Attronarch's Athenaeum

Campaign journals, reviews of TTRPG stuff, and musings on D&D.


Having witnessed what kind of financial ruin miniatures bring to those who get hooked on them I opted not to pay any attention whatsoever to them.


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Character Class Description
Ignaeus Elf level 2 A slightly weathered looking elf with dull blonde hair and chiselled features. Seeks wealth and knowledge.
Thorn the Dwarf Dwarf level 1 Ashen hair, beard, and eyes. Left his own clan due to financial trouble.

Warmshade 3rd, Waterday

“Could we finish our investigation of the lizard caves? I am curious to know what is going on there.”

Ignaeus was the only one to answers Thorn's call to adventure. The dwarf did not rest still, and he employed two retainers, Soalain and Glamina.

Next he hired a rowboat and crew to take them downstream to the cave.

“We will wait until sundown. If pirates or barbarians appear off we go!”

The party entered the caves few hours after sunrise.

They exited just an hour before sundown.

Ten torches burnt through.

They carefully navigated natural tunnels, exploring every nook and cranny. Always tense, always ready for trouble.

Trouble did find them, without surprise, in another lizards' nest. A giant centipede nested there, but it was summarily dispatched by Thorn's might blows. Alas, the eggs were sucked dry and were empty.

A truly valuable cache hid behind a chilly body of water, past wet tunnel. There a skeleton lay, dressed in pristine chainmail. A small, round metal shield was by its side. A curved scimitar to other side. All were in pristine condition, as if unbothered by all the moisture in the small cave.

Satisfied with their thorough exploration, the party recovered these three items and returned to Hara. There they sought identification service from the Wizards' Guild.

Warmshade 8th, Earthday

Whilst waiting for the identification to be complete, Thorn and Ignaeus spent time going through all the notes and intelligence collected by other adventurers whose Company they had joined.

There was much going on in the region; and the Company had its fingers in many pies. But where to focus? Where to strike next? Who to ally with? What is true and what is not? Much was discussed, and much more has to be discussed.

Invitation came on the noon of Warmshade 8th.

“This is the Bender. It is a magical shield that allows you to deflect two mundane arrows shot at you, once a day.” Tangay of Seven Stars presented the shield.

“And this chainshirt I decided to name Zealot's Mail. Besides additional protection it also nullifies any Druidic Magic cast on the person wearing the armour.” he continued.

“Finally, the Volmorin's Blade! If the wielder points the blade at someone and yells “Freeze” the blade unleashes Hold Person upon them. Volmorin has been etched in the pommel, hence the name.”

The duo was most satisfied with their haul.

But the question remains: what now?

Discuss at Dragonsfoot forum.

#Wilderlands #SessionReport

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I've been using the GM1a Game Master's Screen by New Big Dragon Games Unlimited for several years now and I'm extremely satisfied with it. The product also includes spells record sheet, character record log, cleric spells handout, and magic-user spells handout.


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I don't care about dice as long as they are plentiful and roll well.


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Steve Jackson Games is running a GURPS anniversary sale.

All the titles are 20% off until August 29th.

I don't often see them running a catalogue wide sale, so I used this opportunity to finally buy a few items from my GURPS wish-list:

Managed to add few more GURPS items to my wish-list... the thing is endless.


#Sale #GURPS

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For Judges: Dungeon Masters' Guide.

For Players: Be aware and take care: Basic principles of successful adventuring.



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Over the years I've played with many people, partially because I run our Conquering the Barbarian Altanis campaign as an open table welcome to all who resonate with our play style.

Each and every player left their mark. And for each of the regulars I only have words of praise:

  • dreadlord for dreaming big and incredible flexibility to roll with the flow and improvise on the spot;
  • hellosnoop for limitless willingness to poke things that probably should not be poked;
  • idledoodler for asking important safety questions and for sharing his idle doodles;
  • kickmaniac for naming characters destined to die with R and applying logic during the game;
  • kublaibenzine for leading the way when others falter and for following when others show initiative;
  • mossknight for colourful characters that accidentally cause trouble and for inquisitive nature that draws out the unknown;
  • never_plays_elves for his wisdom, experience, and ability to lead others to safety as well as into death;
  • ryu-ran for being chill while his characters suffer horrible fates and for pragmatic approach to adventuring;
  • samon for taking hard losses on the chin and playing the longest living character of our game so far;
  • sleazy_b for sunny character and getting others out of the trouble he might or might not have brought them;
  • writersean for no-nonsense and courageous dungeon delving methods.

Whatever comes next, we know we had fun.


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As it is right now, notable NPCs in our campaign, in the Hara region, are:

  • Abek Namelin, head of wealthiest and most ambitious merchant family.
  • Amulias Imrael, head of oldest and most affluent merchant family.
  • Earani Cor, Red Queen of Hara.
  • Klekless Racoba, a fugitive wizard and former headmaster of Hara's wizards' guild.
  • Old Crus, a retired wizard turned sage with deep interest in the underdark.
  • Tagoler, castellan of the Castle of the Wode and candidate for becoming new general of Hara's forces.

There might be others, but those are the ones players are aware of...


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Mythmere Games will soon launch a Kickstarter with two new world building books in the vein of Tome of Adventure Design:

Designing a world setting for your fantasy tabletop games just became a lot easier!

These two hardcover books complete a trilogy of creative power alongside the critically-acclaimed Tome of Adventure Design.

The first book is the Tome of Worldbuilding, allowing you to create maps, cultures, countries, wilderness regions, and all the history and backstabbing politics of a fantasy world.

The second book is the Nomicon, with tables to invent fantasy names for everything you'll generate using the Tome of Worldbuilding. Cultures, countries, continents, terrain features, and personal names are all in here!

Read more and back on Kickstarter.

#News #Crowdfunding #OSR

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Well, since I'm running my campaign in the Wilderlands of High Fantasy, one of the first Dungeons & Dragons settings alongside Blackmoor and Greyhawk, I'd say I'm running a quite classic campaign.


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