Attronarch's Athenaeum


DriveThruRPG is running 40% sale off many titles in celebration of GM's day.

The whole TSR catalogue (OD&D, D&D, AD&D 1e, and AD&D 2e) is discounted as well. Below are several series that are worth getting but are rarely talked about.

AC (ACessory) modules were 11 publications for the basic line. AC1, AC9, and AC10 are great supplements for any basic game or its retroclone:

GAZ (GAZetteer) sourcebooks for the basic line detailed different parts of Mystara:

DMGR (Dungeon Master's Guide Rules supplement) books were published during the heyday of AD&D 2e overproduction. Still, I found something useful in each:

Finally, builder's guidebooks and sites did not have a code, but feature useful material:

Spend responsibly!

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Another great sale I stumbled upon, this time by Frog God Games / Necromancer Games. They are celebrating 25 years so every month few books go on sale. This month The Lost City of Barakus (d20 and Swords & Wizardry) is 75% off and Heart of St. Bathus (OSE) is 60% off. Both are by W.D.B. Kenower who is one of my favourite authors. The Lost City of Barakus is a great module that has everything you need for a campaign. Heart of St. Bathus I haven't had the chance to run yet, but it is a gem that needs polishing since FGG dropped the ball on editing, laying it out, and presenting the information in acessible manner.

#Sale #FGG #NG #OSR #SW #OSE

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Advanced Adventures OSRIC (AD&D 1e retroclone) line by the Expeditious Retreat Press is on sale for 50% off until end of February. At the moment it counts 46 modules. Here are some of my favourites that I am happy to recommend (sorted by level range instead of module code):

Modules have nothing to do with each other (except few exceptions like Shadowvein and White Dragon Run), and they are easy to integrate in any sandbox game. Page counts are small, text is dense, maps are play-oriented. Just how I like it.


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I'm selling part of my Necrotic Gnome collection. All books are mint, unused, and some of them are still shrink-wrapped. Shipping from EU; bank transfer preferred within EU, otherwise PayPal is fine.

I'm selling four different lots:

  • LOT A: Old-School Essentials Box with Classic and Advanced Fantasy (Kickstarter edition), 160 EUR
  • LOT B: Carcass Crawler zines (Kickstarter editions), 60 EUR
  • LOT C: Necrotic Gnome adventures (Kickstarter editions), 80 EUR
  • LOT D: Old-School Essentials Classic Game Set and Advanced Expansion Set (Kickstarter editions), 140 EUR

Lists and photos below.

LOT A: Old-School Essentials Box with Classic and Advanced Fantasy (Kickstarter edition)

160 EUR

NG-0008SE1 Old-Shool Essentials box NG-0002 Classic Fantasy: Core Rules NG-0003 Classic Fantasy: Genre Rules NG-0004 Classic Fantasy: Cleric and Magic-User Spells NG-0005 Classic Fantasy: Monsters NG-0006 Classic Fantasy: Treasures NG-0009 Advanced Fantasy: Genre Rules NG-0010 Advanced Fantasy: Druid and Illusionist Spells (with “Advanced Fantasy: Genre Rules” misprint on the spine) NG-0015 Advanced Fantasy: Monsters NG-0016 Advanced Fantasy: Treasures

LOT B: Carcass Crawler zines (Kickstarter editions)

60 EUR

Carcass Crawler Issue Zero (Kickstarter exclusive) Carcass Crawler Issue 1 Carcass Crawler Issue 2 Carcass Crawler Issue 3

LOT C: Necrotic Gnome adventures (Kickstarter editions)

80 EUR

NG-0011 The Hole in the Oak NG-0001BX Winter's Daughter (uncensored version) NG-0020 The Incandescent Grottoes NG-0021 Halls of the Blood King NG-0022 The Isle of the Plangent Mage NG-0023 Holy Mountain Shaker

LOT D: Old-School Essentials Classic Game Set and Advanced Expansion Set (Kickstarter editions)

140 EUR

#Sale #NecroticGnome #NG #OSR #OSE

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Another year, another chance to buy great OSR publications at discounted prices. Just like last year, I decide to do a single megapost by category (adventures, supplements, and bestiaries). I also limited myself to only ten bullets per category (but I cheated a bit).

Either way, below are books I'm happy to recommend, because I found them useful for my game. Some of them aren't often suggested, so I hope you find some inspiring gems as well!


  • Gatehouse on Cormac’s Crag. A village, seven-level dungeon with good verticality, and player handouts, all in 39 pages. Appropriate for levels 1-3.
  • The Sanctuary Ruin & Ironwood Gorge by Ludibrium Games. Great mini campaign, good pacing and escalation of threat, interesting dungeon to explore, multiple factions, and easy to plug into existing setting and/or build on. Ruin is levels 1-3, Gorge 3-5.
  • The Pod-Caverns of the Sinister Shroom. Very fun dungeon with 52 keyed areas over three levels. Includes novel enemies, environmental hazards, and plenty of interactivity.
  • The Palace of Unquiet Repose. An interesting underground necropolis for exploration. One of those places where you just want to get the treasure and get out ASAP.
  • The Black Monastery. A mansion full of monsters. Slightly nonsencial at times, criminally lacks treasure, but I still find charming in that “this has seen a lot of play” way.
  • Mike's Dungeons, Mike's Dungeons: The Deep Levels and Mike's World: The Forsaken Wilderness Beyond. Less than $10 for material that will last you a lifetime whenever your players decide to go somewhere you haven't prepared for. As a bonus, aforementioned supercharge B1 and B2.
  • Griffin Mountain. Amazing old-school sandbox module by Kraft, Jaquays, and Stafford. Although it is for Classic RuneQuest it is easy to adapt to D&D and OSR systems.
  • Palace of the Vampire Queen, The Dwarven Glory and The Misty Isles. Witness for yourself how the earliest adventures looked like. Will you be able to make them work?
  • The Lost City of Barakus (local and regional maps). Includes a starting city (with seven adventures), a wilderness area (with 26 keyed encounters and mini adventures), and a large five-level dungeon with interesting factions and cool big-bad.
  • Cyclopean Deeps (volume one and two). Underground hex-crawl for high-level parties. Includes underground settlements as well. Perfect for plugging into lowest levels of large dungeons or under a sprawling city.



#BlackFriday2024 #Sale #OSR

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Fight On! bundle (issues 1 to 14) available for limited time!

Get fourteen issues for 50% off! Legendary OSR zine jam-packed with essays, adventures, house rules, art, comics, magic items—you name it!

The sale will run for just a week or so after Calithena or Ignatius (Fight On! editors), announce it publicly so don't wait for too long. This is a great deal.

Update: the sale will run until October 11th.

#Sale #FightOn #OSR

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Steve Jackson Games is running a GURPS anniversary sale.

All the titles are 20% off until August 29th.

I don't often see them running a catalogue wide sale, so I used this opportunity to finally buy a few items from my GURPS wish-list:

Managed to add few more GURPS items to my wish-list... the thing is endless.


#Sale #GURPS

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DriveThruRPG is running 40% sale off many titles in celebration of GM's day.

Here are some of my favourite sources for random tables that are currently discounted:

And I often use the following to randomly generate and flesh out dungeons (from my most to least favourite, not counting 1e DMG Appendix A):

In fact the whole TSR catalogue (OD&D, D&D, AD&D 1e, and AD&D 2e) is discounted as well. Consider taking a look at the DMGR series which are more useful than they seem at first:

#Sale #OSR

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I'm selling off the following OSR products I backed on Kickstarter and never opened, and let alone played. Everything is in mint condition. Shipping from EU, bank transfer preferred, otherwise PayPal. Scroll to the end for photos.

Ultraviolet Grasslands and the Black City €60

  • Kickstarter edition: UVG hardcover, UVG bookmark, pink & black dice, UVG gatefold GM screen, UVG vertical fold out map.
  • DTRPG page and Kickstarter page.

Jacob Fleming lot €50

  • Three great adventures, perfect for kicking off OSR campaign. All are Kickstarter editions with supplements (cards & maps).
  • In the Shadow of Tower Silveraxe (DTRPG, review)
  • Through the Valley of the Manticore (DTRPG, review)
  • The Scourge of Northland (DTRPG)

Mork Borg lot €40

  • For grimdark one-shots.
  • Mork Borg Kickstarter bundle with hardcover rulebook, poster map, character sheets, and trifold adventure. DTRPG page.
  • Mork Borg Feretory Kickstarter edition, still shrink-wrapped. DTRPG page.

Knock! Issue #3 €30

Seekers Beyond the Shroud €80

  • Solo RPG.
  • Out of print.
  • Limited Hardcover (196/210).
  • DTRPG page and Kickstarter page.

Disciples of Bone and Shadow €20

  • Solo RPG.
  • Out of print.

#Sale #OSR

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The time is here! This year I decided to do a single megapost by category (adventure / bestiary / supplement) instead by publisher. I also decided to limit myself only to things I bought, read, and that isn't TSR (many classics to pick up there!). Each category is sorted alphabetically. I tried to provide brief explanation for each item, but do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.

Spend reasonably!




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