Attronarch's Athenaeum


A special one-shot session to celebrate third birthday of our Wilderlands campaign Conquering the Barbarian Altanis. Players controlled a set of characters whom were tricked into being he first ones to open the mythical Red Gates of Chudengora.

Denril’s Tale of Chudengora written by Kublaibenzine whom played Amril the Clumsy and Denril Lighttoes. Crumpled Scroll by Akragon of Apollo courtesy of Theo whom played Akragon and Erevos.


Character Class Description
Amril the Clumsy Dwarf level 1 Short and stocky dwarf. Been around for some time. Impressive mental fortitude but two left feet.
Denril Lighttoes Elf level 1 Malnourshied, weak and weedy elf with no muscle and constant chest problems. Dreams of adventuring, but no one wants him.
Inlissior Elf level 1 A dwarfish-looking elf. Handsome and blessed with fake-looking beard. Weak cough plagues him.
Bullon Dwarf level 1 An elvish-looking dwarf. Dashing and attractive.
Akragon Cleric level 1 Tall, well-built, plague survivor. Devout.
Erevos Thief level 1 Dark haired and dark eyed lanky and wiry thief of quick reflexes and wit. Enjoys civilisation.

Denril’s Tale of Chudengora

The Gods alone knew how we reached the top of Bludgeon Peak, but there ahead of us was the long staircase leading to Chudengora. Our employer must have been desperate to hire a bunch of raw adventurers such as ourselves, or he figured our low salaries were worth paying on the off-hand chance we would find the Red Gates open.

Well, we proved him wrong and some of us even made it out.

The gates were wide open and we entered the antechamber of this fastness, full of awe and pride. The floor was some kind of elven concrete, the scale was a bit underwhelming, yet our attention was captured by 6 statues, 5 male and one female, clearly deities. Oddly, the male statues had clearly been decapitated cleanly and swapped around. They were all bearded, arrogant looking beings. Our Cleric recognized one as representing Medicine, while the others could be guessed at as Death, War, Craftsmanship and Justice. The female was unknown, haughty looking in her peasant robe.

There were 3 single doors and one double door, all leading to the unknow and all made of fine, iron-bound wood. We scattered to listen for sounds beyond the doors. It was perhaps unwise of us.

Erevos was the first of us to fall, as half a dozen fire beetles burst through the northern door. Within seconds he was neatly severed in two. Amril the Clumsy fell next, hacking at the beasts. Typically, he tripped over his feet and the beetle just gored him.

We survivors fled through the open northern door while the beetles feasted on the corpses. The room had old weapons racks and rudimentary tables in it, all damaged by time. There was but one exit, East, so we took it and closed the door behind us.

We were in a long corridor with a door at the end as well as a junction south. We opened the door to discover a small room full of crates caked in the dust of ages. As we sneezed and coughed in fits, 13 giant rats came down the corridor at us. We closed the door, Akragos the Cleric throwing a vial of burning oil as we did so. Inlission still took a mild bite in the process. When we opened the door again, the vermin were dead or gone and we hastened south without exploring the crates, for fear more would show up.

We soon reached a 4-way intersection. The western side held a door, which opened onto what might have been a reception hall, all ruined now. On the opposite side was a door, which we estimated led back into the antechamber.

Backing out and going west, we entered a circular room. There were 5 masks on the wall and a spot where a sixth had once rested. Seated beneath that spot was a decayed skeleton in antique chain. A corridor exited the room on the east side. We took it and found a north south corridor. To the north we immediately found an iron door, which we were unable to open.

We then went south, taking the first corridor to the west, entering an irregular, almost T shaped space that contained empty bookshelves and two more exits to the west. We suspected the upper west exit led to the north and back towards our entry point.

We doubled back to the corridor and found a southern facing door which led to a dead-end room. This contained a damaged altar dedicated to War and half a dozen large sconces, each containing a skeleton with an odd metallic sheen. We backed out hastily and went back to the irregular bookshelf room.

Here we took the southernmost corridor running west, which soon turned south and ended at another door. Opening this, we were confronted by an overwhelming stench and the sight of old carpets and furniture overgrown by orange mould. Fearing the worst, Bullon tossed a flaming vial in and closed the door for a few minutes.

Re-opening the door did not reveal anything moving, so we hastened across the room to a southern door. This gave on to what appeared to be a large 20-foot-wide corridor running east and west, with a double door nearby going east and a single door south.

The double door east gave on to a large circular room that might have once been barracks. A corridor led north from it into a room full of crates, less dusty than the other batch.

Back in the east west corridor, we tried the south door. It was a room with detritus and parts of 4 skeletons. A corrido ran east from it. We heard echoing voices in the room and uncertain of what it meant, we did not explore here further, but closed the door again and went west down the wide corridor.

We soon noticed another door giving south. Entering it we beheld a long, wide steel reinforced oak table covered in multi-coloured stains. The walls had iron shelves, also stained. The ground was strewn with broken vials and coloured oozes. The smell of rot and acid pervaded. We entered anyways. There were two doors herein. An eastern door led to a small library full of rotting tomes. Exploring for a few minutes we found a book of ancient lore, a map of an area completely unknown to any of us and some odd elvish book of games with their rules. We left all and went back into the alchemical room to try the south door. This gave onto another storage room full of crates and a door leading south, which we could not open.

Again, we backed up to the large east-west corridor and went west. It led us to a very large circular four-way intersection with a statue holding a trident – the head was again one that didn’t match the body. Realizing that the northern corridor led back to the antechamber, we headed in that direction, stopping only to explore the first door on the west. This gave onto a dog leg shaped room with two exits. The table therein seemed to contain playing pieces similar to those mentioned in the book on elven games. We backed out and resumed our journey north, ignoring a door on the east side.

When we reached the double doors that we estimated must lead to the antechamber, we opened them with great trepidation. We were lucky and left through the main entrance to take the news the news of our findings to our employer.

We were pleased to be alive, proud of what we had done, but sad about our two lost friends.

Crumpled Scroll by Akragon of Apollo

#Wilderlands #OneShot #SessionReport

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Character Class Description
Tamren Cleric level 3 Stoic paladin of Coriptis, the Goddess of Battle and Inamorata of Berserkers. Aventail hides all but his two piercing blue eyes.
Flamthwynn Magic-user level 3 An older gentleman sporting fashionable dark blue robe with purplish overtones. Seeking arcane objects and offensive spell.
Balarus Fighter level 4 An ex-woodsman, quite a crackshot with his bow.
Bragi Twinefinger Halfling level 1 A stout strong halfling. As a devotee of the Great Tailor he is always smartly dressed (under his armour) and overly fond of multiple breakfasts.
Ignaeus Elf level 4 A slightly weathered looking elf with dull blonde hair and chiseled features. Seeks wealth and knowledge.
Foxglove Thief level 4 A willowy human, long hair ties in a pony tail, looks a bit dangerous and dainty at the same time.

Gloomfrost 1st, Airday

Tamren pointed at two plumes of dark smoke raising behind a crest atop Ghinarian hills. Paladins of Coriptis must earn their ranks in combat, besting beasts or men of higher power and skill than their own. Failing to do that means they will be forever denied the honour of joining their deity's harem.

He was joined by Flamthwynn, whom had found courage since his Antil days, Bragi, Ignaeus, Foxglove, and Balarus, whom had brought along hired muscle named Crosonus. The party of seven rode light riding horses, covering forty miles in a single morning watch.

The six followed Tamren to an ogre lair, where supposedly a band of nasty brutes lives. Foxglove rode up the hill and surveyed the surroundings. He found a pothole, some twenty feet wide, just behind a rock outcropping. Light wisps of smoke were coming out of it.

Riding closer, the thief could see that pothole leads into a long tunnel. He rode back to the party and informed them of his findings.

Tamren led the charge towards the hole. Everyone dismounted and left the horses with Crosonus. Then they walked towards the opening.

Foxglove raised his hand, showing an open palm. He put a finger to his pursed lips, signaling everyone to be quiet.

Large figure sat in the tunnel, leaning against a boulder. Big club rested to its side. Its ugly head was slumped, and it slurred loudly. Its hands were on large belly, going up and down.

The thief moved quietly down the tunnel. At one moment he stepped on loose rock which cracked. The beast did not react. Foxglove circled the figure until it was right by its right side. He raised his short sword and thrust it downwards right into the beast's shoulder blade. Then he jerked the blade straight towards the heart.

Ogre screamed in pain. It jumped up, swinging wildly. Foxglove was quick enough to evade this outburst of activity. Ignaeus and Tamren charged in to help. Alas, everyone missed. Everyone but ogre that is. The beast punched Foxglove straight into his face, sending teeth flying.

Surrounded and wounded, the monster fled down the tunnel.

“Freeze!” Ignaeus yelled.

“Oh no you don't...” Foxglove muttered as he felled the fleeing beast with throwing dagger straight into the back of its neck.

Adventurers continued down the tunnel. Cave ceiling became lower and lower, until the tunnel was barely ten feet tall. Their path forward was obstructed by a set of heavy leather skins hanging from the ceiling hooks. The smoke was slowly rolling from underneath them. Flicker of light were visible. Ignaeus could hear a deep voice humming a joyful tune.

Tamren indicated in proto-sign language that he is ready for violence and that they should let him solo the beast. Ignaeus approached the leather curtain, crouched gingerly, and then raised it abruptly.

Before them was a low cave, some thirty feet wide and long. Fires burning in three sunk firepits illuminated a horrific scene: three rows of wooden stakes skewered through a dozen dismembered humanoids. The humming ogre was fanning one of the fire pits, producing extra smoke. Another looked dumbfounded by the fact that more food would come into their smokehouse willingly.

Tamren charged in, screaming “Coriptis, witness me!”, going for the smaller of two ogres. The rest went for the bigger ogre. Dark smoke that filled the room made it difficult to fight. Everyone cried as their eyes swelled and turned red.

Ignaeus once again used his magical sword to freeze his opponent, making it an easy carving job. Tamren, on the other hand, was a bit less successful. First, his target ran from him. Then the beast fanned smoke from the pit straight into his eyes. Then it ran through the west exit.

Tamren yelled like a madman, chasing it down. Others joined, if nothing to prevent the ogre from fleeing. Balarus the Immovable Object ran ahead of the ogre into the narrow tunnel it was going for, and positioned himself so it cannot pass without wrestling him first.

The ogre wept in distress as Paladin of Coriptis yelled challenge after challenge. The party then enjoyed as show of incompetence as both Tamren and ogre kept missing each other. But then the ogre landed two mighty blows, forcing the cleric to take a sip of nasty puss-like liquid in order to heal up.

Balarus stepped in and hurled insults so vile that ogre turned its attention to him instead. The fighter deflected few blows. The only problem was that he used his skull to deflect one. Tamren screamed at the ogre, forcing the beast to face him once again. As it turned he drove his sword right through its neck, killing it in place.

Red-eyed and bloodied, adventurers grabbed two bloody sacks of coin from the smokery and fled for their horses. Tamren has slain what he needed to. Who cares if there were more ogres here, right? After all, what could they possibly do once they find three of their own dead? Surely nothing.

Given it was winter, it already got dark in the evening. Hence the party opted to ride for Midway, sleep at the inn there, and head for Hara next morning. There Ambros and Tarkus healed everyone up. Party of seven then decided not to head back to the ogre lair, but to go seeking their buried treasure instead. This expedition was a great success and they returned back to Hara on Gloomfrost 7th, Waterday.

With only thirteen days before end of the year, a single question arises:

What will the adventurers do next?

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#Wilderlands #SessionReport

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Character Class Description
Tamren Cleric level 3 Stoic paladin of Coriptis, the Goddess of Battle and Inamorata of Berserkers. Aventail hides all but his two piercing blue eyes.
Balarus Fighter level 4 An ex-woodsman, quite a crackshot with his bow.
Bragi Twinefinger Halfling level 1 A stout strong halfling. As a devotee of the Great Tailor he is always smartly dressed (under his armour) and overly fond of multiple breakfasts.
Ambros Cleric level 6 Follower of Aniu, Lord of Time.
Ignaeus Elf level 4 A slightly weathered looking elf with dull blonde hair and chiseled features. Seeks wealth and knowledge.

Maggotfeast 9th, Fireday

“Follow me, follow me!” One-Eyed Tulen, excitedly motioned at the party. Terribly deformed Altanian tracker—courtesy of brutal torture he suffered at Graylock's hands—had found hyena's lair.

A hilly mound surrounded by large trees shrouded a wide cave opening. But following the trail of the large lioness revealed a much narrower tunnel leading upwards.

Balarus, still too weak to move on his own, remained outside of the lair. Beorg and Tarkus stayed behind to protect him. Tamren, joined by Bragi Twinefinger, a stout strong halfling, found the party through divine guidance.

“Ambros, remember what you promised me!” Tulen slurred.

“I am the Law. But in this case I will allow you to be the executor of the Law!”

And with those words, Ambros led the party through the narrow tunnel. After a short incline, the adventurers entered into a small, some twenty feet wide cave. An extinguished fire-pit was in the center, two soiled blankets to the east, and several gnawed bones to the west. And nothing else.

Thoroughly searching the cave revealed pits on the north wall. Ignaeus used them as handholds and footholds to climb upwards. Once he hit the ceiling he discovered that part of it was hollow—a thin sheet of rock had been placed to conceal an opening.

Ignaeus quietly slid it to the side and then climbed up. That led him into another tunnel, albeit a short one. After just a few steps he came to a ledge overlooking another cave, similar in size to the previous one.

Except this cave was filled with crates and barrels. Pit-handholds allowed him to descend safely. Others followed him. Bragi remained above, on the ledge, providing light with his lantern.

Ambros motioned to the right, where narrow tunnel slopped upwards. Ignaeus followed him closely, and Tamren took the rear guard. Cleric of Law took confident, but careful, steps forward.

His mindful approach paid off!

As he approached another the tunnel exit, Ambros felt something is off. He raised his shield just in time to deflect a battleaxe swing. Large gnoll towered over the cleric, growling. It was dressed in chain-shirt, and wielded large two-handed battleaxe.

The monster seized a perfect spot to fight. The tunnel was too narrow to allow those behind to join the fray. Maintaining its momentum, the gnoll swung once more, striking the cleric true.

“Freeze!” whilst Ambros grunted, Ignaeus lifted Volmorin's Blade and yelled the command word.

Graylock froze solid in place, his eyes filled with burning rage.

“Bragi. Go fetch Tulen.”

While waiting for the one-eyed hunchback, Tamren and Ignaeus inspected all the crates and barrels. There they discovered enough dried meat, fruits, and nuts to account for 60 days worth of iron rations. They also found eight bottles and four pins of Midway Red, famous regional wine.

Ambros cast another Hold Person at the gnoll, just in case. Then he cast Detect Magic. His eyes increased ten-fold as Graylock was completely bathed in purplish glow: his armour, battleaxe, handaxe by the hip, and one of the rings pulsated with dim light.

Further, arrows in the quiver by south wall also lit up, as did something in one of the smaller chests.

“You bastard... You bastard!” Tulen wobbled towards the gnoll, knife at ready. Ambros gave him a nod, and tracker enacted his revenge. He took his time—a little bit over half an hour—to carve the monster up. Once the bloody ordeal had been done, the party ransacked all the caves recovering thousand gold pieces, two hundred and fifty platinum pieces, one long bow, two quivers with arrows, one quiver with fourteen magical arrows, three vials of puss-like substance, and all equipment from Graylock.

“Wait... What is this?”

They also found terribly cut and blood-soaked piece of parchment on Graylock. Nothing but “Kyle” was readable.

“I told you there is some fuckery going on here.” Tamren was heard muttering from behind. Lord Kyle governs Midway—home of the famous wine.

But most importantly of all, Ambros could for the first time in many months breath normally. He felt a heavy burden fall off his shoulders.

Adventurers spent their whole next day packing all the goods and treasure, as well as planning their route back. They were to go to Ketche, meet up with sailors who brought them here, and then sail back to Hara.

Coldrain 8th, Earthday

It took the adventurers nearly a month to return to Ketche. Although arduous, their journey was otherwise devoid of any significant danger or threat. They were warmly welcomed and Beklomda Mor threw another feast in their honour.

Some woke up with a splitting headache next day. Part of the headache was surely the fact that their sailors were long gone. But how could one blame them? It has been over two months since they set off in the jungle to hunt down a notorious gnoll assassin.

Tamren bartered with fishermen, arranging transport in exchange of two bottles and two pins of Midway Red. Not a bad deal considering everything.

Before leaving, Ambros threw Graylock's head into the sea, saying prayers to Poseidon, Aniu, and Forseti. With his divine debt finally repaid, the party left for Hara.

Coldrain 10th, Spiritday

“Look! It is Ambros! We were worried you perished in that forsaken place!” guards were delighted to see the cleric alive.

“And I am happy to return. Pray tell, what is latest in Hara?”

Adventurers learned that new castellan was hard at work, cracking down on many issues plaguing the city. She prohibited carrying weapons and armours in city—everyone must tie them in a tight bundle and carry them like a haversack. Namelin and his thugs are not too happy about that.

Coldrain brings winter. Altanis is still warm, but days are shorter. New Year is coming soon. What will the adventurers do next?

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#Wilderlands #SessionReport

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Character Class Description
Balarus Fighter level 4 An ex-woodsman, quite a crackshot with his bow.
Tarkus the Promising Cleric level 4 Follower of Bachontoi, God of Red Wisdom.
Beorg the Gravedigger Fighter level 3 Inspired to adventure after burying several adventurers.
Ambros Cleric level 6 Follower of Aniu, Lord of Time.
Ignaeus Elf level 4 A slightly weathered looking elf with dull blonde hair and chiseled features. Seeks wealth and knowledge.
Guin Pin Magic-User level 3 A young, short man with buzz-cut, black hair, dressed in a tuxedo black and white robe. He walks with a limp, which makes him wobble.

Redleaves 7th to 12th

“Our city has been blessed by the Gods!”

Town criers of Hara worked overtime to break the news.

“Ambros Ap Mortain is our new High Priest of Forseti!”

Crowds cheered with delight, with the exception of few sour faces that squirm at doing things fairly.

“Ambros Ap Mortain is our new Justice Supreme of Hara!”

But Ambros had little reason to cheer.

Every night the same nightmare.

At the bottom of a deep well.

Blinded by the sun above.

Unable to move.

Whilst water slowly fills the well.

Every night.

Every single night.

Ambros had little time before the wrath of Poseidon befalls him.

And anyone with him.

Redleaves 15th, Spiritday

“Are you threatening us, ugly grandpa?!”

Largest of five drunk Altanians chucked stool aside, jumping up with his whole bulk.

Balarus poised himself, ready to swing the obsidian blade at the first person who dares raise hand against Ambros. Tarkus and Beorg were ready at the table.

Few days ago Ambros hired an experienced crew of marines to take them to Ketche. They were intercepted by pirates en route, but Tarkus the Witty managed to resolve that without any violence whatsoever.

Unfortunately, Ambros failed to negotiate a tracker with Beklomda Mor, the chieftain. She asked Ambros to remain in the village, which he refused due to his obligations in the “civilisation,” which Beklomda had no interest in.

So he and party set out to get everyone drunk at the Goat's Beard inn, hoping to find learn anything they can about gnoll assassin Greylock. Ambros had to slay him in order to complete the geas he had accepted in return for Mavis, High Priestess of Poseidon, raising Hagar from the dead.

Locals found his plea very amusing. Until Ambros raised his voice.

“I am the Law!”

Seeing that fist fight is imminent, Ignaeus raised his scimitar and yelled “Freeze!”

Big Altanian froze in place. Everyone else suddenly begun paying more attention.

“Listen! Only One-Eyed Tulen would be dumb enough to help you! You can find his hut three hundred yards south of here.”

“Thank you.” Ambros and his retinue left, seeking the man recommended to them.

Ketche is a small coastal village secluded in the Eyestones jungle, surrounded by danger in all directions. Nonetheless, finding Tulen's hovel hadn't proven to be an issue. Speaking with the man without retching, on the other hand, had proven to be much bigger issue.

True to his name, One-Eyed Tulen lacked left eye. He was badly crooked, his arms bent and deformed, his legs bowing outward, half of teeth missing, and those present yellowed with rot. He reeked of offal.

“I will help you find Greylock if you give me the pleasure of driving a dagger into his evil heart!” Tulen mumbled slowly.

“I am the Law. It is customary that I enact and execute justice. But in this case I will make an exception. I will allow you to deliver the killing blow.” Ambros declared.

At that Tulen fell down on his knees, weeping tears of anger and joy. From his right eye that is. A mix of pus and tear seeped out of his left eye socket.

“Let's not make him cry again.” Tarkus whispered.

“So, how do we hunt down this gnoll?”

“We will follow the coastline until we reach the southern most point. Then we will make our way deeper into the jungle. Greylock has a pack of hyenas and a large lioness. If we encounter either of those, we can track them back to his lair.”

“Let's set out then.”

“Master Ambros, night is about to fall. I suggest leaving after sun rises again! You can sleep here with me.”

“No, thank you. We will meet you here in the morning.”

The party booked all of Goat's Beard inn for the night. Everyone slept well. Everyone but Ambros. Water reached his waist.

Maggotfeast 5th, Spiritday

“Aaaghhh! Here! Here!”

Tulen cried in anger pointing at an ominously looking tree.

“What? What is it?” adventurers surrounded him, alarmed. They've spent last ten days following his lead. Out of those, three had been spent searching in deep jungle.

“This is where he crucified me! This is where he broke my bones! This is where they feasted on me!”

It took Ambros significant effort to calm Tulen down. Following brief discussion, the party had decided to hunt down some game, pile the corpses, and then wait in ambush hoping that hyenas or Greylock take the bait.

Maggotfeast 6th, Airday


Guin Pin fled wobbling as giant shrew chased him. Beorg also broke down, fleeing for his life. After all, dead will not bury themselves!

Balarus, Ambros, Tarkus, and Ignaeus squared off against seven fierce giant shrews. Balarus got bitten thrice, but that was nothing for the mighty warrior. Shrews fought until the bitter end, but ultimately they were no match for the heavily armed and armoured adventurers.

Oversized rodents were collected and dumped into one pile. A campfire was lit next to them. Adventurers spread out in 120 feet radius, bows and slings at the ready.

The wait was on.

Maggotfeast 7th, Waterday

Ambros stretched as much as he could. No matter how hard he tried, he could not lift feet off the ground. The water was all the way up to jaw. He tilted his head all the way back, so he could breathe.

Branch cracking under hyena's paw snapped him back. He dozed off during the ambush they have prepared. No one took a shot yet. Everyone waited.

The hyena carefully approached the shrew pile. Seeing there is no danger, it took a bite of one, and then jumped back. Confirming that there is indeed no danger, five hyenas stepped into the light, and begun munching on the dead rodents.

Adventurers acted in unison, releasing arrows and slinging stones. All five hyenas were killed in less than thirty seconds.

The party waited.

And waited.

And waited.

Guin Pin did not hear he.

But he surely felt her.

Massive lioness dropped on him from above, ripping him to shreds.

Beorg charged the lioness with his polearm, missing terribly. Ambros, Balarus, and Ignaeus joined the fray as well. Tarkus circled the melee, and pulled Guin Pin from underneath the large cat.

“Oh nooo, I was julienned!” the magic-user cried as Tarkus brought him back to life.

Lioness dished out pain in generous servings. She clawed left and right, pouncing and pounding. But it was here bite that severed Balarus in half, leaving him dead on the spot. Ambros was severely injured too. Others were not unscathed either. Magic-User decided glory is better than death, and he threw himself at the beast armed with nothing but dagger and large cojones.

The battle was brutal, bloody, and desperate. Adventurers missed more often than not. And even when their blows connected, they rarely did significant damage. But through sheer persistence and attrition, they managed to whittle the beast down.

When giant lioness turned to flee Beorg seized the opportunity. He hooked her with his halberd, and jerked her back. As Ignaeus slit her throat with his scimitar, Beorg jammed the halberd straight into the gaping wound, skewering the monster.

It was over.

They were victorious.

But there was no time to celebrate.

Clerics healed as many wounds as they could.

Then they resumed their positions.

What they came for still hasn't appeared.

Thus, they waited.

And waited.

And waited.

Until the sun rose.

But Greylock hadn't come.

Exhausted and battered, they dragged Balarus's corpse with them, and camped at the safest spot they could find. Perhaps gods smiled on them. Perhaps, but Ambros knew better.

Maggotfeast 8th, Earthday

Balarus opened his eyes.

He laid on soft grass, branches poking his soft flesh.

Ambros was kneeling next to him, obviously exhausted.

“Wow...” the warrior muttered, whilst tapping himself in disbelief.

Although in horrible pain and terribly weak, he was truly alive.

“Oh, do we need to return him his items now?” one of the adventurers, best left unnamed, inquired.

Ambros pulled a miracle to bring his fellow adventurer back to life.

But will he be able to save his own life?

Or will next Waterday spell his doom?

Discuss at Dragonsfoot forum.

#Wilderlands #SessionReport

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Character Class Description
Balarus Fighter level 3 An ex-woodsman, quite a crackshot with his bow.
Ignar Erikson Fighter level 3 Strong, tall, broad warrior with piercing blue eyes and a fashionable winged helm.
Tarkus the Promising Cleric level 4 Follower of Bachontoi, God of Red Wisdom.
Beorg the Gravedigger Fighter level 3 Inspired to adventure after burying several adventurers.
Ambros Cleric level 6 Follower of Aniu, Lord of Time.
Ignaeus Elf level 4 A slightly weathered looking elf with dull blonde hair and chiseled features. Seeks wealth and knowledge.

Redleaves 5th, Spiritday

“Oh, here it is!”

Tarkus and Beorg led the adventurers back to the crypt south-east of Midway. Their stop at the village just a day ago was very short-lived, for they were not welcome at all. But that did not bother our heroes that much, since they only had one thing on their mind: dungeon delving.

Well, two things actually. Safe dungeon delving. Hence they opted to revisit a dungeon they've been to nearly a year ago, where they smashed everything open, crossed the trapped hallway, navigated the maze, liberated the wrongfully imprisoned king, and extracted their hard earned coin.

Perhaps there was something they had missed?

Rappelling down the pit revealed nothing much had changed. The stone slab was still pushed inwards, allowing anyone to enter and leave the crypt as they desire. Adventurers opted to avoid the chamber with laughing skulls and cleaving meathooks.

They explored the left wing of long mausoleum, which led them to a large circular chamber completely filled with skeletal remains of hundreds, if not thousands, creatures. Bone pile towered eight feet tall, and filled the full circumference of the chamber.

Without anything better to do, adventurers decide to clean up this mess by moving it from this chamber to another chamber. Couple of hours later and they found a hidden trapdoor with a chest. One thousand and five hundred gold pieces, as well as five nice gems, were their reward. Wise beyond their age, they closed the trapdoor so they are not slowed down as they explore the dungeon.

Next, they followed narrow exit out of the mausoleum with hundreds of crypts into the square chamber with obviously chaotic temple. Giving it a wide berth they walked down a long corridor slopping downwards. With each step they got deeper and deeper into purple fog.

“Wait! Allow me to move first and sweep the floor! Last time we were here we were attacked by blobs of burning flesh!” Beorg cautioned his friends and did what he said he would do.

Nothing assaulted them.

The mist was emanating from onyx black stone gates just at the end of the corridor. Purple haze seeped out from underneath and various barely visible orifices. To the adventurers' left were the steps leading into the trapped hallway, while to their right were large gates of pure white marble. Purple fog bounced off of an invisible barrier just in front of the white gates.


Balarus and Ignar, two mighty warriors, had to give it their all to barely open the gates. What a sight greeted them!

A square chamber, with walls, ceiling, and floor all made out of white marble. Facing them, in a semi-circle, were nine pedestals, all illuminated by a source-less spotlight. Upon central pedestal, which was broader and taller than the rest, a golden gavel inlaid with precious stone bands, rested.

Following several turns of careful inspection, one of the adventurers dare to approach the gavel. It was Ambros, Elder of Aniu. First he hovered his palm over the gavel. Others noticed how Ambros zoned out for a bit, lagging in his replies to their inquiries. Then everyone saw the cleric reach for the gavel.

Ambros's eyes turned upside-down, his fist clenched around the gavel, and he slumped to the ground, frothing from his mouth and trashing about. Without missing a beat all the adventurers jumped on him, grabbing him by the legs and arms so he doesn't hurt himself. Beorg tried to pry the gavel out of his hand with the dagger, but failed miserably.

How surprised Ambros was when he opened his eyes! Pinned down by his own colleagues and allies! He shook himself free and rolled to the side. Tarkus and Balarus addressed him in Lawful, asking him if he was well. Of course he was! The Ignar asked him if he could let go of the gavel. Of course he could! Would he? Of course he would! And Ambros put the gavel in his backpack.

“What god do you pray to?” Ignar continued his line of inquiry. Ambros gave a passionate sermon on timelessness of Aniu. Tarkus, vicar of Bachontoi, confirmed that this was indeed a prayer to Aniu and was as legitimate as far as he could tell.

“All is good then, I guess...” for rest of the expedition Ignar kept a close eye on Ambros.

As Ambros stepped out, and walked towards the purple fog it gave way as if some invisible force-field was around the cleric. With these interesting turn of events, the party decided to attempt the onyx gates.

Balarus and Ignar heaved as they tried again and again and again. They regretted their success as soon as it came. The duo pushed the black gates open, smashing them against the chamber walls. Before them was a whirlpool of raging purple mist flowing towards the central hole.

A horde of figures in various stages of decomposition were continuously trying to climb out of the hole. They pushed and pushed at the thick purple goo covering them, but were unable to cut through it. Moreover, the figures would frequently turn on each other, pulling the one on the top downwards.

The chamber was circular, with no visible ceiling. Purple fog rolled down the walls, joining the whirlpool. Most of it was sucked into the oozy portal, while the rest was fanned out into the corridor. An ancient leather canoe with a single paddle rested on the other side of the chamber, directly opposite from the entrance. Numerous runes and symbols covered its sides.

“Ambros, this might be your calling!” Ignar encouraged the cleric.

Indeed, Ambros was the sole adventurer who dared enter this accursed chamber. As before, the mist evaporated in his presence. Upon coming closer to the bottomless hole, figures were violently pulled down by horrible shapes that clawed their way to the top. They too were unable to pierce through the surface.

Without much more to do, Ambros stepped out.

Ignaeus came to the threshold. There he cast Read Magic and Read Languages. And then he dared to read the scriptures on the canoe. Fighting violent visions, the elf surmised that this is some sort of vessel that allows one to traverse the “river of lost souls,” whatever they might be.

“Let's close these doors, get our treasure, and get out of here!”

And so they did! Very promptly, if one might add.

The question is: will they return to squeeze the dry rag once again?

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Character Class Description
Ambros Cleric level 6 Follower of Aniu, Lord of Time.
Ignaeus Elf level 4 A slightly weathered looking elf with dull blonde hair and chiselled features. Seeks wealth and knowledge.
Nesterin Sylpetor Elf level 3 An avid lover woods and jungles.
Gomm Thief level 6 Swarthy, good looking, dark-skinned thief. Sweet opium-like aroma is his fragrance of choice.
Dalkanarion Fighter level 4 A youthful specimen in full strength, full of purpose, bluster, and eagerness to prove himself.
Balarus Fighter level 3 An ex-woodsman, quite a crackshot with his bow.
Zardon Cleric level 1 Fairly stout fellow with messy beard and rosy-red smiling cheeks. Follower of Teros, the God of the Forest.
Hedwig Hogwarts Elf level 4 An always alert owl masquerading as an elf.

Willowind 2nd, Waterday

Three weeks.

That's how long it took a party of ten—Ambros, Balarus, Beorg the Gravedigger, Dalkanarion, Gomm, Hedwiga, Ignaeus, Nesterin Sylpetor, Tarkus the Promising, and Zardon—to reach the bank of river Farhills just opposite Hara.

Before they left Ah'sas hut, Gomm buried a large cache of treasure they were unable to carry: nine thousand one hundred and eighty gold pieces. The thief sketched a treasure map so they can find it when they return.

Illustration by Dreadlord.

Once they broke out of the jungle, the party had decided to head south, towards Vigil Sound bay. There they buried another treasure cache counting six thousand eight hundred and twenty gold pieces. Nesterin drew this map.

Illustration by kickmaniac.

Then they spent some days seeking a keep they heard might be in the area. Having run out of rations, and failing to forage sufficient amount of food, some of the members had to go hungry. Although they did not find any fortifications—intact or ruined—they did stumble upon a trail.

They followed it south until they were close to the Castle of the Wode. They were too afraid to face Tagoler, so they gave it a large berth, at the expense of even more members starving.

But now they were in front of the ferryman. Dirty from days of travel, black pit in their bellies from days of fasting, and fear of what might they find in their minds. It's been months since they left the City of Merchants.

Hagar the Hewer, now deceased adventurer, was to become new Hara's castellan. That was the deal with the Namelin family, which the party had ultimately sided with. But Hagar died, and adventurers failed to offer a satisfying alternative. At the same time, Imrael family, as well as all those allied with them, blacklisted the party.

Finding themselves without friends, they decided to follow Ambros's geas to Ketche. There they helped the local cleric, but by accident Ambros had prolonged his own geas. And then a cascade of decisions led them through jungle and then back to Hara.

In order to minimise the risk, the party divided in two groups. First group was comprised of less known members: Dalkanarion, Balarus, Zardon, Hedwig, and Nesterin. Gomm joined them as well, pretending he is a stranger. They were to be the first to go. Then second group—Ambros, Ignaeus, Tarkus, Beorg—would arrive several hours later.

Since it was already night the ferryman had initially protested, but tossing a dozen of gold pieces shifted his mood rapidly.

Careful, if slightly paranoid, the adventurers' approach had paid off for none of them got into significant trouble. They were surprised to find the city in much better state than they left it. Streets were cleaner, guards were plentiful, and locals were in good mood.

“You will not believe this Gomm!” the thief was updated at the guild. “The Queen had bested all the Merchants' bloviations! Since they failed to agree on the next castellan, as she requested, she named her own!” his colleague continued, excited “Tsamar the Queen of Pirates is our new castellan! Well, they are privates now, but you get what I mean. Gomm, the Age of Thieves is upon us!”

These news pleased Gomm greatly.

Indeed, everybody grovelled at Tsamar's feet, striving to get in her good graces. Namelin's thugs were quickly put in place by Tsamar's experienced mariners. By all accounts, new castellan does her duties with an iron fist.

“I think the Red Queen now owes us big. We messed up Namelin's and Imrael's plans so much that she got to pick her favourite candidate.” one adventurer dreamt aloud.

What will adventures make out of this?

Will they make new allies or enemies?

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#Wilderlands #SessionReport

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Character Class Description
Balarus Fighter level 3 An ex-woodsman, quite a crackshot with his bow.
Gomm Thief level 6 Swarthy, good looking, dark-skinned thief. Sweet opium-like aroma is his fragrance of choice.
Nesterin Sylpetor Elf level 2 An avid lover woods and jungles.
Ambros Cleric level 5 Follower of Aniu, Lord of Time.
Ignaeus Elf level 3 A slightly weathered looking elf with dull blonde hair and chiselled features. Seeks wealth and knowledge.
Dalkanarion Fighter level 4 A youthful specimen in full strength, full of purpose, bluster, and eagerness to prove himself.
Hedwig Hogwarts Elf level 3 An always alert owl masquerading as an elf.

Blackmoon 8th, Earthday

Adventurers had barely any sleep whatsoever. Terrible witch Ah'sas has passed away from fever, solving one of their problems. Then they had slain Sor'Ves the Magnificent, a blue dragon lairing atop the tower of sunken fort. Now their only issue was dragging out its magnificent hoard!

The fact that Bakaru and Ah'sas Oger went missing bothered no one too much. The party collected all the sacks, backpacks, and a chest, loaded them on two dugouts they have, and paddled straight back to the fort.

Tarkus and Beorg were left behind to guard the treehouses.

A watch later and party arrived at the fort. Gomm scaled the wall, ran over the rubble covered ceiling, and then climbed the tower. Tens of thousands of coins still there, covered in blood and gore.

Adventurers moved through the fort hastily, opting to go through the antechamber, north-east doors, and then follow the long hallway to the courtyard. There stuck doors halted their progress.

Dalkanarion the Mighty rammed the tower gates, but they bounced right back. Puzzled, he observed the doors. Gomm opted to scale the southern wall, so he can get a better view.

At that moment he felt a prick in his neck. Everything around hims slowed. Sounds became drawn out and deeper. His eyelids became heavier by the moment. His fingers weaker. Gomm landed on soft grass, oblivious to the hurt from the fall, and fell asleep.

Illustration by Dreadlord.

Dalkanarion felt something sharp lodge into his back. He pulled out a dart and threw it aside.

Hedwig, Ambros, and Ignaeus ran up to the round tower, hugging its wall. Nestering remained in the center of the courtyard, wildly scanning the surroundings. Balarus ran behind the tree in the north-west corner.

The tower trio could see a long blowgun protrude from arrow slit on the second floor. Nesterin went down. Balarus couldn't believe his eyes. He had just witnessed a blue-furred bear stand up from behind the broken chapel window a blow a dart at his ally.

Balarus and Dalkanarion forced the tower doors open, beating back a towering bipedal blue bear dressed in plate mail. Unphased by the sight, they charged the monster. Hedwiga joined them. All three successfully deflected clawing attacks.

Dalkanarion exposed his back as he left the melee and ran upstairs, aiming to dispose of the monster raining darts from the above.

Outside Ambros and Ignaeus took turns in shooting at the bear taking cover in the chapel. They hadn't hit a single time.

In the tower Balarus dodged the towering monster by ducking under its right side. Then he thrust his obsidian blade right through the bear's soft tummy, spilling out its guts.

Grecian warrior caught the blowgun wielding bear just as it was fleeing further up the tower. Soon all the adventurers gave chase, driving the blue bear to the top. Ambros charged it, swinging wildly at the beast's throat. His mace connected multiple times, Ambros kills, smashing the bear's skull.

“Now... Let's pack the treasure!”

Luckily someone remembered to check in on the downed Nesterin and Gomm. Both were dragged into the tower. Both recovered in a little bit under an hour.

Following a prolonged discussion, the party had agreed to carry the maximum amount of treasure and move hastily. Ambros cast Light on his helmet so no hands were required for carrying a light source.

The party exited the courtyard and moved south, through the oil smelling chamber covered with broken glass. There they were ambushed from the darkness and hit multiple times with poisoned darts.

Half of them dropped treasure and charged into the darkness. Alas, all they could hear are loud thuds moving away from them.

Adventurers picked up the treasure and moved it into the storage room with crates. They emptied all the wooden boxes and filled them with thousands and thousands of gold coins. More precisely, three thousand gold pieces in each crate. Then they closed the doors shut, and Ignaeus cast Wizard Lock on them.

Next was the more perilous part of the plan: make two trips from the tower to the dugouts in order to fill them up with eighteen thousand gold pieces.

The problem?

Harrying walking bears of course.

Once again, the adventurers packed the treasure at the tower, and once again they went through south exit and followed the long hallway to the antechamber. There they stopped, hesitant to proceed.

Nestering opened the doors, and as expected, the front rank had been peppered with darts. Ambros went down. Nesterin grabbed the cleric by the collar and pulled him back as he shut the doors.

Then someone unnamed slapped the cleric awake. The party waited. “Let me in!” And waited. “Let me in!!!”

Hedwig could not be contained anymore. Her suggestions were ignored. She proposed to cut of the dead bears' heads to “send a message.” She suggested to hollow out their corpses and use them as sacks to carry all the treasure. She advised to build a rocketship and fly out of here.

But all her suggestions fell on deaf ears. So she opted to take matters in her own hands!

She burst through the doors and swaggered into the antechamber.

When no ill fate befall her, others followed.

Bears waited in the shadow. Once adventurers came close enough they shot another volley. Mighty Dalkanarion fell like a sack of potatoes.

Three plated bears rushed his limp body. Middle bear grabbed the warrior and threw him over its shoulder like a baby.

“I don't like it when you grab us!” Hedwig cried in exasperation.

Ambros, Ignaeus, Nesterin, and Hedwiga rallied and charged the bears, intent on recovering Dalkanarion. Gomm snuck around the massive pillars. He surprised one of the bears and backstabbed it right through the heart.

“Freeze” Ignaeus yelled whilst pointing Volmorin's scimitar at the bear carrying his ally. The bear froze in place.

“Fine, fine! Enough! Let us talk!”

Fourth bear stepped out of the darkness, urging everyone to cease their hostilities. Negotiations proceeded with spectacular show of diplomacy on both sides. The result were three decapitated bears, one escapee, and all adventurers intact.

Illustration by snoop.

Unopposed, the party made two runs between the tower and their dugouts, loading the to the gills. Alas, that also meant they finished after the sun had set.

“Worry not, I am a former seafarer. I shall navigate us back to Ah'sas hut.” Dalkanarion announced proudly.

He got the party lost, so they arrived to their jungle huts at dawn. There Tarkus and Beorg informed them they had spotted more activity in the area.

Without the witch's powerful magic to keep monsters at bay this was no longer a sanctuary it had been for the past several months.

Sunken fort was still full of treasure. Nearly twenty thousand of coins they had dragged to the huts were deep in Eyestone Jungle. And the rations were running out.

What will the adventurers do next?

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#Wilderlands #SessionReport

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Character Class Description
Ajar of the Plan Dwarf level 2 Unbelievably strong and dexterous dwarf.
Balarus Fighter level 1 An ex-woodsman, quite a crackshot with his bow.
Gomm Thief level 6 Swarthy, good looking, dark-skinned thief. Sweet opium-like aroma is his fragrance of choice.
Ambros Cleric level 5 Follower of Aniu, Lord of Time.
Ignaeus Elf level 3 A slightly weathered looking elf with dull blonde hair and chiselled features. Seeks wealth and knowledge.
Dalkanarion Fighter level 2 A youthful specimen in full strength, full of purpose, bluster, and eagerness to prove himself.

Goodgrove 20th to Blackmoon 6th

With two new treehouses built it is much more comfortable to sleep and live with Ah'sas the Terrible witch. Alas, the witch had fallen ill and spent most of the time in the hut.

Ignaeus was filled with conflicting emotions. He felt strong longing for the sunken fort; a strong call to return. At the same time he felt doomed; that nothing good would come from return. His shadow was still frail and inconsistent.

Gomm was unable to sleep without light. He always felt like he was watched. He still had three shadows. Whenever it is dark it looks like two shadows are choking or otherwise abusing the middle one. Gomm can feel it. But when he looks all is well. When light is around all is well. Uncanny.

Neither Ambros nor Tarkus had much wisdom to share on their friends' ailments. They might be potent curses, but it is difficult to say.

Dalkanarion became the new wielder of Oathkeeper. Three mighty paladin spirits within welcome the strong warrior. They would grant their power as long as he kept his path a Lawful and Righteous one. In return the Grecian warrior proclaimed his fealty and newfound path to follow.

Gomm was suspicious of Ah'sas. She has been quite vital and virile up to now. What's with the sudden twist? For that reason he spent the week observing her. The witch got worse by the day. She spent her time fully dressed, something quite uncommon for her, and frequently claimed to be cold. Anyone who touched her could confirm that she was in fact boiling hot.

Master Thief also noted that she had private audiences with Bakaru (second day), Balarus (third day), and Beorg (fifth day).

Ah'sas asked Balarus to promise her that he will protect her sister Anit. She then told him a loving story of how she—Ah'sas, not Anit—fornicated with a knight so hard the man perished from exhaustion. She described where she buried him with his equipment. His sword and shield detected as magical, so Balarus might find them useful.

“Well now! Have to dig up the “heavily fornicated” knight!!” Dalkanarion exclaimed excitedly to Balarus sharing the request with other adventurers “I hope the shield doesn’t bear a phallus for heraldry.”

Ah'sas described Beorg in great details how and where she would like to be buried: wrapped in linen, ten feet deep, beneath a flowerbed of wildflowers. If possible something sweet and poisonous, so passer-bys can enjoy while they suffer.

Gomm and Ambros had a secret meeting where they agreed their best course of action is to wait it out.

On morning of Blackmoon 6th, Airday, Bakaru ran out of Ah'sas hut, bawling. The witch has passed away.

Beorg buried her as requested while Ambros held an eye-watering sermon. The gravedigger made sure to wrap Ah'sas in linen, but not in her cloak, that might be magical after all. Then the adventurers spent rest of the day ransacking her belongings.

They were surprised to find out Ah'sas had spent her last moment labelling all the vials—numerous potions—so they can use them. She had also left a special note written in self-erasing runes in her spellbook:

“Ignaeus, only this text is safe to read. I have cast an almighty curse on remaining pages. Gift this spellbook to someone you truly detest.”

Adventurers also exhumed the former lover, finding an obsidian sword with bone hilt and a a round steel shield with three circles in the center. One of the circles was solid stone, while other two were polished steel.

Finally, they counted the total rations.

Enough food for next two weeks.

Gomm grinned.

Bakaru presented the witch's last gift:

A vial of red lotus extract.

A drop can kill a man.

A vial can kill a village.

“It's time to kill the dragon.”

Blackmoon 7th, Waterday

Party of six reached sunken fort by noon. They headed straight to the chapel overlooking the courtyard and the tower. Everybody hid behind broken windows, crouching, waiting for Gomm to complete his daring mission. Hairy midgets were oblivious to adventurers' presence.

Sharper Thief quaffed potion of invisibility, jumped into the courtyard, and then snuck all the way up to the tower. Then he slid all the way east, until he was between tower wall and fortress wall. He slowly scaled the tower. Upon reaching the top crenellations, Gomm gingerly pulled himself up.

There she was in all her glory. Sor'Ves the Magnificent, a blue dragon, basking in the sun. She rolled in her glimmering hoard, half-asleep, belly exposed to the sun. Her head was resting on her belly, her wings tucked to the side, her talons stuck in mounds of gold and silver.

The thief held his breath and climbed on top of the crenelations. Then he squatted there motionless; waiting for the perfect opportunity. His plan was simple: pour the red lotus poison down the dragon's throat, or if such opportunity does not present itself, down its ear.

Gomm waited and waited.

Sor'Ves kept her mouth shut, rolling over here and there, but otherwise failing to present an attractive opening to the thief.

Gomm could see his fingers and feet beginning to materialise. Invisibility was up!

Sharper Thief jumped on Sor'Ves neck, surprising her. He hugged her tight with his left arm, whilst trying to uncork the poison vial with his right. Alas! The dragon jerked, sending Gomm and red lotus vial flying!

The thief landed safely, as did the vial. But the latter got quickly lost in the massive treasure hoard!

Sor'Ves boomed with rage at the audacity of someone assaulting her right in her home.

“This is my signal...” Dalkanarion thought. He drank the potion of giant strength, drew the massive Oathkeeper, and jumped into the courtyard. He walked wit swagger of conqueror and bellowed out his challenge to the dragon atop the tower. Many foul words were used. They definitely worked.

Gomm exploited the chaos to chug another potion he had with him. Everything became larger as he turned into one foot long flying gecko! He shimmied into the mounds of silver and gold, desperately searching for the vial of red deadly poison.

Dalkanarion's terrible visage broke the morale of pygmy guardians and half of them fled into the tower. Sor'Ves, now standing in all her glory, could see everyone in the courtyard, including those hiding in the chapel.

“I am coming for you!” Dalkanarion boomed as he broke through the tower doors and rushed up.

Ambros, Balarus, Ignaeus, and Ajar all took a shot at the dragon's nose. All missed but Ajar.

Sor'Ves snickered.

Dozens of little sparks snapped around her head. Then she opened her mouth, unleashing a deafening lightning strike.

Ajar was turned into a deformed charcoal hunk; his weapon and armour fused to his lifeless body.

Gecko Gomm, in a stroke of luck, managed to find the poison, but then struggled to handle the vial since he no longer had opposing thumbs.

Dalkanarion chucked aside two pygmies whom had tried to block his advance up the tower stairs. He stopped by the trapdoor, and bellowed out insults and provocations once more.

Ambros, Ignaeus, and Balarus hacked the furry midgets in the courtyard, and then entered the tower to do the same to those inside.

Sor'Ves faced the trapdoor, ready to rend the arrogant warrior to shreds. His suffering will be legendary. She will charm or sleep him, and then force him to watch as she butchers his friends. Then she would cripple him, and leave his mangled corpse hanging on the tree—as a warning for all others whom might have similar stupid ideas.

Dalkanarion, imbued with strength of frost giant, interrupted her daydreaming as he burst through the trapdoor. She turned to bite him, but the warrior was quicker. Sor'Ves was surprised as he held her maw wide open with ease. She tried to bite as hard as she could, but Dalkanarion's mighty thews did not give in.

“GOOOMMMMMM!!!” the warrior roared.

A flying gecko emerged from the coins, vial of red liquid in its tiny jaw. It flew over the struggling duo, and then dropped the vial straight into Sor'Ves open mouth.

Another fail!

He missed her open throat by inches, jamming the vial between the dragon's fangs.

Calling on Zeus, Dalkanarion smashed Sor'Ves mouth shut with all his might. Shards of glass intermingled with red lotus poison flew down the dragon's gullet. Within seconds she was bleeding from her eyes and ears.

Coughing blood, Sor'Ves disengaged and stepped back, intent on flying upwards.

Dalkanarion seized the moment.

He picked up the Oathkeeper that he had to lay down in order to wrestle with Sor'Ves the Magnificent.

Sun reflected off her exposed belly. The sea of coins sung beneath the warriors sandaled feet.

“O Three come sing with me a song not of words but of deed”

Dalkanarion tightened his grip.

“Shine bright strike true.”

He swung with one hand, for the potion had bestowed him strength of frost giants, allowing him to wield the massive slab of steel with great ease.

“The wings of Nike flutter here but for a moment.”

Greatsword imbued with High Paladins of the Phoenix Order, Roan Order, and Dragon Order cut into the Sor'Ves exposed flesh.

“For blind Themis, blood-sacrifice, for he scales of Justice. Drink deep of Glory. Nenikikamen!”

Dragon guts spilled all over the tower floor, gore caking thousands of coins and gems and other valuables. Sor'Ves cried out, flapped impotently, staggered backwards, and fell down.

Dalkanarion faced the sun, bloodied and victorious. He pointed Oathkeeper to the skies and uttered:

“Where once I entered this apocryphal demesne Dalkanarion ó Pelasgos, I now exit Dalkanarion Dracoktonus!”

Adventurers happily shifted through the messy treasure hoard, counting 66 000 silver pieces, 45 000 gold pieces, 200 small gems, and 80 medium gems. They also recovered all their previous “tributes” to Sor'Ves.

All they had to figure out now was how to haul all of this back home.

Dalkanarion's Poem by Theo.

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Character Class Description
Nesterin Sylpetor Elf level 2 An avid lover woods and jungles.
Gomm Thief level 6 Swarthy, good looking, dark-skinned thief. Sweet opium-like aroma is his fragrance of choice.
Ajar of the Plan Dwarf level 2 Unbelievably strong and dexterous dwarf.
Balarus Fighter level 1 An ex-woodsman, quite a crackshot with his bow.
Ambros Cleric level 5 Follower of Aniu, Lord of Time.
Ignaeus Elf level 3 A slightly weathered looking elf with dull blonde hair and chiselled features. Seeks wealth and knowledge.
Dalkanarion Fighter level 2 A youthful specimen in full strength, full of purpose, bluster, and eagerness to prove himself.

Goodgrove 19th, Fireday

Adventurers fell in love with Ah'sas, the terrible witch they've been warned about by denizens of Ketche. Well, most of them, but not all. Balarus, Beorg the Gravedigger, and Bakaru were completely enchanted by Ah'sas, doing her bidding at snap of her fingers.

Tarkus resisted the witch's charms, and so did Gomm, Ambros, Ajar, Ignaeus, and Nesterin. Hedwig, the only other female around, had different kind of problems with the witch. Owly elf was forbidden from sleeping in the treehouse and relegated to tasks most foul.

Ah'sas was delighted to have a company of such young and virile adventurers. She ordered them to build two additional treehouses, since her small hut was hardly sufficient for a dozen she is hosting now! That took a full month. Ambros used the opportunity to convince Ah'sas to teach Ignaeus new spells. He bribed her by gifting her a vial of black sludge retrieved from the sunken fort. She also demanded he teach her all about Aniu, the Lord of Time. The witch was particularly interested in sacred rituals, divine time magic, and secret of immortality.

Ignaeus brought Ah'sas wildflowers everyday. He realised her power and treated her as the lowly student that he is. The elf attempted to flirt at a polite, low level, but respectfully with a bit of unexaggerated flattery. Ah'sas welcome such attention from her pupil.

After a month of intense mentoring, Ignaeus had learned Read Magic, Read Languages, and Wizard Lock. He had written them with magical inks on a seven feet long scroll made from tanned goat hides sewn together. This scroll now serves as his spellbook; an important asset since his original spellbook is Ahyf.

Gomm spent a month putting together a plan. “It is time to backstab the witch.” he thought to himself. “She is just stringing me along!” Dragon poison she promised to Gomm was nowhere near done. And it's been nearly two months since she began “brewing” it!

One sunny day a muscular, well oiled, heavily armed and armoured man appeared beneath Ah'sas hut. It was Dalkanarion! He too, like few before him, went for a walk around Hara and somehow ended up lost in Eyestones Jungle several dozen of miles from the city.

The party agreed to head back to the sunken fort one last time. They'd get the shadow necklace for Ah'sas and leave her at once. Bakaru and Balarus were left with the witch—they were too much of a risk. What if they heard Gomm's treacherous plan and spilled the beans to Ah'sas?

Six brave adventurers hopped in their dugout pirogue and paddled to the dungeon. With Ajar's and Dalkanarion's mighty thews no doors stood a chance! The muscle-bound due was strong enough to open the great iron double doors on their own.

Gomm led the party to the steel doors he unlocked on his last visit. Much to his dismay he found the doors locked again—this time he failed to pick the lock. Ambros walked north, to the glass barrier with the angry ghost. Incorporeal figure threw itself on the ground, cowering in front of the cleric's divinity.

Adventurers moved east, through the chamber with gnome figurines, and then north, into a square chamber with an archways to the west, north, and east. A skeleton with a scroll case clutched in its hands rested beneath a glass panel in the center of the chamber.

Nesterin the Torchelf took a peek through the west archway. Another square chamber, some thirty by thirty feet. Three things immediately stood out. First, the chamber was actually a large pit. Second, a stone bridge connected east and west exits stood on a single pillar. Third, south exit was blocked by glass barrier with angry ghost, while north exit was blocked by chunky portcullis.

The elf was ready to jump on the bridge and explore further, but he was stopped by other adventurers.

“What if the bridge turns?!”

“Wouldn't it be silly if a bridge turned just because you step on it?”

“I suppose it would...”

Gomm remembered a stone wheel Hedwig found on their last expedition. They couldn't figure out what it was for... Perhaps this bridge? But it was a moot point now, given that the thief failed to pick the lock.

Nesterin the Scout stepped back and checked north and east archways. The latter led to a t-shaped junction, while the former turned right. Going north the party entered a large rectangular chamber with eight bottomless pits.

The pits were not concealed and there were sufficient walking space between them to easily navigate the chamber. Shrieking and wailing filled the chamber just as the party had split to investigate north and south ends. Screaming, flaming skulls flew out from seven of the eight pits. Ambros flashed his holy symbol and all seven exploded.


Nesterin the Explorer proceeded south, alone, to investigate the junction and corridor it leads to. Others remained in the pit chamber, attracted by the steel portcullis. Or rather, by alien sight behind it.

A vast chamber shrouded in darkness. Three onyx obelisks covered with indecipherable runes. A shallow pool of slowly swirling purple mass between them.


Gomm pointed at the shadows thrown by the steel bars. They did not match their light sources! The thief squinted, attempting to read the runes on the obelisk closest to him. Alas, such scripture was way beyond his understanding.

Ajar and Dalkanarion joined forced to lift the portcullis. Then Ignaeus and Gomm snuck into the chamber. The elf cast Read Magic and approached one of the onyx obelisks. Gomm held a lantern, following Ignaeus

Nesterin hugged the wall, creeping down the corridor. He held up the torch with one hand, whilst keeping the other on the grip of his weapon. He soon felt a familiar smell of flammable oil tickling his nostrils. Few steps forward. Few more. Few more, once again. Stop!

The corridor opened up into a room mostly filled metal scraps—pieces of armour, broken weapons, pots and pans, so on and so forth. Some of them looked a tad shiny, like they were coated with liquid reflecting his torchlight. Oil slicks were all over the floor. Squinting, the metal heap kind of looked like a large lizard. Nesterin quickly retreated.

Ignaeus observed the obelisk. Runes danced in front of him, rearranging themselves until he could finally read them. Understanding them, now that was a completely different matter. First, it was clear that this was some kind of portal to a place best left unvisited. Second, the longer he tried to comprehend true meaning of what he was reading, the weaker elf became. Third, Gomm observed Ignaeus's shadow becoming thinner and thinner. By the time the elf had reached third obelisk his shadow was merely a collecting of specks.

The thief grabbed the elf by the hand and led him out of this accursed place and back into the pit chamber. At the same time Nesterin returned. With perfect timing, another seven screaming skulls arrived, only to be exploded by Ambros once more.

“I think we should get out of this place.”

“But we haven't found anything yet.”

“What about that skeleton with scroll? Surely it must be the key to this!”

And so adventurers went back to the resting skeleton. One good soul passed the sledgehammer to beefy Dalkanarion who smashed the glass with great gusto. Suddenly a loud sound of metal scrapping against the stone floor could be heard rapidly approaching from the east. Ambros yanked the scroll case out of skeleton's disintegrating hands, and they party bravely fled through the gnome figurine chamber.

Nothing chased after them. After nearly half an hour of discussing where to next, they agreed to backtrack to the antechamber and then follow the route towards the courtyard. They decided to investigate the chamber just before the exit into the aforementioned yard.


A chamber chock full of dust. A layer of dust so thick it acts as a fluffy lining for anything thrown into the chamber. Dalkanarion the Brave moved in, sweeping the floor with his spear. No danger, sans choking to death if one has an allergy.


The Grecian warrior spotted a broom in the south-east corner. It too was covered in dust. Dalkanarion went straight for it. He grabbed the broom with his muscular hand, placed it between his legs, squeezed hard with his mighty thighs, and then jumped around the chamber.

“Fly! Fly!”

Alas, the broom did not fly, but he did get a good chuckle out of other adventurers.

Ambros decided that was the good time to check the scroll they recovered earlier. It exploded straight into his face, singing all facial hair and scarring him for life. The flash blinded him, leaving him to the mercy of his friends.

The party retreated into the dust room, barred the doors, and spent half and hour treating Ambros and planning their next move. And a plan was forged indeed.

Corridor leading up to this room has two junctions. The one closer to them splits into a corridor that was yet unexplored, but they were confident it leads to the chamber with scrap pile. Adventurers will come to the junction, make some noise, and then defeat the metal lizard with fire and steel.

Once Ambros had recovered, the party proceeded to execute the plan.

Dalkanarion and Ambros took the front rank.

Ajar and Nesterin were in the second rank.

Gomm and Ignaeus were in the back rank.

Dalkanarion banged his shield and roared like a lion.

Sounds of metal falling all over, followed by familiar sounds of scrapping, was exactly what the party had wished for.

Scrap metal lizard appeared at the edge of their torchlight.

Gomm swung clay pot full of flammable oil. It struck the lizard and set it alight, as well as the whole area around it. Metal lizard sucked in the flames and then vomited them straight back at the party, burning everyone in the corridor.

Still roaring, Dalkanarion charged the metal beast. Ambros followed. Gomm most certainly did not follow.

Steel blades clanged against iron and steel junk that formed the lizard's body. Monster sucked in the flames burning around it and breathed fire once more. Ambros and Dalkanarion endured and pushed on selflessly, bashing and slashing pieces of metal junk off the beast.

The lizard retreated backwards, leaking through all orifices.

“Run it down! Chase it!” Ajar of the Plan yelled, as everyone pursued the monster. Dalkanarion the Mighty skewered his sword straight into the beast's gullet, twisted it between the metallic plates, and then jerked upwards. Metal junk flew all over, as the lizard fell apart into nothing more than a pile of inanimate scrap.

The party stood singed but victorious.

“What if it comes back alive? Remember all those plated guards we fought? All of them had some ooze inside of them.”

The party stood singed and paranoid but victorious.

“Let's get out of here!”

“Come on, just one more doors! Just one more! Look, those over there! If it is something dangerous we just run!”

“But what if we can't run?”

“We just slam the doors shut and we run!”

“OK, fine...”

The party entered into a chapel-like chamber with tall stained glass windows looking into the courtyard. The windows were painted, depicting a scene of an man screaming fire into the sky while a witch on the broom flies high above. The witch in the image held a crossbow in each hand, pelting crying peasants and their chickens in the fields below.

Dalkanarion once again took the broom and tried the “Fly! Fly!” trick. While the warrior was jumping around with a stick between his legs, Gomm scaled the window with the witch. Then he took out a dagger and tried to pry out the part with the witch herself. Alas, he applied a bit too much force and cracked the glass. Diabolic laughter could be heard.

Dalkanarion abruptly rose off the ground, the broom lifting him. He grabbed onto it, intent on mastering the stick. But the broom had different ideas. It turned towards the window and flied straight through, shattering it backwards into the courtyard. The sky darkened and heinous laughter boomed all around. The warrior jumped off the broom, just in time.

“Well, well, well. I must congratulate you, young warrior.”

A blue dragon stared down at Dalkanarion from the tower in the courtyard.

“Do let me know your name, brave warrior!”


“You just set free a witch that has been trapped in that glass for a century or two. I will endeavour to tell everyone I meet it was you who bravely set her free! Bravo!”

“Mighty dragon, would you be able to aid me in defeating that evil! I could use magical weapons and armour!”

“I might be able to, yes. But that largely depends on your tribute.”

“I swear my life and my honour, two most valuable things I posses!”

“My dear boy, I readily admit I am more of gems and jewellery gal myself.”

“Oh majestic dragon, my life and honour are all I can offer!”

“Oh” Sor'Ves repeated in mocking tone “in that case strip yourself of all belonging. You can remain in your clothes, I am not interested in soiled goods, thank you. Leave everything here and then leave me be.”

Other adventurers have been bravely hiding in the chapel, giggling softly.

“At least I keep my life...” Dalkanarion muttered to himself as he stripped. Then he jumped through the window where others consoled him.

“Hey, we went through the same thing. Don't feel bad about it.”

“I just wanted a flying broom...”

“Don't we all. Don't we all.”

Grecian warrior equipped himself with some scrap armour and weapons. Then the adventurers hauled lizard junk into one of the non-screaming pits. And then they finally left the dungeon.

Ah'sas did not welcome them, for they returned few hours after the nightfall. She was soundly sleeping, surrounded by her thralls.

Gomm plotted.

“It is time to act.”

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Character Class Description
Gomm Thief level 5 Swarthy, good looking, dark-skinned thief. Sweet opium-like aroma is his fragrance of choice.
Ambros Cleric level 5 Follower of Aniu, Lord of Time.
Hedwig Hogwarts Elf level 3 An always alert owl masquerading as an elf.

Harvestime 18th, Earthday

Another week with Ah'sas the Terrible Witch.

All adventurers were put to hard work—no loiters allowed! Six were ordered to construct two new tree-houses so they have a covered place to sleep. Her little hut was too small to house them all. Hedwig, being a female elf, was delegated to bushes and hardest of duties.

Beorg and Balarus fell to the witch's charm, and were trying their best to fulfil all her wishes. Others went along, if for no other reason than for having food and safe place to rest whilst lost in the Eyestone jungle.

Gomm and Ambros had a plan of their own though. Whilst others toiled, they set out for a scouting expedition, aiming to investigate as much of sunken fort as possible. Hedwig joined them. After all, anything is better than abuse from Ah'sas the Envious!

Ambros and elf took off their heavy armours, and only carried backpacks adventuring gear. Gomm also took off his clothes, and had nothing but loincloth, backpack, and few vials of oil. Bakaru joined them to guard the dugout. And so they left for the dungeon.

The trio moved with haste, doing their best to remain as quiet as possible. They traversed the pillared antechamber, opting for north-west doors this time. That led them into a corridor with two doors and a junction. First doors were steel and without any visible hinges. Second were plain wooden doors, like those they've encountered before. Junction splintered left, and forward. Path forward was blocked by thick glass barrier within which an angry incorporeal form banged, mouthing curses in silence.

Gomm picked the steel doors open, leading into a corridor with two junctions. Then him and Ambros nailed the doors shut while beefy Hedwig held it open.

Scouting just a bit ahead, the party had found the following:

  • Stairs leading down, past their torchlight. Teeth covered some of stairs.
  • A dead end with stone wheel behind a plate. Hedwig was strong enough to turn it, but the wheel would rotate back in the starting position as soon as she let go of it.
  • A corridor with iron caltrops large enough to stop an ogre from passing further.
  • A dark chamber with fountain in the center. Small, squat, hairy, naked creature slurped liquid from it every minute or so.

Judging that all three paths into the unknown sounded very risky, they returned to the corridor with glass barrier. Listening at the wooden doors revealed nothing but silence. Except glass banging to the side, that is.

“Hey, I hear something.”

Hedwig informed her allies.

Indeed, sound of metal scrapping against the floor could be heard. Sound was getting louder by the second, approaching wooden doors they came through. Thinking on their feet, they opted to run towards the glass barrier, then turn left into the unknown.

That led them down a turning corridor and to another wooden doors. Adventurers promptly doused their light sources, and waited in silence.

Loud bashing sound could be heard, as doors swung open and slammed against the stone wall. Metal scrapping was now very loud, as was the thick smell of oil. Another sound of slamming doors, and scrapping became quieter and quieter.

Estimating that the danger is over, adventurers re-lit their torches and lanterns, and proceeded to open the newly found doors. A small chamber, some twenty by thirty feet, with nothing much but two dozen of clay pots. Each had a lid with primitive symbols. Three had abstract flames, one round triskellions, and the remainder had abstract stick-snakes on them.

Following brief investigation, they backtracked to previous wooden doors, and forced them open. A weird thirty by thirty feet chamber with two lines of shelves. A dozen figures on gnomes with various mining equipment rested on each shelf.

Ambros returned to the pot chamber, cast Find Traps and surveyed the room. All lids with snake symbols lit gently. He informed Gomm, and moved to the gnome chamber. Nothing lit up. Then he went to the glass barrier.

Angry ghost cowered in fear in the presence of Curate of Aniu! Ambros could see only portion of the chamber beyond the glass barrier. It was a hole with stone bridge standing on a pillar. The bridge was perpendicular to Ambros, or in other words, was going from left to right.

Gomm delightfully opened fire and triskellion pots, finding flammable oil in the former, and five hundred silvery coins in the latter. How delightful!

But there was little time to celebrate. Ambros's torch begun to flicker. Angry shadow in the glass barrier threw itself towards the cleric and crumpled in a terrified ball. Ambros noticed shadowy figures stepping on the bridge. He quickly retreated and doused his torch.

The party waited for a moment. Gomm took the pot with triskellion coins, and the party retreated all the way to the dugout Bakaru was waiting them in. They left the coins with him and then they returned to the antechamber, intent on exploring the eastern portion of the fortress. Ambros commanded the water elemental—the one that Sor'Ves the Magnificent vomited for him—to follow him.

Upon emerging into the long corridor leading east, they ran into two plated guards.

The guards slammed doors wide open, right in front of Hedwig. They ignored her, turned left and marched down the corridor.

“How weird, they have surely spotted us...”

“Remember how some of them just stood and did nothing?”

“Maybe they only respond to metal? We are currently unarmoured.”

“Maybe they react to something else?”

“Let's follow them!” Gomm suggested.

Trailing them at the edge of their torch, the party followed the armoured duo. They went straight and then turned right into the large chamber with dark pool. They marched straight to the edge of the pool and stood still.

Water splashed as a towering mass of black sludge rose, shaking and shivering in front of the guards. The guards turned towards each other, holding a shield between them, like a plate. Black mass loomed over it, and then a chunk of sludge dropped on the shield. The guards' lower portion turned towards the party and marched straight towards them.

Adventurers fell back. The guards walked out of the chamber and down the corridor they came through. Black mass made a loud splashing sound as it threw itself back in the pool.

Gomm, of course, wanted to explore that chamber. This abomination must be guarding some awesome treasure, right?!

Forcing the north doors open revealed a square chamber with copper disc inset into the stone floor. A three inch groove was around it, with flame symbols etched into the disc's ring. Black scorch marks on the stone floor circled the ring. Crumpled suit of armour lain discarded in the south east corner.

Next course of action for Gomm was to scale the wall and go all the way up to the ceiling. This was a vaulted chamber, and the highest point was some forty feet off the floor. Then he swung like a monkey and traversed towards the platform on the south side of the chamber.

Naturally, this provoked the mass of black sludge that rested in the pool. It emerged with rage, swinging for the top. Ambros ordered the water elemental to charge the black mass. It obeyed without delay. As sludge and elemental duked it out in the pool, Hedwig and Ambros shot at the aberration from safe distance.

Gomm dropped on the platform. The doors were stuck. With battle raging behind him, he jumped up, grabbed the head jamb, swung and kicked the doors with both legs. Ahead of him was a humbly sized chamber dominated with a stone table. On it a number of alchemical implements like alembics, vials, pestle and mortars, so on and so forth, rested. Everything was caked with mold and dust.

The thief took off his loincloth and wrapped it around his face. Then he entered the laboratory and begun methodically ransacking it. Water roared as battle went on; elemental and sludge in a vortex of body slams, beating chunks of each other out. Hediwg landed arrow after arrow. And so did Ambros land stone after stone.

By the time Gomm had finished investigating the chamber, he recovered three intact vials that still had liquid in them: one with light blue hue, one clear as alcohol, and one with reddish hue. He stepped on the platform just in the right time to witness the black sludge completely demolishing the water elemental.

The thief threw his dagger, missed, and then fled up the wall. The mass approached him ominously. At this moment the sludge was not what it was moments ago. It was nearly transparent in places, with many holes. In fact, it was more like a mess of thick black strings, than a bulbous giant it was. Nonetheless, it threw itself towards fleeing Gomm. Hedwig aimed at the thickest string, and unleashed an arrow.

Steel tip went straight through it, severing the oily string. The pool horror completely felt apart. Curdled oil slicks floated to on top of the water. Poking them elicited no response. Ambros collected a sample.

“I think this expedition was a great success and that we should leave immediately!” Gomm announced, delighted to be alive.

“Hey, I hear something.”

Hedwig informed her allies.

Familiar sound of scrapping metal could be heard from the north. Without much time to think the party moved north and then decided to continue north, towards the oil chamber and then circle back through chambers they fought plated guards in.

Alas, they ran straight into the source of all the noise. A large lizard-like creature, some eight feet weed and most likely at least fifteen feet long, made of scrap metal, rushed towards the adventurers.

They pivoted around, and sprinted as quickly as they could.

“It's made of metal! We are surely faster!”

Gomm yelled as iron lizard nearly bit his naked ass.

Adventurers made it out alive, jumped into the dugout and paddled hard back to Ah'sas. At least her teeth aren't that sharp.

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