DriveThruRPG is running 40% sale off many titles in celebration of GM's day.
The whole TSR catalogue (OD&D, D&D, AD&D 1e, and AD&D 2e) is discounted as well. Below are several series that are worth getting but are rarely talked about.
AC (ACessory) modules were 11 publications for the basic line. AC1, AC9, and AC10 are great supplements for any basic game or its retroclone:
DMGR (Dungeon Master's Guide Rules supplement) books were published during the heyday of AD&D 2e overproduction. Still, I found something useful in each:
Another great sale I stumbled upon, this time by Frog God Games / Necromancer Games. They are celebrating 25 years so every month few books go on sale. This month The Lost City of Barakus (d20 and Swords & Wizardry) is 75% off and Heart of St. Bathus (OSE) is 60% off. Both are by W.D.B. Kenower who is one of my favourite authors. The Lost City of Barakus is a great module that has everything you need for a campaign. Heart of St. Bathus I haven't had the chance to run yet, but it is a gem that needs polishing since FGG dropped the ball on editing, laying it out, and presenting the information in acessible manner.
Advanced Adventures OSRIC (AD&D 1e retroclone) line by the Expeditious Retreat Press is on sale for 50% off until end of February. At the moment it counts 46 modules. Here are some of my favourites that I am happy to recommend (sorted by level range instead of module code):
Modules have nothing to do with each other (except few exceptions like Shadowvein and White Dragon Run), and they are easy to integrate in any sandbox game. Page counts are small, text is dense, maps are play-oriented. Just how I like it.
I'm selling part of my Necrotic Gnome collection. All books are mint, unused, and some of them are still shrink-wrapped. Shipping from EU; bank transfer preferred within EU, otherwise PayPal is fine.
I'm selling four different lots:
LOT A: Old-School Essentials Box with Classic and Advanced Fantasy (Kickstarter edition), 160 EUR
LOT B: Carcass Crawler zines (Kickstarter editions), 60 EUR
LOT C: Necrotic Gnome adventures (Kickstarter editions), 80 EUR
LOT D: Old-School Essentials Classic Game Set and Advanced Expansion Set (Kickstarter editions), 140 EUR
Lists and photos below.
LOT A: Old-School Essentials Box with Classic and Advanced Fantasy (Kickstarter edition)
LOT C: Necrotic Gnome adventures (Kickstarter editions)
80 EUR
NG-0011 The Hole in the Oak
NG-0001BX Winter's Daughter (uncensored version)
NG-0020 The Incandescent Grottoes
NG-0021 Halls of the Blood King
NG-0022 The Isle of the Plangent Mage
NG-0023 Holy Mountain Shaker
LOT D: Old-School Essentials Classic Game Set and Advanced Expansion Set (Kickstarter editions)
Another year, another chance to buy great OSR publications at discounted prices. Just like last year, I decide to do a single megapost by category (adventures, supplements, and bestiaries). I also limited myself to only ten bullets per category (but I cheated a bit).
Either way, below are books I'm happy to recommend, because I found them useful for my game. Some of them aren't often suggested, so I hope you find some inspiring gems as well!
Gatehouse on Cormac’s Crag. A village, seven-level dungeon with good verticality, and player handouts, all in 39 pages. Appropriate for levels 1-3.
The Sanctuary Ruin & Ironwood Gorge by Ludibrium Games. Great mini campaign, good pacing and escalation of threat, interesting dungeon to explore, multiple factions, and easy to plug into existing setting and/or build on. Ruin is levels 1-3, Gorge 3-5.
The Pod-Caverns of the Sinister Shroom. Very fun dungeon with 52 keyed areas over three levels. Includes novel enemies, environmental hazards, and plenty of interactivity.
The Palace of Unquiet Repose. An interesting underground necropolis for exploration. One of those places where you just want to get the treasure and get out ASAP.
The Black Monastery. A mansion full of monsters. Slightly nonsencial at times, criminally lacks treasure, but I still find charming in that “this has seen a lot of play” way.
Griffin Mountain. Amazing old-school sandbox module by Kraft, Jaquays, and Stafford. Although it is for Classic RuneQuest it is easy to adapt to D&D and OSR systems.
The Lost City of Barakus (local and regional maps). Includes a starting city (with seven adventures), a wilderness area (with 26 keyed encounters and mini adventures), and a large five-level dungeon with interesting factions and cool big-bad.
Cyclopean Deeps (volume one and two). Underground hex-crawl for high-level parties. Includes underground settlements as well. Perfect for plugging into lowest levels of large dungeons or under a sprawling city.
Tome of Adventure Design. Over 400 random tables for randomly generating adventures, monsters, dungeons, and “non-dungeon” adventures. Includes small essays as well.
Book of Lost Tables. Includes 348 random tables for generating random wilderness terrain, random wilderness encounters, random dungeon terrain, random dungeon encounters, random urban terrain, random urban encounters, character parties, and more. Very much in the styled of AD&D 1e tables.
How to Make a Fantasy Sandbox. Practical step-by step guide on how to create your own sandbox. Written by Robert Conley, a Wilderlands legend. (Watch out for his Majestic Fantasy Realms as well, forthcoming.)
Cities by Midkemia Press, City Encounters by Mythemere Games, and The Nocturnal Table by First Hungarian d20 Society. Everything you need to run an infinite number of urban encounters with zero prep.
The Metamorphica Revised. Wonderful tables for body and mind mutations. I love using them to create unique characters and monsters.
All the Worlds' Monsters Vol. 1, Vol. 2 and Vol. 3. One of the earliest published bestiaries. Has that true vintage typewriter look and nonsensical monsters.
Fiends & Foes. New monster book by Mythmere Games, updates many monsters previous published in the Monster Compendium: 0e. See Swords & Wizardry bestiary analysis here.
Monstrosities. Nearly 500 monsters. Each monster comes with an example encounter/nano-adventure. Includes tables with monsters by challenge level, guidance on creating new monsters, tables of monsters by terrain, and tables of random encounters (3d6, so normal distribution curve).
Tome of Horrors Complete. More than 700 monsters (no duplicates from Monstrosities). Again, each comes with a small encounter. Includes mundane animals as well.
Malevolent & Benign and Malevolent & Benign II. Collects all monsters published in the Expeditions Retreat Press OSRIC modules. Each book contains 150 monsters, so 300 new monsters in total.
Get fourteen issues for 50% off! Legendary OSR zine jam-packed with essays, adventures, house rules, art, comics, magic items—you name it!
The sale will run for just a week or so after Calithena or Ignatius (Fight On! editors), announce it publicly so don't wait for too long. This is a great deal.
In fact the whole TSR catalogue (OD&D, D&D, AD&D 1e, and AD&D 2e) is discounted as well. Consider taking a look at the DMGR series which are more useful than they seem at first:
I'm selling off the following OSR products I backed on Kickstarter and never opened, and let alone played. Everything is in mint condition. Shipping from EU, bank transfer preferred, otherwise PayPal. Scroll to the end for photos.
Ultraviolet Grasslands and the Black City €60
Kickstarter edition: UVG hardcover, UVG bookmark, pink & black dice, UVG gatefold GM screen, UVG vertical fold out map.
The time is here! This year I decided to do a single megapost by category (adventure / bestiary / supplement) instead by publisher. I also decided to limit myself only to things I bought, read, and that isn't TSR (many classics to pick up there!). Each category is sorted alphabetically. I tried to provide brief explanation for each item, but do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.
Spend reasonably!
Cyclopean Deeps (Swords and Wizardry) (volume one and two). Underground hex-crawl for high-level parties. Includes underground settlements as well. Perfect for plugging into lowest levels of large dungeons... Or under sprawling cities...
Bard's Gate (Swords and Wizardry) (player's guide). A massive city packed with urban encounters and adventures (8 included, from levels 1 to 10+). Very dense book. Some say this is FGG's finest product. The truths is: this is another Necromancer Games revival. And that's why it's great. :)
Bottomless Pit of Zorth. Slimy adventure kicked off by players' greed. What else do you need? :)
Broodmother SkyFortress. Part campaign-disrupting adventure, part collection of essays on running old-school games. Easily my favourite LotFP publication.
Carcosa. Oh Carcosa, oh how wonderfully wicked you are! Geoffrey McKinney gives us a whole sandbox (campaign map with described hexes) surrounding Carcosa, as well as an in depth view of one hex (multiple points of interest). It is a horrific place, living up to source material.
Castle Zagyg: Yggsburgh Campaign Setting. TLG is finally allowed to reprint material authored by Gary Gygax! Far from perfect, but still worth, Yggsburgh offers an insight into Gary's late work.
Stoneheart Valley (Swords and Wizardry). A collection of three old Necromancer Games adventures: The Wizard's Amulet, The Crucible of Freya, and The Tomb of Abysthor. First one is shit, second is fine, and third is awesome.
The Blight (Swords and Wizardry). A rotten, overpopulated, sick mega-city. Whole campaigns can be played in it. Heavy horror vibes.
The Lost City of Barakus (Swords and Wizardry) (local and regional maps). Perhaps my favourite Necromancer Games mega-dungeon—because it is so much more! You get a starting city (with seven adventures), a wilderness area (with 26 keyed encounters and mini adventures), and a mega-dungeon with interesting factions and cool big-bad. Suitable for low-level parties.
The Northlands Saga Complete (Swords and Wizardry). A compilation of ten adventures set in stereotypical cold north. Probably enough for several years of gaming. My favourite activity is stealing from this book and including parts of it in my own game. Tenfootpole has reviewed first four adventures back in the day (NS1, NS2, NS3, NS4). $18 is a steal for this.
Tower of the Stargazer. A great adventure for LofTP one-shot and to gage if LofTP adventures vibe well with you and your players. You know, mean traps, lying bastards, and miserable pay off.
Veins of the Earth. Wonderful inspiration to make the underdark darker and scarier.
All the Worlds' Monsters Vol. 1, Vol 2. and Vol.3 . One of the earliest published bestiaries. Has that true vintage typewriter look and nonsensical monsters.
Monstrosities (Swords and Wizardry). Nearly 500 monsters. Each monster comes with an example encounter/nano-adventure. Includes tables with monsters by challenge level, guidance on creating new monsters, tables of monsters by terrain, and tables of random encounters (3d6, so bell curve).
The Book of Taverns (volumes one, two, and three). Had enough of generic taverns and inns, but short on prep time? Steal one from here. Again, these are revivals of old Necromancer Games books. They are good.
Magical Theorems & Dark Pacts. Most people know Dyson Logos for his maps—but did you know he has great supplements as well? This one collects various classes and spells, as well as few houserules.