Attronarch's Athenaeum

Campaign journals, reviews of TTRPG stuff, and musings on D&D.


Well, since I'm running my campaign in the Wilderlands of High Fantasy, one of the first Dungeons & Dragons settings alongside Blackmoor and Greyhawk, I'd say I'm running a quite classic campaign.


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Character Class Description
Hector Fighter level 3 Balding warrior in the dwarf corpse retrieval business.
Ignaeus Elf level 2 A slightly weathered looking elf with dull blonde hair and chiselled features. Seeks wealth and knowledge.
Theros Cleric level 1 EYoung idealist committed to proving himself to Sashu, God of Justice and Blind Beggars.
Thorn the Dwarf Dwarf level 1 Ashen hair, beard, and eyes. Left his own clan due to financial trouble.
Mayonnaise Elf level 1 Albino elf with long white eyelashes, flowing white hair, magnificent white cape, and long two-handed sword.

Longrass 14th, Fireday

“We shall recover Bob.”

Hector accepted another mission to retrieve a dwarven corpse; something he was especially gifted at. He recently arrived to Hara, along with his fellow adventurers Ignaeus, Theros, Thorn, and Mayonnaise.

He collected information from Leticia, a retainer of the named deceased. Apparently he was a member of noteworthy Company that resides in Hara, and they wished his corpse to be retrieved.

Reasons did not matter to Hector, only future prospects. So he took his party to the described cave. Thorn remained outside, by the cave entrance.

Exploring the cave system by the entrance led the party to discover evidence of fight by the slow moving stream. There they also found a dead lizard—whose tail they promptly removed for the promised bounty of twenty five gold coins.

Axe heads, fragments of shield, and other iron shavings were lodged into the stream's bed. A naked and beheaded human was thrown on the south side of the stream. The man was dead.

Poorly concealed secret doors led into a small chamber that housed a simple desk, straw-bed and demonic idol of fat humanoid with ram head. Mayonnaise cracked open small chest by the bed. Three hundred gold coins, an emerald, and vial with dark red-brown liquid.

Opting not to follow the stream, adventurers moved north, exploring various smaller caves and labyrinthine tunnels. In one of the smaller caves they found two naked corpses of pig faced humanoids and a sack of rotten grains.

Following a long tunnel, which at one moment slopped downwards, led them into another sizeable cave with five exists. Blood trail indicated something had been dragged into south west tunnel.

Tightening their formation, the party proceeded forward.


Both elves heard sounds of something munching on a bone.

The party stopped to discuss what should they do next.

Alas, their ingenious planning was interrupted by a giant lizard charging them out of darkness.

Adventurers withdrew back into the chamber, where all four could strike at the reptile. The lizard stood little chance against such coordinated violence.

Mayonnaise took the spear passed to him, and the promptly jammed it into the beast's skull. Next he flung the lifeless corpse to the cave wall like it was nothing but a little toy.

“Wow, are you THAT strong?” other adventurers marvelled.

Either way, another giant lizard tail to remove and drop nearby. After all, they did not want to be encumbered before cleaning out the cave system.

Going down the south east tunnel, adventurers reached a cave so expansive their torchlight couldn't even reach the ceiling. Even the softest of footsteps echoed. Sound of running water could be heard as if it was coming from all directions.

The part soon came upon a curious sight. A slain lizard, next to a dead orc. This orc was dressed and had claw and bite marks. Some twenty feet away from them were four orc corpses, all naked. They lied with broken necks and collarbones, as if they fell from above. But all also had deep wounds caused by slashing and piercing weapons.

A rope ladder hung from darkness, leading up the cave wall.

“I am going up!” Mayonnaise announced, lit up his torch, and climbed. It didn't take him long to reach the top. He stood on the edge, overlooking large cave and his colleagues beneath him. To the south was a shallow, slow stream, lazily flowing south east.

“Come down!”

The elf ignored the calls to return, and bravely went south, into the darkness, to explore the chamber and adjoining tunnels all by himself.

Hector, Ignaeus, and Theros waited for half an hour. Then they decided to follow the blood trail leading east. They encountered two more naked corpses. The trail continued south, down the narrow tunnel. Sound of frothing water could be heard up ahead.

The trio pushed on.

The stream was falling down a series of rocks, causing noise. It wasn't too high, but with all the rocks and slipper limestone, traversing it would be difficult. After the waterfall the stream was effectively an underground river, rapidly gaining depth.

Standing at the shore, adventurers scanned the chamber.

A giant lizard came charging from their left.

Another giant lizard lunged out of water from the south.

The trio tightened their ranks in time and successfully defended themselves from the initial onslaught.

Theros landed a mighty blow. Hector followed by splitting the reptile's head with his hand axe. Ignaeus missed.

Mayonnaise appeared at the top of the waterfall. There he stood, with a torch in his hand, and no missile weapons.

Illustration by kickmaniac.

Unwilling to be useless, he hopped down the slipper stones with amazing agility, and joined the fray swinging his two-handed sword.

Theros, possibly distracted by such stupendous display of magnificence, was overpowered by surviving lizard. The beast stood on its hind legs and dropped its weight on the cleric. Then it bit sideways into his unprotected neck, decapitating him with one bite.

Hector avenged his fellow adventurer by severing the giant lizard's tail and letting it die in writhing agony.

Moments later Thorn the Dwarf joined them. He was yearning for some action.

To the south of the stream were two joined caves. A nest of large eggs indicated this was the giant lizard's lair. Close to the waterfall was dwarf corpse missing left leg, left arm, face, and scalp.

“This must be Bob. What the hell is he doing here?”

Some mysteries can never be solved.

The party picked up Bob's corpse, three eggs, five giant lizard tails, and returned to Hara to collect their bounty.

Discuss at Dragonsfoot forum.

#Wilderlands #SessionReport

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Three amazing adventures I'd love to run once PCs get to sufficient level:

Dark Tower

The Black Monastery

Eyrie of the Dread Eye


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Wow, sensational session?

Previous prompt was about memorable session, now this one is about sensational session. What's the difference?

With more than a hundred played sessions, we certainly had several sensational sessions in Conquering the Barbarian Altanis campaign.

If you've been following our session reports, then I'd love to hear which session did you find sensational!

Leave your answer in the comment below!


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With Swords & Wizardry returning home to Mythmere Games we have seen them publish a number of new books, including a new monster book titled Fiends & Foes.

Given than the system has been around for some time (an euphemism for “it is one of the first OSR retro-clones and it shaped the whole movement”), I wondered how does it compare to previous Swords & Wizardry monsters books published by Frog God Games.

Hence I set out to compare monsters in the following five books:

Note on Monstrosities: in 2023 Frog God Games released an update scrubbing Swords & Wizardry brand and replacing it with generic OSR mark. The statblocks were unchanged. Approximately 25 monsters were added.


Too busy? Just want the conclusion?

If you are playing Swords & Wizardry, then getting the latest rulebook and Fiends & Foes is the way to go. Get Monstrosities and Tome of Horrors Complete on sale.

If you don't care about Swords & Wizardry, but want as many monsters as possible then get Monstrosities and Tome of Horrors Complete on sale.

Scroll to the bottom for analysis and slightly more elaborate verdict.


In the analysis I included all the monster entries in each of the above books. Whenever a monster had a table with variants, I included those as well. First I made a large list with monster names as listed in the book; then I made a list of “normalised” names since naming conventions weren't consistent. Finally I compared the monsters based on normalised name and their description. There were few cases where same monster has different name, probably due to legal reasons. I left both names, but included pointers to relevant sources for both of them.

Qualitative differences

In Swords & Wizardry Complete Revised and Fiends & Foes layout is more compact , which does introduce some spread orphans. Monsters include morale and % in lair, two statistics that were not present in previous official Swords & Wizardry bestiaries.

In Monstrosities, Tome of Horrors Complete, and Tome of Horrors IV each monster gets a page, illustration, and a mini-adventure in paragraph form. All three are quite chunky, and there is some bad to mediocre art, which isn't so surprising given the volume.

Swords & Wizardry Complete Revised, Fiends & Foes, and Monstrosities provide abbreviated monster stat blocks, which are quite handy for copy pasting. A random example from each:

Spectre: HD 6; AC 2[17]; Atk spectral weapon or touch (1d8 + level drain); Move 15 (fly 30); Save 11; Morale 11; AL C; CL/XP 9/1300; Special: +1 or better magic weapons to hit, level drain (2 levels with hit).

Dianemic Tree (awakened): HD 8; AC 5[14]; Atk 1 branch (1d6 + imprisonment); Move 12 (blink); Save 8; Morale 8; AL N; CL/XP 10/1800; Special: Dimensional imprisonment.

Giant Slug of P’Nahk: HD 8; AC 7[12]; Atk bite (2d8); Move 9; Save 8; AL C; CL/XP 11/1,700; Special: surprise (3-in-6 chance), blast of insanity, immune to blunt weapons.

So, how many monsters?

Book Monster count
Swords & Wizardry Complete Revised 173
Swords & Wizardry Fiends & Foes 343
Monstrosities (OSR 2023) 613
Tome of Horrors Complete (S&W) 759
Tome of Horrors IV (S&W) 277
Total 2165
Total sans duplicates 1682

For comparison, AD&D Monster Manual has 377 monsters, Fiend Folio 186 monsters, and Monster Manual II has 366 monsters, for a total of 929 monsters.

Overlap analysis

Fiends & Foes 83% (285/343) monsters are present in Monstrosities (OSR 2023). Meaning 58 additional monsters.

Monstrosities (OSR 2023) 47% (285/613) monsters are present in Fiends & Foes, and 27% (163/613) are present in Swords & Wizardry Complete Revised. Meaning 165 additional monsters.

Tome of Horrors Complete (S&W) 2% (13/759) are present in Swords & Wizardry Complete Revised, and 2% (16/759) are present in Fiends & Foes. Meaning 730 additional monsters.

Tome of Horrors IV (S&W) 0% (0/277) are present in Swords & Wizardry Complete Revised, and 1% (2/277) are present in Fiends & Foes. Meaning 275 additional monsters.

Tome of Horrors IV (S&W) 1% (2/277) are present in Monstrosities (OSR 2023), and 1% (1/277) are present in Tome of Horrors Complete (S&W). Meaning 274 additional monsters.

Monstrosities (OSR 2023) 5% (30/613) monsters present in Tome of Horrors Complete (S&W). Meaning 583 additional monsters.

Special note: monsters that appear in both Monstrosities and Tome of Horrors Complete often have slightly different statblock.

Monster index


Aardvark, Giant 7 6
Aaztar-Ghola 7 7
Aberrant 10
Aboleth 8 8
Abomination 11
Abomination, Owlephant 11
Abomination, Tigrilla 11
Abyssal Larva 13
Adamantine Wasp, Swarm 528
Addath 5
Adherer 14
Aerial Servant 15
Afanc 16
Ahlinni (Cackle Bird) 17
Air Gust 8 9
Al-mi'raj 19
Algidarch 6
Algoid 18
Allip 8 10
Amalgamation 7
Amphorons of Yothri, Juggernaut 9 11–12
Amphorons of Yothri, Warrior 9 11–12
Amphorons of Yothri, Worker 9 11–12
Anemone, Great (Giant) Sea 21
Angel, Chalkydri 22
Angel, Empyreal 23
Angel, Flayed 88
Angel, Greater (Highest Echelon) 10–11
Angel, Guiding 10
Angel, Messenger (Third Echelon) 11
Angel, Monadic Deva 24
Angel, Movanic Deva 25
Angel, Protector (Second Echelon) 11–12
Animal Lord, Cat Lord 26
Animal Lord, Mouse Lord 27
Animated Carpet 12 13
Animated Chair 12 13
Animated Objects 12 13
Ankheg 12–13 14
Ant Lion 28
Ant, Giant (Queen) 96 15
Ant, Giant (Warrior) 96 15
Ant, Giant (Worker) 96 15
Ant, Velvet, Swarm 536
Ape, Carnivorous 13 17
Ape, Dakon 123
Ape, Flying 13 16
Ape, Gorilla 13 17
Ape, Plant-Imbued 432
Ape, Reigon 459
Ape, Tombotu 219
Apparition 29
Aqueous Orb 13 18
Arach 30
Aranea 14 19
Arbiter 14
Arbiter Hound 15
Arcanix, Greater 20
Arcanix, Major 20
Arcanix, Minor 20
Arcanoplasm 31
Archer Bush 32
Archer Tree 15 21
Archerfish, Giant 620
Argos 10
Artificers of Yothri 15–16 22
Ascomoid 33
Asp, Swarm 152
Asrai 34
Assassin Bug, Giant 35
Assassin Vine 17 23
Astral Moth 16 24
Astral Prism 16–17
Aswang 12
Athatch 25
Atomie 37
Attoral, Adult 26
Attoral, Young 26
Aurumvorax (Golden Gorger) 38
Axe Beak 621
Azer 17 27
Baba Yaga 14
Babbler 39
Baboon, Alpha 17–18 28
Baboon, Baboonwere 15
Baboon, Giant 17–18 28
Baboon, Giant Alpha 17–18 28
Baboon, Giant Pack Leader 17–18 28
Baboon, Normal 17–18 28
Baboon, Pack Leader 17–18 28
Baboon, Panjaan 17–18
Baccae 40
Badger, Giant 96 29
Bag of Teeth 30
Banderlog 41
Banshee 96 31
Banshee, Queen 16
Baobhan Sith 42
Barbegazi (Ice Gnome) 43
Barracuda 18 32 622
Basalt Hound 33
Basidirond 45
Basilisk 96 34
Basilisk, Amphisbaena 20
Basilisk, Crimson 46
Basilisk, Desert 35
Basilisk, Greater 47
Bat, Doombat 48
Bat, Giant 37
Bat, Giant (Bat Monster) 97 36
Bat, Giant (Greater Bat) 97
Bat, Giant (Vampire Bat) 96–97
Bat, Mobat 48
Batrachian 18
Battlehulk 17
Bear 97
Bear, Black 38
Bear, Cave 19 40
Bear, Grizzly 19 39
Bear, Grizzly, Minikin 148
Bear, Polar 19 40
Bear, Shadow 18
Beast of Chaos 49
Bedlam 50
Bee, Giant 19 41
Beetle, Gelid Greater 265
Beetle, Giant (Normal) 19 44
Beetle, Giant Arcane 42
Beetle, Giant Blister 51
Beetle, Giant Boring 51
Beetle, Giant Death Watch 52
Beetle, Giant Fire 97 43
Beetle, Giant Huhu 45
Beetle, Giant Rhinoceros 52
Beetle, Giant Saw-Toothed 53
Beetle, Giant Slicer 54
Beetle, Giant Water 54
Beetle, Ravager 19
Beetle, Requiem 55
Beetle, Stench 20
Behir 20 46
Belabra (Tangler) 56
Bhuta 57
Biclops 58
Birhaakaman (Wild Bird-men) 20 47
Bison, Dire 195
Bladder, Lightning 135
Bladecoin, Swarm 210
Bleeding Horror 59
Blindheim 60
Blood Bush 60
Blood Orchid 22
Blood Orchid, Giant Savant 22
Blood Orchid, Savant 22
Bloodsoaker Vine 23
Bloodsuckle 62
Bloody Bones 63
Boar, Giant Wild 20
Boar, Wild 97–98 50
Bog Beast 65
Bog Creeper 65
Bog Mummy 66
Bogeyman 67
Boggart 68
Bone Cobbler 69
Bone Crawler 24
Bone Delver 25
Bone Mound 51
Bone, Swarm 211
Boneneedle 70
Bonesucker 71
Boobrie (Marsh Terror) 26
Bookworm 71
Borsin (Ape Centaur) 52
Brainstorm 21 54
Brass Man 72
Brontotherium 622
Brownie 73
Brume 74
Brykolakas 74
Bucentaur 28
Bucentaur, Herd-Leader 28
Buckawn 75
Bugbear 98 55
Bulette 98 56
Bulgrimalkin 21–22
Bumblebee, Giant 76
Bunyip 77
Burning Dervish 78
Burning Ghat 29
Cadaver 79
Cadaver Lord 80
Camel 22 57
Camel, Portal (Sage Beast) 386
Carbuncle 81
Caribe, Giant 623
Carrion Claw 30
Carrion Creeper 98
Carrion Fly 58
Carrion Moth 82
Caryatid Column 83
Cat, Feral Undead 22 59
Cat, Golden 287
Cat, Jaguar 633
Cat, Leopard 71 300
Cat, Leopard, Snow 633
Cat, Lion 115 307
Cat, Lion, Cave 634
Cat, Lion, Mountain 634
Cat, Lynx 635
Cat, Lynx, Desert (Caracal) 635
Cat, Lynx, Giant 73 321
Cat, Malkeen 144
Cat, Panther 82 381
Cat, Saber-Toothed (Homotherium) 648
Cat, Saber-Toothed (Smilodon) 647
Cat, Saber-Toothed (Smilodon), Giant 648
Cat, Tiger 101 487
Cat, Tiger, Refracted 178
Cat, Tiger, Sabre-Tooth 101 488
Caterprism 84
Caterwaul 85
Catfish, Giant Electric 623
Catoblepas 22 60
Cattle, Aurochs, Northlands 13
Cattle, Cow 23 61
Cattle, Ox 23 61
Cave Cricket 86
Cave Eel 62
Cave Fisher 87
Cave Leech 88
Cave Moray 89
Cavern Crawler 31
Centaur 98 63
Centipede Nest (Swarm) 23 64
Centipede, Giant (Large, 20ft long) 99 65
Centipede, Giant (Man-Sized) 99 65
Centipede, Giant (Small, Lethal) 98 65
Centipede, Giant (Small, Non-Lethal) 98–99 65
Cerberus 90
Cerebral Stalker 91
Chain Worm 92
Chalkeion (Men of Bronze) 23 66
Chamelon, Giant 624
Chaos Knight 24 67
Char Shambler 32
Cherum 93
Chike (Croc Folk) 33
Chimera 99 68
Chrystone 94
Chupacabra 95
Church Grim 96
Churr 97
Chuul-Ttaen 35
Cimota 36–37
Cimota, Guardian 36–37
Cimota, High 36–37
Cinder Knight 38
Clam, Giant 98
Clamor 98
Clawed Fiend 69
Cliessid 70
Cloaker 24 71
Clockwork Brain Gear 99
Clockwork Bronze Giant 102
Clockwork Drone 99
Clockwork Overseer 99
Clockwork Parasite 100
Clockwork Scout 100
Clockwork Swarm 101
Clockwork Titan 101
Clockwork Warrior 101
Clubnek 103
Cobra Flower 103
Cobra, Iron 75 333 336
Cockatrice 99 72
Coffer Corpse 104
Colossus, Jade 105
Conshee 40
Cooshee 106
Coral Clamper 25 73
Corby, Dire 194
Corpse Candle 106
Corpse Orgy 107
Corpse Rook 108
Corpse Tree 74
Corpsespinner 109
Couatl 25 75
Crab Man 26 77
Crab, Fire 242
Crab, Giant 25–26 76
Crab, Monstrous 110
Crabman 111
Crabnipede 26 78
Crag Man 112
Crawling Offspring 138
Crayfish, Monstrous 113
Crazed 41
Crimson Creeper 79
Crimson Creeper Clone 80
Crimson Death 42
Crocodile, Giant 99 82
Crocodile, Normal 99 81
Crocodile, Sea 99
Crocodile, Zombie 115
Crow, Murder 393
Crucifixion Spirit 113
Crumbler 83
Crypt Thing 114
Crysolax 43
Crystal Growth 84
Crystaline 85
Crystalline Creature 44
Crystalline Horror 115
Crystallis 116
Daemon, Anthraxus (The Oinodaemon) 121
Daemon, Cacodaemon 117
Daemon, Charon (Boatman of the Lower Planes) 117
Daemon, Charonodaemon 118
Daemon, Derghodaemon 118
Daemon, Guardian 119
Daemon, Hydrodaemon 120
Daemon, Piscodaemon 122
Daochyn 46
Darakel 86
Dark Creeper 26–27 87 124
Dark Custodian 47
Dark Stalker 27 88 124
Darkmantle 27 89
Darnoc 125
Deasic (Ice Creeper) 90
Death Worm 127
Deathdiver 91
Deathknight 48
Deathstroke Serpent 49
Decapus 128
Deer 625
Deer, Dire 195
Deer, Onyx 408
Defender Globe 50
Demi-Elemental, Dust (Air & Earth) 28
Demi-Elemental, Firestorm (Air & Fire) 28
Demi-Elemental, Lava (Earth & Fire) 28–29
Demi-Elemental, Mud (Earth & Water) 29
Demi-Elemental, Steam (Fire & Water) 29
Demi-Elemental, Storm (Air & Water) 30
Demi-Elementals 28
Demi-Lich 129
Demiurge 130
Demodand, Shaggy 131
Demodand, Slime 132
Demodand, Tarry 133
Demon Lord, Baphomet (Demon Lord of Beasts) 155
Demon Lord, Beluiri (The Temptress) 156
Demon Lord, Caizel (Deposed Queen of Succubi) 157
Demon Lord, Chosen of Lilith, Vladimir 34
Demon Lord, Dagon (Demon Prince of the Sea) 158
Demon Lord, Fraz-Urb'luu (Demon Prince of Deception) 159
Demon Lord, Jubilex (The Faceless Lord) 160
Demon Lord, Kostchtchie (Demon Prince of Wrath) 161
Demon Lord, Maphistal (Second of Orcus) 162
Demon Lord, Orcus (Demon Prince of the Undead) 102–103 114 163
Demon Lord, Pazuzu (Demon Prince of Air) 164
Demon Lord, Sonechard (General of Orcus) 165
Demon Lord, Tsathogga (The Frog God) 166
Demon Lord, Vepar (Duke fo Dagon) 167
Demon Prince, Isclaadra (Demon Prince of Mists and Deception) 34 112
Demon Prince, Kharkazax (Demon-Prince of Carrion) 34–35 113
Demon Prince, Orcus (Demon-Prince of the Undead) 102–103 114 163
Demon Prince, Thalasskoptis (The Sea-Demon Lord) 36 116
Demon Prince, Yildraathu (Demon-Lord of Pestilence) 36–37 117
Demon Princess, Teratashia (Demon-Princess of Dimensions) 35–36 115
Demon-Stirge 118
Demon-Wolf of Braazz 119
Demon, Abyssal Harvester (Fourth-Category Demon) 12
Demon, Achaierai 30 92
Demon, Aeshma (Rage Demon) 134
Demon, Alu-Demon 135
Demon, Arauk (First-Category Demon) 30–31 93
Demon, Baalroch (Balor) (Sixth-Category Demon) 100 94
Demon, Balban (Brute Demon) 135
Demon, Cambion 136
Demon, Chaaor (Beast Demon) 137
Demon, Choronzon (Chaos Demon) 138
Demon, Ciratto 51
Demon, Coral 31 95
Demon, Corruptor, Azizou (Pain Demon) 140
Demon, Corruptor, Barizou (Assassin Demon) 140
Demon, Corruptor, Geruzou (Slime Demon) 140
Demon, Daraka (Swarm Demon) 141
Demon, Darkswimmer 31–32 96
Demon, Dretch 100 97
Demon, Erinyes 100 98
Demon, Gallu-Demon (Faceless Demon) 142
Demon, Gharros (Scorpion Demon) 143
Demon, Glabrezu (Third-Category Demon) 100–101 99
Demon, Greruor (Frog Demon) 143
Demon, Grimlek 100
Demon, Hezrou (Second-Category Demon) 101 101
Demon, Khavorr (Third-Category Demon) 32 102
Demon, Kytha 52
Demon, Laravaxu (Second-Category Demon) 32 103
Demon, Lemure 101 104
Demon, Mallor (Serpent Demon) 144
Demon, Manes 101 105
Demon, Marilith (Fifth-Category Demon) 101 106
Demon, Mehrim (Goat Demon) 145
Demon, Mezzalorn (Wasp Demon) 146
Demon, Nabasu (Death Stealer Demon), Demonling 147
Demon, Nabasu (Death Stealer Demon), Mature 147
Demon, Nalfeshnee (Fourth-Category Demon) 101–102 107
Demon, Nerizo (Hound Demon) 148
Demon, Nysrock (Cobra Demon) 149
Demon, Ooze, Greater 150
Demon, Ooze, Lesser 150
Demon, Quasit 102 108
Demon, Shaavazi (Fourth-Category Demon) 33 109
Demon, Shadow 151
Demon, Shrroth (Squid Demon) 152
Demon, Skitterdark 153
Demon, Stirge 154
Demon, Succubus 102
Demon, Succubus, Crystalline 44
Demon, Tatarux 53
Demon, Vrock (First-Category Demon) 102 110
Demon, Yildra 33 111
Demonic Knight 168
Demonic Mist 54
Demonvessel 37 120
Denizen of Leng 37–38 121
Dergenue (Wall Wench) 122
Dertesha 123
Devil, Alastor (Executioner of Hell) 177
Devil, Amaimon 169
Devil, Amon (Duke of Hell) 178
Devil, Baal (Duke of Hell) 179
Devil, Baaphel (Duke of Hell) 180
Devil, Blood Reaver (Garugin) 170
Devil, Caasimolar (Former President of Hell) 181
Devil, Dantalion (Duke of Hell) 55
Devil, Demoriel (Twice-Exiled Seductress) 182
Devil, Flayer (Marzach) 171
Devil, Geryon (Arch-Devil) 183
Devil, Ghaddar 172
Devil, Gorson (The Blood Duke) 184
Devil, Hellstoker (Marnasoth) 173
Devil, Hutijin (Duke of Hell) 185
Devil, Lilin 174
Devil, Lilith (Former Queen of Hell) 186
Devil, Lucifer (Prince of Darkness) 187–188
Devil, Moloch (Arch-Devil) 189
Devil, Nupperibo 175
Devil, Titivilus (Duke of Hell) 190
Devil, Tormentor (Tormentor of Souls) 176
Devil, Xaphan (Duke of Infernus) 191
Devouring Mist 56
Dhezik 124
Dianemic Tree 38
Diger 193
Dimensional Corsair 38–39
Dinosaur, Ankylosaurus 103 125
Dinosaur, Bonesnapper 70
Dinosaur, Brainosaurian 21 53
Dinosaur, Brontosaurus 103 126
Dinosaur, Elasmosaurus 39 127
Dinosaur, Euparkeria 57
Dinosaur, Gorgosaurus 58
Dinosaur, Nothosaurus 59
Dinosaur, Podokesaurus 60
Dinosaur, Stegosaurus 39 128
Dinosaur, Thorny Tyrannosaurus 556
Dinosaur, Triceratops 103 129
Dinosaur, Tyrannosaurus Rex 103 130
Disenchanter 200
Djinni 104 131
Dobie 61
Dog, Blink 97 49
Dog, Death 126
Dog, Devil 192
Dog, Dire 196
Dog, Foo 252
Dog, Guard 104 132
Dog, Mastiff, Shadow 91 429
Dog, Moon 387
Dog, Pet 104 132
Dog, War 104 132
Dog, Wild 104 132
Dolphin 39 133
Domovoi 62
Doppelganger 104 134
Dracohydra 63
Dracolisk 201
Draconid 202
Draggonel 211
Dragon Turtle 106 147
Dragon, Astral 40–41
Dragon, Black 105 137
Dragon, Blue 105 138
Dragon, Brass 41 139
Dragon, Bronze 41 140
Dragon, Cloud (Draco Nimbus Caelo) 203
Dragon, Copper 42 141
Dragon, Dungeon (Draco Carcer Dominus) 204
Dragon, Ethereal 42
Dragon, Faerie (Draco Fraudatio Minimus) 205
Dragon, Gold 105 142
Dragon, Gray 64
Dragon, Green 105–106 143
Dragon, Mist (Draco Nebulus Terra) 206
Dragon, Red 106 144
Dragon, Silver 42–43 145
Dragon, Smoke (Draco Fumo Suffoco) 207
Dragon, White 106 146
Dragon, Wrath (Draco Sanctus Benevolentia) 208
Dragonfish 625
Dragonfly, Giant 210
Dragonne 43 148
Dragonship 212
Drake, Brine 65
Drake, Fire 213
Drake, Ice 214
Drake, Salt 215
Drake, Splinter 216
Drake, Storm 66
Drake, Vile 67
Drakeling, Flame 68
Drakeling, Frost 69
Draug (Wolf-Bear Folk) 149 217
Dreadweed 70
Dream Spectre (Nightmare Creature) 218
Drelb (Haunting Custodian) 219
Drider 43 150
Drow 43–44 151
Dryad 106 152
Duergar 44 153
Dune Horror 71
Dust Digger 220
Dwarf 107 154
Dwarf, Frost 72
Dwelver 155
Eagle, Giant 44 156
Ear Seeker 221
Eblis 221
Edon 74
Eel, Electric 626
Eel, Fire 75
Eel, Giant (Giant Electric) 44–45 157
Eel, Giant (Giant Moray) 44–45 157 626
Eel, Gulper 627
Efreeti 107 158
Ekimmu 76
Elemental Animal, Fire Crab 9
Elemental Animal, Fire Crab, Giant 9
Elemental Animal, Fire Fish 9
Elemental Construct, Air 226
Elemental Construct, Earth 227
Elemental Construct, Fire 228
Elemental Construct, Water 229
Elemental Dragon, Air 230
Elemental Dragon, Earth 231
Elemental Dragon, Fire 232
Elemental Dragon, Water 233
Elemental Lord, Inder (Lord of Fire Elementals) 77
Elemental Lord, Lypso (Lord of Water Elementals) 77
Elemental Lord, Onyst (Lord of Earth Elementals) 78
Elemental Lord, Susir (Lord of Air Elementals) 78
Elemental Skeleton, Air 163
Elemental Skeleton, Earth 164
Elemental Skeleton, Fire 165
Elemental Skeleton, Water 166
Elemental, Air 107 159
Elemental, Earth 107 160
Elemental, Fire 107–108 161
Elemental, Frost 45
Elemental, Gravity 222
Elemental, Negative Energy 223
Elemental, Positive Energy 223
Elemental, Psionic 224
Elemental, Salt 79
Elemental, Smoke 80
Elemental, Time 225
Elemental, Water 108 162
Elemental, Wood 81
Elephant 45 167
Elephant, Dire 196
Elf 108 168
Elf, Fallen 84
Elusa Hound 234
Emberleaf 82
Encephalon Gorger 234
Ethereal Shade 45 169
Ettercap 46 170
Ettin 46 171
Executioner's Hood 235
Exoskeleton, Giant (Ant) 46 172
Exoskeleton, Giant (Beetle) 46–47 173
Exoskeleton, Giant (Crab) 47 174
Exploding Bones 175
Eye Killer 236
Eye of the Deep 237
Eyeless FIlcher 176
Fachan 83
Falcon, Giant 628
False Spiders, Giant, Pedipalp 238
False Spiders, Giant, Solifugid 238
Falshantog-Yoth (Fal-Yoth, the Hungering Vine) 177
Fear Guard 239
Felikaur 178
Fen Witch 240
Ferec (Foxtaur) 179
Fetch 241
Firebird 86
Firefiend 245
Fish, Giant 108
Fisherman 87
Flail Snail 246
Flea, Giant 247
Flea, Giant, Phase 426
Flenser 47 180
Fleshhewn Troll Throne 89
Flind 248
Floating Eye 249
Flowerchild 47–48 181
Flowershroud 48 182
Flumph 250
Fly, Giant 251
Flying Jellyfish, Giant 48 183
Flying Squirrel, Carnivorous 49 184
Flytrap Shambler 49 185
Fogwarden 251
Forester's Bane (Snapper Saw) 253
Forgotten One 254
Forlarren 255
Formian, Male 50 186
Formian, Queen 50 186
Formian, Taskmaster 50 186
Formian, Warrior 50 186
Formian, Worker 50 186
Fox 629
Fox Monk 187
Fox, Giant 101
Frog, Giant 629–630
Frog, Giant (Large) 50–51 188
Frog, Giant (Medium) 50–51 188
Frog, Giant (Small) 50–51 188
Frog, Giant Abyssal Dire 256
Frog, Giant Dire 629–630
Frog, Giant Killer 51 189
Frog, Killer 629–630
Frog, Poisonous 629–630
Frog, Poisonous, Swarm 532
Froghemoth 256
Froglum 51 190
Frost Man 257
Fulgurate Mushrooms 258
Fungal Creeper 191
Fungi, Violet 51 192
Fungoid 258
Fungus Man 91
Fungus Man, King 91
Fungus, Fountain 90
Fungus, Sheet 491
Furious Fountain 193
Fye 259
Fyr 260
Galley Beggar 92
Gallows Tree 545 261
Gambado 262
Gargoyle 108 194
Gargoyle, Four-Armed 263
Gargoyle, Fungus 263
Gargoyle, Green Guardian 264
Gargoyle, Maggog 195
Gargoyle, Margoyle 264
Gargoyle, Spitting 93
Gas Spore 52 196 265
Gelatinous Cube 109 197
Gelatinous Emperor 94
Genie, Abasheen 266
Genie, Hawanar 267
Genie, Marid 268
Genie, Seraph 95
Geon 269
Ghaggurath 96
Ghast 52 198
Ghirru 97
Ghost 109
Ghost, Strangling 199
Ghoul 109 200
Ghoul-Stirge 272
Ghoul, Ao-Nyobo (Blue Wife) 201
Ghoul, Cinder 270
Ghoul, Crimson 52–53 202
Ghoul, Dust 271
Ghoul, Monkey 149
Giant Slug of P’Nahk 53 211
Giant, Bronze 273
Giant, Cave 274
Giant, Cloud 109 203
Giant, Coral 98
Giant, Coral, Chief 98
Giant, Crag 99
Giant, Crag, Elder 99
Giant, Daimyo 204
Giant, Ferrous 275
Giant, Fire 109 205
Giant, Frost 109 206
Giant, Hill 110 207
Giant, Hill, Soulless 200
Giant, Jack-In-Irons 276
Giant, Jotun 100
Giant, Khmornian 208
Giant, Sand 277
Giant, Sea 278
Giant, Smoke 279
Giant, Stone 110 209
Giant, Storm 110 210
Giant, Volcano 280
Giant, Wood 281
Gibbering Abomination 103
Gibbering Mouther 53 212
Gibbering Orb 104
Gibbering Orb, Lesser 105
Gillmonkey 53–54 213
Glass Butterfly 214
Glass Wyrm 282
Glimmer 54 215
Glitterskull 216
Gloom Crawler 283
Gloomwing 284
Glue Willow (Animated) 54
Glurm (Zen Frog) 217
Gnarlwood 285
Gnoll 110 218
Gnoll, Uruak (Scrap Gnoll) 513
Goat, Dire 196
Goat, Giant 54 219
Goat, Lantern 356
Goblin 110 220
Goblin, Belfry 221
Goblin, Belfry (Vampiric) 222
Goblin, Crazed 41
Goblin, Oni-Aka (Asian Red Goblin) 223
Goblin, Oni-Kage (Asian Shadow Goblin) 224
Goblin, Oni-Yama (Asian Mountain Goblin) 225
Goblin, Redcap (Chaos Goblin) 226 458
Gohl (Hydra Cloud) 286
Golem, Blood 288
Golem, Cacophony (Screaming Skull) 475
Golem, Clay 110 227
Golem, Crystalline 108
Golem, Dragolem 135
Golem, Flagstone 288
Golem, Flesh 110–111 228
Golem, Furnace 289
Golem, Gelatinous 290
Golem, Glass 229
Golem, Ice 291
Golem, Iron 111 230
Golem, Iron Maiden 292
Golem, Magnesium 293
Golem, Mummy 294
Golem, Necromantic 109
Golem, Ooze 295
Golem, Ossuary 112
Golem, Philosopher 110
Golem, Rope 296
Golem, Skiff 111
Golem, Spontaneous 112
Golem, Stone 111 231
Golem, Stone Guardian 297
Golem, Tallow 298
Golem, Wax 55 232
Golem, Witch-Doll 299
Golem, Wood 300
Gorbel 301
Gorgimera 302
Gorgon 111 233
Gorgon, True 303
Gorilla Bear 304
Grave Risen 305
Gravebird 55 234
Gray Nisp 306
Graymalkin, Common 307
Graymalkin, Slinker 307
Graymalkin, Tether 307
Great Lantern Worm 235
Green Brain 55 236
Gremlin 308
Grey Spirit 114
Gribbon 115
Grick 56 239
Griffon 111–112 240
Grig, Swarm 529
Grimalkin 56
Grimlock 116
Grimm 309
Grimshrike 117
Grimstalker (Banaan) 310
Grippli 311
Groaning Spirit 312
Gronk 313
Growling Shadow 56 241
Grue (Type 1) 56–57 242
Grue (Type 2) 57 243
Gryph 314
Gump 244
Gutslug 315
Gwurrum (Mists of Faerie Vengeance) 245
Hag, Annis 57 246
Hag, Desert 57–58 247
Hag, Night 118 358
Hag, Nymph 118
Hag, Pit 431
Hag, Sea 58 248
Hag, Witch 58
Half-Ogre 316
Hamster, Giant 631
Hanged Man 317
Hangman Tree 318
Harpy 112 249
Harpy, Fallen 85
Haunt 319
Haunt, Glacial 106
Haunt, Gloom 107
Hawk, Blood 61
Hawktoad 59 250
Head-Stealer 251
Headless Hound 252
Heat, Swarm 530
Hedon 119
Hell Hound 112 254
Hellcat 59 253
Herald of Tsathogga 322
Hieroglyphicroc 59–60 255
Hippocampus 323
Hippocampus 60 256
Hippogriff 112 257
Hippopotamus 60 258 631
Hippopotamus, Dire 197
Hoar Fox 324
Hoar Spirit 325
Hobgoblin 112 259
Homunculus 60 260
Hooded Gatherer 121
Hornet, Giant 326
Horse, Dragon 209
Horse, Ebony 73
Horse, Grave Mount 113
Horse, Kathlin 347
Horse, Noble Steed 160
Horse, Pony 261
Horse, Rhianna 122
Horse, Riding 112 261
Horse, Undead Mount 48
Horse, War 112 261
Horsefly, Giant 327
Hound of Chronos 61 262
Hound of Ill Omen 328
Huecuva 329
Huggermugger 330
Human, Bandit 113 263
Human, Berserker 113 264
Human, Captain-at-Arms 61
Human, Cave-People 61
Human, Lieutenant-at-Arms 62
Human, Merchant 62
Human, Normal 113 263
Human, Pirate 62–63
Human, Sergeant-at-Arms 113 265
Human, Soldier 113 266
Hyaenodon 632
Hydra 113–114 267
Hyena 114 268
Hyena, Giant 114 269
Igniguana 63 270
Imaginary Friend 63
Imp 63 271
Inaed 272
Inner Child 273
Inphidian, Cobra-Black 331
Inphidian, Common 332
Inphidian, Dancer 333
Inphidian, Death’s Head 123–124
Inphidian, Gray-Scale 124
Inphidian, Night Adder 334
Inphidian, Rattler 335
Invisible Stalker 114 274
Iounifier 63–64 275
Jack-in-the-Box 276
Jack-O-Lantern 337
Jackal 64 277
Jackal of Darkness 64 278
Jaculi 338
Janni 65 280
Jelly, Jolly 125
Jelly, Marsh 339
Jelly, Mustard 340
Jelly, Ochre 118 364
Jelly, Stun- 341
Jelly, Symbiotic 538
Jelly, Whip 342
Jellyfish, Hypnotic 65 281
Jellyfish, Monstrous 343
Jupiter Bloodsucker (Vampire Plant) 344
Jynx 126
Kamadan 345
Kamarupa 127
Kamasuhn 282
Kampfult (Sinewy Mugger) 346
Kapre 128
Kech 348
Keeper of the Well 283
Kelp Devil 349
Kelpie 350
Khargra 351
Kheph, Elder 65–66 284
Kheph, Mage 65–66 284
Kheph, Priest 65–66 284
Kheph, Warrior 65–66 284
Khryll 66 285
Ki-rin 66–67 286
Killmoulis 352
Knight Gaunt 129
Knight of Winter 67 288
Kobold 114 287
Koi Folk 289
Komodo Dragon, Giant 67 290
Komodo Dragon, Normal 67 290
Korog 130
Korred 353
Kraken 68 291
Kraken, Sand 469
Kuah-Lij 354
Kulgreer 131
Kurok-Spirit 68 292
Kzaddich 68–69 293
Lamia 69 294
Lammasu 69 295
Lamprey, Burrowing 132
Lamprey, Giant 69 296
Lamprey, Land 355
Lamprey, Lightning 70 297 136
Lamprey, Swarm 212
Lava Child 357
Leaping Maw 298
Leech, Giant 114 358
Leech, Giant (Freshwater) 70 299
Leech, Giant (Sea) 70 299
Leonine 133
Lephane 301
Leprechaun 71 302 359
Leucrota 71 303
Lich 114–115 304
Lich Shade 360
Lichenthrope 71 305
Linnorm 72 306
Lithonnite 72 308
Livestone 361
Living Disease, Black Rot 137
Living Disease, Festering Lung 137
Living Lake (Agrath-Ogh) 362
Living Monolith 138
Lizard Samurai 309
Lizard Samurai, Captain 309
Lizard, Blood 635
Lizard, Cavern 363
Lizard, Fire 364
Lizard, Giant 72 310
Lizard, Giant Forest 139
Lizard, Giant Rock-Horned (Blood Lizard) 635
Lizard, Gnasher 365
Lizard, Lava 140
Lizard, Lightning 311
Lizardman 115 312
Lobster-Giant 313
Lost Thought 72–73
Lupin 141
Lurker, Above 115 314 366
Lurker, Ceiling 115 314 366
Lycanthrope, Werebear 115 315
Lycanthrope, Wereboar 115–116 316
Lycanthrope, Wererat 116 317
Lycanthrope, Weretiger 116 318
Lycanthrope, Wereweasel 73 319
Lycanthrope, Werewolf 116 320
Lycanthrope, Werewolverine 143
Lythic 367
Macaw, Giant 73 322
Magmoid 368
Magnesium Spirit 369
Malcarna 323
Malformian 324
Mammoth 116 325 636
Mammoth, Minikin 148
Mandragora 370
Mandrake, Deadly 145
Mandrill 637
Mantari 371
Manticore 116 326
Mantidrake 372
Mantis, Giant Praying 74 327
Mantisikt 74
Margay 638
Marmoset, Giant 638
Marrosian Statue 328
Mastiff, Giant 101
Mastodon 639
Maun-Ge 329
Mawler 374
Meat Puppet, Humanoid 146
Meat Puppet, Otyugh 146
Mechanism, Bronze Cobra 74–75 330
Mechanism, Clockwork Cavalier 331
Mechanism, Giant Robot 75 332
Mechanism, Iron Cobra 75 333 336
Medusa 116 334
Medusa, Greater 375
Melgara 335
Melhukiskata (Snap-Snatcher) 336
Memory Child 376
Mephit, Brimstone 76 337
Mephit, Fire 76 337
Mephit, Lightning 378
Mephit, Smoke 76–77 379
Merman 116–117 338
Midnight Peddler 380
Mihstu 381
Mimi 382
Mimic 77 339
Mimic, Outhouse 340
Mimic, Undead 147
Minotaur 117 341
Minotaur, Bronze 27
Minotaur, Obsidian 403
Mire Brute 383
Mirror Fiend 342
Mist-Men 343
Mite, Common 384
Mite, Pestie 384
Mogura-Jin (Cannibal Mole Men) 77 344
Mohrg 345
Mold, Brown 77 346
Mold, Yellow 127 77 347
Mole Men 77 344
Mongrelman 385–386
Monkey, Spire 150
Monstrous Mouth 348
Moose 640
Moose, Dire 197
Mordnaissant 151
Mortuary Cyclone 388
Mosquito, Giant 389
Moss, Memory 377
Moss, Purple 442
Moth, Helix 320
Moth, Helix (Larva) 320
Moth, Hell 321
Mothdog 78 349
Mothmere 350
Muckdweller 390
Mudbog 390
Mudman 391
Mule 261
Mummy 117 351
Mummy of the Deep 392
Mummy, Asp 152
Murder-Born 394
Mushroom-Man 352
N’gathau, Aagash The Broken 653
N’gathau, Asagin The Assassin 653
N’gathau, Chaadon The Slayer 653–654
N’gathau, Chaas The Flayed 654
N’gathau, Ghehzi The Mutilator 654
N’gathau, Greixas The Destroyer 654–655
N’gathau, Modar The Avenger 655
N’gathau, N'hror The Eater 655
N’gathau, Raauka The Ravager 656
N’gathau, The Quorum 657–658
N’gathau, Ulaska't The Twisted 656–657
N’gathau, Veenes The Blademistress 657
N’gathau, Veruard The Razor and the Creator 657
Naga, Death 153
Naga, Guardian 117 353
Naga, Ha-Naga 154
Naga, Hanu- 78 354
Naga, Spirit 117 355
Naga, Water 117–118 356
Narwhal 155
Nazalor 395
Necro-Phantom 156
Necrophidius 396
Neomimic 157
Neomorphic Twin 357
Nereid 397
Netherspark 398
Night-Mare 118 359
Nilbog 399
Niln (Vapor Horror) 400
Niserie 158
Nithu 159
Nixie 118 360
Nuckalavee 401
Nykoul 361
Nymph 78 362
Nymph, Fire 243
Oakman 402
Oblivion Wraith 363
Octopus, Giant 118 365
Oculaktis 79 366
Ogre 118–119 367
Ogre Mage 119 370
Ogre, Swamp 79 368
Ogre, Tusken 79–80 369
Ogren 404
Ogrillon 405
Oktomon 80 371
Old Crawler 327
Oliphant 640
Omgoth 373
Ooze, Amber 409
Ooze, Crystal 410
Ooze, Demon, Greater 150
Ooze, Demon, Lesser 150
Ooze, Ebon 162
Ooze, Entropic 411
Ooze, Ghost (Ectoplasm) 222
Ooze, Glacial 412
Ooze, Golem 295
Ooze, Grey 111 238
Ooze, Magma 413
Ooze, Mercury 414
Ooze, Metallic (Hoard Ooze) 415
Ooze, Spawn of Jubilex 163
Ooze, Undead 416
Ooze, Vampiric 417
Oozeanderthal 164
Ophidian 80 374
Ophidian, Sterile 80 374
Orc 119 375
Orc, Black Orc of Orcus 418
Orc, Blood 419
Orc, Ghost-Faced 419
Orc, Greenskin 420
Orc, Orog 421
Origami Warrior 81 376
Ostrich, Giant 81 377
Otyugh 119 378
Owl, Giant 81 380
Owlbear 119 379
Paleoskeleton, Triceratops 422
Panjaan 82
Peacock, Giant 82
Pech 423
Peg Powler 165
Pegasus 119 382
Peryton 82 383
Pestilential Cadaver 166
Petrified Horror 167
Phantasm 424
Phantom 425
Phantom Stalker 425
Phantom, Fire 243
Phasma 427
Phlogiston 428
Phooka 429
Phycomid 430
Piercer 120 384 430
Pig-Men 168
Pike, Giant 641
Pique 83
Piranha, Giant Flying 169
Piranha, Swarm 531 169
Pixie 83 385
Plant Guardian, Algant 170
Plant Guardian, Banyant 170–171
Plant Guardian, Cactant 171
Plant Guardian, Sargassant 170
Plantoid 172
Plantoid King 172
Plantoid Servitor 173
Platonic Polymorph 83–84
Poltergeist 433
Porcupine, Dire 197–198
Proscriber 434
Protector 435
Proto-Creature 174
Proto-Creature, Giant 174
Pseudo-Dragon 84 387
Psiwyrm (Draco Presentia Facultas) 436
Pudding, Black 97 48
Pudding, Blood 437
Pudding, Brown 438
Pudding, Dun 439
Pudding, Rot 88–89 414
Pudding, Stone 440
Pudding, White 441
Purple Worm 120 388
Pyrolisk 442
Quadricorn 389
Quantum 443
Quarn 390
Quasi-Elemental, Acid 444
Quasi-Elemental, Lightning (Large) 445
Quasi-Elemental, Lightning (Medium) 445
Quasi-Elemental, Lightning (Small) 445
Quasi-Elemental, Obsidian 446
Quickling 447
Quickwood 448
Quipper 641
Racoon 642
Racoon, Dire 642
Ragged Craw 391
Rakewood 175
Rakshasa 120 392
Ram 646
Ram, Dire 198
Ranine 393
Rat, Baric 44
Rat, Barrow 451
Rat, Brain 452
Rat, Ethereal 453
Rat, Giant 120 395
Rat, Giant (Monstrously Huge) 120 395
Rat, Giant Desongnol Rat 396
Rat, Shadow 454
Rat, Shadow, Swarm 535
Rat, Slitherat 95 447
Rat, Spore 455
Rat, Sumatran Rat-Ghoul 99–100 478
Rat, Vapor 582
Rat, Wizard’s Lab 85 387
Ratling 84–85 394
Ravager, Brawler 176
Ravager, Crawler 176
Ravager, Flier 176
Raven, Giant 85 398
Raven, Swarm 533
Raven, Zombie 115 554
Rawbones 456
Ray, Giant Manta 85 399
Ray, Sting 85–86
Ray, Sting 400
Razor Wing 401
Recurser 86 402
Red Jester 457
Redwraith 86 403
Reef Walker 86 404
Refracted Creatures 177–178
Reliquary Guardian 460
Remorhaz 87 405
Renzer (Devilfin) 461
Retch Hound 462
Retriever 87 406
Rhacos 407
Rhinoceros 87 408
Rhinoceros 408
Rhinoceros, Woolly 88 409 643
Riptide Horror 463
Roc 121 411
Rock Reptile 464
Rock Weasel, Giant 410
Ronus 465
Roper 88 412
Roper, Stone 466
Rot Grub 88 413
Rothran 415
Rottentail 416
Rusalka (Water Witch) 89 417
Rust Monster 89 418
Ryven 467
Sabrewing 468
Sahuagin 90 419
Salamander 121 420
Salamander, Ice 179
Sand Screamer (Ferret Snake) 421
Sand Stalker 470
Sandling 471
Sandman 472
Satyr 90 422
Scarecrow 473
Scimitar Horn 644
Sciurian 180
Scorpion, Giant 90 423
Scorpion, Giant, Crystalline 44
Scorpion, Giant, Ommoth 161
Scorpionfolk 181–182
Screamer 183
Screaming Devilkin 474
Scylla 476
Scythe Horn 644
Scythe Tree 477
Sea Cat 90 424
Sea Horse, Giant 91 425 645
Sea Lion 91 426
Sea Monster 121 427
Sea Serpent 121 428
Sea Serpent, Brine 478
Sea Serpent, Deep Hunter 479
Sea Serpent, Fanged 479
Sea Serpent, Finback 184
Sea Serpent, Gilded 480
Sea Serpent, Shipbreaker 481
Sea Serpent, Spitting 482
Sea Wasp, Monstrous 485
Sepulchral Guardian 487
Serpent Creeper 186
Sewer Sludge (Spawn of Dungie) 187
Shade 188
Shadow 121 430
Shadow Hunter 189
Shadow Wing 190
Shadow, Lesser 488
Shambling Mound 122 431
Shark, Astral 36
Shark, Giant 92
Shark, Giant Landwalker 489
Shark, Large 91 432
Shark, Medium 91 432
Shark, Oil 406
Shark, Refracted 177
Shark, Small 91 432
Shark, Swordtooth 191
Shattered Soul, Impaled Spirit 192
Shedu, Common 490
Shedu, Greater 490
Sheep 646
Shocker Lizard 92 433
Shrangaathi 92 434
Shrieker 122 435
Shroom 93 436
Silaaal 437
Silent Knight 93 428
Silid 492
Silverfish Swarm 193
Silverfish, Giant 193
Sirene Flower 194
Skarusoi 93–94 439
Skeletal Fury 440
Skeletal Swarm 213
Skeleton 122 441
Skeleton Warrior 495
Skeleton, Amber 8
Skeleton, Black 493
Skeleton, Fossil 94 442
Skeleton, Lead 494
Skin Feaster 195
Skin Stitcher 496
Skulk 497
Skull Child 196
Skulleton 498
Skullmural 443
Skunk 646
Skunk, Dire 199
Skunk, Giant 94 444
Sky Worm 445
Skyger 94–95 446
Slaad Lord of Entropy (Chaos Lord of Entropy) 499
Slaad Lord of the Insane (Chaos Lord of the Insane) 500
Slag Worm 501
Slaughterford (Reaperborn) 502
Sleeping Willow 503
Slime Crawler 504
Slime Mold 505
Slime, Green 111 55–56 237
Slime, Olive 407
Slime, Walking 520
Slithering Tracker 122 448 506
Sloorg (Midden Monster) 449
Slorath 507
Sloth Viper 508
Sloth, Dire 199
Slug, Dimensional 197
Slug, Giant 122–123 450 509
Slug, Giant, Sea 483
Snail, Giant 95
Snake, Cobalt Viper 39
Snake, Cobra 95–96 451
Snake, Fire 244
Snake, Giant Constrictor 96 453
Snake, Giant Constrictor, Boalisk 64
Snake, Giant Venomous, Amphisbaena 96 453 20
Snake, Giant Venomous, Cobalt Viper
Snake, Giant Venomous, Cobra 96
Snake, Giant Venomous, Spitting 96 453
Snake, Giant Venomous, Viper 96 453
Snake, Giant, Blaze Boa 21
Snake, Javelin 452
Snake, Marble 373
Snake, Python 95–96 451
Snake, Sepia 486
Snake, Viper 95–96 451
Sojourner of the Sea 198
Sorcerer Ox 96–97 454
Sorcery Leech 455
Soul Eater 510
Soul Knight 199
Soul Nibbler 511
Soul Reaper 512
Soulspinner 456
Sparksting, Swarm 214
Spectral Scavenger 457
Spectre 123 458
Spectre, Parasitic 459
Sphinx, Andro- 97 460
Sphinx, Crio- 97 461
Sphinx, Dromosphinx 201
Sphinx, Gyno- 97 462
Sphinx, Hieraco- 97 463
Spider Collective 515
Spider Lich 205
Spider, Albino Cave 202
Spider, Astral 11
Spider, Flagstone 466
Spider, Giant (Larger) 123 464
Spider, Giant (Medium) 123 464
Spider, Giant (Smaller) 123 464
Spider, Giant Funnel-Web 203
Spider, Giant, Invisible 98 465
Spider, Giant, Phase 465
Spider, Hellwidow 120
Spider, Phase 123
Spider, Scarlet, Swarm 534
Spider, Sea 484
Spider, Shard 204
Spider, Skull 514
Spider, Sword 216
Spiderweed 467
Spinal Leech 515
Spine Rat 468
Spiny Horror 469
Spiny Horror, Swarm 469
Spire Monkey 470
Spongefolk 471
Spriggan 516
Sprite 98 517
Squealer 518
Squid, Giant 123–124 472
Squid, Giant Aerial 98–99 473
Stag, Giant 99 474 102
Star-Mouthed Worm 99 475
Stegocentipede 519
Stench Kow 520
Stingray (Large) 649
Stingray (Medium) 649
Stingray (Small) 649
Stirge 124 476
Stirge Demon 154
Stirge, Swarm 215
Stone Idol, Frog 206
Stone Idol, Gargoyle 206–207
Stone Idol, Shedu 207
Stone Idol, Sphinx 208
Stone Maiden 521
Stoneflower 99 477
Stormwarden 522
Strangle Vine 100 481
Strangle Weed 523
Stroke Lad 524
Stygian Leviathan 525
Stygian Spawn 209
Stymphalian Bird (Bronze Beak) 526
Sudoth 527
Syanngg 100 479
Sycorex (Archaeopteryx Potens) 480
T'shaan 539
Tabaxi 540
Taer 541
Talorani 217
Tangle Weed 100 481
Tangtal (Dupli-Cat) 542
Tatzelworm 482
Tazelwurm 543
Temporal Crawler 544
Tendriculos 101 483
Tendrul 545
Tenebrous Worm 546
Tentacled Horror 547
Tentamort 548
Therianthrope, Asswere 550
Therianthrope, Dire Wolfwere 552
Therianthrope, Foxwere 550
Therianthrope, Jackalwere 65 279 550
Therianthrope, Lionwere 551
Therianthrope, Mulewere 551
Therianthrope, Owlere 551
Therianthrope, Sealwere 185
Therianthrope, Wolfwere 551
Thermite, Queen 549
Thermite, Warrior 549
Thermite, Worker 549
Thessalmonster, Thessalgorgon 553
Thessalmonster, Thessalhydra 553
Thessalmonster, Thessalisk 554
Thorny 555
Thought Eater 218
Throat Leech 557
Thugtoad 484
Thunder Beast 558
Thundershrike 559
Thylacine 485
Tick, Giant 124 486 560
Tiger Barb, Giant 650
Time Flayer 561
Tintinnabulooze 101
Titan 124 489–490
Titan, Cursed 101–102 489–490
Toad-Hydra 103 494
Toad-Men 495
Toad, Giant 102 490
Toad, Giant Horned 102 491
Toad, Giant Ice 102 492
Toad, Giant Poisonous 103 493
Toad, Rakklethorn 450
Todawan Master 103 496
Tombstone Fairy 562
Tombwailer 497
Torthri 498
Transitory Cat 104
Transposer 563
Trapper 124–125 499 564
Trapper Beast 124–125 499 564
Treacherous Treasure 500
Treant 125 501
Treant, Lightning 565
Treant, Razor 220
Treant, Stone 221
Tree Ghost 502
Tri-Flower Frond 566
Triton 104 503
Triton, Dark 104–105 504
Troblin 567
Troglodyte 105 505
Troll 125 506
Troll, Black 222
Troll, Cave 568
Troll, Flame-Spawned 569
Troll, Ice 570
Troll, River 223
Troll, Rock 571
Troll, Spectral 513
Troll, Swamp 572
Troll, Two-Headed 573
Troll, Undead 224
Tsalakian 105–106 507
Tsathar, Common 574
Tsathar, Scourge 574
Tuatara, Giant 650
Tumblespark 575
Tunnel Prawn 106 508
Tunnel Worm 576
Turtle-Shark 578
Turtle, Giant Bog 577
Turtle, Giant Sea 106 509
Turtle, Giant Snapping 106 510 651
Twilight Mushrooms 579
Ubue 580
Uggoth 225
Ulmarian 106–107
Ulmarian Flamingo 107
Undead Elemental, Fire 226
Unicorn 125 511
Urrslumber 512
Valeany 227
Vampire 125–126 515
Vampire Rose 581
Vampire Spawn, Desert 108–109
Vampire Spawn, Feral 228
Vampire Tree (Jubokko) 514
Vampire, Desert 108
Vapor Crane, Fledgling 516
Vapor Crane, Large Adult 516
Vapor Crane, Small Adult 516
Vargouille 517
Vargoyle 109
Varn (Eternal Gladiator) 518
Vegepygmy 584
Vierd 519
Vilstrak (Tunnel Thug) 585
Volt (Bolt Wurm) 586
Voltar 229
Vorin 587
Vulchling 588
Walrus 109
Walrus, Panjaan 109
Wandering Hole 521
Wandering Sawgrass 109
Wang Liang 589
War Flower 230
Warden Jack, Swarm 537
Wasp, Elven 231
Wasp, Giant 109 522
Wasp, Vapor 583
Water Leaper 232
Water Wosp, Giant 110
Water Wosp, Swarm 110
Weasel, Giant 110–111 523
Weird, Acid 233
Weird, Air 235
Weird, Blood 590
Weird, Earth 235–236
Weird, Fire 236
Weird, Frost 233
Weird, Fungus 591
Weird, Lava 591
Weird, Lightning 592
Weird, Magma 233–234
Weird, Mud 234
Weird, Ooze 234
Weird, Smoke 235
Weird, Water 236
Well Lurker 593
Were-Mist 111 524
Whale, Fire (Burning Leviathan) 244
Whale, Killer (Orca) 111 525
Whale, Leviathan 134
Whale, Sperm 111 526
Wichtlein 237
Widow Creeper 594
Wight 126 527
Wight, Barrow 595
Wight, Blood 596
Wight, Sea 111–112 528
Wight, Sword 238
Will-o’-the-wisp 126 529
Willow Dusk 597
Wind Walker 598
Winter Bloom 599
Witch Grass 600
Witch Tree 601
Witchlights 239
Witchlights, Elder 239
Witherstench 602
Witherweed 603
Wizard's Shackle 604
Wolf 126 530
Wolf-in-Sheep's-Clothing 608
Wolf-Spider 609
Wolf, Abyssal 605
Wolf, Dire 530
Wolf, Ghoul 606
Wolf, Raggoth 449
Wolf, Shadow 607
Wolf, Winter 112 531
Wolf, Worg 126 532
Wolf, Worg, Giant 102
Wolverine 112 533
Wolverine, Giant 112 534
Woodwose 610
Wraith 126 535
Wraith, Lurker 142
Wyvern 127 536
Xacon 240
Xanntii Ascendant 539
Xanntii Commoner 537
Xanntii God-Spawned 538
Xanntii Ocean Hunter 540
Xole 113 541
Xorn 113 542
Xoth-man 241
Yaruga 543
Yellow Musk Creeper 611
Yellowjacket, Giant 612
Yeti 127 544 613
Yeti, Panjaan 114
Ygg (Gallows Tree) 545 261
Yhakkor 242
Yienhool 114 546
Yith, Hound of 114 547
Yurmp (Toad Robber) 548
Zetan 549
Zombie 127 550
Zombie, Brain-Eating 551
Zombie, Brine 614
Zombie, Corpsespun 615
Zombie, Gallows Tree 261
Zombie, Hungry 243
Zombie, Juju 616
Zombie, Leper 552
Zombie, Pyre 553
Zombie, Spellgorged 617
Zombie, Yellow Musk 618


I want to play Swords & Wizardry!

Get Swords & Wizardry Complete Revised and Fiends & Foes first since they are available in offset print, are much more table friendly, include all the classic monsters you need to get going (around 500), and also include monster morale and % in lair.

Then get Tome of Horrors Complete (Swords & Wizardry edition), followed by Monstrosities (2023 OSR edition). Their PDFs often go on sale, so be patient and you'll get the for a good price. Prints are quite expensive, since both are quite thick.

Tome of Horrors IV (Swords & Wizardry edition) is entirely optional. It contains mostly high level threats, and is most useful if you are looking for “official” conversion of monsters in the Slumbering Tsar.

I just want as many OSR monsters as possible!

Just buy Tome of Horrors Complete (Swords & Wizardry edition) and Monstrosities (2023 OSR edition) when they go on sale.

#Resource #SW #OSR

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Story time: in one of the sessions PCs were lost on third level of the dungeon (equivalent to fifth level), low HP, expired resources, no spells, chased by a pack of ghouls, bunch of traps, no known way out (they stepped onto a teleporter without knowing where it'd take them).

They figured a portion of the dungeon was controlled by gnolls, so they go to them and try to bluff / offer their “mercenary” services. It partially succeeds as they are taken to the chieftain (passing 30ish gnolls, several chambers, etc). There negotiations fail twice (first to come into their service, second to ransom themselves). At this moment it is clear they are deep into gnoll lair and that they will be taken prisoners and enslaved.

Players have a brief chat and decide “FUCK THIS WE'D RATHER DIE THAN BE ENSLAVED!11!!” Now these were mid-level characters with good stats, gear, etc. They had no chance of getting out alive from the dungeon. Naturally, they just start swinging and are slain. Except two characters who were subdued and enslaved anyway, and we have been playing their slavery journey via pbp for some months now.

Maybe one day they free themselves and rejoin other PCs.

Good times.


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Three Discord servers with engaging and cordial members where you can discuss old-school Dungeons & Dragons:


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What is quick, and for whom? There is learning to play and there is learning to run, as well. Since I mostly play Dungeons & Dragons, I will say that quicket for both uses cases would be Holmes Basic and Moldvay Basic. Unfortunately the former isn't easily available, but the latter can be purchased on DTRPG for just $5.


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Every professional adventurer should make sure to have appropriate gear in each of the following categories:

  • melee weapon
  • ranged weapon
  • armour
  • light
  • exploration
  • deterrents
  • rations
  • containers
  • travel

A prepared adventurer is an alive adventurer.


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Character Class Description
Bob the Dwarf Dwarf level 3 Midget with big beard in search of an adventure.
Hoffman Fighter level 1 Bold, aggressive, and ugly. But good at heart.
Leticia Cleric level 1 Extremely righteous, borderline zealot, devout follower of Rasthri, Goddess of Strength in Revenge.
Lugh Elf level 1 An elf from faraway secluded area, suspicious of people.
Cesar Halfling level 1 Brawly trouble magnet, but has good head on his shoulders.

Longrass 11th, Airday

Bob has had it with Hagar the Haughty! Once again Hagar left without Bob, taking other adventurers on an expedition that will make them all rich. But not Bob!

Was it because Bob was defaced by a carnivorous giant fly? Or because he was scalped by an Altanian? No! It was because Bob now wields the mighty Wolfhammer, and Hagar surely envies him!

But Bob decided not to sit idly on his ass. No! He allowed his entrepreneurial spirit to blossom, and he recruited four promising adventurers: Hoffman the Fighter, Leticia the Cleric, Lugh the Elf, and Cesar the Halfling.

Then he found a local merchant who needs help: giant lizards laired close to where rivers Farhills and Cedarwade meet. Twenty-five gold coins per tail were sufficient to buy this newly formed party.

Bob then led the party to the described cave. They lit up a torch and descended into a dark hole overlooking the river bank.

Narrow and slippery limestone slopped downwards. It was broad enough to allow the party to proceed in single-file formation.

“Psst. Stop.”

Bob and Lugh halted the party.

Snoring in the darkness.

The party moved on slowly.

A slumped pig-faced humanoid was snoring.

A hand axe by its hip.

Snot-bubbles coming out of its snout.

Someone fired at the monster.

And missed.

The orc looked up, confused.

Hoffman gingerly smashed its head against the cave wall.

The beast slumped into eternal slumber.

The cave they descended to was quite large, spanning some forty feet wide and sixty feet long, if not longer. But the adventurers were preoccupied with the cave passaged that was lit. Low grunts could be heard coming from that direction.

Sneaking closer, Bob took a peek.

Four pig-faced beastmen sitting around a campfire.

They were blissfully unaware of the horror that is about to jump them.

The party released a volley at unsuspecting foes.

Cesar and Lugh had slain one; the rest fled east; splashing and tripping in the shallow stream.

One gasped as arrow penetrated its lung from behind.


Bob charged after the fleeing monsters.

His new recruits followed diligently.

Except Cesar. The halfling crossed the stream. Just to see what's on the other side, you know. There he found two wooden chests. Of course he took a look. The chests were filled with gold and silver coins.

Rest of the adventurers followed the stream. Bob halted the party at the narrowest point.

“We will wait for them here.”

Grunts could be heard in distance. Lugh could understand some of this primitive language. There were cries and complaints. Then somebody said “Go get the Bonecrusher!”

The party readied themselves. Weapons braced. Position reinforced.



Thunderous cheers.

Sounds of many feet running through the stream.


Eight pig-faced beastmen came charging out of darkness. One towered over them, dressed in clinky chainshirt and wielding a longspear with wicked barbed top.

The ranks clashed against each other.

Bob swung his Wolfhammer, but missed the Bonecrusher.

The orc sidestepped the attack, swung his spear at the dwarf's belly, breaking his ribs. Then he quickly stepped back, rotated the spear, and drove it through Bob's back. Blood and gore splattered all over the adventurers as Bonecrusher yanked the barbed spear out of Bob's lifeless body.

The adventurers tightened their ranks; as did their anuses.

Orcs roared and pushed through the Bonecrusher.

They were eager for blood.

Hoffman stepped forth.

Oh how glorious he was in his plate armour, shield, and superior dexterity.

He deflected blow after blow.

He left no error go unpunished.

Leticia was to his left; Cesar to his right.


He smashed the face of roaring orc with his shield, then finished him off with a mighty blow.

Halfling was badly wounded. If it weren't for Lugh's quick reaction, Cesar would've been gone for sure. The elf dragged him out of melee, and then he stepped forth. Despite his pathetic strength and thin leather armour.

Hoffman killed another beastmen with a single blow, dropping its lifeless corpse in front of Lugh.

Shallow stream was getting clogged by orc corpses.

Leticia screamed as she crushed her first orc.

Hoffman followed with yet another powerful attack.

Then he jumped on the pile of corpses and bellowed a war cry.

Orcs hacked him to death, and added his corpse to the pile.

Stream was now more blood than water.

Blood stained cave walls all the way up to the ceiling.

Lugh was quickly brought down.

Cesar repaid his life debt by dragging the elf out of melee.

Both were messed up, barely remaining conscious.

Leticia was the last one standing.

Until she wasn't.

She held her ground for good time.

But her blows weren't connecting.

Her shield and plate armour were dented by orcs' relentless attacks.

She slumped on her knees, bruised and battered.

Bonecrusher grunted in ecstasy as he dragged the spear along the cave wall.

Leticia gritted her teeth.

This is a good death.

Law fighting Chaos.

Nothing to be ashamed of.

Lugh and Cesar had to cover their eyes from a sudden sunburst from within the cave.

Once they were able to see again they were amazed by the sight.

Leticia standing strong; her armour perfectly mint; her hammer and shield with yellowish glow.

Cleric screamed as she leaped of the corpses.

She smashed Bonecrusher's head with a single mighty blow.

Elf and halfling threw themselves at the last surviving beastmen. Together they were able to wrestle one and hack him to death.

Rejuvenated by divine intervention, Leticia fought like a Valkyrie of legends. She crushed legs of one orc, throwing him to the ground. There halfling jumped on his and stabbed him to death.

Lugh killed the final beastman.

Leticia moved the corpses aside. Then she took Bob's Wolfhammer.

The survivors then filled five backpacks worth of coins.

Five hundred gold coins and one thousand and five hundred silver coins, to be exact.

Beats whatever that guy would pay for lizards' tails.

They left the corpses to the stream.

The trio left the cave and returned to Hara.

Thus they were welcomed to the Barbarian Altanis.

Discuss at Dragonsfoot forum.

#Wilderlands #SessionReport

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