Attronarch's Athenaeum


This post is part of the RPG Blog Carnival: Wondrous Weapons and Damning Dweomers.

Arduin Grimoires by Dave Hargrave were notorious supplements for OD&D published in 1977 and onwards. They were filled with crazy tables that definitely were not everyones cup of tea.

But I certainly love some of them—like his Special Ability Charts that we used in our game for years—and even when I didn't use them, I certainly was inspired to make something of my own.

This week I decided to use the “Random Chance Chart For Magik Weapons” from The Arduin Grimoire Volume (scroll down for legend and explanation of the chart):

  1. Alrika's Cleaver: Battleaxe +1 to hit, +3 to damage; AL Lawful; INT 4; EGO 17; COM none; MOT renown; POW none. An elegant dwarven battleaxe made of finest dwarven steel. Forged for famed dwarven battle-priestess, Alrika Frigasniz. Although it lacks communicative abilities, it will become noticeably dull and darker if it isn't flattered and praised regularly. It will attempt to assert control over the owner whenever they take a swing against any dwarf.
  2. Blackblade: Hand and a Half Broadsword +5 to hit, +2 to damage; AL Neutral Good; INT 9; EGO 13; COM empathy; MOT renown; POW none. Wicked looking bastard sword made of blackened mithril. It has an obsession with sheaths made of exotic leather. It will demand at least dozen of sheaths to be taken on every adventure. It will be very unhappy unless it is told a gory bed time story every night.
  3. Deepthrust: Rapier +1 to hit, +3 to damage; AL Neutral Evil; INT 18; EGO 16; COM telepathy within 12”, speaks one language; MOT renown; POW Clairvoyance, Detect Life, Flight, Frost Giant Strength. Diamond studded thin blade with gilded guard and exquisite sheath (worth 4 000 gp). Deepthrust enjoys duels and will refuse its powers to anyone whom it deems cowardly or unfit in any way. It will always demand a full share of treasure, which is to be spent on sheaths, oils, and bards. It hates clumsiness and will refuse to serve any such person (with DEX less than 12)—in fact it will viciously mock them, hoping to incite a duel. Deepthrust is not stupid, so it will see through insincere flattery and react accordingly. Deepthrust allows the wielder to fight with strength of a Frost Giant, meaning it attacks as 10+1 HD monster and hits for 2d6+1 damage.
  4. Hellfire: Sling +2 to hit, +3 to damage; AL Chaotic Evil; INT 18; EGO 18; COM telepathy within 12”, speaks one language; MOT renown; POW +1 versus Undead, Paralysis, and Life Drain attacks, Detect Life, Haste, Fire Giant Strength, Treat all armor classes hit as AC 9. This hateful weapon has been forged in the very core of the planet by Ammonuz, a fire giant cleric, to wage ware on Overlanders. It is a simple Y-shaped sling, with body made of black rock. The sling itself is of unknown material. Hellfire cares for nothing but destruction, and will instantly attempt to dominate anyone who dares touch it. And destructive it is: not only does the wielder strike with power of a fire giant (as 11+3 HD monster for 2d6+2 damage), but any living target counts as if it had AC of 9. That means that they are automatically struck, unless they have means of reducing the attacker's attack probability. Hellfire might be sufficiently impressed by new “owner” if the latter destroys everything and everyone, including its allies, upon picking it up. But its appetite for destruction is endless, and no owner has survived it.
  5. Moonlight: Light Crossbow +1 to hit, +3 to damage; AL Lawful Evil; INT 9; EGO 17; COM empathy; MOT renown; POW none. Ultralight crossbow with mechanism that doesn't require any maintenance nor oiling. It is so perfect it can be fired and reloaded with a single hand. Used to be a favourite weapon of notorious assassin Mateis Fluoniope. Moonlight will refuse to shoot “shoddily” made quarrels, which it is very particular about (roll a d4, on 1 it refuses to shoot a bolt). It will happily spend hours inspecting bolts for use, and will occasionally demand special-made bolts.
  6. Nedbryn: Shortbow +2 to hit, +3 to damage; AL Lawful Evil; INT 20; EGO 1; COM telepathy within 12”, speaks four languages; MOT renown; POW Detect Alignment (like cleric spell Detect Evil but at double range and can detect any alignment), Flight, Haste (Cursed). Made from hangman tree hardened in blood of one hundred demi-humans. Bowstring is enchanted spidersilk. Nedbryn possesses alien-like intelligence, and revels in causing prolonged suffering. She will introduce herself to any adventurer within range and seek help, playing to their ego. Although she can impeccably detect alignment, she will hide her own. Only clerics of name level and higher can correctly detect her alignment—and only if they spend number of months equal to the difference between her intelligence and their wisdom. Nedbryn will adjust to her wielder. Her patience is endless. She can tolerate abuse. She will learn everything there is to learn about her owner. She will give out genuinely helpful advice, but always in the service of her agenda. There is nothing she enjoys more than building up an aspiring adventurer into respected ruler and then slowly ruining them. If she gets bored she will malfunction at the most inappropriate time, e.g. when flying over a precipice or running away from a horde of monsters.
  7. Princekiller: Lance +3 to hit, +2 to damage; AL Neutral; INT 8; EGO 16; COM empathy; MOT renown; POW none. By all account a mundane lance, indistinguishable from others. Forged by vengeful wizard Cullen Leeper whom was slighted by a local king. He planted the lance for tournament organised by the king, in which king's son was participating as well. Leeper ensured the lance ended in a dull man's hands, and son was “accidentally” killed. Princekiller has a sizeable ego, and will demand tournaments organised in its favour at least bimonthly. It will also demand the best of horses and the best of challengers.
  8. Red Sun: Two Handed Battleaxe +3 to hit, +3 to damage; AL Neutral Good; INT 5; EGO 16; COM none; MOT renown; POW none. Large two-handed double-bitted battleaxe with ironwood shaft and bright red blades. It hates prolonged exposure to darkness, and thoroughly enjoys sunbathing. When happy, the blades look as if sun rays are bouncing within them. When unhappy, the blades look like dimmed sun.
  9. Sarioin: Halberd +3 to hit, +1 to damage; AL Neutral; INT 10; EGO 16; COM speaks two languages; MOT renown; POW none. A halberd with iron shaft and tempered steel blade. Sarioin will introduce himself as “warrior's finest weapon, but strategist's true weapon!” It is quite spendthrifty, and will always look for reasons why something else should be bought too, e.g. “quality costs!”, “buy thrice, cry once!”, “are you sure we don't need another one?” Sarioin will not demand anything be spent on it, but will greatly appreciate that. What it will demand every single time is to be consulted on battle plans and course of action. It will speak out of order and let anyone know if it disagrees with the approach, plans, or ideas. Sarioin is the prototypical armchair general, and will always have something to say.
  10. Volmago the Vampire Vanquisher: Spear +4 to hit, +2 to damage; AL Neutral; INT 18; EGO 8; COM telepathy within 12”, speaks two languages; MOT renown; POW Detect Distance, Detect Undead, +2 versus Undead, Paralysis, and Life Drain attacks. A silver tipped spear with shaft of cold iron. Volmago is still grieving its former owner, great paladin Cladus Eacham, whom was betrayed by his party and slain by a mated pair of vampires. Volmago desires only to be left to grieve and will refuse cooperation. If the new to-be owner is able to get it to open up and avenge Cladus, then Volmago will serve that person with undying loyalty. Volmago knows a lot about undead and will share that information.

Legend: AL: alignment; INT: sword's intelligence; EGO: sword's ego; COM: sword's means of communication; POW sword's power(s).

As I wrote, for this article I decided to use the “Random Chance Chart For Magik Weapons” from The Arduin Grimoire Volume 1 (1977):

Even if you are familiar with OD&D some of the table entries might leave you a bit puzzled. There are no explanations or details beyond above table. Spell that don't appear in OD&D are also not detailed in the grimoires. For example Detect Alignment. I just assume it works the same as Detect Evil/Good in OD&D.

Weapon “character and alignment” is interesting as well. In the grimoires Dave explicated his views on alignment, which are kind of summarised in the following table:

Weapon intelligence and ego scores can be much higher than in OD&D, meaning much higher probability a player character might have really bad time. In fact, imagine rolling a chaotic evil weapon with high intelligence and ego. Yes, it might end up with many special powers, but since it would easily dominate even the strongest characters, it almost acts as a cursed weapon.

How many powers gets assigned is a bit ambiguous, especially regarding special powers. Number of “normal powers” depends on the weapon's intelligence:

INT Normal Powers
14–15 1
16–17 2
18–19 3
20–21 4
22 5

Number of “special attributes” depends on the weapon's intelligence and ego:

INT EGO Special Attributes
15–17 15–17 1
18–20 18–20 2
21–23 21–23 3
24 24 4

Finally, I interpret Dave's table as supplemental to procedures in the OD&D. I used those to determine weapon's purpose (1:10 for it to be special), communication abilities, and number of languages spoken. All three original Arduin Grimoires have been reprinted in the Arduin Trilogy.

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This post is part of the RPG Blog Carnival: Wondrous Weapons and Damning Dweomers.

This week I decided to use Magical Weapons for Labyrinth Lord by Djeryv / Wizardawn as the starting point.

Spell effects are from Labyrinth Lord and Advanced Edition Companion (no-art versions of Labyrinth Lord and Advanced Edition Companion are free).

(For those new to OSR, Labyrinth Lord is a B/X retroclone, meaning its supplements are easy to use with Old-School Essentials and Swords & Wizardry.)

Without further ado, here are thirty unique magical weapons, sorted alphabetically:

  1. Abysmal Battle Axe +1 of Invisibility (as magic-user spell Invisibility, twice a week). Hooked axe with obsidian blade and lacquered shaft that causes bleeding blisters. Has two eyes, one on each side of the blade. Poking an eye causes the axe and wielder to turn invisible.
  2. Bastard Sword +1, +2 of Exorcism (versus demons and devils). Blade of pure white light with handle and pommel of unknown alien material similar to polished steel.
  3. Bastard Sword +1, +2 of Lycanthrope Hunting (versus lycanthropes). The blade has silver sheen to it, although it is made of steel.
  4. Bastard Sword of the Cursed (-2, cursed). Bat-shaped iron sword-guard. The fuller (groove along the blade) is polished steel.
  5. Divine Heavy Flail +1, +3 of Death Dealing (versus undead). Favourite weapon of Prophet Gardgal Verdier.
  6. Dreadful Morningstar +1, +2 of Exorcism (versus demons and devils). Gnarly looking monringstar with bent spikes. Made entirely of pure holy iron.
  7. Earthly Light Pick +1, +2 of Magical Vanquishing (versus magical monsters). Forged by long forgotten dwarf blacksmith during the Great Construct Uprising.
  8. Fabulous Quarterstaff of the Cursed (-2, cursed). Wearer believes they are the most fabulous person on the planet and will make sure everybody else knows it as well.
  9. Fallen Mace +1 of the Necromancer (as cleric spell Animate Dead, once a week). Made entirely of stainless steel. Cannot blemish, not matter how hard it hits. Wielded by infamous chaotic cleric Mavorla the Despoiler.
  10. Fiendish Battle Axe +1. Danish battle axe with perennially bloodstained iron blade. Blood can't be washed off.
  11. Fiendish Light Crossbow +1 of the Skunk (as magic-user spell Stinking Cloud, once a week). A slim transparent cylinder is attached to the underside of the crossbow. Cylinder slowly sucks in smells from the environment, which are then magically enriched with vile vapours. Once the chamber is full, as indicated by it being filled with sickly yellow gas, it can be discharged with a click (no arrow needed).
  12. Foul Short Sword +3. The sword smells worse than a rotting troglodyte. Releases sticky ichor when gripped. Forged by Jaa'kewalimnit, a sludge demon.
  13. Glorious Morningstar +2, +3 of Spellcaster Doom (versus spell casters). Magnificent morningstar with obsidian head, ironwood shaft, and steel grip. It is the morningstar that crushed the head of notorious wizard Amenotari Thutmok.
  14. Hand Axe +1, +2 of Lizard Extinction (versus reptiles, excluding dragons & wyverns). A simple handaxe with wooden shaft and steel blade, easily mistaken for a mundane hand axe.
  15. Heavenly Long Sword +3 of the Sage (as magic-user spell Read Magic, twice a week). Gold blade and grip, while sword-guard is a golden winged sun. It looks absolutely splendid, and is desired by rulers throughout the land. Last to wield it was legendary King Numedas “The Fair” Septigius.
  16. Heavy Flail +1, +2 of Giant Conquering (versus giants). Although it looks like a mundane flail, it is so heavy it can be only lifted by characters that have at least 15 strength.
  17. Incredible Dagger +2, +3 of Magical Vanquishing (versus magical monsters). Nicknamed after legendary assassin Levacia whom allegedly yelled “incredible, is it not?!” whenever she'd stab someone to death with it.
  18. Light Crossbow +3 of the Eagle (as magic-user spell Fly, three times a week). Lightweight crossbow made of enchanted wood from elven forest. Three eagles are on the body; touching any of them grants the user ability to fly.
  19. Lost Quarterstaff +3 of the Skunk (as magic-user spell Stinking Cloud, twice a day). Striking either side of the staff into the ground makes the other side release noxious gas.
  20. Magical Light Crossbow +1 of Snake Charming (as cleric spell Snake Charm, twice a week). Gifted to prince Onurekri who liked to play with snakes. He died to suicide.
  21. Sacred Hand Axe of Wounding (+1, wounding). Gilded blade with ironwood shaft and bronze pommel.
  22. Sling +2, +3 of Deterioration (versus regenerating monsters). Y-shaped sling made from troll bones and thoul sinews.
  23. Treasured Battle Axe +1 of Magic Missiles (as magic-user spell Magic Missile, twice a week). Double-bladed steel battle axe with ironwood shaft. Blades and shaft are studded with red and green jewels. Jewels pulsate gentle light, unless both Magic Missile charges have been used.
  24. Trident +1 of Mind Reading (as magic-user spell ESP, once a day). Made of pure jade. Stolen from Sahuagin prince by a band of daring adventurers.
  25. Trident +1, +3 of Exorcism (versus demons and devils). Gold trident of a long forgotten merfolk hero. Sparkles with electricity when within 30 feet of a devil.
  26. Two-Handed Sword +2, +3 of Golem Banishment (versus golems and statues). Ten feet long slab of iron used to discipline golems. Forged by mad wizard Hjorth “The Ghastly” Pans.
  27. Unholy Light Pick of Wounding (+1, wounding). Borderline erotic moans can be heard whenever it draws blood.
  28. Villainous Dagger +3 of Seeing (as magic-user spell Detect Invisible, three times a week). Tri-edge dagger of polished steel. Belonged to notorious hunter Amargacht the Cruel.
  29. War Hammer +2, +3 of Lizard Extinction (versus reptiles, excluding dragons & wyverns). Double-headed mithril war hammer with wrought iron shaft and diamond-shaped mithril pommel. Weapon of legendary dwarven hero Fimbur Gorazinsson whom used it during Woelands Saurian Crusades.
  30. Wondrous Shortbow +1, +2 of Lizard Extinction (versus reptiles, excluding dragons & wyverns). Forged by Virthin Halrond, an elf who fancied lizardmens' flesh.

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This post is part of the RPG Blog Carnival: Wondrous Weapons and Damning Dweomers.

Twenty magical swords for Swords & Wizardry, sorted alphabetically (see bottom of the post for explanation of sword attributes):

  1. Blackblade: Two-handed Sword +1/+2 versus dragon types; AL Lawful; INT 7; EGO 6; COM telepathic with wielder; MOT kill dragon types (dragons, basilisks, hydras, etc.); POW control one animal at a time. Obsidian blade with bronze grip. Forged by dracophobes from the future.
  2. Bloomrose: Long Sword +1; AL Lawful; INT 6; EGO 2; COM empathic; MOT renown. Steel blade with copper grip adorned with rose motifs. Forged by Gottra Bigkind to feel more feminine during Goblin Wars.
  3. Bronseblad: Long Sword +1, AL Lawful. Bronze blade with bronze grip. Forged by technomancers of a lost continent.
  4. Foolsblade: Cursed Short Sword -1, for traps with a chance to trigger or not (e.g. pit traps spring on 2 in 6), the wielder always triggers the trap. Flint blade with copper grip. Forged by Tsoozethld, an arauk demon.
  5. Giantslayer: Long Sword +2/+3 versus giant types; AL Lawful; INT 10; EGO 8; COM telepathic with wielder and speaks three language out loud; MOT kill giant types (goblins, trolls, giants, etc.); POW (1) wielder immune from level/energy drain, (2) can project brief auditory illusions up to 60'. Steel blade with ruby grip. Forged by visitors from the future to fight undead giants.
  6. Iron Spider: Long Sword +1; AL Neutral; INT 7; EGO 3; COM telepathic with wielder; MOT renown; POW 4 in 6 chance to chop down a missile in mid flight. Steel blade with bronze grip. Forged by ancient aliens who got annoyed by humans shooting them.
  7. Lightsabre: Long Sword +1, AL Lawful. Energy blade with emerald grip. Forged by a mad wizard Attalostas Cloudpacer to serve as a showpiece (distraction) for adventurers of lesser intellect.
  8. Logazor's Scorned: Long Sword +1, AL Chaotic. Steel blade with bone grip. Forged by Logazor Keenplate, a dwarf blacksmith of some renown, who discarded the blade in disgust.
  9. Magedoom: Long Sword +1/+2 versus Magic-Users; AL Lawful; INT 8; EGO 4; COM telepathic with wielder; MOT kill Magic-Users; POW wielder need never rest. Steel blade with ruby grip. Forged by an envious wizard Tapis Sereem, who was promptly murdered by the henchman he commanded to test the sword.
  10. My First Magic Sword: Long Sword +1; AL Lawful; INT 5; EGO 3; COM empathic; MOT renown. Steel blade with wood grip. Forged by wizard Dullinan for practice.
  11. Ribtorch: Long Sword +1; AL Lawful; INT 6; EGO 3; COM empathic; MOT renown. Energy blade with bone grip (actually a bear's rib). Forged by technomancers of Atlantis as joke weapon for those to be executed by trial in the arena.
  12. Rightway: Two-handed Sword +2; AL Neutral; INT 10; EGO 12; COM telepathic with wielder and speaks three languages out loud; MOT renown; POW (1) never get lost in the wilderness, (2) detect opposite alignment within 30'. Steel blade with ram horn grip. Forged for Marllana Terarel, an elf whou couldn't find her way out of a jungle.
  13. Sawsword: Long Sword +1; AL Chaotic; INT 6; EGO 1; COM empathic; MOT renown. Steel serrated blade with bronze grip. Forged by Svkivzinilnaaki, a pathetic demon hoping to enslave a mighty warrior to do deeds in its name.
  14. Sealseeker: Long Sword +1; AL Chaotic; INT 7; EGO 6; COM telepathic with wielder; MOT renown; POW place sword on the ground for 1 turn, and it will point in the direction of the nearest secret door. Steel blade with ruby grip. Forged by Anika Bacchus, hailing from the future.
  15. Skag's Skål: Long Sword +1; AL Lawful; INT 5; EGO 1; COM empathic; MOT renown. Steel blade with horn grip. Forged by dwarf Skag Glumtower who wanted a sword that would allow him to kill and drink in rapid succession.
  16. The Hound: Long Sword +1; AL Neutral; INT 9; EGO 1; COM telepathic with wielder and speaks one language out loud; MOT renown; POW detect invisibility within 30'. Steel blade with copper grip. Forged by Ragni Ragnisson, a dwarven hero who hated deep elves with great passion.
  17. The Plank: Two-handed Sword +2/+3 versus flyer types; AL Lawful; INT 11; EGO 9; COM telepathic with wielder, speaks three languages out loud, and reads magic as per the spell; MOT kill flyer types (rocs, maticores, balrogs, etc.); POW (1) any living thing cut apart by this blade (beheading, limb lopped off, trunk bisected, etc.) will grow into an auto-homocidal clone/doppelganger of the original in d6 days, (2) 4 in 6 chance to chop down a missile in mid flight, (3) emits Light on command, as per magic-user spell. 2” x 2” seven feet long plank with bronze grip on one end. Forged by technomancers of a lost continent to fight a rust batmonster infestation.
  18. Toothpick: Long Sword +1, AL Lawful. Wood blade with bone grip. Carved by a Titan in a time of need.
  19. Unrequited Love: Long Sword +1; AL Neutral; INT 6; EGO 3; COM empathic; MOT renown. Steel blade with copper grip. Forged by mad wizard Inele as a gift for Fighter she was wooing.
  20. Valindel: Short Sword +3; AL Lawful; INT 12; EGO 3; COM telepathic with anyone within 30', speaks three languages out loud, and reads magic as per the spell; MOT kill dragon types (dragons, basilisks, hydras, etc.); POW (1) wielder can “fly” (leap) up to 20', over the heads of up to two ranks of enemies, those enemies can't attack the leaping wielder, unless armed with missile weapons or long polearms, (2) sword bats out of the air any (non-magical) missiles aimed at the wielder, (3) never accidentally dropped (during surprise, for example), (4) warns against cursed magic items (for items already identified as magical by Detect Magic or similar means). Steel blade with copper grip. Forged for Ullialanel Valindel Yavarond, a famed elf dragon slayer.

Legend: AL: alignment; INT: sword's intelligence; EGO: sword's ego; COM: sword's means of communication; MOT sword's motivation; POW sword's power(s).

I made the above with the help of Paul Gorman's excellent free supplement Magic Swords for Swords & Wizardry. First I generated sword abilities using his tables, and then I refined them until I was satisfied.

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Friends and strangers!

Through September I am hosting the RPG Blog Carnival, and I would like to invite you to contribute!

The theme is Wondrous Weapons and Damning Dweomers, and your contributions can be anything related to it.

For example:

  • fleshed out magical weapons,
  • detailed cursed items,
  • random tables related to magical weapons,
  • random tables related to cursed items,
  • procedures related to magical weapons,
  • procedures related to cursed items,
  • drawings of magical or cursed items,
  • adventures or locales with magical weapons or cursed items.

There are no limits besides the overarching theme!

Simply share a link to your contribution (e.g. a blog post) in the comments below, and I will include it in the summary post at the end of the month.

P.S. If you don't have a blog, but would still like to participate then you can either send me your contribution via email or comment below.

P.P.S. Don't panic if you don't see your comment immediately after you submit it—I have to manually approve each comment.

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