Attronarch's Athenaeum


I will be hosting two original Dungeons & Dragons games (little brown booklets only) at Precognition. Both games will be delves into the legendary Darkness Beneath megadungeon published in the finest OSR zine Fight On:

Precognition is an independently-organized virtual tabletop roleplaying convention taking place March 14th–16th:

Welcome to Precognition, your portal to an entire weekend of online tabletop roleplaying. From March 14th–16th, we’re bringing gamers together from around the world to explore a broad range of roleplaying games—from classic fantasy settings to cutting-edge sci-fi worlds. Whether you’re seeking new adventures or just looking to connect with fellow enthusiasts, we invite you to roll dice, share stories, and forge friendships in our virtual halls.

Passes (i.e. tickets) are available via Kickstarter:

  • $5 for one-day pass
  • $10 for weekend pass (covers entire event)
  • $30 for four weekend passes

Once the Kickstarter is over, convention organisers will open up the site for backers to sign-up for games. Full list of hosted games is available here.

See you there?

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Fight On! issue 16 now available on DTRPG and Lulu (POD and PDF):

Out of the dungeon and into your quivering palms, Fight On! is back again, bringing the full monty of magic and mayhem to your subterranean halls! FOUR big adventures along with classes, races, maps, rules variants, new worlds, monsters, magic items, spells, NPCs, and tables and other goodies galore will fill your fantasy campaigns with new wonders for your dark towers and demonweb pits! Dedicated to fantasy art legend David A. Trampier, this issue features contributions from great heroes old and new – from Dave Hargrave and Tim Kask to Peter Mullen and Cameron Hawkey, not to mention Sean ''Stonegiant'' Stone, Oakes Spalding, Simon Bull, Gabor Lux, Kevin Mayle, Evlyn Moreau, Calithena, Paul Carrick, Sophie Pulkus, J. Blasso-Gieseke, bät, Attronarch, Philipp H., James Maliszewski, Settembrini, Robert S. Conley, Idle Doodler, DeWayne Rogers, Rick Base, Dyson Logos, Jon Salway, Becami Cusack, Tony A. Rowe, Prince of Nothing, Jasmine Collins, Anthony Stiller, Allan T. Grohe Jr., Will Mistretta, Steve Queen, Zhu Baijee, Thomas Denmark, and many, many more! This BIG 128 page issue picks off pit fiends like a +5 pike of piercing – don't delve deeper into the darkling depths without it!

Here is the table of contents:

Article Author(s) Page
Creepies & Crawlies Zisch, Knarly, Mistretta, & Settembrini 3
Artifacts, Adjuncts & Oddments Salway, bät & DeSmet 7
Two Blades and Two Crowns David A. Hargrave 10
Gems of Zylarthen, Part 1 Oakes Spalding 13
Grognard’s Grimoire bät, Salway, & Mustonen 17
The Caverns of Arcane Silk Idle Doodler 19
The Sands of Isathar DangerIsReal 20
21 Lessons Learned After 100 Sessions Attronarch 22
Battleland Encounters Calithena 24
Variant Battlelands for Titan Tor Gjerde 25
Old Samora 2: Ghoul Lair and Balneum Philipp H. 29
The Wretched of the Earth Richard Rittenhouse 39
The Scout Jason Brentlinger 40
Biblical Fantasy Roleplaying Haralambos Kazantzakis 42
Races of sha-Arthan James Maliszewski 44
The Monastery of Darak Gabor Lux 47
Tables for Fables DeSmet, Logos, Terrible Sorcery & Kisko 53
Dun Crawlin’ Jon Salway 59
Alternative Demon Immunities PrinceofNothing 70
1d20 Magick-er Mouths Will Mistretta 72
The Dream Couches Donald Smith with Zherbus 76
Calabos and Mazmora J. Blasso-Gieseke 80
Darkness Beneath: The Snow Throne Simon Bull 81
Tales of Tramp and TSR Tim Kask, interviewed by Cal 92
Knights & Knaves: Wormy & Friends Allan Grohe 99
Seven Gates & Fifty Dog-Faced Men Becami Cusack 105
Comics & Carrick Kelvin Green, J. Blasso-Gieseke, and Paul Carrick 126

128 pages of awesome!

Back issues are available via DTRPG and Lulu.

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Friends, I'm happy to share new official Fight On! website:

I've been working closely with Iggy, Calithena, and sleazy_b (who actually did all the hard work of coding and interpreting our wishes) since August.

We wanted to create a simple, fast, and straightforward website that would allow anyone to find issues old and new, special volumes, and keep up with Fight On! related news.

Let us know how we did!

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Fight On! bundle (issues 1 to 14) available for limited time!

Get fourteen issues for 50% off! Legendary OSR zine jam-packed with essays, adventures, house rules, art, comics, magic items—you name it!

The sale will run for just a week or so after Calithena or Ignatius (Fight On! editors), announce it publicly so don't wait for too long. This is a great deal.

Update: the sale will run until October 11th.

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Fight On! presents: a

David A. Trampier and David C. Sutherland III Memorial Art Contest!

Honoring the dedicatees of Issues #16 and #17 of the legendary fanzine!

Rules: Artists retain ownership of and all rights to their work, except that winning artists grant Fight On! Publications the right to first publish that work in an issue of Fight On! and subsequent collections including that issue/article in perpetuity. No AI.

All Submissions Due by November 30 to

Prizes! Color Division: $80 First Prize; $40 Second Prize; $25 Third Prize. B&W Division: $75 First Prize; $35 Second Prize; $15 Third Prize. Trampier Memorial Prize: $50. Sutherland Memorial Prize: $50. (Multiple third prizes possible. Last two are for work inspired by or in the style of; can stack or award separately.)

Judges include:

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Fight On! issue 16 will be dedicated to Trampier. Calithena, one of the editors, has issued call for submissions:

Issue 16 is now open for submissions. For perhaps the first time ever – maybe because we're starting up again – we seem a little short on 'fiddly bits', races, classes, magic items, spells, etc. = so if you've got homebrewed stuff you want to share send it our way. Other stuff is fine too of course.

Send your ideas and submissions to iggyumlaut[AT]gmail[DOT]com.

For the last issue I contributed Special Ability Charts from our game; for this issue I'll contribute an adventure from our campaign, tentatively titled Broken Eagle, Raging Bull.

Fight On!

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Fight On! is back with force!

Brand new issue 15 now available on DTRPG (PDF) and Lulu (POD and PDF):

Ten years later, we are back from the dead to Fight On once more! These revenant runes are just as jam-packed as you remember with classes, monsters, spells, magic items, rules mods, homebrews, and awesome adventures in the spirit of the eldritch era of fantasy roleplaying! Dedicated to seventies D&D legend J. Eric Holmes, this issue brings together old and new stalwarts alike to celebrate our 15th issue and new beginning! With art and articles by J. Eric and Christopher Holmes, Tom Gordon, Calithena, Gabor Lux, Jeff Rients, James Maliszewski, Kesher, Pete Mullen, Cameron Hawkey, Zach Howard, Alex Schroder, Richard Rittenhouse, Settembrini, Patrick Farley, Jason Sholtis, Robert Conley, Kelvin Green, Philipp H., Attronarch, Mitzi!, and many more, this is the first of our new forays into fanzine fame and glory! Ride that wyvern while the sun is shining, and keep Fighting On!

Here is the table of contents:

Article Author Page
Ten Ways to Holmesify your Game Zach Howard 3
Special Ability Charts Attronarch 4
The Orthogonal Dwarf Olle Skogren 11
Gremlins! Calithena 14
Maze Master's Miscellany Alex Schroeder & Calithena 15
The Catacombs under Old Samora Phillip H. 17
Knights & Knaves: Holmes Town Heroes Tony Rowe 28
Bringing It All Back Holmes Clark, Grodog, and Calithena 30
Maps from the Maze of Peril J. Eric Holmes 34
Distributary of Darkness Alex Zisch 36
The Silken See Motley Dice 37
Grognard’s Grimoire Richard Rittenhouse 41
The Wizard’s Satchel J. Blasso-Gieseke 43
Artifacts, Adjuncts, and Oddments Richard Rittenhouse 44
Victory or Death! Gabor Lux 46
Megadungeon Workshop Extravaganza! Kesher 50
Calvero! István Boldog-Bernád 53
Creepies & Crawlies James Maliszewski 61
Tables for Fables Al, Greco, Wetzel, and Rients 63
The Darkness Beneath Alex Schroder & Lior Wehrli 68
Henchmen-Я-Us: Pole Arm Caddies! Calithena 91
Chainmail: Battle for Bronzolo Settembrini 92
Doxy, Urgent Care Cleric Linneman & Green 98
Education of a Magic User Douglas Cox 99
Wham! Tom Gordon 100

It's been a great honour to contribute, and I look forward to contributing to next issue as well.

Back issues are available as PDFs via DTRPG and PODs via Lulu.

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The Darkness Beneath is Fight On!’s community megadungeon. It was one of the early (if not first?), big collaborative megadungeons. Many of the levels are as great today as they were in 2010s.

Each level can either be used stand-alone, repurposed for another dungeon, or used together. As a nice bonus, David Bowman levels form a cohesive underdark setting. Bryce Lynch found many levels to be some of the best adventures in the OSR.

Without further ado, here are the levels and issues they were published in:

Level Author(s) Issue Review(s)
Level 1: The Upper Caves Hackman, Calithena, David Bowman Fight On! #2 Bryce
Level 2: Warrens of the Troglodytes Calithena, David Bowman Fight On! #5 Bryce
Level 3: Spawning Grounds of the Crab-Men David Bowman Fight On! #3 Bryce
Level 4: The Mysterious Crystal Hemisphere James Maliszewski Fight On! #4 Bryce
Level 5: The Lower Caves David Bowman Fight On! #6 Bryce
Level 6: The Fane of Salicia Lee Barber Fight On! #7 Bryce
Level 7: Palace of Eternal Illusion Matthew Riedel Fight On! #11 Bryce
Level 8: The Deep Caves Heron Prior, David Bowman, Calithena, and Simon Bull Fight On! #12 Bryce
Level 9: Citadel of the Dark Trolls Lee Barber Fight On! #14 Bryce
Level 10: The Hall of Mirrors Calithena Fight On! #8 Bryce
Level 11: Fungus Forest and Mold Falls Makofan Fight On! #13 Bryce
Level 12: The Blasphemous Shrine of the Tentacled God Jeff Rients Fight On! #9 Bryce
Level 13: Caverns of Slime Alex Schroeder, Lior Wehrli, Chris Roberts, Ndege Diamon, Kelvin Green Fight On! #15 Bryce
Level 14: City of the Ancients Chris Robert Fight On! #10 Bryce
Level 15: Tomb of the Black Lord of Nothingness Unpublished

Side-view map by Robert Conley; “LX” scribbles by myself:

Print compilations are available at Lulu:

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Legendary Fight On! OSR fanzine is now available on DriveTrhuRPG as well! Or, at least, some issues are:

In my opinion, Fight On! remains the best OSR zine. Each issue is filled to the brim with gameable material, and everything is bursting with creative energy. Rules, monsters, treasures, adventures, essays, interviews, megadungeon... So much!

Once I finish with the Dragon Magazine reading I'll do the same with Fight On!

Print compilations are available at Lulu:

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Fight On! Foliated Folio +8:

Fight On! Foliated Folio +8

Fight On! Compiled Compilation II + 11:

Fight On! Compiled Compilation II + 11

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