12 8 11 12 12 17
16 6 7 14 13 4 12 7 20
17 8 15 13 12 11 13 13 4
18 7 11 15 3 4 10 11 11
19 10 5 7 14 5 15 6 20
20 14 10 6 5 15 8 12 14

1. Publyc Softbreeze

Class: Fighter / Magic-User Ancestry: Half-Elf Alignment: Lawful Languages: Common, Elven, Alignment

Appearance: 5'1'' / 1.55 m, 125 lbs / 57 kg; bald; green eyes; pale silver skin tone; 8'' scar Traits: dreary, insipid

Hit points: 3 Armor class: 5[14] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs) Saving throw, Magic-User: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Magic-User: +2 bonus on all saving throw rolls against spells (including those from magic wands and staffs)


STR: 9 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs) DEX: 13 (missile to-hit modifier: +1; AC modifier: better by 1 point) CON: 9 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%) INT: 13 (max additional languages: 3; max spell level: 7; chance to understand new spell: 65%; min/max number of basic spells understandable per level: 5/8) WIS: 8 CHA: 12 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); spell casting.

Ancestry abilities

4-in-6 chance to find secret doors when searching; 60' darkvision.


Armour: 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Sword, bastard (1H 1d8; 2H 1d8+1); 3 × Javelin (1d6, ROF 1, range 20’) Gear: 1 × Spellbook; 1 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Crowbar; 3 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Candle; 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 1 × Signal whistle; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll; 1 × Ink (1-ounce bottle); 3 × Parchment (sheet) Spellbook: Hold Portal, Light, Protection from Evil, Shield, Sleep Coins: 6 gp, 7 sp, 3 cp Encumbrance: 79 lbs

2. Morern Azurewings

Class: Fighter / Magic-User Ancestry: Half-Elf Alignment: Lawful Languages: Common, Elven, Alignment

Appearance: 5'1'' / 1.55 m, 130 lbs / 59 kg; black hair; light blue eyes; pale green skin tone Traits: willing, self-confident, envious

Hit points: 2 Armor class: 7[12] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs) Saving throw, Magic-User: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Magic-User: +2 bonus on all saving throw rolls against spells (including those from magic wands and staffs)


STR: 11 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs) DEX: 7 (missile to-hit modifier: -1; AC modifier: worse by 1 point) CON: 4 (hp per hit die modifier: -1; raise dead survival: 50%) INT: 11 (max additional languages: 2; max spell level: 6; chance to understand new spell: 50%; min/max number of basic spells understandable per level: 4/6) WIS: 10 CHA: 13 (max # of special hirelings: 5; retainer morale adjustment: +1)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); spell casting.

Ancestry abilities

4-in-6 chance to find secret doors when searching; 60' darkvision.


Armour: 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 1 × Axe, hand (1d6; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Polearm (2H, 1d8+1); 1 × Bow, short (2H, ROF 2, range 50’); 1 × Arrows (20) (1d6) Gear: 1 × Spellbook; 1 × Block and tackle; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Grappling hook; 3 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Candle; 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll; 1 × Ink (1-ounce bottle); 3 × Parchment (sheet) Spellbook: Protection from Evil, Read Languages, Read Magic, Shield Coins: 8 gp, 8 sp, 3 cp Encumbrance: 80 lbs

3. Conalder Lilypup

Class: Fighter / Magic-User Ancestry: Half-Elf Alignment: Lawful Languages: Common, Elven, Alignment

Appearance: 5'7'' / 1.7 m, 130 lbs / 59 kg; blonde hair; lily eyes; purple skin tone; ½'' scar Traits: judgmental, defiant, fussy, ruthless

Hit points: 5 Armor class: 4[15] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs) Saving throw, Magic-User: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Magic-User: +2 bonus on all saving throw rolls against spells (including those from magic wands and staffs)


STR: 13 (to-hit modifier: +1; damage modifier: 0; open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +10 lbs) DEX: 9 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none) CON: 17 (hp per hit die modifier: +1; raise dead survival: 100%) INT: 15 (max additional languages: 4; max spell level: 8; chance to understand new spell: 75%; min/max number of basic spells understandable per level: 6/10) WIS: 12 CHA: 9 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); spell casting.

Ancestry abilities

4-in-6 chance to find secret doors when searching; 60' darkvision.


Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Chain (-4[+4] AC) Weapons: 1 × Axe, hand (1d6; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Sword, short (1d6); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Bow, short (2H, ROF 2, range 50’); 1 × Arrows (20) (1d6) Gear: 1 × Spellbook; 1 × Block and tackle; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Flask, leather; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Candle; 6 × Torch; 2 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 1 × Signal whistle; 1 × Garlic, charmed; 5 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll; 1 × Ink (1-ounce bottle); 3 × Parchment (sheet) Spellbook: Charm Person, Hold Portal, Light, Protection from Evil, Read Languages, Read Magic, Shield Coins: 3 gp, 3 sp, 5 cp Encumbrance: 97 lbs

4. Behdi Mysheen

Class: Fighter / Magic-User Ancestry: Half-Elf Alignment: Neutral Languages: Common, Elven, Alignment

Appearance: 5'1'' / 1.55 m, 135 lbs / 61 kg; auburn hair; light green eyes; yellow white skin tone; 4'' scar Traits: pert, zany, helpful

Hit points: 3 Armor class: 7[12] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs) Saving throw, Magic-User: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Magic-User: +2 bonus on all saving throw rolls against spells (including those from magic wands and staffs)


STR: 10 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs) DEX: 7 (missile to-hit modifier: -1; AC modifier: worse by 1 point) CON: 12 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%) INT: 13 (max additional languages: 3; max spell level: 7; chance to understand new spell: 65%; min/max number of basic spells understandable per level: 5/8) WIS: 12 CHA: 8 (max # of special hirelings: 3; retainer morale adjustment: -1)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); spell casting.

Ancestry abilities

4-in-6 chance to find secret doors when searching; 60' darkvision.


Armour: 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 1 × Axe, hand (1d6; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Polearm (2H, 1d8+1); 1 × Bow, short (2H, ROF 2, range 50’); 1 × Arrows (20) (1d6) Gear: 1 × Spellbook; 1 × Block and tackle; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Grappling hook; 3 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Candle; 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll; 1 × Ink (1-ounce bottle); 3 × Parchment (sheet) Spellbook: Light, Magic Missile, Read Languages, Read Magic, Shield, Sleep Coins: 8 gp, 8 sp, 3 cp Encumbrance: 80 lbs

5. Cephantides Pearlsheen

Class: Fighter / Magic-User Ancestry: Half-Elf Alignment: Neutral Languages: Common, Elven, Alignment

Appearance: 5'3'' / 1.6 m, 130 lbs / 59 kg; roan hair; green eyes; pale orange skin tone; fang mouthed Traits: foolish, bitter, blunt

Hit points: 2 Armor class: 10[9] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs) Saving throw, Magic-User: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Magic-User: +2 bonus on all saving throw rolls against spells (including those from magic wands and staffs)


STR: 9 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs) DEX: 8 (missile to-hit modifier: -1; AC modifier: worse by 1 point) CON: 8 (hp per hit die modifier: -1; raise dead survival: 50%) INT: 15 (max additional languages: 4; max spell level: 8; chance to understand new spell: 75%; min/max number of basic spells understandable per level: 6/10) WIS: 9 CHA: 10 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); spell casting.

Ancestry abilities

4-in-6 chance to find secret doors when searching; 60' darkvision.


Armour: None Weapons: 1 × Club (1d4); 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 3 × Javelin (1d6, ROF 1, range 20’) Gear: 1 × Spellbook; 1 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (15 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Candle; 6 × Torch; 2 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll; 1 × Ink (1-ounce bottle); 3 × Parchment (sheet) Spellbook: Charm Person, Hold Portal, Light, Protection from Evil, Read Languages, Read Magic, Shield Coins: 4 gp, 8 sp, 3 cp Encumbrance: 48 lbs

6. Callo Calmbosoms

Class: Fighter / Magic-User Ancestry: Half-Elf Alignment: Neutral Languages: Common, Elven, Alignment

Appearance: 5'4'' / 1.63 m, 120 lbs / 54 kg; red hair; violet eyes; pale gold skin tone; 8'' scar; sword-shaped birthmark Traits: capricious, macho

Hit points: 2 Armor class: 7[12] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs) Saving throw, Magic-User: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Magic-User: +2 bonus on all saving throw rolls against spells (including those from magic wands and staffs)


STR: 9 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs) DEX: 15 (missile to-hit modifier: +1; AC modifier: better by 1 point) CON: 4 (hp per hit die modifier: -1; raise dead survival: 50%) INT: 9 (max additional languages: 1; max spell level: 5; chance to understand new spell: 45%; min/max number of basic spells understandable per level: 3/5) WIS: 11 CHA: 11 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); spell casting.

Ancestry abilities

4-in-6 chance to find secret doors when searching; 60' darkvision.


Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC) Weapons: 1 × Axe, hand (1d6; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 9 × Dart (1d3, ROF 3, range 15’) Gear: 1 × Spellbook; 1 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Candle; 6 × Torch; 2 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll; 1 × Ink (1-ounce bottle); 3 × Parchment (sheet) Spellbook: Hold Portal, Protection from Evil, Sleep Coins: 5 gp, 5 sp, 3 cp Encumbrance: 47 lbs

7. Decualides Melodictear

Class: Fighter / Magic-User Ancestry: Half-Elf Alignment: Neutral Languages: Common, Elven, Alignment

Appearance: 5'6'' / 1.68 m, 135 lbs / 61 kg; light brown hair; light blue eyes; pale grey skin tone; 3'' scar Traits: callous, intuitive, sterile

Hit points: 2 Armor class: 5[14] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs) Saving throw, Magic-User: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Magic-User: +2 bonus on all saving throw rolls against spells (including those from magic wands and staffs)


STR: 15 (to-hit modifier: +1; damage modifier: 0; open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +10 lbs) DEX: 13 (missile to-hit modifier: +1; AC modifier: better by 1 point) CON: 9 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%) INT: 13 (max additional languages: 3; max spell level: 7; chance to understand new spell: 65%; min/max number of basic spells understandable per level: 5/8) WIS: 5 CHA: 14 (max # of special hirelings: 5; retainer morale adjustment: +1)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); spell casting.

Ancestry abilities

4-in-6 chance to find secret doors when searching; 60' darkvision.


Armour: 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 1 × Axe, hand (1d6; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Polearm (2H, 1d8+1); 1 × Bow, short (2H, ROF 2, range 50’); 1 × Arrows (20) (1d6) Gear: 1 × Spellbook; 1 × Block and tackle; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Grappling hook; 3 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Candle; 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll; 1 × Ink (1-ounce bottle); 3 × Parchment (sheet) Spellbook: Detect Magic, Light, Magic Missile, Read Magic, Sleep Coins: 8 gp, 8 sp, 3 cp Encumbrance: 80 lbs

8. Abanterias Pearlback

Class: Fighter / Magic-User Ancestry: Half-Elf Alignment: Chaotic Languages: Common, Elven, Alignment

Appearance: 5'3'' / 1.6 m, 140 lbs / 64 kg; grey / orange hair; aqua eyes; pale silver skin tone; 5'' scar; x-shaped birthmark Traits: tough, dogmatic

Hit points: 2 Armor class: 5[14] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs) Saving throw, Magic-User: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Magic-User: +2 bonus on all saving throw rolls against spells (including those from magic wands and staffs)


STR: 9 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs) DEX: 9 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none) CON: 8 (hp per hit die modifier: -1; raise dead survival: 50%) INT: 14 (max additional languages: 4; max spell level: 7; chance to understand new spell: 65%; min/max number of basic spells understandable per level: 5/8) WIS: 7 CHA: 8 (max # of special hirelings: 3; retainer morale adjustment: -1)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); spell casting.

Ancestry abilities

4-in-6 chance to find secret doors when searching; 60' darkvision.


Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 1 × Axe, hand (1d6; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Sword, long (1d8); 3 × Javelin (1d6, ROF 1, range 20’) Gear: 1 × Spellbook; 1 × Block and tackle; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Grappling hook; 3 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Candle; 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Mirror, small steel; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll; 1 × Ink (1-ounce bottle); 3 × Parchment (sheet) Spellbook: Charm Person, Detect Magic, Magic Missile, Protection from Evil, Read Languages, Sleep Coins: 5 gp, 3 sp, 3 cp Encumbrance: 101 lbs

9. Ballepius Noblethorn

Class: Fighter / Magic-User Ancestry: Half-Elf Alignment: Chaotic Languages: Common, Elven, Alignment

Appearance: 5'1'' / 1.55 m, 140 lbs / 64 kg; black hair; gold eyes; medium tan skin tone Traits: calculating, academic

Hit points: 3 Armor class: 6[13] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs) Saving throw, Magic-User: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Magic-User: +2 bonus on all saving throw rolls against spells (including those from magic wands and staffs)


STR: 6 (to-hit modifier: -1; damage modifier: 0; open doors: 1; carry modifier: -5 lbs) DEX: 11 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none) CON: 8 (hp per hit die modifier: -1; raise dead survival: 50%) INT: 15 (max additional languages: 4; max spell level: 8; chance to understand new spell: 75%; min/max number of basic spells understandable per level: 6/10) WIS: 10 CHA: 10 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); spell casting.

Ancestry abilities

4-in-6 chance to find secret doors when searching; 60' darkvision.


Armour: 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Sword, bastard (1H 1d8; 2H 1d8+1); 3 × Javelin (1d6, ROF 1, range 20’) Gear: 1 × Spellbook; 1 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Crowbar; 3 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Candle; 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 1 × Signal whistle; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll; 1 × Ink (1-ounce bottle); 3 × Parchment (sheet) Spellbook: Charm Person, Detect Magic, Hold Portal, Magic Missile, Shield, Sleep Coins: 6 gp, 7 sp, 3 cp Encumbrance: 79 lbs

10. Bakerit Wengesweet

Class: Fighter / Magic-User Ancestry: Half-Elf Alignment: Chaotic Languages: Common, Elven, Alignment

Appearance: 5'4'' / 1.63 m, 155 lbs / 70 kg; black hair; light blue eyes; light tan skin tone; lion-shaped birthmark Traits: ashamed, tiresome, temperamental

Hit points: 4 Armor class: 6[13] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs) Saving throw, Magic-User: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Magic-User: +2 bonus on all saving throw rolls against spells (including those from magic wands and staffs)


STR: 13 (to-hit modifier: +1; damage modifier: 0; open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +10 lbs) DEX: 11 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none) CON: 5 (hp per hit die modifier: -1; raise dead survival: 50%) INT: 9 (max additional languages: 1; max spell level: 5; chance to understand new spell: 45%; min/max number of basic spells understandable per level: 3/5) WIS: 9 CHA: 10 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); spell casting.

Ancestry abilities

4-in-6 chance to find secret doors when searching; 60' darkvision.


Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Leather (-2[+2] AC) Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Mace, heavy (1d6); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Bow, short (2H, ROF 2, range 50’); 1 × Arrows (20) (1d6) Gear: 1 × Spellbook; 1 × Block and tackle; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (15 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Candle; 6 × Torch; 2 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll; 1 × Ink (1-ounce bottle); 3 × Parchment (sheet) Spellbook: Charm Person, Light, Read Languages Coins: 3 gp, 3 sp, 8 cp Encumbrance: 74 lbs

11. Kephema Farbrother

Class: Fighter / Magic-User Ancestry: Half-Elf Alignment: Lawful Languages: Common, Elven, Alignment

Appearance: 5'3'' / 1.6 m, 135 lbs / 61 kg; red hair; violet eyes; light brown skin tone Traits: idealistic, ignorant

Hit points: 1 Armor class: 8[11] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs) Saving throw, Magic-User: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Magic-User: +2 bonus on all saving throw rolls against spells (including those from magic wands and staffs)


STR: 14 (to-hit modifier: +1; damage modifier: 0; open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +10 lbs) DEX: 9 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none) CON: 11 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%) INT: 15 (max additional languages: 4; max spell level: 8; chance to understand new spell: 75%; min/max number of basic spells understandable per level: 6/10) WIS: 8 CHA: 13 (max # of special hirelings: 5; retainer morale adjustment: +1)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); spell casting.

Ancestry abilities

4-in-6 chance to find secret doors when searching; 60' darkvision.


Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC) Weapons: 1 × Sword, long (1d8); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 3 × Javelin (1d6, ROF 1, range 20’) Gear: 1 × Spellbook; 1 × Bell; 1 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Hammer; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (15 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Candle; 6 × Torch; 2 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 3 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll; 1 × Ink (1-ounce bottle); 3 × Parchment (sheet) Spellbook: Charm Person, Hold Portal, Light, Magic Missile, Protection from Evil, Read Magic, Shield Coins: 4 gp, 2 sp, 3 cp Encumbrance: 56 lbs

12. Tryphione Fastspear

Class: Fighter / Magic-User Ancestry: Half-Elf Alignment: Lawful Languages: Common, Elven, Alignment

Appearance: 5'2'' / 1.57 m, 120 lbs / 54 kg; grey hair; black eyes; pale grey skin tone; horns-shaped birthmark Traits: ambitious, naive, hedonistic

Hit points: 4 Armor class: 6[13] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs) Saving throw, Magic-User: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Magic-User: +2 bonus on all saving throw rolls against spells (including those from magic wands and staffs)


STR: 6 (to-hit modifier: -1; damage modifier: 0; open doors: 1; carry modifier: -5 lbs) DEX: 10 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none) CON: 14 (hp per hit die modifier: +1; raise dead survival: 100%) INT: 8 (max additional languages: 1; max spell level: 5; chance to understand new spell: 40%; min/max number of basic spells understandable per level: 3/5) WIS: 15 CHA: 3 (max # of special hirelings: 1; retainer morale adjustment: -4)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); spell casting.

Ancestry abilities

4-in-6 chance to find secret doors when searching; 60' darkvision.


Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Leather (-2[+2] AC) Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Mace, heavy (1d6); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Bow, short (2H, ROF 2, range 50’); 1 × Arrows (20) (1d6) Gear: 1 × Spellbook; 1 × Block and tackle; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (15 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Candle; 6 × Torch; 2 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll; 1 × Ink (1-ounce bottle); 3 × Parchment (sheet) Spellbook: Charm Person, Protection from Evil, Shield Coins: 3 gp, 3 sp, 8 cp Encumbrance: 74 lbs

13. Damota Brightknife

Class: Fighter / Magic-User Ancestry: Half-Elf Alignment: Neutral Languages: Common, Elven, Alignment

Appearance: bald; green eyes; grey-green skin tone; six-point star-shaped birthmark Traits: defiant, poised

Hit points: 4 Armor class: 7[12] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs) Saving throw, Magic-User: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Magic-User: +2 bonus on all saving throw rolls against spells (including those from magic wands and staffs)


STR: 13 (to-hit modifier: +1; damage modifier: 0; open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +10 lbs) DEX: 6 (missile to-hit modifier: -1; AC modifier: worse by 1 point) CON: 14 (hp per hit die modifier: +1; raise dead survival: 100%) INT: 9 (max additional languages: 1; max spell level: 5; chance to understand new spell: 45%; min/max number of basic spells understandable per level: 3/5) WIS: 8 CHA: 13 (max # of special hirelings: 5; retainer morale adjustment: +1)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); spell casting.

Ancestry abilities

4-in-6 chance to find secret doors when searching; 60' darkvision.


Armour: 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 1 × Axe, hand (1d6; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Polearm (2H, 1d8+1); 1 × Bow, short (2H, ROF 2, range 50’); 1 × Arrows (20) (1d6) Gear: 1 × Spellbook; 1 × Block and tackle; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Grappling hook; 3 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Candle; 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll; 1 × Ink (1-ounce bottle); 3 × Parchment (sheet) Spellbook: Detect Magic, Magic Missile, Read Languages, Read Magic Coins: 8 gp, 8 sp, 3 cp Encumbrance: 80 lbs

14. Galatuta Searoam

Class: Fighter / Magic-User Ancestry: Half-Elf Alignment: Neutral Languages: Common, Elven, Alignment

Appearance: 5'2'' / 1.57 m, 125 lbs / 57 kg; silver hair; gold eyes; emerald green skin tone; infinity sigil-shaped birthmark Traits: dauntless, uncommitted

Hit points: 3 Armor class: 6[13] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs) Saving throw, Magic-User: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Magic-User: +2 bonus on all saving throw rolls against spells (including those from magic wands and staffs)


STR: 10 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs) DEX: 9 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none) CON: 8 (hp per hit die modifier: -1; raise dead survival: 50%) INT: 8 (max additional languages: 1; max spell level: 5; chance to understand new spell: 40%; min/max number of basic spells understandable per level: 3/5) WIS: 9 CHA: 13 (max # of special hirelings: 5; retainer morale adjustment: +1)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); spell casting.

Ancestry abilities

4-in-6 chance to find secret doors when searching; 60' darkvision.


Armour: 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Sword, bastard (1H 1d8; 2H 1d8+1); 3 × Javelin (1d6, ROF 1, range 20’) Gear: 1 × Spellbook; 1 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Crowbar; 3 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Candle; 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 1 × Signal whistle; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll; 1 × Ink (1-ounce bottle); 3 × Parchment (sheet) Spellbook: Hold Portal, Light, Protection from Evil Coins: 6 gp, 7 sp, 3 cp Encumbrance: 79 lbs

15. Artola Closefoot

Class: Fighter / Magic-User Ancestry: Half-Elf Alignment: Neutral Languages: Common, Elven, Alignment

Appearance: 5'5'' / 1.65 m, 125 lbs / 57 kg; red hair; brown eyes; amber skin tone Traits: oily, nonconformist, tough

Hit points: 5 Armor class: 5[14] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs) Saving throw, Magic-User: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Magic-User: +2 bonus on all saving throw rolls against spells (including those from magic wands and staffs)


STR: 11 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs) DEX: 11 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none) CON: 12 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%) INT: 8 (max additional languages: 1; max spell level: 5; chance to understand new spell: 40%; min/max number of basic spells understandable per level: 3/5) WIS: 11 CHA: 12 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); spell casting.

Ancestry abilities

4-in-6 chance to find secret doors when searching; 60' darkvision.


Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 1 × Axe, hand (1d6; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Sword, long (1d8); 3 × Javelin (1d6, ROF 1, range 20’) Gear: 1 × Spellbook; 1 × Block and tackle; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Grappling hook; 3 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Candle; 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Mirror, small steel; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll; 1 × Ink (1-ounce bottle); 3 × Parchment (sheet) Spellbook: Hold Portal, Magic Missile, Read Magic Coins: 5 gp, 3 sp, 3 cp Encumbrance: 101 lbs

16. Bithice Umberroam

Class: Fighter / Magic-User Ancestry: Half-Elf Alignment: Neutral Languages: Common, Elven, Alignment

Appearance: 5'0'' / 1.52 m, 120 lbs / 54 kg; golden hair; brown eyes; yellow white skin tone; 1' scar Traits: ambitious, jovial, capricious

Hit points: 2 Armor class: 7[12] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs) Saving throw, Magic-User: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Magic-User: +2 bonus on all saving throw rolls against spells (including those from magic wands and staffs)


STR: 6 (to-hit modifier: -1; damage modifier: 0; open doors: 1; carry modifier: -5 lbs) DEX: 7 (missile to-hit modifier: -1; AC modifier: worse by 1 point) CON: 14 (hp per hit die modifier: +1; raise dead survival: 100%) INT: 13 (max additional languages: 3; max spell level: 7; chance to understand new spell: 65%; min/max number of basic spells understandable per level: 5/8) WIS: 4 CHA: 12 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); spell casting.

Ancestry abilities

4-in-6 chance to find secret doors when searching; 60' darkvision.


Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Leather (-2[+2] AC) Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Sword, short (1d6); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Bow, short (2H, ROF 2, range 50’); 1 × Arrows (20) (1d6) Gear: 1 × Spellbook; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Candle; 6 × Torch; 2 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll; 1 × Ink (1-ounce bottle); 3 × Parchment (sheet) Spellbook: Charm Person, Detect Magic, Hold Portal, Read Languages, Sleep Coins: 3 gp, 3 sp, 8 cp Encumbrance: 69 lbs

17. Devione Lilyspur

Class: Fighter / Magic-User Ancestry: Half-Elf Alignment: Neutral Languages: Common, Elven, Alignment

Appearance: 5'2'' / 1.57 m, 135 lbs / 61 kg; dark blonde hair; dark brown eyes; grey-green skin tone; pentagram-shaped birthmark Traits: impudent, light-hearted

Hit points: 2 Armor class: 4[15] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs) Saving throw, Magic-User: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Magic-User: +2 bonus on all saving throw rolls against spells (including those from magic wands and staffs)


STR: 8 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: 0 lbs) DEX: 15 (missile to-hit modifier: +1; AC modifier: better by 1 point) CON: 13 (hp per hit die modifier: +1; raise dead survival: 100%) INT: 12 (max additional languages: 3; max spell level: 6; chance to understand new spell: 55%; min/max number of basic spells understandable per level: 4/6) WIS: 11 CHA: 13 (max # of special hirelings: 5; retainer morale adjustment: +1)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); spell casting.

Ancestry abilities

4-in-6 chance to find secret doors when searching; 60' darkvision.


Armour: 1 × Chain (-4[+4] AC) Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Polearm (2H, 1d8+1); 1 × Bow, short (2H, ROF 2, range 50’); 1 × Arrows (20) (1d6) Gear: 1 × Spellbook; 1 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Candle; 6 × Torch; 2 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll; 1 × Ink (1-ounce bottle); 3 × Parchment (sheet) Spellbook: Charm Person, Detect Magic, Light, Protection from Evil Coins: 3 gp, 3 sp, 3 cp Encumbrance: 84 lbs

18. Cardandra Sealeaf

Class: Fighter / Magic-User Ancestry: Half-Elf Alignment: Chaotic Languages: Common, Elven, Alignment

Appearance: 5'1'' / 1.55 m, 115 lbs / 52 kg; blue hair; tan eyes; medium brown skin tone Traits: eccentric, idiot, clean

Hit points: 6 Armor class: 5[14] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs) Saving throw, Magic-User: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Magic-User: +2 bonus on all saving throw rolls against spells (including those from magic wands and staffs)


STR: 7 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: 0 lbs) DEX: 11 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none) CON: 15 (hp per hit die modifier: +1; raise dead survival: 100%) INT: 3 (max additional languages: 0; max spell level: 4; chance to understand new spell: 30%; min/max number of basic spells understandable per level: 2/4) WIS: 4 CHA: 10 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); spell casting.

Ancestry abilities

4-in-6 chance to find secret doors when searching; 60' darkvision.


Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Sword, long (1d8); 1 × Bow, short (2H, ROF 2, range 50’); 1 × Arrows (20) (1d6) Gear: 1 × Spellbook; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Rope, silk (50 feet); 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Candle; 6 × Torch; 2 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll; 1 × Ink (1-ounce bottle); 3 × Parchment (sheet) Spellbook: Detect Magic, Hold Portal Coins: 4 gp, 1 sp, 8 cp Encumbrance: 87 lbs

19. Asturt Mountainketeleeria Strongledge

Class: Fighter / Magic-User Ancestry: Half-Elf Alignment: Chaotic Languages: Common, Elven, Alignment

Appearance: 5'3'' / 1.6 m, 130 lbs / 59 kg; black hair; hazel eyes; pale gold skin tone Traits: bloodthirsty, nosy, incompetent

Hit points: 4 Armor class: 9[10] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs) Saving throw, Magic-User: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Magic-User: +2 bonus on all saving throw rolls against spells (including those from magic wands and staffs)


STR: 10 (to-hit modifier: 0; damage modifier: 0; open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs) DEX: 5 (missile to-hit modifier: -1; AC modifier: worse by 1 point) CON: 7 (hp per hit die modifier: -1; raise dead survival: 50%) INT: 14 (max additional languages: 4; max spell level: 7; chance to understand new spell: 65%; min/max number of basic spells understandable per level: 5/8) WIS: 5 CHA: 15 (max # of special hirelings: 5; retainer morale adjustment: +1)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); spell casting.

Ancestry abilities

4-in-6 chance to find secret doors when searching; 60' darkvision.


Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC) Weapons: 1 × Sword, long (1d8); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 3 × Javelin (1d6, ROF 1, range 20’) Gear: 1 × Spellbook; 1 × Bell; 1 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Hammer; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (15 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Candle; 6 × Torch; 2 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 3 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll; 1 × Ink (1-ounce bottle); 3 × Parchment (sheet) Spellbook: Charm Person, Detect Magic, Hold Portal, Read Languages, Sleep Coins: 4 gp, 2 sp, 3 cp Encumbrance: 56 lbs

20. Adamabel Brilliantflicker

Class: Fighter / Magic-User Ancestry: Half-Elf Alignment: Chaotic Languages: Common, Elven, Alignment

Appearance: 5'5'' / 1.65 m, 140 lbs / 64 kg; bald; violet eyes; dark tan skin tone; pentagram-shaped birthmark Traits: defiant, faithful

Hit points: 3 Armor class: 9[10] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs) Saving throw, Magic-User: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Magic-User: +2 bonus on all saving throw rolls against spells (including those from magic wands and staffs)


STR: 14 (to-hit modifier: +1; damage modifier: 0; open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +10 lbs) DEX: 10 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none) CON: 6 (hp per hit die modifier: -1; raise dead survival: 50%) INT: 5 (max additional languages: 0; max spell level: 4; chance to understand new spell: 30%; min/max number of basic spells understandable per level: 2/4) WIS: 15 CHA: 8 (max # of special hirelings: 3; retainer morale adjustment: -1)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); spell casting.

Ancestry abilities

4-in-6 chance to find secret doors when searching; 60' darkvision.


Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 1 × Axe, hand (1d6; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Sword, long (1d8); 3 × Javelin (1d6, ROF 1, range 20’) Gear: 1 × Spellbook; 1 × Block and tackle; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Grappling hook; 3 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Candle; 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Mirror, small steel; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll; 1 × Ink (1-ounce bottle); 3 × Parchment (sheet) Spellbook: Magic Missile, Shield Coins: 5 gp, 3 sp, 3 cp Encumbrance: 101 lbs

Half-Elf Fighter / Magic-User / Clerics soon to follow.

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