STR: 12
INT: 11 (reads and writes native languages)
WIS: 5 (-2 on magic based saving throws)
DEX: 8 (-1 to hit with missiles, +1 AC penalty, -1 initiative)
CON: 12
CHA: 13 (+1 adjustment to reactions)
Saving throws
Death Ray or Poison: 10
Magic Wands: 11
Paralysis or Turn to Stone: 12
Dragon Breath: 13
Rods, Staves, or Spells: 14
Coins: 3 gp
Armor: Chain Mail Armor plus Shield
Weapons: Long Sword
Gear: Backpack, Torches (6), Rope (50ft)
Death Ray or Poison: 12
Magic Wands: 13
Paralysis or Turn to Stone: 13
Dragon Breath: 15
Rods, Staves, or Spells: 15
Coins: 9 gp
Armor: Plate Mail Armor plus Shield
Weapons: Mace, Hand Axe
Gear: Spell Book (Hold Portal), Backpack, Steel Hand Mirror, Rope (50ft), Torches (6)
Class: Cleric
Deity: Panathoth, forgotten petty goddess of the Circulating Library; symbol is a tongue of fire (Petty Gods p. 138)
Alignment: Lawful
Languages: Common, Alignment
Appearance: 4'11” / 1,49 m, 95 lbs. / 43 kg; great body posture; gorgeous face
Traits: Suspicious, packrat, held in high regard in her home town, knows how to make a mean cider
Hit points: 7
Armor class: 5
STR: 8 (-1 to hit, damage, and open doors)
INT: 8 (can write simple Common words)
WIS: 10
DEX: 7 (-1 to hit with missiles, +1 AC penalty, -1 initiative)
CON: 15 (+1 points per hit die)
CHA: 17 (+1 adjustment to reactions)
Saving throws
Death Ray or Poison: 11
Magic Wands: 12
Paralysis or Turn to Stone: 14
Dragon Breath: 16
Rods, Staves, or Spells: 15
Coins: 4 gp
Armor: Chain Mail Armor plus Shield
Weapons: Mace
Gear: Holy Symbol, Small Sack (2), Iron Spikes (12), Tinder Box
Appearance: 5'10” / 1,78 m, 193 lbs. / 88 kg; dark blonde hair; amber eyes; sword-shaped birthmark on chest
Traits: Dwarf-maniac, scheming, tough, kinky
Hit points: 3
Armor class: 7
STR: 11
INT: 15 (reads and writes native languages)
WIS: 14 (+1 on magic-based saving throws)
DEX: 17 (+2 to hit with missiles, -2 AC bonus, +2 initiative)
CON: 7 (-1 points per hit die)
CHA: 10
Saving throws
Death Ray or Poison: 13
Magic Wands: 14
Paralysis or Turn to Stone: 13
Dragon Breath: 16
Rods, Staves, or Spells: 15
Coins: 59 gp
Armor: None
Weapons: Dagger
Gear: Spell Book (Sleep), Backpack, Silver Dagger, Steel Hand Mirror, Wooden Pole (10ft)
Appearance: 5'3” / 1,60 m, 71 lbs. / 32 kg; lived-in face; dry, dark skin with golden hue
Traits: Suspicious, poor hygiene, good with horses
Hit points: 4
Armor class: 8
STR: 10
INT: 14 (reads and writes native languages)
WIS: 7 (-1 on magic-based saving throws)
DEX: 13 (+1 to hit with missiles, -1 AC bonus, +1 initiative)
CON: 13 (+1 points per hit die)
CHA: 5 (-1 adjustment to reactions)
Saving throws
Death Ray or Poison: 13
Magic Wands: 14
Paralysis or Turn to Stone: 13
Dragon Breath: 16
Rods, Staves, or Spells: 15
Coins: 80 gp
Armor: None
Weapons: Dagger
Gear: Spell Book (Shield), Backpack, Wine (1 qt), Wooden Pole (10ft)
Appearance: 5'5” / 1,65 m, 135 lbs. / 61 kg; beige, light skin; robust; wavy hair dropping just below her ears
Traits: Wants to make her father proud, fidgety, covetous, mildly manipulative
Hit points: 5
Armor class: 4
STR: 13 (+1 to hit, damage, and open doors)
INT: 13 (reads and writes native languages)
WIS: 16 (+2 on magic-based saving throws)
DEX: 9
CON: 14 (+1 points per hit die)
CHA: 13 (+1 adjustment to reactions)
Saving throws
Death Ray or Poison: 12
Magic Wands: 13
Paralysis or Turn to Stone: 14
Dragon Breath: 15
Rods, Staves, or Spells: 16
Coins: 1 gp
Armor: Chain Mail Armor
Weapons: Long Sword
Gear: Large Sack, Standard Rations (1 week), Wine (1 qt), Wooden Pole (10ft)