Attronarch's Athenaeum



You can read more about the challenge here and here.

Dedicated to Niko whom once lamented “man you have SW in the scene for like 10 or more years and you cannot get a supplement with pregens.”

Now that I have finished spreadsheet with attributes and respective modifiers, I must concatenate the results to get single block of text I can just copy/paste in post or on Discord. To do so I have used CONCAT in LibreOffice:

=CONCAT("**STR:** ";$'ATTRIBUTE SCORES'.B2;" (to-hit modifier: ";$'ATTRIBUTE SCORES'.H2;"; damage modifier: ";$'ATTRIBUTE SCORES'.I2;"; open doors: ";$'ATTRIBUTE SCORES'.J2;"; carry modifier: ";$'ATTRIBUTE SCORES'.K2;" lbs )";CHAR(10);"**DEX:** ";$'ATTRIBUTE SCORES'.C2;" (missile to-hit modifier: ";$'ATTRIBUTE SCORES'.L2;"; AC modifier: ";$'ATTRIBUTE SCORES'.M2;")";CHAR(10);"**CON:** ";$'ATTRIBUTE SCORES'.D2;" (hp per hit die modifier: ";$'ATTRIBUTE SCORES'.N2;"; raise dead survival: ";$'ATTRIBUTE SCORES'.O2;")";CHAR(10);"**INT:** ";$'ATTRIBUTE SCORES'.E2;" (max additional languages: ";$'ATTRIBUTE SCORES'.P2;")";CHAR(10);"**WIS:** ";$'ATTRIBUTE SCORES'.F2;" (experience bonus: ";$'ATTRIBUTE SCORES'.T2;")";CHAR(10);"**CHA:** ";$'ATTRIBUTE SCORES'.G2;" (max # of special hirelings: ";$'ATTRIBUTE SCORES'.U2;"; retainer morale adjustment: ";$'ATTRIBUTE SCORES'.V2; "; experience bonus: ";$'ATTRIBUTE SCORES'.W2;")")

And here is the longer one for spellcasters (non-arcane casters just need max languages known):

=CONCAT("**STR:** ";$'ATTRIBUTE SCORES'.B2;" (to-hit modifier: ";$'ATTRIBUTE SCORES'.H2;"; damage modifier: ";$'ATTRIBUTE SCORES'.I2;"; open doors: ";$'ATTRIBUTE SCORES'.J2;"; carry modifier: ";$'ATTRIBUTE SCORES'.K2;" lbs )";CHAR(10);"**DEX:** ";$'ATTRIBUTE SCORES'.C2;" (missile to-hit modifier: ";$'ATTRIBUTE SCORES'.L2;"; AC modifier: ";$'ATTRIBUTE SCORES'.M2;")";CHAR(10);"**CON:** ";$'ATTRIBUTE SCORES'.D2;" (hp per hit die modifier: ";$'ATTRIBUTE SCORES'.N2;"; raise dead survival: ";$'ATTRIBUTE SCORES'.O2;")";CHAR(10);"**INT:** ";$'ATTRIBUTE SCORES'.E2;" (max additional languages: ";$'ATTRIBUTE SCORES'.P2;"; max spell level: ";$'ATTRIBUTE SCORES'.Q2;"; chance to understand new spell: ";$'ATTRIBUTE SCORES'.R2;"; min/max number of basic spells understandable per level: ";$'ATTRIBUTE SCORES'.S2;")";CHAR(10);"**WIS:** ";$'ATTRIBUTE SCORES'.F2;" (experience bonus: ";$'ATTRIBUTE SCORES'.T2;")";CHAR(10);"**CHA:** ";$'ATTRIBUTE SCORES'.G2;" (max # of special hirelings: ";$'ATTRIBUTE SCORES'.U2;"; retainer morale adjustment: ";$'ATTRIBUTE SCORES'.V2; "; experience bonus: ";$'ATTRIBUTE SCORES'.W2;")")

With that I get cells that have markdown-ready stat block:

STR: 14 (to-hit modifier: +1; damage modifier: 0; open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +10 lbs ) DEX: 11 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none) CON: 11 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%) INT: 7 (max additional languages: 0) WIS: 10 (experience bonus: none) CHA: 11 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)

And expanded version for magic-users:

STR: 14 (to-hit modifier: +1; damage modifier: 0; open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +10 lbs ) DEX: 11 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none) CON: 11 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%) INT: 7 (max additional languages: 0; max spell level: 4; chance to understand new spell: 30%; min/max number of basic spells understandable per level: 2/4) WIS: 10 (experience bonus: none) CHA: 11 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)

Now to take care of height and weight. I'm using a simplified procedure by spurious. It is based on AD&D charts with corrections from Stephen Innis but quicker to roll. I whittled the table down to “just” dwarf, elf, half-elf, halfling, and human (since that's what's presented in the Swords & Wizardry Complete Revised rulebook).

What took me the longest is figuring out how to get feet'inch” height notation from just inches (turned out it is just integer value of inches divided by 12 and then add remaining inches). I'm used to SI units, not imperial, so I also made sure to convert to metres and kilograms as well.

Like above, I used CONCAT function to generate nicely formatted plain text output. Here are four dwarves (STR 3, 9, 15, and 18):

4'3'' / 1.3 m, 145 lbs / 66 kg 4'4'' / 1.32 m, 150 lbs / 68 kg 4'5'' / 1.35 m, 155 lbs / 70 kg 4'7'' / 1.4 m, 165 lbs / 75 kg

Four elves, same STR scores:

4'8'' / 1.42 m, 90 lbs / 41 kg 4'10'' / 1.47 m, 100 lbs / 45 kg 4'11'' / 1.5 m, 105 lbs / 48 kg 5'0'' / 1.52 m, 110 lbs / 50 kg

Four humans, same STR scores:

4'9'' / 1.45 m, 95 lbs / 43 kg 5'3'' / 1.6 m, 155 lbs / 70 kg 5'8'' / 1.73 m, 205 lbs / 93 kg 5'11'' / 1.8 m, 235 lbs / 107 kg

Equipping new characters can be slow and painful, especially if there are long equipment lists with many cheap items. We roll 3d6, multiply the result with ten, and that's the amount of gold coins to spend.

What I'll do instead, is create “standard starting equipment pack” for each entry on 3d6 roll (i.e. 3–18, 16 entries in total) for each class—something similar to what Necropraxis did for OD&D Fighter, Magic-User, Cleric, and Thief. I hope to make one table per class per day. The benefit of course is that such table(s) will be reusable for new characters as well. But damn, I'm not looking forward to it!


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You can read more about the challenge here and here.

Dedicated to Niko whom once lamented “man you have SW in the scene for like 10 or more years and you cannot get a supplement with pregens.”

As mentioned in the first post, I plan to make 260 characters for Swords & Wizardry Complete. Since that's a lot of rolling, I'm writting scripts for Inspiration Pad Pro (IPP) and creating spreadsheets in LibreOffice Calc.

First step was to create a spreadsheet which rolls 20 attribute score sets, and lists their respective modifiers:

Next step will be to concatenate results to get output like:

STR: 14 (to-hit modifier: +1; damage modifier: 0; open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +10 lbs) DEX: 10 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none) CON: 11 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%) INT: 13 (max additional languages: 3) WIS: 13 (bonus xp: +5%) CHA: 11 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; bonus xp: 0)

Having had enough of spredsheets, I turned to automating Arduin's Optional Character Appearance Chart with IPP.

“Regular” chart:

1 Light Brown Hazel None Crescent Light Tan None
2 Brown Light Brown 1” Star (5 point) Medium Tan Cyclopic Eye
3 Dark Brown Brown 1 1/2” Star (6 point) Dark Tan Six Fingered, Etc.
4 Auburn Dark Brown None Star (8 point) Milky White Double Thumbed
5 Red Grey 1/2” Triangle Caucasian Pointed Ears
6 Black Light Blue 1/4” “X” Amber Fang Mouthed
7 Blonde Blue None “Z” Pale Grey All Double Joints
8 Light Blonde Black 2” Snake Pale Blue Gills And Lungs
9 Dark Blonde Yellow 3” Bird Yellow White Webbed Toes, Etc.
10 Grey Light Green None Spider Pale Orange Two Hearts
11 Silver Green 4” Sword Pale Green Very Hairy
12 Golden Amber 5” Horns Pale Silver No Body Hair
13 Bald Aqua None Pentagram Pale Gold No Belly Button
14 Roan Violet 6” Circle Light Brown Hermaphrodite
15 Yellow Tan 7” Square Medium Brown Transparent Skin
16 Orange Gold None None Dark Brown Scaly Skin
17 White Silver 8” None Black Double Pupiled
18 2 Mixed ** Bronze 10” None Ochre Reptile Tongued
19 Grey / Mix ** Copper 1’ None Grey-Green Cat Clawed
20 * Special Special Special Special Special Tailed (d6’)

“Special” chart:

1 Purple Purple Wolf’s Head Metallic **
2 Green Orange Leaping Panther Half And Half **
3 Blue Pink Dragon Chequered **
4 Pink Scarlet Sun Disk Striped**
5 Scarlet Pupilless ** Ankh Fluorescent **
6 Saffron 2 Mixed ** Thunderbolt (d3) Chameleon Like
7 Maroon 3 Mixed ** Comet Pearlescent
8 Cyan Maroon Crown Purple
9 Magenta Cyan Heart Maroon
10 Lavender Magenta Griffon Cyan
11 Transparent Red Unicorn Scarlet
12 Tentacles White Pegasus Red
13 Quills Clear Lion Shiny Ebon
14 Feathers Metallic ** Raven Deep Blue
15 Crested Glowing ** Scythe Emerald Green
16 Horned No Eyes *** Hammer Gem Sparkled **
17 2 Mixed ** All Pupil ** Infinity Sigil Shifting Always **
18 3 Mixed ** Invisible **** Tree Lavender
19 Vipers Prismatic Flower (choice) Violet
20 Changeable ** Flaming ** Eye Prismatic

Footnotes: * re-roll on the special chart ** roll for the colour(s) *** born without eyes, sockets, and lids; 50' radar sense **** eyes are present but it looks like empty sockets

Players are allowed to roll on however many columns they want. Although I want pregens to stand out a little bit (after all, they are supposed to be adventurers), I also don't want to create 260 freaks with exotic features.

Hence I made a small table to randomise number of appearance columns that get rolled on:


Here are few test outputs:

  • grey hair; dark brown eyes; yellow white skin tone; no body hair
  • 2 mixed (roan and bald) hair; gold eyes; pale grey skin tone
  • brown hair; black eyes; amber skin tone
  • yellow hair; dark brown eyes; grey-green skin tone; none-shaped birthmark
  • white hair; bronze eyes; medium tan skin tone; 1 ½'' scar

Love the second roll. I imagine it as as guy with bald top of the head and then some small roan bushes to the side. GOld eyes and pale grey complexion for that slightly sickly look. Sounds like a perfect Magic-User.

Either way, enough for today.


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You can read more about the challenge here.

Dedicated to Niko whom once lamented “man you have SW in the scene for like 10 or more years and you cannot get a supplement with pregens.”

This year we'll be moving from B/X rules to OD&D rules (via Swords & Wizardry Complete Revised). As part of the move, and due to lamentations of my friend, I have decided to make 260 pregens: 20 for each human class, and then 20 for each ancestry (dwarf, elf, halfling).

It is quite possible that I won't be able to finish all 260 this month, but that won't stop me for trying. Given the numbers, I'll do this year's challenge a bit differently than character per day.

First I'll generate 20 ability score sets (3d6 in order). Then I'll generate names, appearance, and traits. Then I'll equip them (1/3 spent on armour, adventuring gear, leave at least 5 gp).

Resources I'll be using are:

LibreOffice Calc and Inspiration Pad Pro (command line version) will be my digital tools of choice. In fact, I think most of my time this week will go on automating many of the rolls above so I can focus on the characters!


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You can read more about the challenge here.

As part of the challenge I made a character each day. They are perfectly usable as retainers for classic Dungeons & Dragons games (BX, BECMI, RC) and their retroclones (e.g. Labyrinth Lord and Old-School Essentials).

Without any further ado, here they are in the list form:

Day 1: Richrad “The Treacherous” Feutrer (Fighter) Day 2 Watt “The Merciful” Coxeter (Thief) Day 3: Arnbella Meale (Magic-User) Day 4: Bowerroth (Cleric) Day 5: Annora Hornblow (Cleric) Day 6: Tolbert “The Violet” (Fighter) Day 7: Theilras Alynshadow (Elf) Day 8: Seaherita Spier (Magic-User) Day 9: Alaine (Thief) Day 10: Widuklar Weakshield (Dwarf) Day 11: Theodosia “The Fiendish” Sendall (Magic-User) Day 12: Luna (Cleric) Day 13: Nireal (Elf) Day 14: Magna “The Numb” (Thief) Day 15: Boastridge Callendar (Magic-User) Day 16: Iduna (Fighter) Day 17: Grover Winmill (Magic-User) Day 18: Proctor Maskill (Magic-User) Day 19: Cottar Goodman (Halfling) Day 20: Galiana “The Lily” Payne (Cleric) Day 21: Bhimrao (Cleric) Day 22: Redesca Tabiner (Magic-User) Day 23: Marorbriel (Elf) Day 24: Anvild Happynose (Dwarf) Day 25: Gadsby “The Waggish” (Fighter) Day 26: Theellith Aelerrili (Elf) Day 27: Newall (Thief) Day 28: Margwald “The Marksman” (Dwarf) Day 29: Zenon (Cleric) Day 30: Montfort Grater (Magic-User) Day 31: Ulrich “The Ripe” Gaman (Fighter)


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You can read more about the challenge here.

Ulrich “The Ripe” Gaman

Class: Fighter Alignment: Chaotic Languages: Common, Alignment, Elvish

Appearance: 5'11” / 1,80m, 193 lbs. / 88 kg; cleft chin; well-groomed van dyke beard Traits: Jovial, likes speaking in voices, studies birds, resents his family

Hit points: 3 Armor class: 2


STR: 9 INT: 14 (reads and writes native languages) WIS: 12 DEX: 17 (+2 to hit with missiles, -2 AC bonus, +2 initiative) CON: 11 CHA: 5

Saving throws

Death Ray or Poison: 12 Magic Wands: 13 Paralysis or Turn to Stone: 14 Dragon Breath: 15 Rods, Staves, or Spells: 16


Coins: 4 gp Armor: Chain Mail Armor plus Shield Weapons: Long Sword Gear: Backpack, Rope (50ft)


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You can read more about the challenge here.

Montfort Grater

Class: Magic-User Alignment: Lawful Languages: Common, Alignment

Appearance: 6'2” / 1,88 m, 194 lbs. / 88 kg; taut; wheat blonde wild hair Traits: Energetic, afraid of blood, paranoid, talented at reading body language

Hit points: 6 Armor class: 9


STR: 7 (-1 to hit, damage, and open doors) INT: 10 (reads and writes native languages) WIS: 7 (-1 on magic based saving throws) DEX: 9 CON: 16 (+2 points per hit die) CHA: 9

Saving throws

Death Ray or Poison: 13 Magic Wands: 14 Paralysis or Turn to Stone: 13 Dragon Breath: 16 Rods, Staves, or Spells: 15


Coins: 50 gp Armor: None Weapons: Dagger Gear: Spell Book (Charm Person), Small Sack, Standard Rations (1 week), Iron Rations (1 week), Wine (1 qt), Steel Hand Mirror


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You can read more about the challenge here.


Class: Cleric Deity: Fubar, petty god magical mishap and adventure; symbol is a flaming, simple five-pointed star (Petty Gods p. 53) Alignment: Chaotic Languages: Common, Alignment

Appearance: 5'10” / 1,78 m, 146 lbs. / 66 kg; honey skin; soft black bushy hair and long forked beard Traits: Calm, lacks empathy, prays before all decisions

Hit points: 4 Armor class: 2


STR: 13 (+1 to hit, damage, and open doors) INT: 8 (can write simple Common words) WIS: 16 (+2 on magic based saving throws) DEX: 14 (+1 to hit with missiles, -1 AC bonus, +1 initiative) CON: 8 (-1 points per hit die) CHA: 9

Saving throws

Death Ray or Poison: 11 Magic Wands: 12 Paralysis or Turn to Stone: 14 Dragon Breath: 16 Rods, Staves, or Spells: 15


Coins: 3 gp Armor: Plate Mail Armor Weapons: War Hammer, Sling (30 stones) Gear: Holy Symbol, Small Sack (2), Torches (6), Wine Skin, Rope (50ft)


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You can read more about the challenge here.

Margwald “The Marksman”

Class: Dwarf Alignment: Chaotic Languages: Dwarvish, Common, Alignment, Gnomish, Kobold, Goblin

Appearance: 3'6” / 1,07 m, 110 lbs. / 50 kg; brown braided hair; metallic bronze eyes; yellow white complexion Traits: Insists on using ranged weapons, optimistic, unlucky

Hit points: 9 Armor class: 9


STR: 14 (+1 to hit, damage, and open doors) INT: 7 (can write simple native languages words) WIS: 10 DEX: 5 (-2 to hit with missiles, +2 AC penalty, -2 initiative) CON: 13 (+1 points per hit die) CHA: 6 (-1 reaction adjustment)

Saving throws

Death Ray or Poison: 10 Magic Wands: 11 Paralysis or Turn to Stone: 12 Dragon Breath: 13 Rods, Staves, or Spells: 14


Coins: 7 gp Armor: Leather Armor Weapons: Mace, Crossbow (10 bolts) Gear: Large Sack, Lantern, Rope (50ft), Standard Rations (1 week)


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You can read more about the challenge here.


Class: Thief Alignment: Chaotic Languages: Common, Alignment

Appearance: 5'2” / 1,57 m, 185 lbs. / 84 kg; paunchy; straight light blonde long hair Traits: Arrogant, jaded, moderately jealous

Hit points: 2 Armor class: 7


STR: 11 INT: 10 (reads and writes native languages) WIS: 6 (-1 on magic based saving throws) DEX: 12 CON: 8 (-1 points per hit die) CHA: 6 (-1 adjustment to reactions)

Saving throws

Death Ray or Poison: 13 Magic Wands: 14 Paralysis or Turn to Stone: 13 Dragon Breath: 16 Rods, Staves, or Spells: 15


Coins: 9 gp Armor: Leather Armor Weapons: Two Handed Sword, Crossbow (10 bolts) Gear: Thieves Tools, Backpack, Iron Spikes (12), Steel Hand Mirror, Standard Rations (1 week), Wine (1 qt)


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You can read more about the challenge here.

Theellith Aelerrili

Class: Elf Alignment: Neutral Languages: Elvish, Common, Alignment, Orcish, Hobgoblin, Gnoll, Doppleganger, Halfling

Appearance: 4'9” / 1,45 m, 92 lbs. / 42 kg; tawny skin; hooked nose; bushy, bright copper brown hair Traits: Kind, cowardly, bloodthirsty when drunk

Hit points: 7 Armor class: 5


STR: 15 (+1 to hit, damage, and open doors) INT: 16 (reads and writes native languages) WIS: 12 DEX: 17 (+2 to hit with missiles, -2 AC bonus, +2 initiative) CON: 14 (+1 points per hit die) CHA: 15 (+1 adjustment to reactions)

Saving throws

Death Ray or Poison: 12 Magic Wands: 13 Paralysis or Turn to Stone: 13 Dragon Breath: 15 Rods, Staves, or Spells: 15


Coins: 9 gp Armor: Leather Armor Weapons: Long Sword Gear: Spell Book (Hold Portal), Small Sack (2), Silver Dagger, Standard Rations (1 week)


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