Judges Guild: Ten Wondrous Weapons

This post is part of the RPG Blog Carnival: Wondrous Weapons and Damning Dweomers.

JG1040 Wondrous Weapons was one of the late Judges Guild publications. It has four pages for random generation of magical weapons that are unlike anything else at that time (see bottom of the post for the tables). Although they are for The Judges Guild Universal System, they can easily be used with any TSR Dungeons & Dragons editions and their retroclones. I don't think they were playtested at all, but at the same time I think they can produce some cool and creative results.

Without further ado, here are ten wondrous weapons:

  1. Almeh's Fury: short sword +1 to hit, double damage. An elegant single edged shortsword with elaborate hand guard (1 AC bonus). Three sapphires are embedded in the pommel; removing or destroying them will make the sword lose its powers.
  2. Bearaxe: battle axe +2 damage. The blade is decorated with copper-filled engravings of bear motifs.
  3. Grower: two-handed sword. Grower can shrink on command, up to 1/20th of original size.
  4. Invisible Doom: arrow +1. A single arrow with chameleon power (colour changes to match surroundings). The arrow is difficult to spot (odds as for detecting secret doors). Three rock runes and three transparent opals (worth 6 000 gp intact) adorn its body.
  5. Ironcarver: dagger. A medium sized dagger with a straight, single edge. It cuts and punctures through cold metal with great ease (target counts as if it is unarmoured). The
  6. Ithixhul: two-handed sword +2. Very light sword (as dagger) made of pure mithril with electrum details on the pommel. Two blood-red rubies adorns its extensive handguard (2 AC bonus). The rubies can absorb 3 points of fire damage per day. Ithixhul can harm ethereal creatures.
  7. Rock: rock. Rock is a sentient rock (INT 17, COM empathy, AL rock) with gold veins. Its only purpose is to kill all.
  8. Silver Seeker: javelin +2. Can how two different targets on a single throw, and returns to the thrower every time but must be caught. Javelin is made of pure mithril and covered with adamantite runes of alien origin.
  9. Stalwart's Blade: sword. This steel blade decorated with silver geometric patterns will adjust its length to match the wielder's height, ensuring perfect reach. Additionally it will bestow the wielder with +2 CON as long as it senses that wielder is acting as someone's defender.
  10. Zontar: hand axe. This hand axe made from pure orichalcrum imbues the wielder with agility (2 AC bonus). Further, it does 3 points of cold and four points of electrical damage with each strike. Struck creature suffers this magical damage at the end of round.

As promised, here are the tables:

Alas, despite my love for Judges Guild material, outputs from the above tables require a lot of work. For example, for previous posts I used all the outputs. This time I had to roll almost 100 results to get a selection that I was happy to work with...

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