Attronarch's Athenaeum

Campaign journals, reviews of TTRPG stuff, and musings on D&D.


You can read more about the challenge here and here.

These are the same elves from yesterday, but outfitted as Theurgists. Their martial equipment is packed away and they carry only what they are allowed to use.

1. Linfar Gilhali Sirendil / Clawnut

Class: Magic-User Race: Elf Level: Theurgist Alignment: Law Languages: Elvish, Divisional, Common, Orc, Hobgoblin, Gnoll

Appearance: 5'1'' / 1.55 m, 110 lbs / 50 kg; brown hair; copper eyes; pale grey skin tone Traits: noble, active, forgetful

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 10 Armor class: 9 Movement: 12''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 13 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 14 Stone: 13 Dragon Breath: 16 Staves & Spells: 15


STR: 15 (high score) INT: 11 (average score; speak up to 1 additional languages) WIS: 11 (average score) CON: 13 (high score; will withstand adversity) DEX: 5 (low score; fire any missile at -1) CHA: 12 (average score; up to 4 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of 0)


Armour: None Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1H) Gear: 1 × Elven Cloak and Boots; 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 1 × Water/Wine Skin (30 coin capacity); 2 × 50’ of Rope; 2 × Flask of Oil; 1 × Steel Mirror; 2 × Holy Water/Vial; 1 × Wine, quart; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 2 × Potion of Healing; 1 × Ring of Delusion; 1 × Scroll (Light); 1 × Scroll (Read Languages); 1 × Scroll (Locate Object); 1 × Scroll (Phantasmal Forces); 1 × Wand of Enemy Detection (reveals hidden or invisible enemies if they are aware of your presence; 6'' radius) Coins: 54 gp Encumbrance: 414 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

1 × Warhorse, Medium (HD 2+1, AC 7, MV 18’’, max load 3750 cn); 1 × Saddle; 1 × Saddle Bags; 1 × Barding (Horse Armor). In saddle bags: 1 × Plate Mail; 1 × Helmet; 1 × Shield; 1 × Sword (1H); 1 × Dagger (1H); 1 × Spear (1H, 2H, thrown range 3”); 1 × Composite Bow (2H, ranges: 1–8’’ +2 AC, 9–16’’ +1 AC, 17–24’’ 0 AC); 1 × 20 Arrows; 20 × Silver Tipped Arrow; 2 × Quiver of 20 Arrows.

2. Imgrana Yavaendil Sircore / Winddelta

Class: Magic-User Race: Elf Level: Theurgist Alignment: Law Languages: Elvish, Divisional, Orc, Hobgoblin, Gnoll

Appearance: 5'2'' / 1.57 m, 105 lbs / 48 kg; black hair; black eyes; amber skin tone; 8'' scar Traits: jovial, grim

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 12 Armor class: 9 Movement: 12''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 13 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 14 Stone: 13 Dragon Breath: 16 Staves & Spells: 15


STR: 13 (high score) INT: 12 (average score; speak up to 2 additional languages) WIS: 14 (high score) CON: 9 (average score; 60% chance of survival) DEX: 13 (high score; fire any missile at +1) CHA: 5 (low score; up to 2 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of -1)


Armour: 1 × Helm of Reading Magic and Languages (10% chance to get smashed when worn in combat) Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1H) Gear: 1 × Elven Cloak and Boots; 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Small Sack (50 coin capacity); 2 × 50’ of Rope; 1 × Lantern; 2 × Flask of Oil; 2 × Garlic, bud; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 1 × Potion of Healing; 1 × Scroll (Light); 1 × Scroll (Protection from Evil); 1 × Wand of Illusion (like Phantasmal Force but wielder can move; 56 charges) Coins: 10 gp Encumbrance: 330 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

1 × Light Horse (HD 2, AC 7, MV 24’’, max load 3000 cn); 1 × Saddle; 1 × Saddle Bags. In saddle bags: 1 × Chain-type Mail; 1 × Sword +1 (AL Law; INT 12; EGO 4; COM telepathy, speaks common; POW detect gems, detect magic, detect sloping passages, levitation, read magic); 1 × Long Bow (2H, ranges: 1–7’’ +2 AC, 8–14’’ +1 AC, 15–21’’ 0 AC); 1 × 20 Arrows; 1 × 20 Arrows, Enchanted; 2 × Quiver of 20 Arrows.

3. Loraerr Ellronddil / Goldfortune

Class: Magic-User Race: Elf Level: Theurgist Alignment: Law Languages: Elvish, Divisional, Orc, Hobgoblin, Gnoll

Appearance: 4'11'' / 1.5 m, 80 lbs / 36 kg; light blonde hair; silver eyes; pale green skin tone; 4'' scar Traits: honorable, cautious, quaint

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 8 Armor class: 4 Movement: 9''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 13 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 14 Stone: 13 Dragon Breath: 16 Staves & Spells: 15


STR: 5 (low score) INT: 10 (average score; speak up to none additional languages) WIS: 9 (average score) CON: 12 (average score; 90% chance of survival) DEX: 12 (average score) CHA: 9 (average score; up to 3 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of 0)


Armour: 1 × Chain-type Mail +1; 1 × Shield +1 Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1H) Gear: 1 × Elven Cloak and Boots; 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 1 × 50’ of Rope; 1 × 12 Iron Spikes; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 1 × Wand of Paralyzation (save or paralyzed; cone 6'' long and 3'' wide; 25 charges); 1 × Medallion of ESP 9'' Range Coins: 11 gp Encumbrance: 931 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

Packed in a bundle and tied with rope: 1 × Helmet; 1 × Hand Axe (1H, thrown range 3”); 1 × Spear (1H, 2H, thrown range 3”); 1 × Short Bow (2H, ranges: 1–5’’ +2 AC, 6–10’’ +1 AC, 11–15’’ 0 AC); 1 × 20 Arrows; 1 × Quiver of 20 Arrows.

4. Maranel Shasfana / Touchinglight

Class: Magic-User Race: Elf Level: Theurgist Alignment: Law Languages: Elvish, Divisional, Orc, Hobgoblin, Gnoll

Appearance: 5'1'' / 1.55 m, 105 lbs / 48 kg; white hair; blue eyes; milky white skin tone; 1'' scar Traits: interested, forceful

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 5 Armor class: 9 Movement: 12''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 13 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 14 Stone: 13 Dragon Breath: 16 Staves & Spells: 15


STR: 15 (high score) INT: 10 (average score; speak no additional languages) WIS: 11 (average score) CON: 9 (average score; 60% chance of survival) DEX: 8 (low score; fire any missile at -1) CHA: 9 (average score; up to 3 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of 0)


Armour: None Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1H) Gear: 1 × Elven Cloak and Boots; 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 4 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 4 × Small Sack (50 coin capacity); 2 × Water/Wine Skin (30 coin capacity); 2 × 50’ of Rope; 1 × 12 Iron Spikes; 1 × 3 Stakes & Mallet; 4 × Wolvesbane, bunch; 4 × Belladonna, bunch; 2 × Wine, quart; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 1 × Scroll (Hold Portal); 1 × Scroll (Levitate); 2 × Potion of Healing Coins: 34 gp Encumbrance: 334 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

1 × Warhorse, Heavy (HD 3, AC 7, MV 12’’, max load 4500 cn); 1 × Saddle; 1 × Saddle Bags; 1 × Barding (Horse Armor). In saddle bags: 1 × Plate Mail; 1 × Helmet; 1 × Shield; 1 × Sword, One Life Energy Draining Ability (AL Chaotic; INT 5; EGO none; COM none; POW none); 1 × Morning Star (1H, 2H); 1 × Long Bow (2H, ranges: 1–7’’ +2 AC, 8–14’’ +1 AC, 15–21’’ 0 AC); 1 × 20 Arrows; 20 × Silver Tipped Arrow; 2 × Quiver of 20 Arrows.

5. Ellnor Alcore Gildriga / Freshsheen

Class: Magic-User Race: Elf Level: Theurgist Alignment: Law Languages: Elvish, Divisional, Orc, Hobgoblin, Gnoll

Appearance: 5'0'' / 1.52 m, 105 lbs / 48 kg; silver hair; violet eyes; pale green skin tone; triangle-shaped birthmark Traits: quiet, brilliant, foolish

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 11 Armor class: 3 Movement: 6''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 13 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 14 Stone: 13 Dragon Breath: 16 Staves & Spells: 15


STR: 10 (average score) INT: 12 (average score; speak up to 2 additional languages) WIS: 14 (high score) CON: 9 (average score; 60% chance of survival) DEX: 9 (average score) CHA: 11 (average score; up to 4 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of 0)


Armour: 1 × Plate Mail +1 Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1H) Gear: 1 × Elven Cloak and Boots; 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 3 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 3 × Water/Wine Skin (30 coin capacity); 3 × 50’ of Rope; 1 × 12 Iron Spikes; 1 × Steel Mirror; 3 × Wolvesbane, bunch; 3 × Belladonna, bunch; 3 × Garlic, bud; 3 × Wine, quart; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 2 × Scroll (Charm Person); 1 × Scroll (Light); 1 × Scroll (Locate Object); 4 × Potion of Healing; 1 × Wand of Fire Balls (60 charges); 1 × Ring of Water Walking Coins: 72 gp Encumbrance: 1242 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

1 × Warhorse, Medium (HD 2+1, AC 7, MV 18’’, max load 3750 cn); 1 × Saddle; 1 × Saddle Bags; 1 × Barding (Horse Armor). In saddle bags: 1 × Sword, Flaming +1 (AL Law; INT 4; EGO none; COM none; POW none); 3 × Hand Axe (1H, thrown range 3”).

Tomorrow: hobbit Heroines.


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You can read more about the challenge here and here.

And we return to elves! In the original Dungeons & Dragons little brown booklets they switch between Fighting-Man and Magic-User between the adventures. For that reason I roll one character and then use their budget to outfit them for both classes.

Without further ado, meet five elven Heroines.

1. Linfar Gilhali Sirendil / Clawnut

Class: Fighting-Man Race: Elf Level: Hero Alignment: Law Languages: Elvish, Divisional, Common, Orc, Hobgoblin, Gnoll

Appearance: 5'1'' / 1.55 m, 110 lbs / 50 kg; brown hair; copper eyes; pale grey skin tone Traits: noble, active, forgetful

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 13 Armor class: 2 Movement: 6''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 10 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 11 Stone: 12 Dragon Breath: 13 Staves & Spells: 14


STR: 15 (high score; add 10% to earned experience) INT: 11 (average score; speak up to 1 additional languages) WIS: 11 (average score) CON: 13 (high score; will withstand adversity) DEX: 5 (low score; fire any missile at -1) CHA: 12 (average score; up to 4 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of 0)


Armour: 1 × Plate Mail; 1 × Helmet; 1 × Shield Weapons: 1 × Sword (1H); 1 × Dagger (1H); 1 × Spear (1H, 2H, thrown range 3”); 1 × Composite Bow (2H, ranges: 1–8’’ +2 AC, 9–16’’ +1 AC, 17–24’’ 0 AC); 1 × 20 Arrows; 20 × Silver Tipped Arrow Gear: 1 × Elven Cloak and Boots; 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 1 × Water/Wine Skin (30 coin capacity); 2 × Quiver of 20 Arrows; 2 × 50’ of Rope; 2 × Flask of Oil; 1 × Steel Mirror; 2 × Holy Water/Vial; 1 × Wine, quart; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 2 × Potion of Healing; 1 × Ring of Delusion Coins: 54 gp Encumbrance: 1434 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

1 × Warhorse, Medium (HD 2+1, AC 7, MV 18’’, max load 3750 cn); 1 × Saddle; 1 × Saddle Bags; 1 × Barding (Horse Armor). In saddle bags: 1 × Scroll (Light); 1 × Scroll (Read Languages); 1 × Scroll (Locate Object); 1 × Scroll (Phantasmal Forces); 1 × Wand of Enemy Detection (reveals hidden or invisible enemies if they are aware of your presence; 6'' radius).

2. Imgrana Yavaendil Sircore / Winddelta

Class: Fighting-Man Race: Elf Level: Hero Alignment: Law Languages: Elvish, Divisional, Orc, Hobgoblin, Gnoll

Appearance: 5'2'' / 1.57 m, 105 lbs / 48 kg; black hair; black eyes; amber skin tone; 8'' scar Traits: jovial, grim

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 10 Armor class: 5 Movement: 9''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 10 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 11 Stone: 12 Dragon Breath: 13 Staves & Spells: 14


STR: 13 (high score; add 5% to earned experience) INT: 12 (average score; speak up to 2 additional languages) WIS: 14 (high score) CON: 9 (average score; 60% chance of survival) DEX: 13 (high score; fire any missile at +1) CHA: 5 (low score; up to 2 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of -1)


Armour: 1 × Chain-type Mail; 1 × Helm of Reading Magic and Languages (10% chance to get smashed when worn in combat) Weapons: 1 × Sword +1 (AL Law; INT 12; EGO 4; COM telepathy, speaks common; POW detect gems, detect magic, detect sloping passages, levitation, read magic); 1 × Dagger (1H); 1 × Long Bow (2H, ranges: 1–7’’ +2 AC, 8–14’’ +1 AC, 15–21’’ 0 AC); 1 × 20 Arrows; 1 × 20 Arrows, Enchanted Gear: 1 × Elven Cloak and Boots; 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Small Sack (50 coin capacity); 2 × Quiver of 20 Arrows; 2 × 50’ of Rope; 1 × Lantern; 2 × Flask of Oil; 2 × Garlic, bud; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 1 × Potion of Healing Coins: 10 gp Encumbrance: 790 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

1 × Light Horse (HD 2, AC 7, MV 24’’, max load 3000 cn); 1 × Saddle; 1 × Saddle Bags. In saddle bags: 1 × Scroll (Light); 1 × Scroll (Protection from Evil); 1 × Wand of Illusion (like Phantasmal Force but wielder can move; 56 charges).

3. Loraerr Ellronddil / Goldfortune

Class: Fighting-Man Race: Elf Level: Hero Alignment: Law Languages: Elvish, Divisional, Orc, Hobgoblin, Gnoll

Appearance: 4'11'' / 1.5 m, 80 lbs / 36 kg; light blonde hair; silver eyes; pale green skin tone; 4'' scar Traits: honorable, cautious, quaint

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 11 Armor class: 4 Movement: 6''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 10 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 11 Stone: 12 Dragon Breath: 13 Staves & Spells: 14


STR: 5 (low score; minus 20% from earned experience) INT: 10 (average score; speak no additional languages) WIS: 9 (average score) CON: 12 (average score; 90% chance of survival) DEX: 12 (average score) CHA: 9 (average score; up to 3 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of 0)


Armour: 1 × Chain-type Mail +1; 1 × Helmet; 1 × Shield +1 Weapons: 1 × Hand Axe (1H, thrown range 3”); 1 × Dagger (1H); 1 × Spear (1H, 2H, thrown range 3”); 1 × Short Bow (2H, ranges: 1–5’’ +2 AC, 6–10’’ +1 AC, 11–15’’ 0 AC); 1 × 20 Arrows Gear: 1 × Elven Cloak and Boots; 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 1 × Quiver of 20 Arrows; 2 × 50’ of Rope; 1 × 12 Iron Spikes; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 1 × Wand of Paralyzation (save or paralyzed; cone 6'' long and 3'' wide; 25 charges); 1 × Medallion of ESP 9'' Range Coins: 11 gp Encumbrance: 1181 cn

Hirelings & Mounts


4. Maranel Shasfana / Touchinglight

Class: Fighting-Man Race: Elf Level: Hero Alignment: Law Languages: Elvish, Divisional, Orc, Hobgoblin, Gnoll

Appearance: 5'1'' / 1.55 m, 105 lbs / 48 kg; white hair; blue eyes; milky white skin tone; 1'' scar Traits: interested, forceful

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 14 Armor class: 2 Movement: 6''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 10 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 11 Stone: 12 Dragon Breath: 13 Staves & Spells: 14


STR: 15 (high score; add 10% to earned experience) INT: 10 (average score; speak no additional languages) WIS: 11 (average score) CON: 9 (average score; 60% chance of survival) DEX: 8 (low score; fire any missile at -1) CHA: 9 (average score; up to 3 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of 0)


Armour: 1 × Plate Mail; 1 × Helmet; 1 × Shield Weapons: 1 × Sword, One Life Energy Draining Ability (AL Chaos; INT 5; EGO none; COM none; POW none); 1 × Dagger (1H); 1 × Morning Star (1H, 2H); 1 × Long Bow (2H, ranges: 1–7’’ +2 AC, 8–14’’ +1 AC, 15–21’’ 0 AC); 1 × 20 Arrows; 20 × Silver Tipped Arrow Gear: 1 × Elven Cloak and Boots; 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 4 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 4 × Small Sack (50 coin capacity); 2 × Water/Wine Skin (30 coin capacity); 2 × Quiver of 20 Arrows; 2 × 50’ of Rope; 1 × 12 Iron Spikes; 1 × 3 Stakes & Mallet; 4 × Wolvesbane, bunch; 4 × Belladonna, bunch; 2 × Wine, quart; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 2 × Potion of Healing Coins: 34 gp Encumbrance: 1344 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

1 × Warhorse, Heavy (HD 3, AC 7, MV 12’’, max load 4500 cn); 1 × Saddle; 1 × Saddle Bags; 1 × Barding (Horse Armor). In saddle bags: 1 × Scroll (Hold Portal); 1 × Scroll (Levitate); 1 × Wand of Paralyzation (save or paralyzed; cone 6'' long and 3'' wide; 50 charges).

5. Ellnor Alcore Gildriga / Freshsheen

Class: Fighting-Man Race: Elf Level: Hero Alignment: Law Languages: Elvish, Divisional, Orc, Hobgoblin, Gnoll

Appearance: 5'0'' / 1.52 m, 105 lbs / 48 kg; silver hair; violet eyes; pale green skin tone; triangle-shaped birthmark Traits: quiet, brilliant, foolish

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 8 Armor class: 3 Movement: 6''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 10 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 11 Stone: 12 Dragon Breath: 13 Staves & Spells: 14


STR: 10 (average score) INT: 12 (average score; speak up to 2 additional languages) WIS: 14 (high score) CON: 9 (average score; 60% chance of survival) DEX: 9 (average score) CHA: 11 (average score; up to 4 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of 0)


Armour: 1 × Plate Mail +1 Weapons: 1 × Sword, Flaming +1 (AL Law; INT 4; EGO none; COM none; POW none); 1 × Dagger (1H); 3 × Hand Axe (1H, thrown range 3”) Gear: 1 × Elven Cloak and Boots; 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 3 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 3 × Water/Wine Skin (30 coin capacity); 3 × 50’ of Rope; 1 × 12 Iron Spikes; 1 × Steel Mirror; 3 × Wolvesbane, bunch; 3 × Belladonna, bunch; 3 × Garlic, bud; 3 × Wine, quart; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 1 × Ring of Water Walking Coins: 72 gp Encumbrance: 1262 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

1 × Warhorse, Medium (HD 2+1, AC 7, MV 18’’, max load 3750 cn); 1 × Saddle; 1 × Saddle Bags; 1 × Barding (Horse Armor). In saddle bags: 2 × Scroll (Charm Person); 1 × Scroll (Light); 1 × Scroll (Locate Object); 4 × Potion of Healing; 1 × Wand of Fire Balls (60 charges).

Same elves but as Theurgists coming tomorrow!


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This was written for the players since there are many players and many things happening, sometimes simultaneously. The focus is on the big picture, in order to understand the current political situation in Hara so players can make informed decisions about their future moves.

Hydra Company Before Hara

  • High Priest of Shang Ta labels Hydra Company members as heretics. Half of the company vanishes at the temple, sentenced to trial by The Pit. Gomm, whom remained outside of the temple to guard horses, flees and warns adventurers in the headquarters about impending doom. Warcrown, their enemy, uses the chaos to assault the company, killing several characters in the process. Survivors flee Antil hastily, thanks to Gomm negotiating immediate departure by bribing captain of merchant vessel. Some of the characters disembark in Hara in Fall. Gomm is one of those.

Balozkinar’s Corrected Commoners’ Calendar Year 4433

Summer (Warmshade, Sunstrong, Thistleburn, Harvestime)

  • Dontrap and Elder Temple: Brent Goose, Edimus Gorgon, Eon, Fra Nevjest, Haleth, Harker, Hellmuth Mithaft, Orda, Orion, Rashomon, and Tamren spend three months in a dying thorp to cleanse local temple. They succeed at great cost—-a third of them dies. Harker recovers Oathkeeper.
  • First Time in Hara: Ad'wi the Round, Boots Febalem, Norwell, Ripos Wildcheeks, and Salvatore Glowworm arrive at Hara, The Stronghold City of Alyrian Merchants. They stir shit up and some die. Read beginning of session report 50 to learn Hara's names.
  • First Time in Hara, Now for Real: Edimus Gorgon, Eon, Harker, Hellmuth Mithaft, and Rashomon travel from Dontrap to Hara, primarily to look for supplies. Party agrees to help Haermond II break up a suspected spyring. They succeed, but end up with a powerful enemy: Klekless Racoba, former Headmaster of the Wizards' Guild. Read session report 51 from Thistleburn 11th, and session report 54 for details.
  • Brent's Cult: Brent Goose starts a cult in Hara. He quickly gains following, including a daughter of Pitler, thirds most influential merchant family in Hara.
  • Ruined Tower, Discovered: at the end of summer party discovers ruined tower south-west of Hara. One character dies. Read session report 55 for details on the tower.

Fall (Goodgrove, Blackmoon, Willowind, Redleaves, Maggotfeast)

  • Hydra Sheds: survivors disembark in Hara. Gomm joins the local Thieves' Guild.
  • Ruined Tower, Repeatedly Revisited: many die, some get captured and liberated, much treasure is recovered. Adventures find there their first big hit: nine 30 inch balls made of pure silver.
  • Silver Balls: party liquidates silver balls through Zarifa Pilter, eldest daughter of Pilter Senior. She takes a liking to Barad the Bald.
  • New Home: party acquires a townhouse from former adventurer. He introduces them to several influential people but they do not develop the relationship further. Read more in session report 63.
  • Namelin Hires: they hire most of the available capable fighters. The rumour has it they also financed nearly 70% of all assassination contracts in the last eight months.
  • Ahyf and Desecrated Idol: party travels to Ahyf where they agree to help Camus, local priest, to cleanse fallen Windgod temple atop Ghinarian Hills. Many die, some go insane, but the party ultimately succeeds in Winter.
  • The Drug Den: while majority of characters work on cleansing the idol, several decide to help Myrna Blaxter, Hara's alchemist who is supposedly very good with the Queen. Their delves go tits up, Barad dies, which enrages Zarifa who retaliates by ordering assassinations for all involved. Zarifa secretly raises Barad and they eventually leave for City State of Invincible Overlord. Read session reports 69 and 70 and 72 for more details.

Winter (Coldrain, Shadowrath, Gloomfrost, Year's End)

  • The Drug Den, Revisited: adventurers keep returning. They are eventually vanquished and captured. Nolmbork convinces the giant ruling the den to let them go so he can make him a crown. Cowardly Brent Goose, whom had fallen out with his god Kadrim, is unable to leave because beastmen retain him as security.
  • The Long Hand of Invincible Overlord: hawkers and emissaries of the Invincible Overlord himself aggressively recruit in Hara. Read more in session report 79.
  • Imrael First Contact: Derennan succeeds in gaining the audience with Amulias Imrael, head of the most influential merchant family in the region. They get a chance from his son, but refuse to help him. Read more in session report 79.
  • Klekless Racoba Avoided: party avoids or rejects all assignments that have to do with the fugitive wizard, despite being offered large sums of money and influence.

Balozkinar’s Corrected Commoners’ Calendar Year 4434

Winter (Thawmist, Dewsnap)

  • Ruined Tower, Final Visit: Derennan, Nolmbork, Llyfed, Tarkus, and Oberon disappear in the tower after stepping on platform holding hands. Their porter flees the dungeon and sells silver ball to Namelins. Tarkus is tested by Bachontoi and reappears near Hara. Read session reports 80, 81, 83, and 84 for details.
  • Midway and Broken Promises: party led by Hagar and Ambros meets with Lord Kyle who asks them to help him retake Cedarwade keep. Party nominally agrees, but is too scared of the keep and doesn't go through with it. They focus on the cave under Lonesome Drake Inn (which they collapse) as well as raiding local ancient tomb. Read session reports 85 to 88 for details.

Spring (Flowerbloom, Sweetrain, Meadowlark, Longrass)

  • Namelin Never Sleeps: people of Hara speak how the town has fallen into Namelin's hands. Without the castellan and soldiers, Namelin family hired all the goons, mercenaries, and sellswords in the region. They wonder when will the Red Queen act. Locals fear civil war.
  • Mithril for Hagar, Hagar for Geases: Ambros, Bob, Hagar, and Pandora recover three mithril ingots from the dungeon, but Hagar dies in the process. He is raised from the dead by Mavis, the High Priestess of Poseidon, in return for all four accepting three geases. Read session report 89 Flowerbloom 10th, Spiritday for details on geases. Many in Hara are angry at Hagar being raised, as attested by seven new assassination contracts. For details read session report 93. As before, party pays off contracts so they live.
  • Helping Imrael: party clears spider farm for Amulias Imrael. He then asks them to chase the monsters to their lair and exterminate them. The party doesn't do that until later.
  • Party Prospers, Midway Suffers: adventurers use Midway as a base whilst delving into the tomb. Their success and riches motivate locals to delve as well, but all suffer horrible fates. Party avoids meeting Lord Kyle, but they hear he has been disappointed in their lack of courage and results. Regardless, party reaches bottom of the tomb, where they liberated cursed king and resolve one of geases.
  • Namelin? No Thank You: Namelin family repeatedly attempts to reach out to adventurers, but they are always turned down. Offers of goods, gold, and magical items do not move the party.
  • Death Cult: Ambros, Beorg, Hagar, and Tarkus break up a death cult in Hara at the behest of Zenon Coke, Headmaster of the Assassins' Guild. Hagar almost dies but is nursed back to health by the Assassins' Guild.
  • Fight For Hara: Imrael decides to nominate Tagoler as the new castellan. Party decides to back him. They travel to Castle of the Wode, where Tagoler asks for help with Pirate Queen, and patrol that went missing on the Midnight Goddess Hills. Party opts to help with the latter, they find bunch of spider-folk, kill few, find few corpses, and then give up on the affair. Read session reports 97, 98, 99, and 100 for details.
  • Ruined Tower, Almost Final Visit: Ambros, Darius, Foxglove, Hagar, Riker, and Rorik decide to adventure in the tower where one whole party went missing. They fall down and get stuck in the lower level. They manage to eventually get out but several adventurers dies in the process.
  • The Dinner that Changes it All: Hagar accepts dinner with Aseti Namelin. There he meets “The Council,” a group of allied merchants led by Namelin, who are vying for control of Hara. They believe Hara has degraded in the hands of Imrael and his cronies. They ask Hagar—-whom they perceive as most capable and reputable fighter in the region—-to be their candidate for new castellan, but the dwarf repeatedly says no. He changes his mind after they present him with shocking evidence. Adventurers align with Namelin family, and get blacklisted by businesses aligned with Imrael family.

Summer (Warmshade, Sunstrong, Thistleburn, Harvestime)

  • The Drug Den, Revisited: party goes on a few delves in the good old drug den. Hagar, the future castellan of Hara dies. Read session reports 107, 108, 109, and 110 for details.
  • Total Loss of Face: after Hagar dies adventurers don't know what to do. They cannot agree on further course of action and remain indecisive. Namelin is pissed off, especially since they invested so much into Hagar becoming new castellan. They consider other adventurers as incompetent, and sort it all out themselves. They turn Hagar's death into a spectacle, giving him a hero burial. Adventurers remain blacklisted by Imrael, but now also lose Namelin's patronage.
  • Hara in Turmoil: Tagoler refuses to be Imrael's candidate for the new castellan, while Namelin fails to propose anyone new, given their prime candidate, Hagar, had just died. Thirteen merchant families can't agree on any future course of action, so Red Queen ordains they must present three prospects by end of summer or she will pick a new castellan herself.
  • Ambros Takes the Burden, Twice: the cleric is the only surviving character who took on the geases for bringing Hagar back to life. Statue had been commissioned in Ahyf, so only helping cleric in Ketche remains. Gomm arranges transport to Ketche, they help local cleric, Ambros asks if she needs help with anything else so he gets a new geas: kill Greylock, a gnoll assassin.
  • Win Some, Lose Some: Gomm plays a daring game with Beklomda Mor, the chieftain of Ketche, and loses. He is dominated by her and commanded to bring her the cloak and wand of Ah'sas the Terrible, a witch residing deep in the Eyestone Jungle. He convinces everyone to focus on that instead of helping Ambros track down Greylock.
  • Ah'sas & Jungle Adventures: the party sets out of Ketche hoping to forage along the way. They fail miserably, almost starve to death, are caught by Ah'sas, she turns out to be yearning for company so she houses and feeds them. Adventurers discover sunken fort full of treasure and keep returning to it, while safely resting and recovering at Ah'sas. Few die.

Fall (Goodgrove, Blackmoon, Willowind, Redleaves, Maggotfeast)

  • Everything Comes to An End: Ah'sas dies from fever. Party recovers a portion of great treasure but is now in the jungle without protection and supplies.
  • Today: Session 120 concluded on Blackmoon 9th, Fireday.


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You can read more about the challenge here and here.

Let's roll some dwarf Heroines! As a reminder here I wrote about dwarf magic items and dwarf abilities in the original Dungeons & Dragons. Like with Heroes, I decided to substitute warhorses with mules.

1. Duree Fathand

Class: Fighting-Man Race: Dwarf Level: Hero Alignment: Law Languages: Dwarf, Divisional, Gnome, Kobold, Goblin

Appearance: 4'8'' / 1.42 m, 160 lbs / 73 kg; golden hair; yellow eyes; medium brown skin tone Traits: jovial, thoughtful

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 22 Armor class: 2 Movement: 6''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 8 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 9 Stone: 10 Dragon Breath: 10 Staves & Spells: 12


STR: 16 (high score; add 10% to earned experience) INT: 9 (average score; speak no additional languages) WIS: 9 (average score) CON: 7 (low score; 40% chance of survival) DEX: 15 (high score; fire any missile at +1) CHA: 10 (average score; up to 4 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of 0)


Armour: 1 × Plate Mail; 1 × Helmet; 1 × Shield Weapons: 1 × War Hammer +3, 6” Throwing Range with Return; 1 × Dagger (1H); 1 × Sword (1H); 1 × Light Crossbow (2H, ranges: 1–6’’ +2 AC, 7–12’’ +1 AC, 13–18’’ 0 AC); 1 × 30 Quarrels Gear: 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Small Sack (50 coin capacity); 1 × Water/Wine Skin (30 coin capacity); 1 × Case with 30 Quarrels; 1 × 50’ of Rope; 1 × 12 Iron Spikes; 1 × Wine, quart; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 2 × Potion of Healing; 1 × Potion of Giant Strength Coins: 37 gp Encumbrance: 1327 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

1 × Mule (HD 2+1, AC 7, MV 12’’, max load 3500 cn); 1 × Saddle; 1 × Saddle Bags; 1 × Barding (Horse Armor).

2. Kettra Silvertarge

Class: Fighting-Man Race: Dwarf Level: Hero Alignment: Law Languages: Dwarf, Divisional, Gnome, Kobold, Goblin

Appearance: 4'11'' / 1.5 m, 150 lbs / 68 kg; mixed orange and red hair; light green eyes; pale silver skin tone; snake-shaped birthmark Traits: cheerless, reclusive

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 23 Armor class: 2 Movement: 6''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 8 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 9 Stone: 10 Dragon Breath: 10 Staves & Spells: 12


STR: 17 (high score; add 10% to earned experience) INT: 16 (high score; speak up to 6 additional languages) WIS: 13 (high score) CON: 15 (high score; add 1 to each hit die; will withstand adversity) DEX: 13 (high score; fire any missile at +1) CHA: 4 (low score; up to 1 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of -2)


Armour: 1 × Plate Mail; 1 × Helmet; 1 × Shield +1 Weapons: 1 × Sword +1 (AL Law; INT 1; EGO none; COM none; POW none); 1 × Dagger (1H); 1 × Spear (1H, 2H, thrown range 3”); 1 × Short Bow (2H, ranges: 1–5’’ +2 AC, 6–10’’ +1 AC, 11–15’’ 0 AC); 1 × 20 Arrows; 1 × 20 Arrows, Enchanted Gear: 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 4 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Water/Wine Skin (30 coin capacity); 2 × Quiver of 20 Arrows; 2 × 50’ of Rope; 3 × Flask of Oil; 1 × 12 Iron Spikes; 1 × Steel Mirror; 3 × Holy Water/Vial; 2 × Wine, quart; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 1 × Potion of Healing Coins: 85 gp Encumbrance: 1415 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

1 × Mule (HD 2+1, AC 7, MV 12’’, max load 3500 cn); 1 × Saddle; 1 × Saddle Bags; 1 × Barding (Horse Armor).

3. Lenka Karstinsniz

Class: Fighting-Man Race: Dwarf Level: Hero Alignment: Law Languages: Dwarf, Divisional, Gnome, Kobold, Goblin

Appearance: 4'7'' / 1.4 m, 155 lbs / 70 kg; auburn hair; light green eyes; dark brown skin tone Traits: sexy, bad

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 10 Armor class: 2 Movement: 6''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 8 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 9 Stone: 10 Dragon Breath: 10 Staves & Spells: 12


STR: 14 (high score; add 5% to earned experience) INT: 13 (high score; speak up to 3 additional languages) WIS: 12 (average score) CON: 10 (average score; 70% chance of survival) DEX: 10 (average score) CHA: 15 (high score; up to 5 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of +1)


Armour: 1 × Plate Mail; 1 × Helmet; 1 × Shield Weapons: 1 × Sword +1, +2 vs. Magic-Users and Enchanted Monsters (AL Law; INT 6; EGO none; COM none; POW none); 1 × Dagger (1H); 1 × Spear (1H, 2H, thrown range 3”); 1 × Heavy Crossbow (2H, ranges: 1–8’’ +2 AC, 9–16’’ +1 AC, 17–24’’ 0 AC); 1 × 30 Quarrels Gear: 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Small Sack (50 coin capacity); 1 × Water/Wine Skin (30 coin capacity); 1 × Case with 30 Quarrels; 2 × 50’ of Rope; 2 × Flask of Oil; 1 × Silver Mirror, Small; 1 × Silver Cross; 2 × Wolvesbane, bunch; 2 × Belladonna, bunch; 1 × Wine, quart; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 3 × Potion of Healing Coins: 106 gp Encumbrance: 1496 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

1 × Mule (HD 2+1, AC 7, MV 12’’, max load 3500 cn); 1 × Saddle; 1 × Saddle Bags; 1 × Barding (Horse Armor).

Grom Weakskull: HD Dwarf Veteran; HP 3; AC 4 (chain-type mail and shield); Atk battle axe or spear; MV 9''; AL Neutrality; Morale 4; STR 12 INT 12 WIS 13 CON 11 DEX 10 CHA 11 LOY 11.

Mendri Thickskull: HD Dwarf Veteran; HP 5; AC 4 (chain-type mail and shield); Atk spear; MV 9''; AL Neutrality; Morale 4; STR 15 INT 10 WIS 8 CON 7 DEX 10 CHA 11 LOY 11.

4. Gerta Gertasniz

Class: Fighting-Man Race: Dwarf Level: Hero Alignment: Law Languages: Dwarf, Divisional, Gnome, Kobold, Goblin

Appearance: 4'5'' / 1.35 m, 145 lbs / 66 kg; silver hair; copper eyes; amber skin tone; snake-shaped birthmark Traits: quiet, humble

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 14 Armor class: 4 Movement: 6''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 8 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 9 Stone: 10 Dragon Breath: 10 Staves & Spells: 12


STR: 6 (low score; minus 20% from earned experience) INT: 9 (average score; speak no additional languages) WIS: 12 (average score) CON: 5 (low score; minus 1 from each hit die; 40% chance of survival) DEX: 7 (low score; fire any missile at -1) CHA: 10 (average score; up to 4 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of 0)


Armour: 1 × Chain-type Mail +1; 1 × Shield Weapons: 1 × Battle Axe (1H, 2H); 1 × Spear (1H, 2H, thrown range 3”); 1 × Dagger (1H); 1 × Composite Bow (2H, ranges: 1–8’’ +2 AC, 9–16’’ +1 AC, 17–24’’ 0 AC); 1 × 20 Arrows; 1 × 20 Arrows, Enchanted Gear: 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 1 × Water/Wine Skin (30 coin capacity); 2 × Quiver of 20 Arrows; 2 × 50’ of Rope; 2 × 12 Iron Spikes; 1 × Wine, quart; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 3 × Potion of Healing Coins: 4 gp Encumbrance: 1144 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

1 × Mule (HD 2+1, AC 7, MV 12’’, max load 3500 cn); 1 × Saddle; 1 × Saddle Bags; 1 × Barding (Horse Armor).

5. Karelia Bredasdottir

Class: Fighting-Man Race: Dwarf Level: Hero Alignment: Law Languages: Dwarf, Divisional, Gnome, Kobold, Goblin

Appearance: 4'9'' / 1.45 m, 150 lbs / 68 kg; dark brown hair; brown eyes; dark brown skin tone; 1' scar Traits: educated, fretful, vain

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 14 Armor class: 4 Movement: 6''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 8 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 9 Stone: 10 Dragon Breath: 10 Staves & Spells: 12


STR: 11 (average score) INT: 12 (average score; speak up to 2 additional languages) WIS: 16 (high score) CON: 12 (average score; 90% chance of survival) DEX: 5 (low score; fire any missile at -1) CHA: 8 (low score; up to 3 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of 0)


Armour: 1 × Chain-type Mail +2; 1 × Helmet; 1 × Shield Weapons: 1 × Sword +1 (AL Law; INT 11; EGO 6; COM speaks dwarf, elf, dragon, and beholder; POW detect magic, detect traps, locate secret doors); 1 × Dagger (1H); 3 × Hand Axe (1H, thrown range 3”) Gear: 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 1 × Water/Wine Skin (30 coin capacity); 1 × 50’ of Rope; 1 × Steel Mirror; 1 × Silver Mirror, Small; 1 × Silver Cross; 1 × Wine, quart; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 2 × Potion of Healing; 1 × Potion of Giant Strength Coins: 76 gp Encumbrance: 1166 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

1 × Mule (HD 2+1, AC 7, MV 12’’, max load 3500 cn); 1 × Saddle; 1 × Saddle Bags; 1 × Barding (Horse Armor).

Lady elves coming tomorrow!


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Rob of 6 Iron Spikes blog recently begun reviewing a selection of Dragon Magazine and White Dwarf articles he found especially useful. It is a great series of posts, and I heartily recommend them! Start here.

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You can read more about the challenge here and here.

Continuing with five more Vicars for original Dungeons & Dragons...

6. Baldhild the Prankster

Class: Cleric Race: Human Level: Vicar Alignment: Law Languages: Common, Divisional

Appearance: 6'2'' / 1.88 m, 150 lbs / 68 kg; auburn hair; grey eyes; pale gold skin tone Traits: funny, bright

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 14 Armor class: 3 Movement: 6''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 11 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 12 Stone: 14 Dragon Breath: 16 Staves & Spells: 15


STR: 10 (average score) INT: 9 (average score; speak no additional languages) WIS: 12 (average score) CON: 10 (average score; 70% chance of survival) DEX: 12 (average score) CHA: 16 (high score; up to 6 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of +2)


Armour: 1 × Plate Mail +1; 1 × Helmet Weapons: 1 × Mace +2; 1 × Snake Staff (2H, +1 to hit and to damage; on command it twines itself about a man-sized opponent it hits, rendering them helpless for 1d4 turns) Gear: 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 1 × 50’ of Rope; 1 × 12 Iron Spikes; 1 × Lantern; 4 × Flask of Oil; 1 × Silver Cross; 4 × Holy Water/Vial; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 1 × Scroll (Detect Evil); 1 × Scroll (Detect Magic); 1 × Scroll (Bless); 1 × Scroll (Hold Person); 2 × Potion of Healing Coins: 121 gp Encumbrance: 1491 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

1 × Warhorse, Medium (HD 2+1, AC 7, MV 18’’, max load 3750 cn); 1 × Saddle; 1 × Saddle Bags; 1 × Barding (Horse Armor).

7. Judge Theodohilda

Class: Cleric Race: Human Level: Vicar Alignment: Law Languages: Common, Divisional

Appearance: 5'8'' / 1.73 m, 145 lbs / 66 kg; black hair; yellow eyes; yellow white skin tone Traits: disrespectful, authoritative

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 12 Armor class: 2 Movement: 6''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 11 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 12 Stone: 14 Dragon Breath: 16 Staves & Spells: 15


STR: 7 (low score) INT: 12 (average score; speak up to 2 additional languages) WIS: 11 (average score) CON: 10 (average score; 70% chance of survival) DEX: 8 (low score; fire any missile at -1) CHA: 5 (low score; up to 2 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of -1)


Armour: 1 × Plate Mail; 1 × Shield Weapons: 1 × Mace (1H); 1 × Staff of Commanding (2H, Animal, Plant Control, and Human Control, 155 charges) Gear: 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 4 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 1 × Water/Wine Skin (30 coin capacity); 2 × 50’ of Rope; 1 × 12 Iron Spikes; 1 × 6 Torches; 2 × Flask of Oil; 1 × 3 Stakes & Mallet; 1 × Silver Mirror, Small; 1 × Silver Cross; 2 × Holy Water/Vial; 2 × Wolvesbane, bunch; 2 × Belladonna, bunch; 2 × Garlic, bud; 1 × Wine, quart; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 1 × Scroll (Detect Evil); 1 × Scroll (Light); 1 × Scroll (Find Traps); 1 × Scroll (Speak with Animals); 2 × Potion of Healing Coins: 4 gp Encumbrance: 1474 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

1 × Warhorse, Medium (HD 2+1, AC 7, MV 18’’, max load 3750 cn); 1 × Saddle; 1 × Saddle Bags; 1 × Barding (Horse Armor). In saddle bags: 1 × Potion of Healing.

8. Ingund Mistborn

Class: Cleric Race: Human Level: Vicar Alignment: Law Languages: Common, Divisional

Appearance: 6'2'' / 1.88 m, 195 lbs / 88 kg; silver hair; light blue eyes; pale green skin tone; bird-shaped birthmark Traits: placid, curious

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 9 Armor class: 2 Movement: 6''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 11 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 12 Stone: 14 Dragon Breath: 16 Staves & Spells: 15


STR: 11 (average score) INT: 14 (high score; speak up to 4 additional languages) WIS: 9 (average score) CON: 10 (average score; 70% chance of survival) DEX: 11 (average score) CHA: 8 (low score; up to 3 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of 0)


Armour: 1 × Plate Mail; 1 × Helmet; 1 × Shield Weapons: 1 × War Hammer +1 Gear: 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Small Sack (50 coin capacity); 1 × Water/Wine Skin (30 coin capacity); 1 × 6 Torches; 2 × Flask of Oil; 1 × 3 Stakes & Mallet; 1 × Silver Cross; 2 × Holy Water/Vial; 1 × Wine, quart; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 1 × Scroll (Detect Magic); 1 × Scroll (Light); 1 × Scroll (Hold Person); 1 × Scroll (Speak With Animals); 2 × Potion of Healing Coins: 14 gp Encumbrance: 1234 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

1 × Warhorse, Medium (HD 2+1, AC 7, MV 18’’, max load 3750 cn); 1 × Saddle; 1 × Saddle Bags; 1 × Barding (Horse Armor).

9. Annushka, The Scourge of World Emperor

Class: Cleric Race: Human Level: Vicar Alignment: Law Languages: Common, Divisional

Appearance: 5'4'' / 1.63 m, 150 lbs / 68 kg; light brown hair; light brown eyes; pale orange skin tone; horns-shaped birthmark Traits: resolute, vengeful

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 13 Armor class: 4 Movement: 9''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 11 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 12 Stone: 14 Dragon Breath: 16 Staves & Spells: 15


STR: 7 (low score) INT: 8 (low score; speak up to none additional languages) WIS: 15 (high score; add 10% to earned experience) CON: 8 (low score; 50% chance of survival) DEX: 9 (average score) CHA: 8 (low score; up to 3 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of 0)


Armour: 1 × Chain-type Mail; 1 × Helmet; 1 × Shield +3 Weapons: 1 × Flail (1H, 2H) Gear: 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 4 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 2 × 50’ of Rope; 2 × 12 Iron Spikes; 1 × Lantern; 2 × Flask of Oil; 1 × Silver Mirror, Small; 1 × Silver Cross; 2 × Holy Water/Vial; 2 × Wolvesbane, bunch; 2 × Belladonna, bunch; 2 × Garlic, bud; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 1 × Scroll (Level Cure Light Wounds); 1 × Scroll (Hold Person); 1 × Potion of Healing; 1 × Potion of Giant Strength Coins: 16 gp Encumbrance: 996 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

1 × Warhorse, Medium (HD 2+1, AC 7, MV 18’’, max load 3750 cn); 1 × Saddle; 1 × Saddle Bags; 1 × Barding (Horse Armor).

10. Theophano the Pious

Class: Cleric Race: Human Level: Vicar Alignment: Law Languages: Common, Divisional

Appearance: 5'5'' / 1.65 m, 185 lbs / 84 kg; scarlet hair; green eyes; yellow white skin tone; z-shaped birthmark Traits: obedient, loves challenge

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 14 Armor class: 4 Movement: 9''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 11 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 12 Stone: 14 Dragon Breath: 16 Staves & Spells: 15


STR: 10 (average score) INT: 10 (average score; speak no additional languages) WIS: 12 (average score) CON: 17 (high score; add 1 to each hit die; will withstand adversity) DEX: 10 (average score; none) CHA: 15 (high score; up to 5 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of +1)


Armour: 1 × Chain-type Mail +1; 1 × Shield Weapons: 1 × Mace +2 Gear: 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 1 × Silver Cross; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week) Coins: 6 gp Encumbrance: 786 cn

Hirelings & Mounts


Five female dwarf Heroines coming tomorrow.


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You can read more about the challenge here and here.

Time to roll up lady clerics! As described before, since only humans can be clerics in the original Dungeons & Dragons, I will roll ten of them instead of usual five.

Without firther ado, meet first batch of lady Vicars!

1. Alpsuinda Frontrank

Class: Cleric Race: Human Level: Vicar Alignment: Law Languages: Common, Divisional

Appearance: 4'11'' / 1.5 m, 125 lbs / 57 kg; black hair; light blue eyes; dark brown skin tone Traits: curious, lively

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 19 Armor class: 2 Movement: 6''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 11 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 12 Stone: 14 Dragon Breath: 16 Staves & Spells: 15


STR: 4 (low score) INT: 10 (average score; speak no additional languages) WIS: 7 (low score; minus 10% from earned experience) CON: 12 (average score; 90% chance of survival) DEX: 12 (average score) CHA: 10 (average score; up to 4 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of 0)


Armour: 1 × Plate Mail; 1 × Helmet; 1 × Shield +1 Weapons: 1 × Mace (1H) Gear: 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 1 × 50’ of Rope; 1 × 6 Torches; 4 × Flask of Oil; 1 × Silver Cross; 4 × Holy Water/Vial; 4 × Wolvesbane, bunch; 4 × Garlic, bud; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 2 × Scroll (Cure Light Wounds); 2 × Scroll (Bless); 2 × Potion of Healing Coins: 116 gp Encumbrance: 1336 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

1 × Warhorse, Medium (HD 2+1, AC 7, MV 18’’, max load 3750 cn); 1 × Saddle; 1 × Saddle Bags; 1 × Barding (Horse Armor).

2. Theodora

Class: Cleric Race: Human Level: Vicar Alignment: Law Languages: Common, Divisional

Appearance: 5'6'' / 1.68 m, 135 lbs / 61 kg; brown hair; violet eyes; dark brown skin tone; 1' scar Traits: enigmatic, arrogant

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 18 Armor class: 2 Movement: 6''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 11 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 12 Stone: 14 Dragon Breath: 16 Staves & Spells: 15


STR: 7 (low score) INT: 14 (high score; speak up to 4 additional languages) WIS: 6 (low score; minus 20% from earned experience) CON: 7 (low score; 40% chance of survival) DEX: 12 (average score) CHA: 9 (average score; up to 3 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of 0)


Armour: 1 × Plate Mail; 1 × Helmet; 1 × Shield +1 Weapons: 1 × Mace +2 Gear: 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Small Sack (50 coin capacity); 1 × Water/Wine Skin (30 coin capacity); 2 × 50’ of Rope; 1 × 12 Iron Spikes; 1 × Lantern; 2 × Flask of Oil; 1 × 3 Stakes & Mallet; 1 × Silver Mirror, Small; 1 × Silver Cross; 3 × Holy Water/Vial; 3 × Garlic, bud; 1 × Wine, quart; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 1 × Scroll (Cure Light Wounds); 1 × Scroll (Light); 1 × Scroll (Protection from Evil); 2 × Potion of Healing Coins: 162 gp Encumbrance: 1382 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

1 × Warhorse, Medium (HD 2+1, AC 7, MV 18’’, max load 3750 cn); 1 × Saddle; 1 × Saddle Bags; 1 × Barding (Horse Armor).

3. Gentle Signy

Class: Cleric Race: Human Level: Vicar Alignment: Law Languages: Common, Divisional

Appearance: 6'1'' / 1.85 m, 195 lbs / 88 kg; roan hair; amber eyes; milky white skin tone Traits: delicate, pacifistic

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 9 Armor class: 4 Movement: 9''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 11 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 12 Stone: 14 Dragon Breath: 16 Staves & Spells: 15


STR: 16 (high score) INT: 12 (average score; speak up to 2 additional languages) WIS: 5 (low score; minus 20% from earned experience) CON: 3 (low score; minus 1 from each hit die; 40% chance of survival) DEX: 8 (low score; fire any missile at -1) CHA: 13 (high score; up to 5 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of +1)


Armour: 1 × Chain-type Mail; 1 × Helmet; 1 × Shield +1 Weapons: 1 × War Hammer +1 Gear: 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 4 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 4 × 50’ of Rope; 2 × 12 Iron Spikes; 2 × 6 Torches; 4 × Flask of Oil; 1 × Silver Cross; 6 × Holy Water/Vial; 6 × Belladonna, bunch; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 2 × Potion of Healing Coins: 41 gp Encumbrance: 931 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

1 × Warhorse, Medium (HD 2+1, AC 7, MV 18’’, max load 3750 cn); 1 × Saddle; 1 × Saddle Bags; 1 × Barding (Horse Armor).

Ina: HD Acolyte; HP 4; AC 4 (chain-type mail armor and shield); Atk mace; MV 12''; AL Law; Morale 6; STR 15 INT 11 WIS 8 CON 11 DEX 14 CHA 14 LOY 12. Gear silver cross.

Monine: HD Acolyte; HP 6; AC 4 (chain-type mail armor and shield); Atk mace; MV 12''; AL Law; Morale 7; STR 12 INT 14 WIS 7 CON 8 DEX 8 CHA 12 LOY 12. Gear silver cross.

4. Natalia Bowyer

Class: Cleric Race: Human Level: Vicar Alignment: Law Languages: Common, Divisional

Appearance: 5'7'' / 1.7 m, 160 lbs / 73 kg; red hair; grey eyes; ochre skin tone Traits: inconsiderate, spendthrift

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 14 Armor class: 2 Movement: 6''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 11 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 12 Stone: 14 Dragon Breath: 16 Staves & Spells: 15


STR: 12 (average score) INT: 11 (average score; speak up to 1 additional languages) WIS: 16 (high score; add 10% to earned experience) CON: 9 (average score; 60% chance of survival) DEX: 11 (average score) CHA: 11 (average score; up to 4 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of 0)


Armour: 1 × Plate Mail; 1 × Helmet; 1 × Shield Weapons: 1 × War Hammer +2 Gear: 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 3 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 3 × Small Sack (50 coin capacity); 3 × Water/Wine Skin (30 coin capacity); 1 × 50’ of Rope; 1 × Lantern; 3 × Flask of Oil; 1 × Silver Mirror, Small; 1 × Silver Cross; 3 × Holy Water/Vial; 3 × Wine, quart; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 4 × Potion of Healing Coins: 63 gp Encumbrance: 1263 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

1 × Warhorse, Heavy (HD 3, AC 7, MV 12’’, max load 4500 cn); 1 × Saddle; 1 × Saddle Bags; 1 × Barding (Horse Armor).

5. Deirdre the Hedgehog

Class: Cleric Race: Human Level: Vicar Alignment: Law Languages: Common, Divisional

Appearance: 6'6'' / 1.98 m, 185 lbs / 84 kg; quills for hair; light brown eyes; yellow white skin tone Traits: hostile, youthful

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 16 Armor class: 2 Movement: 6''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 11 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 12 Stone: 14 Dragon Breath: 16 Staves & Spells: 15


STR: 15 (high score) INT: 17 (high score; speak up to 7 additional languages) WIS: 11 (average score) CON: 9 (average score; 60% chance of survival) DEX: 9 (average score) CHA: 6 (low score; up to 2 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of -1)


Armour: 1 × Plate Mail; 1 × Helmet; 1 × Shield Weapons: 1 × War Hammer +3 (3'' Throwing Range) Gear: 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 1 × Water/Wine Skin (30 coin capacity); 2 × 50’ of Rope; 1 × 12 Iron Spikes; 1 × 6 Torches; 2 × Flask of Oil; 1 × 3 Stakes & Mallet; 1 × Silver Cross; 2 × Holy Water/Vial; 1 × Wine, quart; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 1 × Scroll (Detect Evil); 2 × Scroll (Light); 3 × Scroll (Speak with Animals; 1 × Potion of Healing Coins: 168 gp Encumbrance: 1398 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

1 × Warhorse, Medium (HD 2+1, AC 7, MV 18’’, max load 3750 cn); 1 × Saddle; 1 × Saddle Bags; 1 × Barding (Horse Armor).

Remaining five Vicars tomorrow.


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You can read more about the challenge here and here.

Introducing five lady Theurgists for the original Dungeons & Dragons!

1. Sophia Strongarm

Class: Magic-User Race: Human Level: Theurgist Alignment: Law Languages: Common, Divisional

Appearance: 6'4'' / 1.93 m, 210 lbs / 95 kg; white hair; grey eyes; caucasian skin tone Traits: lecherous, lively

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 10 Armor class: 9 Movement: 12''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 13 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 14 Stone: 13 Dragon Breath: 16 Staves & Spells: 15


STR: 16 (high score) INT: 12 (average score; speak up to 2 additional languages) WIS: 10 (average score) CON: 7 (low score; 40% chance of survival) DEX: 9 (average score) CHA: 6 (low score; up to 2 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of -1)


Armour: None Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1H) Gear: 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 4 × Small Sack (50 coin capacity); 4 × Water/Wine Skin (30 coin capacity); 2 × 50’ of Rope; 1 × Lantern; 4 × Flask of Oil; 1 × Silver Mirror, Small; 4 × Belladonna, bunch; 4 × Wine, quart; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 1 × Scroll (Protection from Evil); 1 × Scroll (Read Magic); 2 × Scroll (Levitate); 1 × Scroll (Knock); 1 × Scroll (Wizard Lock); 2 × Potion of Healing; 1 × Wand of Metal Detection (points towards any large body of metal; 2'' radius) Coins: 181 gp Encumbrance: 561 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

1 × Light Horse (HD 2, AC 7, MV 24’’, max load 3000 cn); 1 × Saddle; 1 × Saddle Bags.

2. Aethelthryth the Cruel

Class: Magic-User Race: Human Level: Theurgist Alignment: Law Languages: Common, Divisional

Appearance: 5'4'' / 1.63 m, 145 lbs / 66 kg; black hair; dark brown eyes; light tan skin tone; ½'' scar Traits: quaint, intimidating

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 13 Armor class: 9 Movement: 12''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 13 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 14 Stone: 13 Dragon Breath: 16 Staves & Spells: 15


STR: 9 (average score) INT: 14 (high score; add 5% to earned experience; speak up to 4 additional languages) WIS: 11 (average score) CON: 14 (high score; will withstand adversity) DEX: 11 (average score) CHA: 12 (average score; up to 4 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of 0)


Armour: None Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1H) Gear: 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 4 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 1 × 50’ of Rope; 1 × 12 Iron Spikes; 1 × 6 Torches; 2 × Flask of Oil; 1 × Wooden Cross; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 1 × Scroll (Light); 1 × Scroll (Read Languages); 1 × Scroll (Knock); 2 × Scroll (Wizard Lock); 2 × Potion of Healing; 1 × Wand of Magic Detection (reveal magic within 2'' radius; concentrating reveals general details of the magic used); 1 × Ring of Delusion (makes the wearer see whatever he desires) Coins: 160 gp Encumbrance: 520 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

1 × Light Horse (HD 2, AC 7, MV 24’’, max load 3000 cn); 1 × Saddle; 1 × Saddle Bags.

Scanlair: HD Veteran; HP 4; AC 4 (chain-type mail armor and shield); Atk battle axe or spear; MV 9''; AL Law; Morale 9; STR 12 INT 9 WIS 15 CON 8 DEX 13 CHA 11 LOY 13.

Murchaer: HD Veteran; HP 2; AC 4 (chain-type mail armor and shield); Atk morning star or spear; MV 9''; AL Law; Morale 3; STR 4 INT 9 WIS 12 CON 12 DEX 13 CHA 11 LOY 15.

3. Galswinth the Temptress

Class: Magic-User Race: Human Level: Theurgist Alignment: Law Languages: Common, Divisional

Appearance: 5'11'' / 1.8 m, 210 lbs / 95 kg; bald; aqua eyes; milky white skin tone; eight-point star-shaped birthmark Traits: forgiving, seductive

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 11 Armor class: 9 Movement: 12''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 13 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 14 Stone: 13 Dragon Breath: 16 Staves & Spells: 15


STR: 15 (high score) INT: 7 (low score; minus 10% from earned experience; speak no additional languages) WIS: 11 (average score) CON: 14 (high score; will withstand adversity) DEX: 15 (high score; fire any missile at +1) CHA: 15 (high score; up to 5 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of +1)


Armour: None Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1H) Gear: 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Small Sack (50 coin capacity); 1 × Water/Wine Skin (30 coin capacity); 1 × Lantern; 4 × Flask of Oil; 1 × Wine, quart; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 1 × Scroll (Continual Light); 1 × Scroll (ESP); 1 × Scroll (Invisibility); 2 × Potion of Healing; 1 × Wand of Fire Balls (51 charges); 1 × Ring of Mammal Control (control 3d6 small, or 1d8 large mammals, excluding those in the monster reference table; 6'' range) Coins: 59 gp Encumbrance: 399 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

1 × Light Horse (HD 2, AC 7, MV 24’’, max load 3000 cn); 1 × Saddle; 1 × Saddle Bags.

Klaudic: HD Veteran; HP 3; AC 5 (chain-type mail armor and helmet); Atk sword or spear, or composite bow (ranges: 1–8’’ +2 AC, 9–16’’ +1 AC, 17–24’’ 0 AC); MV 9''; AL Neutrality; Morale 9; STR 9 INT 11 WIS 11 CON 11 DEX 11 CHA 12 LOY 6.

Zetimer: HD Veteran; HP 2; AC 5 (chain-type mail armor and helmet); Atk sword or spear, or composite bow (ranges: 1–8’’ +2 AC, 9–16’’ +1 AC, 17–24’’ 0 AC); MV 9''; AL Neutrality; Morale 10; STR 9 INT 8 WIS 12 CON 9 DEX 10 CHA 6 LOY 11.

Epastus: HD Acolyte; HP 3; AC 2 (plate mail, helmet, and shield); Atk mace; MV 6''; AL Neutrality; Morale 7; STR 7 INT 10 WIS 13 CON 12 DEX 9 CHA 10 LOY 14. Gear silver cross, 3 holy water vials.

4. Squeaky Bebba

Class: Magic-User Race: Human Level: Theurgist Alignment: Law Languages: Common, Divisional

Appearance: 5'0'' / 1.52 m, 125 lbs / 57 kg; light brown hair; bronze eyes; light brown skin tone; all double joints Traits: devoted, proud, weird

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 13 Armor class: 9 Movement: 12''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 13 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 14 Stone: 13 Dragon Breath: 16 Staves & Spells: 15


STR: 6 (low score) INT: 4 (low score; minus 20% from earned experience; speak no additional languages) WIS: 16 (high score) CON: 12 (average score; 90% chance of survival) DEX: 12 (average score) CHA: 9 (average score; up to 3 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of 0)


Armour: None Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1H) Gear: 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 4 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 4 × Small Sack (50 coin capacity); 2 × Water/Wine Skin (30 coin capacity); 2 × 50’ of Rope; 1 × 10’ Pole; 2 × 12 Iron Spikes; 1 × Lantern; 4 × Flask of Oil; 1 × Silver Mirror, Small; 2 × Wine, quart; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 1 × Scroll (Charm Person); 1 × Scroll (Sleep); 1 × Scroll (Detect Invisible); 3 × Scroll (Levitate); 2 × Potion of Healing; 1 × Wand of Magic Detection (reveal magic within 2'' radius; concentrating reveals general details of the magic used) Coins: 48 gp Encumbrance: 428 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

2 × Draft Horse (HD 2+1, AC 7, MV 12’’, max load 4500 cn); 1 × Wagon.

5. Anastasia Wagner

Class: Magic-User Race: Human Level: Theurgist Alignment: Law Languages: Common, Divisional

Appearance: 6'6'' / 1.98 m, 225 lbs / 102 kg; dark blonde hair; aqua eyes; grey-green skin tone; ¼'' scar Traits: sensuous, grim, unlucky

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 6 Armor class: 9 Movement: 12''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 13 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 14 Stone: 13 Dragon Breath: 16 Staves & Spells: 15


STR: 16 (high score) INT: 11 (average score; speak up to 1 additional languages) WIS: 8 (low score) CON: 13 (high score; will withstand adversity) DEX: 4 (low score; fire any missile at -1) CHA: 10 (average score; up to 4 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of 0)


Armour: 1 × Helm of Law Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1H) Gear: 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 1 × Water/Wine Skin (30 coin capacity); 1 × 6 Torches; 1 × Lantern; 4 × Flask of Oil; 1 × Silver Mirror, Small; 2 × Belladonna, bunch; 1 × Wine, quart; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 1 × Scroll (Charm Person); 1 × Scroll (Detect Magic); 1 × Scroll (Protection from Evil); 1 × Scroll (Read Magic); 2 × Scroll (Invisibility); 1 × Scroll (Knock); 1 × Scroll (Wizard Lock); 1 × Potion of Healing Coins: 77 gp Encumbrance: 417 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

1 × Light Horse (HD 2, AC 7, MV 24’’, max load 3000 cn); 1 × Saddle; 1 × Saddle Bags.

Five lady Vicars coming tomorrow!


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Character Class Description
Balarus Fighter level 3 An ex-woodsman, quite a crackshot with his bow.
Gomm Thief level 6 Swarthy, good looking, dark-skinned thief. Sweet opium-like aroma is his fragrance of choice.
Nesterin Sylpetor Elf level 2 An avid lover woods and jungles.
Ambros Cleric level 5 Follower of Aniu, Lord of Time.
Ignaeus Elf level 3 A slightly weathered looking elf with dull blonde hair and chiselled features. Seeks wealth and knowledge.
Dalkanarion Fighter level 4 A youthful specimen in full strength, full of purpose, bluster, and eagerness to prove himself.
Hedwig Hogwarts Elf level 3 An always alert owl masquerading as an elf.

Blackmoon 8th, Earthday

Adventurers had barely any sleep whatsoever. Terrible witch Ah'sas has passed away from fever, solving one of their problems. Then they had slain Sor'Ves the Magnificent, a blue dragon lairing atop the tower of sunken fort. Now their only issue was dragging out its magnificent hoard!

The fact that Bakaru and Ah'sas Oger went missing bothered no one too much. The party collected all the sacks, backpacks, and a chest, loaded them on two dugouts they have, and paddled straight back to the fort.

Tarkus and Beorg were left behind to guard the treehouses.

A watch later and party arrived at the fort. Gomm scaled the wall, ran over the rubble covered ceiling, and then climbed the tower. Tens of thousands of coins still there, covered in blood and gore.

Adventurers moved through the fort hastily, opting to go through the antechamber, north-east doors, and then follow the long hallway to the courtyard. There stuck doors halted their progress.

Dalkanarion the Mighty rammed the tower gates, but they bounced right back. Puzzled, he observed the doors. Gomm opted to scale the southern wall, so he can get a better view.

At that moment he felt a prick in his neck. Everything around hims slowed. Sounds became drawn out and deeper. His eyelids became heavier by the moment. His fingers weaker. Gomm landed on soft grass, oblivious to the hurt from the fall, and fell asleep.

Illustration by Dreadlord.

Dalkanarion felt something sharp lodge into his back. He pulled out a dart and threw it aside.

Hedwig, Ambros, and Ignaeus ran up to the round tower, hugging its wall. Nestering remained in the center of the courtyard, wildly scanning the surroundings. Balarus ran behind the tree in the north-west corner.

The tower trio could see a long blowgun protrude from arrow slit on the second floor. Nesterin went down. Balarus couldn't believe his eyes. He had just witnessed a blue-furred bear stand up from behind the broken chapel window a blow a dart at his ally.

Balarus and Dalkanarion forced the tower doors open, beating back a towering bipedal blue bear dressed in plate mail. Unphased by the sight, they charged the monster. Hedwiga joined them. All three successfully deflected clawing attacks.

Dalkanarion exposed his back as he left the melee and ran upstairs, aiming to dispose of the monster raining darts from the above.

Outside Ambros and Ignaeus took turns in shooting at the bear taking cover in the chapel. They hadn't hit a single time.

In the tower Balarus dodged the towering monster by ducking under its right side. Then he thrust his obsidian blade right through the bear's soft tummy, spilling out its guts.

Grecian warrior caught the blowgun wielding bear just as it was fleeing further up the tower. Soon all the adventurers gave chase, driving the blue bear to the top. Ambros charged it, swinging wildly at the beast's throat. His mace connected multiple times, Ambros kills, smashing the bear's skull.

“Now... Let's pack the treasure!”

Luckily someone remembered to check in on the downed Nesterin and Gomm. Both were dragged into the tower. Both recovered in a little bit under an hour.

Following a prolonged discussion, the party had agreed to carry the maximum amount of treasure and move hastily. Ambros cast Light on his helmet so no hands were required for carrying a light source.

The party exited the courtyard and moved south, through the oil smelling chamber covered with broken glass. There they were ambushed from the darkness and hit multiple times with poisoned darts.

Half of them dropped treasure and charged into the darkness. Alas, all they could hear are loud thuds moving away from them.

Adventurers picked up the treasure and moved it into the storage room with crates. They emptied all the wooden boxes and filled them with thousands and thousands of gold coins. More precisely, three thousand gold pieces in each crate. Then they closed the doors shut, and Ignaeus cast Wizard Lock on them.

Next was the more perilous part of the plan: make two trips from the tower to the dugouts in order to fill them up with eighteen thousand gold pieces.

The problem?

Harrying walking bears of course.

Once again, the adventurers packed the treasure at the tower, and once again they went through south exit and followed the long hallway to the antechamber. There they stopped, hesitant to proceed.

Nestering opened the doors, and as expected, the front rank had been peppered with darts. Ambros went down. Nesterin grabbed the cleric by the collar and pulled him back as he shut the doors.

Then someone unnamed slapped the cleric awake. The party waited. “Let me in!” And waited. “Let me in!!!”

Hedwig could not be contained anymore. Her suggestions were ignored. She proposed to cut of the dead bears' heads to “send a message.” She suggested to hollow out their corpses and use them as sacks to carry all the treasure. She advised to build a rocketship and fly out of here.

But all her suggestions fell on deaf ears. So she opted to take matters in her own hands!

She burst through the doors and swaggered into the antechamber.

When no ill fate befall her, others followed.

Bears waited in the shadow. Once adventurers came close enough they shot another volley. Mighty Dalkanarion fell like a sack of potatoes.

Three plated bears rushed his limp body. Middle bear grabbed the warrior and threw him over its shoulder like a baby.

“I don't like it when you grab us!” Hedwig cried in exasperation.

Ambros, Ignaeus, Nesterin, and Hedwiga rallied and charged the bears, intent on recovering Dalkanarion. Gomm snuck around the massive pillars. He surprised one of the bears and backstabbed it right through the heart.

“Freeze” Ignaeus yelled whilst pointing Volmorin's scimitar at the bear carrying his ally. The bear froze in place.

“Fine, fine! Enough! Let us talk!”

Fourth bear stepped out of the darkness, urging everyone to cease their hostilities. Negotiations proceeded with spectacular show of diplomacy on both sides. The result were three decapitated bears, one escapee, and all adventurers intact.

Illustration by snoop.

Unopposed, the party made two runs between the tower and their dugouts, loading the to the gills. Alas, that also meant they finished after the sun had set.

“Worry not, I am a former seafarer. I shall navigate us back to Ah'sas hut.” Dalkanarion announced proudly.

He got the party lost, so they arrived to their jungle huts at dawn. There Tarkus and Beorg informed them they had spotted more activity in the area.

Without the witch's powerful magic to keep monsters at bay this was no longer a sanctuary it had been for the past several months.

Sunken fort was still full of treasure. Nearly twenty thousand of coins they had dragged to the huts were deep in Eyestone Jungle. And the rations were running out.

What will the adventurers do next?

Discuss at Dragonsfoot forum.

#Wilderlands #SessionReport

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You can read more about the challenge here and here.

OK, let's get to second round of rolling forty characters for Cauldron con! Like before, we will start with five fighters, or in this case, Heroiness.

1. Becuma the Sneaky

Class: Fighting-Man Race: Human Level: Hero Alignment: Law Languages: Common, Divisional

Appearance: 6'3'' / 1.91 m, 175 lbs / 79 kg; mixed dark brown and light blonde hair; violet eyes; light brown skin tone; eight-point star-shaped birthmark Traits: threatening, giddy

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 15 Armor class: 7 Movement: 12''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 10 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 11 Stone: 12 Dragon Breath: 13 Staves & Spells: 14


STR: 13 (high score; add 5% to earned experience) INT: 8 (low score; speak no additional languages) WIS: 11 (average score) CON: 5 (low score; minus 1 from each hit die; 40% chance of survival) DEX: 17 (high score; fire any missile at +1) CHA: 11 (average score; up to 4 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of 0)


Armour: 1 × Leather Armor; 1 × Shield Weapons: 1 × Sword +1, Locating Objects Ability (AL Law; INT 11; EGO 3; COM speaks common, and elven; POW clairaudience, detect evil, read magic, teleportation); 1 × Dagger (1H); 1 × Composite Bow (2H, ranges: 1–8’’ +2 AC, 9–16’’ +1 AC, 17–24’’ 0 AC); 1 × 20 Arrows; 1 × 20 Arrows, Enchanted Gear: 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 4 × Small Sack (50 coin capacity); 2 × Quiver of 20 Arrows; 2 × 50’ of Rope; 2 × 12 Iron Spikes; 1 × Lantern; 4 × Flask of Oil; 1 × Silver Mirror, Small; 3 × Holy Water/Vial; 3 × Wolvesbane, bunch; 3 × Belladonna, bunch; 3 × Garlic, bud; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 1 × Potion of Healing Coins: 57 gp Encumbrance: 687 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

1 × Light Horse (HD 2, AC 7, MV 24’’, max load 3000 cn); 1 × Saddle; 1 × Saddle Bags.

2. Wild Thecla

Class: Fighting-Man Race: Human Level: Hero Alignment: Law Languages: Common, Divisional

Appearance: 6'3'' / 1.91 m, 185 lbs / 84 kg; auburn hair; amber eyes; medium tan skin tone Traits: lunatic, afraid of commitment

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 16 Armor class: 2 Movement: 6''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 10 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 11 Stone: 12 Dragon Breath: 13 Staves & Spells: 14


STR: 12 (average score) INT: 12 (average score; speak up to 2 additional languages) WIS: 8 (low score) CON: 12 (average score; 90% chance of survival) DEX: 12 (average score) CHA: 11 (average score; up to 4 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of 0)


Armour: 1 × Plate Mail; 1 × Shield; 1 × Helmet Weapons: 1 × Sword +1 (AL Law; INT 10; EGO 8; COM speaks dwarven, and elven; POW clairvoyance, locate secret doors, note shifting walls and rooms); 1 × Dagger (1H); 1 × Spear (1H, 2H, thrown range 3”); 1 × Light Crossbow (2H, ranges: 1–6’’ +2 AC, 7–12’’ +1 AC, 13–18’’ 0 AC); 1 × 30 Quarrels Gear: 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 1 × Water/Wine Skin (30 coin capacity); 1 × Case with 30 Quarrels; 1 × 50’ of Rope; 1 × 6 Torches; 1 × Steel Mirror; 1 × Wine, quart; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 1 × Potion of Healing; 1 × Potion of Giant Strength Coins: 13 gp Encumbrance: 1373 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

1 × Warhorse, Heavy (HD 3, AC 7, MV 12’’, max load 4500 cn); 1 × Saddle; 1 × Saddle Bags; 1 × Barding (Horse Armor).

3. Winiperga

Class: Fighting-Man Race: Human Level: Hero Alignment: Law Languages: Common, Divisional

Appearance: 5'6'' / 1.68 m, 180 lbs / 82 kg; black hair; silver eyes; medium brown skin tone; fang mouthed Traits: noisy, overbearing, voracious

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 18 Armor class: 2 Movement: 6''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 10 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 11 Stone: 12 Dragon Breath: 13 Staves & Spells: 14


STR: 10 (average score) INT: 9 (average score; speak no additional languages) WIS: 7 (low score) CON: 8 (low score; 50% chance of survival) DEX: 10 (average score) CHA: 9 (average score; up to 3 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of 0)


Armour: 1 × Plate Mail; 1 × Shield; 1 × Helmet Weapons: 1 × Sword +1 (AL Law; INT 9; EGO 1; COM empathy; POW detect evil 12'', detect sloping passages); 1 × Dagger (1H); 1 × Hand Axe (1H, thrown range 3”); 1 × Morning Star (1H, 2H) Gear: 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Small Sack (50 coin capacity); 2 × Water/Wine Skin (30 coin capacity); 2 × 50’ of Rope; 2 × 12 Iron Spikes; 1 × 6 Torches; 4 × Flask of Oil; 1 × Steel Mirror; 2 × Wine, quart; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 1 × Potion of Healing; 1 × Potion of Giant Strength Coins: 116 gp Encumbrance: 1426 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

1 × Warhorse, Heavy (HD 3, AC 7, MV 12’’, max load 4500 cn); 1 × Saddle; 1 × Saddle Bags; 1 × Barding (Horse Armor); 1 × Lance (1H).

4. Macatrude Trollbane

Class: Fighting-Man Race: Human Level: Hero Alignment: Law Languages: Common, Divisional

Appearance: 5'10'' / 1.78 m, 165 lbs / 75 kg; yellow hair; gold eyes; light brown skin tone; two hearts Traits: artistic, obsequious, unhelpful

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 12 Armor class: 4 Movement: 6''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 10 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 11 Stone: 12 Dragon Breath: 13 Staves & Spells: 14


STR: 12 (average score) INT: 15 (high score; speak up to 5 additional languages) WIS: 14 (high score) CON: 15 (high score; add 1 to each hit die; will withstand adversity) DEX: 6 (low score; fire any missile at -1) CHA: 13 (high score; up to 5 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of +1)


Armour: 1 × Chain-type Mail +2; 1 × Shield; 1 × Helmet Weapons: 1 × Sword +1, +3 vs. Trolls (AL Law; INT 4; EGO none; COM none; POW none); 1 × Dagger (1H); 1 × Spear (1H, 2H, thrown range 3”) Gear: 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 1 × Water/Wine Skin (30 coin capacity); 1 × Lantern; 4 × Flask of Oil; 1 × 3 Stakes & Mallet; 1 × Silver Cross; 4 × Holy Water/Vial; 1 × Wine, quart; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 4 × Potion of Healing Coins: 12 gp Encumbrance: 1132 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

1 × Warhorse, Heavy (HD 3, AC 7, MV 12’’, max load 4500 cn); 1 × Saddle; 1 × Saddle Bags; 1 × Barding (Horse Armor).

Lanka: HD Veteran; HP 6; AC 4 (chain-type mail armor and shield); Atk mace or spear; MV 9''; AL Law; Morale 5; STR 11 INT 17 WIS 10 CON 16 DEX 16 CHA 11 LOY 10.

Gudeoc: HD Veteran; HP 3; AC 4 (chain-type mail armor and shield); Atk mace or spear; MV 9''; AL Law; Morale 9; STR 12 INT 3 WIS 12 CON 8 DEX 10 CHA 9 LOY 15.

5. Iaroslavna

Class: Fighting-Man Race: Human Level: Hero Alignment: Law Languages: Common, Divisional

Appearance: 6'4'' / 1.93 m, 205 lbs / 93 kg; light brown hair; grey eyes; dark tan skin tone Traits: unfocused, angry

Experience points: 10 000 Hit points: 18 Armor class: 2 Movement: 6''

Saving Throws

Death Ray or Poison: 10 All Wands — Including Polymorph or Paralyzation: 11 Stone: 12 Dragon Breath: 13 Staves & Spells: 14


STR: 12 (average score; none) INT: 6 (low score; speak no additional languages) WIS: 6 (low score) CON: 8 (low score; 50% chance of survival) DEX: 9 (average score) CHA: 6 (low score; up to 2 unusual hirelings with loyalty base of -1)


Armour: 1 × Plate Mail +2; 1 × Shield +2; 1 × Helmet Weapons: 1 × Battle Axe (1H, 2H); 1 × Dagger (1H); 1 × Spear (1H, 2H, thrown range 3”) Gear: 1 × Leather Back Pack (300 coin capacity); 2 × Large Sack (300 coin capacity); 3 × Water/Wine Skin (30 coin capacity); 1 × 50’ of Rope; 1 × 6 Torches; 1 × Wooden Cross; 3 × Wine, quart; 2 × Iron Rations (1 week); 1 × Potion of Healing; 1 × Potion of Giant Strength Coins: 5 Encumbrance: 1360 cn

Hirelings & Mounts

1 × Warhorse, Heavy (HD 3, AC 7, MV 12’’, max load 4500 cn); 1 × Saddle; 1 × Barding (Horse Armor).

Five lady Theurgists coming tomorrow!


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