Attronarch's Athenaeum



Character Class Description
Rhovar Fighter level 3 A generic Nordic guy.
Gomm Thief level 4 Swarthy, good looking, dark-skinned thief. Sweet opium-like aroma is his fragrance of choice.
Kuqhir of the Wastes Magic-User level 2 A thin, tall, dark skinned man with a magnificent beard that tickles his bellybutton. Dresses in silk robes and tightly folded turban embroidered with names of all known angels.
Rad Thief level 3 A young, short and malnourished rogue.
Eccy Throi Elf level 1 Wears a dark green cloak to hide his bulging muscles and crippling anxiety.
Barad the Bald Magic-User level 1 Bald, beardless, chinless, and lazy-eyed.
Amanka Cleric level 1 Dour, glum, tight-lipped, and baggy-eyed cleric with a gravestone-shaped talisman. She reveres the Fallen One, a petty god of fallen warriors and unsung heroes.
Zilar Fighter level 1 A handsome 9th son of a noble who has read too many trashy fantasy books for his own good, and now thinks that bravery is not being scared of anything.
BuddyPuddingBottom Elf level 2 Peppermint scented elf followed by jingles, on a quest for the perfect gift.
Oberon Fighter level 3 A tall, supple hunter adorned with bones and horns of his prey.
Neremyn Elf level 1 A tall, pale, and lean scholar of languages with silver hair and a somewhat distant attitude.

Sunstrong 16th, Airday

Morjen. Liana. Yorlen. Meldorian. Warcrown. Kelman.

The names and associated faces were now just a groggy memory for Rhovar and Rad. But not for Barad. Oh no. He still remembers everything from the previous night.

“My dear friends, I bear gifts!”

It was Aergal Firebeard, a dwarf whose son the company had saved months ago.

“It takes time for mithril weapons to be forged, but they are the finest in all of Wilderlands!”

He brought them a mithril short sword, a mace, and a two-handed sword.

“Now, what is it I hear my friends? Is it true that you've been to Kelman's famous Rumble! Oh, don't hold me in dark; spill your beans at once!”

While Rhovar and Rad struggled to remember the details, Barad bluntly said:

“Sorry, but we have signed the Code of Secrecy. We are not allowed to speak of the night. We hope you understand.”

“I see, I see. Well, see you again in a few months. All of you are welcome to my manor at any time. Maybe visit once?”

“Hey, where is Eccy?” finally someone spoke up.

“Oh yeah, we received a letter from the Walled Bazaar. Apparently he made a huge mess there yesterday. Got into a fight and broke some noses, flipped few stands and what not. They subdued him and threw him into prison. They are asking for 1200 gold pieces to release him unharmed, plus 741 silver pieces for damage done.”

“He is a good elf. We will pay the ransom.”

“By the way, have we gotten any responders to our call for adventurers?”

Indeed, five individuals answered Hydra Company's call: fighter Richrad “The Treacherous” Feutrer, thief Watt “The Merciful” Coxeter, magic-user Arnbella Meale, cleric of luck Bowerroth, and cleric of the library Galiana “The Lily” Payne.

All were hired.

“Well met old friends!”

Yet another visitor came to the Hydra Company's headquarters.

This time it was Herat, a female warrior that was briefly with them during their time at the mushroom caves.

“You remember how I joined Sinai because he promised that he'd help me find my sister? Well, I have a very strong lead! But I need your help... Apparently, the she was a member of adventuring party that went to seek a crypt in the jungle just east of here. I even got a map—see? Would you be willing to head there with me?”

“And what is the pay?” Rad magnanimously asked.

Herat blushed. “I don't have anything to pay you, but if the rumours are true, the crypt she went seeking is full of ancient treasure. That should suffice, no?”


And so the company set out to prepare a new expedition.

Sunstrong 17th, Waterday

Oh how impressive they were!

A column with three marching abreast led by Rhovar mounted on glorious Umber Fury, the warhorse of mysteriously missing Sir Fondleroy.

Eccy, Zilar (a new guy who just joined the company), Neremyn, Amanka, Kuqhir, Barad, and BuddyPuddingBottom were joined by their retainers Galiana, Arnbella, Bowerroth, and Richrad.

The wizards actually rode in the VVagon pulled by two draft horses.

Finally, ten mercenaries armed with shortbows and daggers followed.

Herat was up front with Rhovar, since she had the map to her sister's supposed last location.

Just as they were leaving the Gates of Antil, Barad the Bald had caught glimpse of a familiar face. Although dressed in a simple clothing and without large grey robe, Barad was certain this was Meldorian the “Gargoyle” from the previous night's horror show.

The man looked nervous and was continuously looking over his shoulders. Somehow he failed to notice the impressive column of the Hydra Company.

“Rhovar! That's one of them!”

The Skandik warrior trodded to the unsuspecting man; towering over on him on Umber Fury; and demanded in booming voice he enters into their VVagon.

Meldorian was so shocked he went as pale as Kelman's albino servants. He couldn't form a single coherent sentence. He was pushed into the VVagon with little resistance.

“You'll go on a ride with us now. Don't you worry.” Barad consoled the man.

Meldorian sat in silence, shivering and trembling in anticipation.

“Some thugs are following us.” Rad announced.

Well, whomever they were, they were not brave enough to challenge the Hydra Company in the open.

“Kelman's spies, for sure.”

“W-w-where are you taking me?”

Meldorian finally spoke.

“Oh, that's no concern of yours. Relax.”

And little did they speak to the man until they were several hours away from Antil.

“Speak, fiend! You threw the dice as will, did you not!”

“Spare me! I did not want to play, but I value my life more than some beggars' and lepers'!”

“Have you not seen us walk out?!”

“To be honest, I expected you to show up on some of the planks as well! How could I know they'd really let you leave?”

“Where were you going now?”

“I was fleeing Antil, that's where I've been going! And you should too! Anyone who returns is a dead man.”

With a little helping of motivational intimidation, Meldorian revealed his plan was to surprise everyone with a Sleep spell, and then simply pick up all the valuable. He got cold feet as the night went on and simply gave up.

And somehow he managed to gather enough courage to insult Barad:

“Esteemed colleague, you asked me how do I remember the events from the last night. Any mage worth their salt would've recognised that “Code of Secrecy” was nothing but a simple curse for the feeble-minded.”

By now Rhovar had enough of the man.

“I'll cut off your tongue and chop off your hands!”

Eccy Throi supported that notion.

Others simply turned their heads away as Meldorian grovelled for mercy. But no matter how much he begged, Rhovar had made up his mind.

Seeing he has no other option, Meldorian fled for the jungle, running as fast as he could. He even left behind his haversack. Luckily for him, Rhovar and Eccy were to slow to catch up. Others did not try to prevent him from escaping.

“Bah. Herat, are we close yet?”


Sunstrong 18th, Earthday

“This must be it!”

After nearly twelve hours of jungle exploration, they had finally found the entrance into the crypt marked on Herat's map.

The following were to go in as the main party: Herat, Rhovar, Eccy, Zilar, Amanka, Rad, Neremyn, BuddyPuddingBottom, Kuqhir, Bowerroth, Galiana, and Arnbella. The rest formed a camp at the safest spot they could find.

The passage the have discovered at the back of a cave led them to another huge water-filled underground cavern opening up into the Romilion Sea some few hundred yards north.

A wooden bridge crossed the subterranean river flowing into the sea, leading to portal beside a twenty feet high tower. From where the stood, the party could infer that this was an underground dock of sorts.

Two more towers followed the first one, with a docking bay between each. The bays were at a lower level, with steps leading down into the water. Everything was littered with rubble and masonry. The steps, as well as part of the docks were also covered with wet green weed, slime, barnacles and sea snails.

The elves could hear a feint sound of rustling leaves.

Opposite of the second tower stood twenty feet tall and twenty feet wide double doors. They were arched and covered in carving of intertwined skeletons, culminating with a large carved flame at the top of the archway.

Four thick metal bars ran across the doors, with numerous chains and padlock shackling them to the doors. Rad couldn't resist the temptation, so he decided to try to pick one of the locks.

At the same time, the rest of the party searched the towers and docking bays, finding little of interest except a rotting barge with a skeleton and a rusted chest.

“Chest, you say! Now that's more my drift!”

Rad reached the barge without any delay.

“Hmm, yes, a chest.”

The skeleton crumbled into dust as soon as it was prodded.


As soon as he stepped into the barge, two lampreys lunged at him, surprising the young thief.

Buddy immediately shot down one, while the other was put to sleep by Kuqhir. Zilar ran down the slippery stairs just in time to embrace panicked Rad in his strong arms.

After everyone had calmed down, they recovered the rusty chest, finding an ornate golden goblet, a flask with liquid, blue gourd full of white sand, and a silver armband.

“Guys, there are another big ass doors here as well.”

Indeed, at the end of eastern portion of the docks stood fifteen feet wide and twenty feet tall opening. It was framed with skeletal borders surrounding a cascade of water. On the floor was a three feet wide groove.

The “doors” was in fact a thick slab of stone. It currently stood at some ten feet above ground.

Simultaneously, Neremyn had been exploring behind the metal bars blocking the large double doors they've previously encountered.


Beneath the lowest bar he found a concealed lever. Smart elf he is, he decided to use a ten foot pole to flip it.


The stone slab fell down with such force that it almost knocked Buddy on his bottom.

“Oh, I guess we now know what this lever does.”

Flipping it again resulted in the stonegates being open once more. They opened into a dark chamber.

“Light up. We are going in.”

The party entered into a large chamber with ceiling so high they had to shoot an arrow to see it. The marble floor in the center of the room was covered in mysterious symbols. On top of them two men laid solemnly. Both looked long dead.

“Uh, this looks worrying.”

Smaller double doors were to the north and south.

After carefully prodding and experimenting with the rune carved floor, the party had decided it's safe enough to be approached. Casting Read Languages, Neremyn was able to decipher part of the writing. In essence it spoke of faraway people whom established this as their final resting place. The High Priest and The Archmage were in charge of interment processions. And, perhaps most importantly to the party, everyone here is buried with all their worldly possessions.

“Shh! Noise behind northern doors!”


It sounded like something hard was banging against another hard surface.

Thirsting for action, they party ordered themselves behind the doors. Rhovar and Zilar led the charge.

They burst into a chamber with several broken bunks and shredded mattresses, barrels, and few desks. In front of them a group of three men were using a bench as a battering ram against doors to the east.

“Look! They have hoods! And daggers! They must be the bad guys!”

The party immediately killed one, and beaten the other two senseless.

Alas, they failed to notice an elf hiding behind the barrels. The surprise weaved his hands and spoke few words, dropping everyone but insomniac Amanka.

He too was beaten senseless shortly thereafter.

A defiant shout came from behind the doors hooded men tried to break through.

“You will never get me alive!”

Illustrations by Idle Doodler.

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#Wilderlands #SessionReport

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Character Class Description
Rhovar Fighter level 3 A generic Nordic guy.
Gomm Thief level 4 Swarthy, good looking, dark-skinned thief. Sweet opium-like aroma is his fragrance of choice.
Kuqhir of the Wastes Magic-User level 2 A thin, tall, dark skinned man with a magnificent beard that tickles his bellybutton. Dresses in silk robes and tightly folded turban embroidered with names of all known angels.
Rad Thief level 3 A young, short and malnourished rogue.
Eccy Throi Elf level 1 Wears a dark green cloak to hide his bulging muscles and crippling anxiety.
Barad the Bald Magic-User level 1 Bald, beardless, chinless, and lazy-eyed.

Sunstrong 12, Waterday

After months of adventuring, all Hydra Company members have finally returned to their Antil headquarters. It was a bit dusty and empty, with all the men Winslow had previously recruited gone.

The city was bustling with activity, its streets chock-full of pilgrims from all over the Wilderlands. The Great Pilgrimage to Lagh Anon is announced to begin on the hottest week of the year, which is expected soon.

But our adventurers care little for such trite matters!

It was time to rest, heal, and revel in recovered riches!

Rhovar commissioned a magnificently terrifying horned helmet and bearskin-cloak. Gomm found an artist skilled enough to make a statuette of the gold-cloaked man he had encountered at the Silent Glade. Eccy found it difficult to rest and study ever since he came in the possession of that serrated axe. Violence seemed like a correct answer to every obstacle. Oberon was left in the capable hands of Shang-Ta acolytes. They tended his wounds as they flexed their muscles.

But none of them were as happy as Rad.

A tall, gaunt, bald albino man in purple robes delivered an intricately carved, palm-sized, wooden box specifically for young thief.

“Oh, it must be THE invitation!”

Indeed, it was an invitation to the annual Kelman Rumble, a high ticket, invite-only gambling event. The letter enclosed stipulated that he is allowed to take up to two guests, that there will be eight rounds of gambling at 100 gold pieces per round, and that the final, ninth, round will with starting bets at 500 gold pieces. Oh, and attendees are heavily encouraged to come in elaborate costumes. No weapons allowed either.

“Rhovar! Barad! You won't believe this... Come, we have only three days to get ready!”

The trio decided to costume themselves into a three-part hydra-like monster. Hence they procured scale tunics and shirts, green paint, and some reptiles' scales—crocodiles' if they were to trust the seller.

Sunstrong 15, Spiritday

Rad donned the scale shirt and tunic, and then glued additional scales to his back and arms. He also glued some to his face, after painting it green. “This colour” the woman told him “is safe 18 out of 20 times. I promise!”

Rhovar applied the same paint to his arms, neck and face. He also doused his blond Skandik hair until it was vibrant green, and formed an upright spike. Then he threw a scale tunic over and rubbed saltwater in his eyes to get that menacing red look.

Like Rhovar, Barad also painted his arms, neck and face. He also dressed in scale tunic. Then he painted an elaborate Hydra face on top of his bald head.

Rhovar, being the largest of the three, stood in the centre. He'd open his arms, with Rad and Barad walking underneath them. Together they voltroned a mean looking scaly, green thing.

Accompanied with eight mercenaries—also painted in green—whom were tasked with carrying a chest with 3000 gold pieces for gambling, the trio marched on to Lord Kelman's manor.

People followed them with a great interest and envy.

The walled manor, situated in the Warden's Quarter, indeed looked immaculate.

Our costumed adventurers were greeted by more silent, purple robed, hairless albino men.

Lo and behold, one of them could actually speak:

“You have arrived just in time. We will take care of your belongings. Your men are most welcome to wait for you outside.”

The trio proceeded alone beyond the gates. The courtyard was dominated with a white marble fountain shaped like a cupped hand. Water was jetting out from each finger tip. Rad noticed a few coins glittering in the depths of the water below.

“You have been invited by the esteemed Lord Kelman. All guests are required to sign the Code of Secrecy. What happens here, stays here.”

Rhovar and Rad signed hastily, the latter just stamping his thumb. Barad studied the contract a bit more. It was harsh one, with quite strict penalties.

“I'm sorry, but only those that sign will be admitted.”

The bald man signed.

“Please follow me into the bar. We will put your belongings into a safe place.”

Lavishly furnished room was populated with many people in costumes—a large ape, a courtesan, a peasant, a woman with large feathered mask, an old matron dressed as a fairy, a nobleman continuously counting his coins, a man with cloth armour boasting how he killed a bear with his bare hands, a huge man in loincloth, a giggly butterfly, a man in golden suit, a man in grey robe who claims he is a gargoyle, and a bumblebee—just to name few!

Drinks were served at no cost, something Rhovar exploited generously. The gorgeous courtesan quickly constricted his biceps.

“Ohhh, are these real or are they part of the costume?”


His further advances are best left forgotten.

The man in gold clothes was fully uninterested in any talk with Barad. He used every opportunity to deride or ridicule him.

“May I know your name?” Barad asked.

“Oh, you will know it soon” the man replied.

And so on and so forth.

The “gargoyle” was more open to conversation, but had trouble coming up with sentences.

“Uh... Yeah. I'm a sculptor.”

“Great, my friend was just looking for one! Maybe you could help him?”

“Oh. Yes, yes. Sure. He can visit me next month, I'm very busy.”

“Where about?”


“I'll let him know. Do you know who is the man in gold dress?”

“That? Oh, that's Lord Taramek Warcrown.”

Rad was having the time of his life, chatting around with people. He did not go straight for drinks, readying himself for the thing he came for. Gambling.

“Give us space!” Rhovar announced.

“Come guys, come, quick!”

Rad and Barad scuttled to him.


The trio performed their hydra reenactment to the the cheering crowd. Everybody but Warcrown clapped.

A bell announced that Rumble was about to begin.

Attendees were led into a large round chamber, even more lavishly furnished than the bar. Half of the walls were glass looking outside. A humongous red carpet covered most of the room. Several lacquered wood tables were scattered about, with several candles, series of dice and card decks set upon each table. An elaborate candelabra hung above the room. Finally, an immense blood-red curtain dominated the northeastern part of the circular room.

“Welcome to my humble abode!”

A finely dressed man with an elaborate tiger mask greeted the group. Rad immediately noticed a number of jeweled rings adorning the man's hands. Belt looked expensive as well.

“Please take a seat around the table of your choice!”

The Hydra trio now broke up, to ensure they don't gamble against each other.

Oh how the dice had rolled!

By the end of eight round Rad and Barad had lost 500 gold pieces each. Rhovar fared better, but he too at the end had a net loss of 200 gold pieces.

Barad's table went through a fair bit of drama. Warcrown kept winning and insulting everyone at the table. His provocations landed poorly with the counting noble, whom first accused Warcrown of cheating. The gold dressed nobleman brutally refuted and humiliated the counter:

“Oh “Looord” Aronulus, when will you learn? Are you so lost without your daddy around? Will you gamble away yet another daughter of yours?”

His provocations did not land well with Aronulus. He flipped the table with rage and punched the foul speaking Warcrown. Albino baldies overpowered him with surprising ease, and carried him out like he was a little child.

“This is not a game for everybody!” Warcrown announced triumphantly to Barad, as he won yet another game.

“Huh, not so many of us left...”

“Ladies and gentleman, thank you for playing. I hope you've been enjoying yourself so far. I kindly ask everyone to return to the bar as we prepare the room for the final game.”

The final players, in addition to our hydra trio, included the muscled barbarian, the courtesan, the peasant, the “gargoyle,” and Lord Warcrown.

“The final round is about to commence. Please follow me.” the sole albino speaker announced.

The group was led to the same round chamber, although this time they were face with a huge red curtain.

“Welcome! This is my favourite part of the night!” Lord Kelman spoke, barely containing his excitement. “The winner will receive this wonderful golden mermaid statuette with tiny sapphire scales.”

After Kelman finished explaining the rules, albino servants rolled back the thick red carpet revealing a glass floor that seemed to have a pit of boiling liquid below it.

Then they pushed the curtain aside revealing a giant box resting on top of the glass floor, straight above the pit of boiling liquid.

Inside the box were nine people tied to nine wooden planks each attached to a swivel. Aronulus was one of them. Three were lepers, the one Hydra Company helped find a “safe” home in the Antil's sewers.

“What the fuck...” Rhovar murmured.

“Who will roll first?” Kelman boomed.

“Hand me the dice, friend!” Warcrown yelled.

“Eight!” Kelman read the result.

“I close number four first!”

One of the bald servants flipped the board with large white number four in front of plank Lord Aronulus's was tied to. As he did so, the plank turned on the swivel, dropping the man into the pit below.

“I'll take good care of your daughters Aronulus!” Warcrown shouted at the screaming man dissolving in front of their eyes.

“Close one and three next!”

“What! I'll kill them all now!” Rhovar whispered.

Rad stood numbly, paralysed.

“We are unarmoured, outnumbered, and without weapons.” Barad tried to calm the Skandik warrior.

“Morjen! Listen to me!” Rhovar turned to the scantly dressed barbarian. “Are you enjoying this?”

“I don't understand what's happening. How is this game played?”

“Don't you see? You roll the dice, and then you are forced to kill these innocent peo–”

“Like this?” and he rolled them.

“Two!” was the result.

“I close two?”

And yet another person was dropped in the vat below.

The courtesan played next.

The “gargoyle” and peasant joined in as well.

“Won't you play?” Kelman inquired.

“No. Are we allowed to leave?”

“Oh! Woe! Have I invited wrong people? Are these the famed officers of the Hydra Company!”

“Yes, you are free to leave. Your coins will stay with us, though. For the expenses, you see.”

“What have I told you Barad? This game isn't for everyone!”

Kelman and Warcrown heartily laughed as the trio was escorted out of the room.

“I hope you head a pleasant evening.” albino servant said whilst escorting them out of the manor.

The party was quiet, for the first time.

“We will return. We will have vengeance.”

“We will kill them all.

Morjen, the barbarian.

Liana, the courtesan.

Yorlen, the peasant.

Meldorian, the gargoyle.

Warcrown, the asshole.

And Kelman, the host.”

“We should report them all! This is horrible!”

“To whom? There is no police in the Barbarian Altanis.”

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#Wilderlands #SessionReport

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Character Class Description
Kuqhir of the Wastes Magic-User level 2 A thin, tall, dark skinned man with a magnificent beard that tickles his bellybutton. Dresses in silk robes and tightly folded turban embroidered with names of all known angels.
Amanka Cleric level 1 Dour, glum, tight-lipped, and baggy-eyed cleric with a gravestone-shaped talisman. She reveres the Fallen One, a petty god of fallen warriors and unsung heroes.
Rad Thief level 3 A young, short and malnourished rogue.
Oberon Figher level 3 A tall, supple hunter adorned with bones and horns of his prey.

Sunstrong 11th, Airday

Having stayed behind for the last expedition, Sam decided to lead his own party to the bandit camp. If anyone could determine there were no valuables left behind, then that was him!

Lady Luck was on his side, and he managed to recruit Kuqhir, a grand wizard hailing from the Wastes; Amanka, a cleric whom he already knew; and Oberon, a mean looking headhunter.

Norvin the Ranger was happy to lead them back to the Circle of Stone where bandit camp was. Doubly so, because Ithiel, a child Eccy has saved, claimed there were others like him...

Rad and his retinue reached the camp by noon.

Oberon the Stag demonstrated his usefulness by scouting up ahead. Due to his amazing skill he became nearly invisible in the foliage. He discovered a camp full of arrow-ridden corpses, just like Rad had expected.

The quarter scanned the camp once more, just to double check if any valuable have been left behind.


Rad couldn't find two tiger-face beasts that Eccy and Rhovar spoke much about. There were bandit corpses, there were hobgoblin corpses, and there was Finegan's beheaded corpse... But no large beasts.

“Let's head down the cave tunnel. This is where Finegan and monsters charged out from.”

“Wait, I have a brilliant idea.” Oberon interjected. The headhunter picked up the lightest bandit corpse and threw it down the tunnel.

“You always have to check for traps! Dungeoneering 101!”

He continued kicking the corpse down the tunnel.

Neither Amanka, nor the others, objected.

Kuqhir lit up the lantern, as they descended into darkness.


Another decapitated corpse. It was lying one the cave floor, with its belly facing down. The arms were outstretched forwards, as if the person tried to crawl away from something.

The corpse did not react to Amanka's holy words. Nor to Rad's arrow. Finally, Oberon took the corpse he was kicking, and threw it on the decapitated one.

Nothing happened.

“Eccy did mention that Finegan came out holding a chopped off head. Maybe it was his?”

The corpse was at the corner of a T-shaped junction. To their left was another corpse, sitting on a broken bench. This unlucky bastard was split in half, from groin upwards. If it was to judge by the chunks of hanging flesh, the wound had to be inflicted with a saw-like weapon.

There was little else of interest besides the corpse. The party turned to their right, carefully moving forwards. This led them to a cavernous chamber too big for their light sources.

Rad stepped forward, checking for traps. Just as he was to turn around and inform his men about the absence of obvious traps, he managed to trip on a string of something.


An audible clank could be heard, and a stiff corpse fell right in front of him, forcing him to unleash a not-so-manly scream.

A lifeless, naked man hung in front of him. The hands were tied behind his backs. The man was covered in many bruises.

Looking up, the party couldn't see the ceiling. The rope the man was hanging from was tense.

“Whomever had place this is now aware of our presence. Tread lightly.”

Looking ahead, the party was at a junction. They could see clear paths forward, to the right, and to the left. Right they went, hugging the cave wall.

Pressing onwards, they quickly realised that cave wall on their left was in fact a large pillar—and that they were in a truly cavernous chamber.

They eventually stumbled upon a shabby looking bench and a rotten barrel. Just beyond them were two more benches. Several dice laid on the low table just between the benches.


Rad picked up on muffled cries to the west.

Heavily armoured Amanka took the lead.

The source was quickly found.

A bound and gagged person sitting on the cave floor.

It was dragged into darkness just as the party approached it.

In that split second they had clearly seen the person's terrified, tear-smudged face.

“This is a trap.” the mage announced stoically.

“At least we are not facing the undead.”

“Hey, we might be facing intelligent undead!”

“Trap or no trap, we must rescue this poor soul.”

Gritting his teeth, Rad pressed on together with the party.

They followed the muffled cries, as well as the blood trail left by the poor soul being dragged naked along the jagged cavern floor.

Now they entered another cave chamber, still too large to be illuminated with a single lantern, but noticeably smaller than the previous one.

The victim was dragged northwards.

Kuqhir quickly examined the cave chamber, just to make sure no surprise would come from the flanks. Amanka was focused on saving the person as soon as possible. Rad took the center position so he can make a good shot. Oberon was surprised with six javelins from the darkness, with three striking.

The hunter suffered greatly, collapsing to the ground. One of the javelins lodged quite deep, breaking several of the ribs in the process. Barely conscious, he crawled up against the cave wall.

The javelins, as well as low grunts, came from behind the party—the chamber they came from.

“Illuminate them, and I shall lay Waste upon them!” Kuqhir demanded, as he weaved the arcane powers.

Rad ran to the edge of darkness, lit up the oil flask, and chucked it towards the grunts. Although hitting none, the spilt oil caught fire and illuminated a gang of four squat goblins.

Amanka clasped her hands, uttered holy words, and pointed at the large stone beneath one of the monsters. It lit up, and shone bright light on the surroundings.

Kuqhir could now clearly see six goblins and two tower tiger-faced monsters. By the time he said his words, did his moves, and pointed his fingers, all of the monsters hit the ground in deep slumber.

Another tiger-faced monster, followed by two goblins, came out of darkness to the north. This was the direction the naked person was dragged from.

The large monster spoke in broken Common:

“You. Leave. Or I kill!” pointing at the downed hunter.

Expert negotiators they are, the party shot an offer consisting of an arrow, an pebble, and an oil flask. The monsters counter-offered three javelins for Oberon.

Monster's offer missed the mark.

On the other hand, the party's offer was a great success, leaving monsters floored.

Rad and Kuqhir rapidly executed the sleeping monsters, while Amanka pressed on to find the person used as a bait. Oberon was quietly trying to stay alive.

Mario was the name used as a bait. He was in absolutely horrible shape, with chunks of flesh and muscle hanging from his arms, legs, and back.

“Save my children, please, I beg of you” he cried and pleaded.

“Uh huh, it's a trap.”

“If it is, he definitely seems committed to the act!”

“Please, my seven children, please...”

The man told the party everything he knew about the place. The bandits camped outside, while the monsters were here. Ransom victims were held in the large cave to the northwest.

Amanka was firm. She will help this man, even if it is a trap. Kuqhir decided to accompany her. Rad helped Oberon get out.

Mario limped badly, bleeding profusely. His children were the only thing he talked about.

“Just around the corner.”

Amanka strolled in confidently.

Kuqhir followed.

A tiger-faced monster was facing them.

It stood tall, with both arms outstretched.

Countless oil flasks hung around its neck and arms.

Seven bound kids laid by its feet.

“Stop. No close. I kill all.”

“Put down the weapons and let the children go.”

“You go.”

“Lay down your weapons, liberate the kids, and we might let you live!”

“You want child? 100 gold coin each.”

“OK, that's enough.”

Betting a lifetime of guilt, Kuqhir once again did his slumber-inducing routine.

The beast swung its arms, as if to clasp them.

Luckily for all involved, Kuqhir was quicker, and the monster fell down on its back, failing to ignite anything.

Mario ran up, untying his kids with bloodied fingers. They cried and hugged their dad.

The chamber was littered with iron manacled. It reeked and was caked with body waste.

“Come, let's get you out of here.”

Leaving them all, including badly wounded Oberon, with Norving, Rad, Amanka, and Kuqhir returned to the caves.

Unopposed, they explored all the chambers. Two were of particular interest.

To the northeast was a large chamber, nearly the size of the one with pillars. It had just over twenty soiled bedrolls of varying sizes. Oh, and there was a narrow tunnel leading further into the darkness to the east.

Besides an assortment of junk, the trio recovered many usable weapons: 21 javelins, 8 spears, 12 clubs, 2 shortswords, and 1 longsword. They also found a rotten chest with 3000 copper coins.

To the southeast was a chamber with a large bearskin rug, bed with solid wooden frame, and a desk. The cave walls looked as if they were regularly assaulted with a serrated weapon. Southern wall was filled with nonsensical scribbles and drawings, which Amanka labelled as chaotic.

One of the desk drawers held several reams of parchment papers. On them were lists of what seemed to be names with numbers next to them. Elan was written next to many of these numbers. The chamber had a rather disturbing atmosphere.

Mario, the bait and father of seven children, on their way to Kestizar unfortunately passed away from his wounds.

“Thank you...” were his last words to Amanka.

Illustrations by Idle Doodler.

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This report covers the combat following session 38 that was resolved over seven days of play-by-post.


Character Class Description
Rhovar Fighter level 3 A generic Nordic guy.
Gomm Thief level 3 Swarthy, good looking, dark-skinned thief. Sweet opium-like aroma is his fragrance of choice.
Eccy Throi Elf level 1 Wears a dark green cloak to hide his bulging muscles and crippling anxiety.
Barad the Bald Magic-User level 1 Bald, beardless, chinless, and lazy-eyed.

Sunstrong 10th, Spiritday

“Is it cowardice to let another man die in your stead? Is it cowardice to save your own life?”

Fighting the urge to ponder existential topics for too long, Eccy took the lead on organising the looting of bandit camp.

He ordered Barad and ten archers to take the high ground above the cave entrance. Rhovar commanded four heavy footmen to flank the cave mouth, ready to ambush anything that comes out.

Gomm and remaining mercenaries started sweeping the tents.

It took Rhovar and Eccy nearly a minute to get everyone where they wanted them to be.

Just as the dust started to settle, Rhovar heard heavy footsteps and metal clanks echoing from the cave mouth!

Eccy, whom was still standing in the middle of the camp, could see a tunnel full of hobgoblins staring him down. Two mean looking figures towered behind them.

He informed the Hydra Company of the incoming threat.

Rhovar and his men kept their breath, waiting in ambush.

Barad signalled archers to approach the cave mouth. Given they were stand on top of it, they had a prime position to rain hell on any daring assailants.

Archers next to Eccy fired a volley down the tunnel, missing their shots. Surprised with their incompetence, Gomm took out his shortbow and downed one hobgoblin.

Trampling over their sole fallen warrior, the hobgoblins pressed forward, reaching the cave mouth. The first row of hobgoblins chucked their spears at Eccy. Then they knelt, and the second row threw theirs as well.

The elf managed to evade three spears thrown at him. Alas, two mercenaries to his side were not of such skill, nor luck.

Eccy could now clearly see the two large, tiger-faced monsters. Both wore large chainshirts. The one with horned helmet held a large, two-handed morning star, while the other one, sporting a magnificent mane, wielded two axes.

The horned one fixated its is gaze on the elf, licking its lips suggestively. The long-haired one hissed at Rhovar, brandishing its axes.

The monster charged out of the tunnel with a roar.

Three hobgoblins and hairy one clashed against Rhovar and his gauntlet of heavy footmen. Horned and and two hobgoblins charged in a straight line towards Eccy and archers standing behind him.


The archers standing on the rocks around the cave shot a volley at the horned beast and two hobgoblins, killing the latter and wounding the former. The beast looked a bit surprised with being shot in the back.

Rhovar and his men started slicing the beast with great mane. Alas, the footmen on the other side of the cave mouth weren't as effective. One of the hobgoblin's killed one with a mighty blow to the chest.

“Fall back and fire again!”

Eccy yelled as he increased the distance between himself and the beast with horned helmet. The monster hissed at the retreating elf. Its roar was cut short with Gomm's arrow to the throat.

Rhovar could see Brace dramatically staggering, before falling down to his knees. One of the hobgoblins grabbed the soldier whom had killed Finegan the Brutal just minutes ago, and smashed his head against the stone wall. And to add insult to injury, the monster spat on Brace's warm corpse.

“Rhovar, stand back and let us shoot!”

The blond warrior obliged, and rest of the monsters perished under relentless barrage of arrows. The maned beast clanged its battleaxes in disappointment as it succumbed to hail of arrows.

It was a brief, but brutal skirmish.

Three more Hydra Company mercenaries lost on this expedition.

Survivors laboured breaths dominated the soundscape.

Everybody monitored the tunnel intently.

No more footsteps could be heard.

Only darkness could be seen down the slopping tunnel.

“Let's resume with our recovery operation.”

Barad and archers staid on top, watching over the camp and cave mouth. All heavy footmen were ordered to guard the cave mouth as well.

The rest went on to investigate the tents and corpses for any valuables.

Two chests from northern tent were quite heavy and required two individuals to carry. Three chests from the west tent were even heavier. All had padlocks on them.

Two gave off that familiar clanking sound when rattled. Oh how full of coin they must be!

The third chest on the other hand, released a whimper as it was grabbed. The soldiers jumped back in confusion, with some pulling out their swords.

Silent crying is all that Gomm could hear.

“Tell me your name, we have killed your captors.”

No answer.

“Comply with us and you may walk freely again, it is my word.”


“Dunno Eccy...”

“Yeah, I don't know either. Could be another fucking troll.”

“I want to help, but knowing Wilderlands...”

“Maybe drag it to the middle of the camp and have all archers aim at it?”

“How about we drill a hole and take a peek?”

“I think that would be hard without hurting whomever is inside. Either way, I propose we go with my plan or burn it.”

“Weird that it isn't answering. It reminds me too much of that dwarf.”

“Maybe it doesn't understand Common? Let me try in Elvish.”

Eccy was rewarded with silence, and yes, more silence, regardless of the language he spoke.

“OK, we go with my plan, Gomm. We bring the chest into the clearing in front of the cave mouth and tell our archers to be ready.”

Just a few steps after they lifted it, Eccy could hear desperate crying from within. The pitch sounded like a child or small creature, perhaps gnome or halfling.

“Barad, come down here. You are a man of languages.”

And so Barad came and asked in Gnomish and Pixie:

“Hello, can you understand me? We are here to help.”

The silence had been broken with intense and desperate crying.

Gomm became fidgety.

“Could you pick the lock or should I smash it with my mace?”

“Yes, let's try and save the cry baby.”

“Nope, didn't work. Got a crowbar?”

“No. Let's leave the chest for a bit and continue searching.”

Large tent also had two bearskins, and three wine casks. Finegan the Brutal had a mean looking handaxe with a serrated edge and a notch running along the blade. It seemed to be for bloodletting. He also had a pouch with gems tied to his belt, as well as an iron ring with seven keys.

“Oh wow. Look at that. Keys.”

Eccy tried keys on the crying chest. 4th key was the right one.

A waft of nauseating stench hit his nostrils as he tilted open the lid. He could see a curled up child lying sideways, cowering and covering its head with small hands. It's all bones and skin, and little more.

He took a step back.

Now everybody could see a naked child crying in a chest.

No surprise trolls showed up.

“It's alright, you're safe now.” Eccy said softly to the child.

The party offered water, food, and clothes to the boy. It took him some time, and some care on their side, but he did manage to calm down.

Ithiel is how he introduced himself. He was kidnapped by this foul group of bandits. Finegan got really mad when he realised that Ithiel wasn't of noble origin, but just a commoner.

He also shared there were more hostages, including other children, but didn't know how many. They are imprisoned in the cave, guarded by horrible tiger-faced monsters.

“You must be really strong to have killed them! One of them killed my father's horse with a single blow!”

“Where are you from Ithiel?” Eccy asked. “We need to get you home.”

The boy paused for a moment, as if in deep thought. Then he suddenly lit up “Weststar!”

“Do you mean 'Kestizar' Ithiel?”


“Hmm, well I don't know where that is but we'll find your home.”

The party proceed on with their plan, scrubbing the camp of all the valuables. They also made sure to pick monsters' weapons, cut off the left hands of all the bandits, as well as Finegan's head.

Eccy took Finegan the Brutal's serrated hand axe. Holding it made him feel like he was the mightiest elf in the hundred mile radius. From now on he will fight only with that glorious weapon and nothing else.

Then they buried the fallen mercenaries.

“Death comes for us all, but not everyone truly lives. We have known battle today, have saved the life of an innocent child, and known glory. Tomorrow we may die, but until death comes for us, we are each of us heroes. And with this wine and this gold you will have a hero's reward!”

You reached Kestizar by nightfall. The guards summoned Elidarth the Elder.

“Mother, our people have been avenged!” Norvin the ranger yelled before she got the chance to ask anything. She looks at Eccy and Rhovar, as if to check the veracity of the claim.

She was pleased with the evidence presented to her.

Rhovar took the men to a secluded hill outside of the village, ordered a fire be built and poured some wine into a cooking pot over it.

He set the spear tips and daggers on the coals. Then, when they were hot, he ordered the men to gather and to take up their weapon.

“Come men, dip ye blades into this here brew. Quench the steel in the blood of our enemy. Just as this here wine darkens our blades, it symbolises our shared brotherhood.”

He quenched his blade in the wine. And pointed for them to do the same.

Once this was done he handed out cups, each man to take a cup of wine, and toasted:

“Our first victory, brothers in arms, let us drink to our dead, and let the ghosts of our enemies lament our victory!”

“We are kinsmen now! Now, bring the wenches and let us merrymake!”

A great feast was held for the Hydra Company that night.

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#Wilderlands #SessionReport

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Character Class Description
Rhovar Fighter level 3 A generic Nordic guy.
Gomm Thief level 3 Swarthy, good looking, dark-skinned thief. Sweet opium-like aroma is his fragrance of choice.
Eccy Throi Elf level 1 Wears a dark green cloak to hide his bulging muscles and crippling anxiety.
Barad the Bald Magic-User level 1 Bald, beardless, chinless, and lazy-eyed.

Sunstrong 8th, Earthday

Gomm silently wept as the party buried Delphine, the wife of his last 72 hours. Then they rode to Kestizar, intent on following up on their newest leads regarding bandits assaulting the fishing village.

Sunstrong 9th, Fireday

Norvin the Ranger, whose brother and father have been killed in recent attacks on Kestizar, happily joined the Hydra Company as their guide.

Based on their current knowledge, the party made an informed assumption that bandits are hiding somewhere withing the three-mile area. Norvin proposed three spots where he'd hide such a gang: The Solemn Glade, The Secluded Cave, and The Circle of Stones.

Here is the plan they come up with.

Rhovar was to take command of the mercenary force counting eight heavy footmen and twenty-two archers, and march towards a central point between all three suspect points. They were to pitch tent and wait for the scouting party to report their findings.

Gomm, Eccy Throi and Norvin were to take the light riding horses and check each location for bandit presence. They were not to engage, but scout.

The trio rode to The Solemn Glade first.

“You see those beautiful trees? These are the ones. The woods aren't deep, merely few steps in and you will reach a small pond. It is gorgeous. But do you notice how we don't really see anything beyond the first row of trees? That is the magic of this place...”

Gomm dismounted the horse, took his backpack and climbing equipment, and carefully approached the woods. No matter how close he got, he couldn't make out what was deeper in the woods. He did feel certain warmth as he got closer and closer.

Pressing his back against a tree and peering around the side hasn't revealed much more. He decided to scale the tree and scout from there. Lo and behold, despite climbing to the top, he still wasn't able to figure out what lies deeper.

So he decided to swing from tree to tree.

“What are you afraid of?” boomed from all directions.

Gomm froze and quickly scanned the surroundings. He couldn't see anyone!

“Are your intentions pure?” the disembodied voice boomed once again.

“Yes! We are seeking evil men who have been troubling the village of Kestizar.”

As he passed to another tree, Gomm could suddenly see a glade straight beneath him. In the center of it stood a massive oak tree—so big that is should be obviously visible from at least a mile afar. A crystal clear pond sprawled around the tree, seemingly emanating from the tree itself.

On the north-west side of the pond a humanoid figure sat on a bench. The figure seemed to reflect the sun-rays. It was leaning backwards and looking up, as if it was sunbathing.

“May I come closer?”

“Of course.”

“Apologies for interrupting you and your sanctuary...”

“Oh, I'm just a visitor enjoying this beautiful glade. Just like you.”

Norvin refused to join Gomm into the glade. Eccy on the other hand, was curious to learn more.

Little is known about the details of what transpired in that glade, but one thing was certain. Neither Gomm, nor Eccy were the same persons after meeting the mysterious figure dressed in gold cloak.

“The Wanderer.” still echoed in Gomm's head as he pondered the meaning of gold-yellow rose he was gifted. Eccy seemed very disturbed with moral quandaries. He spoke to Taegen as if his muscle elfbro was still invisible...

“Let's move on. There are no bandits here.”

The Secluded Cave was next.

“Oh... The cave seems to be inhabited with cave bears at the moment. Should we investigate further?”


So the scouts rode to The Circle of Stones.

“Lay low!”

Four figures dressed in light armours, carrying maces and bows, were moving some three hundred yards away from our scouting party. They were moving in the direction of circular stone formation.

“Let's hide and observe...”

Indeed, the four figures approached the stone formation. Then they paused few hundred feet away from the treeline on the stones. They did some movement with their arms before proceeding forward.

“Yes, this it the place I wanted to take you to.” Norvin confirmed.

“You wait for me. I'll check it out...”

Gomm left all his stuff with Norvin, tied his cloak, and smeared cold mud all over himself. Then he prowled, slowly approaching the formation from west.

Although it was already nightfall, Howla and Vannis were out in their full might. In other words there was plenty of ambient light provided by Sister Moons.


“I had enough of this grovel!”

“When will we be allowed to cook again?!”

Gomm could overhear several masculine voices arguing in Common as he pressed against one of the large stones. The voices were coming from behind. He slowly started to scale the stone.

“Shhh! Keep your blabbering mouths quiet!”

Thud. Thud. Thud.

The thief froze in place.

Heavy footsteps stopped.

So did the thief's breathing.

On the other hand, whatever it was that stood above him breathed quite loudly.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

Numerous light footsteps could be heard.

“I'm sick of watching over these pathetic humans.”

Gomm understood the creatures lamenting in Goblin.

Thud. Tap. Tap. Thud. Tap. Tap. Thud. Tap. Tap.

The footsteps resumed, moving southwards.

Gomm exhaled, dropped down, rejoined Norvin and Eccy, and then they all rode off to meet Rhovar and their mercenary force.

They ignored a huge, metallic-looking bull that was marvelling the Sister Moons. In fact, they made sure to ride at least half a mile around it.

Sunstrong 10th, Spiritday

Majority of the party, including the mercenaries as well, had a miserable sleep. Eccy felt as if something horrible had happened during the night. The Sister Moons kept everyone on their toes. It was a vile night.

Regardless, the force marched on to The Circle of Stones.

They paused hundred yards away from the southern entrance.

A man exited the stone formation, holding his arms up in the air.

Eccy and Gomm rode on to meet him.

“Welcome good people. My name is Eardley. You seem quite armed!”

“Quiet! We want everyone to come out and lay down their weapons!” Eccy demanded.

“Oh, we are just a group of lumberjacks. We've been working the woods, and have been camping here since it is quite a safe spot. We apologise if these are your lands–”

“Gather your men and come out!” Eccy cut Eardley off.

“I am sorry, but you are quite aggressive in your demands. Who are you and what do you want?”

“You are in no position to ask questions!”

At this moment Eardley suddenly produced a white handkerchief in his left arm. He dropped it, turned around, and made a run for the stone formation.

A volley of arrows flew out from behind the trees that perched atop the stones. Both commanders were wounded. Even worse, Gomm's slain horse fell on the thief, pinning him to the ground.

Eccy turned around and retreated behind his force.

“March on!” Rhovar commanded. Heavy footmen were lined up front, while the archers were divided into four groups.

“Fire at will!” Eccy roared at the archers.

Twenty-two archers unleashed a volley, shooting blindly.

Another volley came back from the woods, killing four archers.

Gomm managed to free himself from underneath the horse. He leaned on the horse, aimed, and shot Eardley straight through his left eye.

Yet another volley killed several more archers.

“Charge!” Rhovar and heavy footmen broke the formation and started running towards the formation, their targets still invisible.

Archers kept moving on and unleashing volleys into the woods.

Gomm prowled towards the east side of the stone formation. Once he reached the stones, he continued north until he found a solid stone to scale.

Rhovar and Eccy kept the morale of their forces, despite the death march.

Hidden foes fired volley after volley.

“Pass me another flask...”

Gomm could see three figures around a box. One of them was passing around flasks filled with oily substance. The thief quietly lit a flask of his own, and then threw it straight into the box.

The explosion sent the bandits flying in different directions. It also set all the nearby trees on fire.

“Now! Death or glory! C H A R G E!”

The Hydra Company rushed into the formation, finding a small camp consisting of three tents. The camp was full of dead bodies, some of them with arrows in them. The survivors fled down the dark tunnel bored into the northwest stone.

“Check the tents!”

The largest tent was to west, it had two large chests, several bearskins and wine casks. The other two tents were smaller. One had two chests. There were twelve bedrolls in total. Plunder was about to begin.

“Who the fuck are you and what the fuck are you doing in my camp?!”

A stocky man dressed in chainmail, wielding a serrated handaxe in his right hand and a chopped off head in his left marched out of the tunnel. He was dirty, sweaty, and had mad eyes.

“Oi! Pointy-ears! I challenge you to duel!”

“Finegan the Brutal, I presume? No way scumbag!”

The man was joined by four creatures dressed in chainmail, armed with maces, longswords and shields. The man knew these monsters as hobgoblins. The group charged Eccy.

“Line up!”

Four heavy footmen formed a perimeter in front of the elf.

“Coward! Fight me one on one!” Finegan yelled as he threw the head at elf.

“Fuck you!” Eccy retorted.

Finegan cut down one of the mercenaries with a single blow. He broke the man's collarbone, driving his handaxe deep inside. His face lighted up, as in ecstasy, whilst he grinded the serrated edge against the man's flesh.

The party surrounded Finegan and his retinue, and chaos ensued. Gomm surprised one of the hobgoblins, killing him from behind. Unfortunately, in doing so he revealed his location, and was promptly reward with a sword to heart.

But something fantastic happened—the sword hadn't penetrated his flesh. In fact, the tip of the sword turned gold. Then the rest of sword turned gold, until it disintegrated into gold dust.

Gomm staggered backwards, grabbing hist chest where he was stabbed. It was the pocket where he had hidden the golden flower gifted to him by the Wanderer. Despite keeping his life, he felt as if something of great importance has been lost.

Brace, one of the soldiers in Eccy service, drove his sword into Finegan's side, dropping him to his knees before smashing his temple with the pommel.

The remaining hobgoblins were promptly dealt with.

Eccy wiped off the blood from his face. He looked down at the brute's corpse. Then he cut off his head.

The looting was about to begin.

But what if something else comes out of the same dark hole Finegan the Brutal crawled out from?

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#Wilderlands #SessionReport

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Character Class Description
Amanka Cleric level 1 Dour, glum, tight-lipped, and baggy-eyed cleric with a gravestone-shaped talisman. She reveres the Fallen One, a petty god of fallen warriors and unsung heroes.
Rad Thief level 3 A young, short and malnourished rogue.
Eccy Throi Elf level 1 Wears a dark green cloak to hide his bulging muscles and crippling anxiety.
Rhovar Fighter level 3 A generic Nordic guy.
Gomm Thief level 3 Swarthy, good looking, dark-skinned thief. Sweet opium-like aroma is his fragrance of choice.
Delphine the Spiteful Fighter level 1 Colossal and violent woman so ugly most people flinch when they see her. Gomm's newlywed wife.

Sunstrong 8th, Earthday

“This is the place. But this isn't how we left it...”

Rad warned the rest of his party. And what a party they were! A dozen adventurers accompanied by no less than thirty mercenaries!

Amanka, the newest recruit, was a woman of little words and big bags under her eyes. A gravestone-shaped talisman hung around her neck.

They marched from Kestizar to this abandoned keep, seeking to take it over from bandits whom claimed it at the moment. Or so they thought.

Two dilapidated towers, joined by equally miserable looking gatehouse stood in front of them. Entrance to the east tower was splattered with blood.

Rad, Gomm, Delphine, Eccy Throi, and Amanka formed the scouting party.

Rhovar led remaining adventurers and mercenaries several hundred yards away, looking for a defensible position where they can make camp.

The scouts opted for the west, blood-less tower. Once they came close enough, they could see that the “doors” were in fact just a piece of large wood jammed between two walls. There were no obvious hinges, and it barely fit in.

Delphine the Door-opener made a short work of it. A five foot wide, fifteen foot long corridor laid in front of her. Proper doors were at the end of the path.

Rad remembered some of his former colleagues perished in a similar corridor to this one. Eccy rebuffed all suggestions to find a boulder and push it down the path in order to trigger any floor traps.

Hence Delphine unsheathed her massive two-handed sword, and started methodically pounding the ground with the hilt.

“Jump back!” Eccy yelled the moment he heard a click.

Alas, even though she heard him in time, the floor gave in under her bulk and she hadn't had the time to grab the ledge.

Two nasty cracks were heard.

One from the big woman's neck; the other from Gomm's heart.

“We can't leave her here.” Amanka finally spoke up.

With a little bit of rope and time, they recovered Delphine's warm corpse and left her by the entrance. Some adventurer's helped to her belongings as well.

Pressing on, the scouting party slowly entered into a fifteen by fifteen foot chamber. There were three doors ahead of them; one on each wall. Two statues stood with the back against the norther wall as well.

Upon closer inspection, these seemed to be noble-men. One was male, and the other was female. The latter one had a weathered tablet on which “Vesta Rodemus” was chiselled. Both statues had an overbite, giving them slightly rodent-like face.

“I heard voices!”

Indeed, two voices were heard from behind north doors. They did not sound alarmed, in fact they sounded like a normal conversation between two, or more, individuals.

Gomm and Rad hid behind the statues, ready to backstab any poor bastard coming through these doors. Eccy and Amanka took the centre position. Then they started banging their weapons, and making as much ruckus as they can, in order to provoke the attack.



“OK, time to flee!”

The scouting party exited the same way they came in. Now they turned east, hugging the tower walls, and into the passageway that leads through the gatehouse.

At the center were two doors, left leading to west tower, and right leading to east tower. Gomm went to listen at the left doors, Rad right doors, Amanka and Eccy secured the corridor on south and north sides.

Just as Gomm was to press his ear against the doors, two gaunt figures flung them open. Both looked emaciated, pale, and panicked.

“Get out of the way! Flee you fools!”

Gomm stepped to the side and allowed the men to exit. Cleric of the fallen subtly tripped one of them, while the other fled north.

Amanka and Eccy easily overpowered the man, tied him up, and put a sack over his head. In the beginning he fought quite ferociously, given his frail frame. He calmed once he realised they were dragging him away from the keep.

“Where is the might warrior?!” one of the mercenaries asked.

Gomm's tears were enough of an answer.

Hydra Company applied subtle techniques to motivate their new prisoner to divulge all he knows. Details are best left unsaid.

“Heletor is the name. The lucky git that got away is Eyulr.”

“We were in the former barracks, which are the central room of the west tower, seeking stash of our former company. When we heard the noise we fled in panic, fearing it was the Yellow Demon.”

“Several months ago a band of adventurers assaulted the keep. Their mightiest warrior rushed in and died. That is at least what our allies had told us. But ever since then a horrible creature has been roaming the keep and underground dungeons.”

“It has devastates and demolishes everything in its way. I personally have never seen it... But have witnessed the consequences!”

“Anyone who looks at it dies a horrible death! And you can know it is coming because of sounds of scrapping metal and intense smell of rotten eggs.”

With a little bit more of motivation, Heletor drew the map of west tower, as well as the gatehouse.

“Ser Roenald was quite a savvy businessman. We would intercept carriages and accost any noble passenger. Then we would charge their family for protection services.”

“When he was killed, our company fell apart. Finegan “The Brutal” gathered the most vile members, and took to the forest northwest of here. Last I heard was that they are seeking to establish a new stronghold.”

“But I am much smarter than him.” now the captive tapped the side of his temple with index finger “Why fight when you can come back and recover hidden stashes of treasure? Ha! But then you interrupted me...”

With treasure as the key word, the scouting party hurried back to the gatehouse so they can check the veracity of the map and find this “stash.”

Instead they found room after room of absolutely demolished furniture, scuttling rats, cobwebs and dust. One of the rooms looked particularly grim, with iron manacles fastened against the walls.

Perhaps more curious were large trapdoors that had a pile of broken furniture on them—as if the latter were placed to keep the former closed.

Another room worth mentioning is what looked to be some sort of study. A large desk flanked with tall bookshelves by each side dominated the center of the room. It was utterly devastated, with many scroll cases, parchment papers, and books strewn around.

Still, Rad's and Gomm's treasure detectors (or junk, depends on who you ask) went off, and they dove straight into it. Half an hour later and they were richer by three divine scrolls (recognised by Amanka as Bless, Light, and Cure Light Wounds), three scrolls that Eccy believes might be arcane, and two books.

One was a leather-bound journal entitled “Rodemus family diary.” The pages, unfortunately, were beyond unreadable. The other was “Annals of the Black Dragon” which contains many graphic accounts of devastating nature of acid breath.

Rad also found a piece of parchment that had “Rodemus” and “rat” scribbled on it.

Pressing on, they arrived into the central chamber. What a disappointment! Nothing but cut-up sacks and rotten straw. Not a single coin in sight! Not even a copper one!

Eccy's fine ears picked something else up. Sounds of dozens small claws scratching at the doors just behind them. Gomm rushed to the doors and started hammering in iron pitons. Whenever a rat managed to squeeze from under the doors, he'd smash it as well.

The sounds became louder and louder, as if hundreds of rats were behind that damn door. They could hear the clawing sounds climbing up the doors.

“Time to leave!”

Gomm poured oil right in front of the doors, and set them alight as he fled.

The former study was now overflowing with rats gnawing at the pile of torn parchment papers. The party did not give them time to react, and just kept on running.

Heavily armoured Amanka and Eccy lagged a bit behind. It was Eccy who noticed that pile of broken furniture on the trapdoors was trembling.

What a magnificent motivation that must've been!

Rad was the first to reach the camp, closely followed by Gomm. Amanka came next, and Eccy arrived last.

There they took a breather to study their newly acquired possessions. They were not coin, but were gold none the less.

And then the question came.

“What now?”

Indeed, what now?

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#Wilderlands #SessionReport

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Session judged and report written by Moss Knight, the player of legendary Brother Kallahan from Conquering the Barbarian Altanis.

The Party

  • Fra 'Fingers' Vincensini, a nimble and resourceful cleric.
  • Elmenor Goldlight, a quite rich and noble looking elf clad in heavy armor.
  • Grudge, a weedy-looking thief, no doubt full of mischief.
  • Marco Tuti, a more-brawn-than-brain fighter with bravery and blood alcohol to spare.

There stood our brave upstarts, in the middle of the starry night, under the canopy of the enormous tree. Everyone around here knew to stay away from the great Oak and the surrounding glade, where time seems to stand still; but not our merry band. They were out for riches and adventure and surely, they thought, here they would find at least one of these.

Examining the vast network of roots at its foot, being almost as wide as the canopy itself, Fra quickly found a three-foot wide opening into the earth. Looking into it with a torch, they noticed a twenty-foot drop down to a sandy floor, with rough and wet roots serving as the natural rungs of a ladder, along the sides of the pit. Descending with the help of a quickly attached rope, they started examining the ensuing corridor, Elmenor scouting ahead with his infravision. The corridor came to a fork, with one branch going north, from which a distant rushing sound came, as of wind or water; the other going east, from whence came a faint green glow. After finding a mysterious leather glove, abandoned on top of some large root, the party decided to head east.

The eastern corridor appeared to be partially blocked by roots, which Elmenor passed successfully, though not before the roots animated, attempting to grab and restrain him. The rest of the party soon followed, uneventfully as well. Marco however, the last to pass through, got caught up in the roots, one of which made off with his wine skin! In a valiant effort, the fighter lunged forward, attempting to catch his beloved beverage with his teeth, but only managing to get a hold of the cork, which popped open. The wildly thrashing root escaped, leaving only a narrow tunnel in the wall, barely two fingers wide; spraying delicious, delicious wine everywhere in the process.

Cursing the roots and their wicked gods for the tragic loss of his mama’s favorite vintage, Marco rejoined the party, which now found itself standing in a strange round room. The atmosphere here was damp and warm. All over the walls and ceiling of this dome-shaped earthen space were root-faces, here of wrinkly old men, there of dashing youths, all clad in hair and beards made of glowing green moss.

“Look at what you’ve done!” screamed Marco. “That was mama’s best vintage!”.

In unison, the roots answered in a low, meandering grumble:

“We thank you… It was delicious... We do not get to enjoy wine… often…”.

“Well”, replied the fighter, “What have you got to give in return?”

“We will gladly provide… Information… If you feed us more…Delicious things…”

At this, Fra the cleric placed some of his rations on the ground, which were quickly grabbed by some roots, dragging the food into the earthen walls. After a second of silence, followed by a low, thoughtful grumble, the root-voice answered:

“The horned ogre…. owns a treasure… whose value he doesn’t… understand.”

The party had indeed heard of a strange creature fitting this description inhabiting this dark place. Intrigued, they looked for more things to give the root-faces. They found only oil, inquiring aloud:

“Well, I don’t suppose it drinks oil…”

“...Oil?” Replied the root-voice. “We… enjoy… oil.”

Confused but undeterred, they poured the contents of one of their flasks onto the earth, the liquid being lapped up quickly.

“Hmmmmmm… good… good…” said the root-voice.

After a short silence, and yet another thoughtful hum, it continued:

“Beware… the treachery… of the gnomes…”

Still angry at the root-thing, Marco threatened to feed it a brandished iron piton, at which point several of the faces disappeared into the walls. Diplomacy was maintained by the rest of the group, who decided to make their way into the eastward tunnel, from which came a cold draft of air, and a smell of ammonia.

Scouting ahead once more, Elmenor quickly found the source of the smell: The tunnel expanding in this direction was in fact a cavern, on the ceiling of which nested what looked like a hundred bats. Understandably, the floor underneath them was covered in stinking guano. Though the cavern continued to expand eastward, the party decided to head north, into a newly discovered tunnel, to avoid the bats.

The floor, walls and ceiling of this tunnel were of stone blocks, and the corridor led to a stone archway, sculpted in the fashion of a continuous, overarching pile of skulls. A skeleton wearing rusted chainmail was lying in a pool of dried blood, right under the archway. Poking at it with a ten-foot pole, and examining the surrounding walls, they discovered the mechanism triggering a deadly blade trap, no doubt the one which had sliced deep into the poor soul’s side, leading to their untimely demise. Once discovered, the pressure plate was easily overcome though, and the party hopped over it quite easily, continuing on. But not before Grudge examined the corpse further, to find a hefty pouch filled with twenty-five gold pieces, and a bronze skull necklace.

The party now found themselves in a much larger room, with several openings and doors in many directions, and most visibly, a number of statues representing regal figures on the west side. Examining them revealed nothing of import though, and the party endeavored to listen at some of the doors leading out of the room.

Out of one of the eastern doors came the sound of loud snoring, and light streamed from the opening underneath. The adventurers spent some time debating whether it was best to kick down the door and assault whatever was behind using the element of surprise; or to politely knock, and have a civilized discussion with the room’s occupant. In the end, after failing to pick the lock, they resolved to come back later, and instead went to examine the northernmost door.

Behind it, they found the corpse of an unfortunate dwarf, who had seemingly been strangled by some kind of black rope. Beyond it was another stone archway, carved in the shape of tree branches. Resolving not to go in that ominous direction, the party instead headed to the single door that led westward.

Marco swiftly opened the door, and was immediately greeted by eight shiny red eyes, glinting at the edge of the torch’s light. The creature hanging from the ceiling was surprised, and the party began the attack by throwing a flask of oil at it, which missed and ignited on the floor beneath it. Two arrows followed, both missing as well. Marco stepped forward, ready to meet the beast in mano a mano, hand-to-legs combat. The elf and the thief let loose another volley of arrows, this time hitting the creature: one half-severed one of its legs, the other embedded itself deep in one of its biggest eyes, which started oozing green blood. Seeing his opportunity, Marco thrust his halberd upward, cleanly shearing through the creature’s head, spraying green liquid all over. The creature lost its grip on the ceiling where it had made its web, and crashed down belly first, its legs gruesomely snapping in the process.

It seemed that behind the beast was yet another archway, this time one carved in the likeness of three intertwined serpents. As the party debated what kind of trap was undoubtedly hidden near it, Marco simply jumped and dexterously tumbled past the arch, unharmed. Shrugging their shoulders, Fra, Elmenor and Grudge passed through it without incident.

The party entered a small room, in the middle of which stood the statue of a hunter and his two hounds. To the north and south of it, hanging from the walls, were large mirrors. Proceeding with caution, after examining the statue for any pressable buttons of any kind, they carried on westward.

They came to a large, circular room with a tall domed ceiling. In the middle of it lay an enormous crimson carpet, decorated with gold and green geometric patterns, all made of fine wool. From there, a corridor led north, a beautifully carved wooden door to the west, and a corridor to the south. Circumventing the carpet, the party went south, in an attempt to rejoin what they thought was the way they came in from. They were correct in that assumption, and soon they arrived back at the first fork in the road they had encountered.

Gleefully, and now richer by about a pouch’s worth of gold, they headed out, up through the root-ladder and into the chilly night, back to the village where they would spend their hard-earned riches on all the pleasures the adventuring life is all about. They knew however, that this was not to be their last expedition to that dreamy forest glade, and to the strange complex under the Hole in the Oak.

#Wilderlands #OneShot #SessionReport

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Character Class Description
Rad Thief level 3 A young, short and malnourished rogue.
Gomm Thief level 3 Swarthy, good looking, dark-skinned thief. Sweet opium-like aroma is his fragrance of choice.
Rhovar Fighter level 3 A generic Nordic guy.
Brawley Dwarf level 2 Stocky, baldy, scimitar-wielding sea knave.
Flamthwynn Magic-user leve 1 An older gentleman sporting fashionable dark blue robe with purplish overtones. Seeking arcane objects and offensive spell.
Eccy Throi Elf level 1 Wears a dark green cloak to hide his bulging muscles and crippling anxiety.
Norwell Thief level 1 A finely dressed slim fellow of few words. Carries the scar of betrayal.
BuddyPuddingBottom Elf level 2 Peppermint scented elf followed by jingles, on a quest for the perfect gift.

Sunstrong 5th, Spiritday

Battered and demoralised, Eccy, Gomm, Norwell, Delphine, and Herat rested in Bathdawn, awaiting for the arrival of the Hydra Company main force. Their delve into fungi-men caves did not go as planned. Several of their fellow adventurers were killed by a giant mushroom-mound.

“Buddy, you're alive... you don't look it!” Gomm exclaimed.

“PuddingBottom, you are a sight for sore eyes.” Eccy welcomed the elf whom all thought was gone for sure.

BuddyPuddingBottom survived by throwing himself into the stream whilst Taegen was electrocuted. He floated deeper into the dungeon. There he found another cave system, navigating it until he faced a ten feet wide chasm.

Giving it his all, he managed to jump it. Moving forward, or rather, downward, led him to a large underground river. Luckily for him, a crude, but functional, canoe was lying in the nearby dirt.

Using his last atoms of strength, he hauled the canoe, threw himself in it, and allowed the river to carry him as he faded to black.

Seagulls pecking his face were the rude awakening he didn't expect. Obviously at the open sea, Buddy resorted to paddling with his bare palms. He made it to Bathdawn against all odds. It was a gruelling journey... Some say that was the day BuddyPuddingBottom lost his peppermint aroma...

Rhovar, Flamthwynn, Rad, Brawley, and thirty mercenaries reached Bathdawn by the end of the day.

After some back and forth, Hydra Company has decided to march to the ruined keep Rad had been to months ago. The one where he had left behind Taaz. The one where Taaz broke down the doors and charged in alone. The one that already claimed many adventurers' lives.

Sunstrong 6th, Airday

Herat had been hired by Sinai, and since they failed twice to recover him from the fungi-cave, she decided to stay behind in Bathdawn.

Herat bid her farewell to the party: “I need some time to think. I still have some unfinished business in Antil—perhaps we run into each other there!”

The company marched in a column, with the adventurers mounted on their riding horses. Rhovar, the aspiring general, led them unaware that his leadership capabilities will soon be put to test.

Half an hour or so after crossing the bridge over the Highcourse river, Rhovar heard familiar howls.

“Men! Fall into formation! Footmen up front; archers into two ranks!”




A big, fat wolf strolls out between two trees.

Rhovar recognised him as the gluttonous chubby wolf who had gasped when the warrior offered to bring some fat clerics in exchange for his life.

Little did the big bad wolf know that he was walking into a trap. Taken by shock, rather than surprise, the company unleashed a volley of arrows at it.

Many shots found their target, making the wolf look more like large flabby hedgehog. The wolf made a large O face. Then it shook off the arrows and charged the front rank, ripping into doughty Brawley.

“Rhovar, watch out!” Rad yelled.

Turning to his left, Rhovar could see two more wolves running through the trees. Again, he recognised both. The lithest one was Meza, the only one to oppose her canine brethren in letting Rhovar go.

“Never trust those who soil themselves.” she'd often wisely say.

Archers rained volleys on the incoming wolves, while Brawley, Delphine, and heavy footmen engaged the fat wolf chewing on the dwarf. Gomm and Norwell threw their nets; one hit the mark. The adventurers quickly piled themselves on the ensnared wolf.

Eccy used the opportunity to smash its head with mace. Alas, it bounced right off the wolf's large head. Chubby canine shed a single tear and whimpered.

Rhovar roared “Men! You listen to the Hydra Company now! Follow their orders!” as he counter-charged the two wolves going for him. Alas, his horse had different plans and took him in different direction.

Regaining control over his horse, Rhovar galloped south, insulting and throwing stuff at the pursuing wolf.

“Form ranks! Retreat in order!” Eccy assumed command without missing a beat. In the chaos all unmanned horses became spooked and fled in different directions. So did the draft horses, pulling the VVagon with them.

Chubby wolf thrashed around until he managed to get himself free. Unfortunately for him, by now Brawley has completely mounted him. The dwarf used the opportunity to repeatedly hit the wolf on top of it's muzzle, causing the hairy critter to weep inconsolably.

Before that, the dwarf and Delphine tried to open its jaw in order for Gomm to throw in some natural poison. They failed, despite their best efforts.

It wasn't a good day for that wolf. Gomm, in a fascinating display of skill and quick wit, rode behind the wolf, whilst leaning to the left side. As he passed by it, he lowered the lit torch underneath the wolf's ballsack and sprinkled it with some oil.

Yes, it went as expected.

The wolf started thrashing around violently.

Brawley rode him like a pony.

“Meza! MEZA! I'm on fire! My balls are on fire! Save me, Meza!”

“Calm down, you imbecile! You are not hurting! It's all in your head! Stop it! I can't bite him with you jumping around!”

Delphine mounted Gomm's horse. Lithe thief looked like a small boy by the gargantuan plated woman. They rode off, joining the retreating force.

Eccy orchestrated the retreat to Kestizar. And not only that. He also managed to catch and calm the draft horses, ensuring the supplies hauled in the VVagon.

Rhovar led the wolf pursuing him on a wild chase, ultimately outrunning him. Whipping his horse, he rode alongside Highcourse river until he masked his scent, and then broke off for Kestizar.

Meza ripped out Brawley's throat as the chubby wolf dragged his bottom through the grass.

Hydra Company had reached Kestizar by the end of the day. Rhovar joined them few hours later.

Gomm proposed Delphine. At first she blushed and rebuffed the sly talking dark-skinned man. His persistent attempts paid off, as attested by her picking Gomm up like a little toy and carrying him off behind a tree. Their marriage was promptly consumed.

Mercenaries protested to Rhovar. They were unhappy with countless days of marching around without hitting any attractive targets, culminating with a retreat from three invulnerable wolves. They demanded better pay and a full day of rest. The adventurers collected all the back gold coins from the VVagon and paid them.

Sunstrong 8th, Earthday

“Is this the support you promised, Rhovar?!”

Elidarth the Elder confronted Rhovar. The latter had passed through Kestizar days ago. Then he promised to bring some reinforcements to alleviate Kestizar's problems with raiding bandits.

“Your men made a huge mess at the inn! They hired a bunch of whores, had an orgy, slapped other patrons, and took a shit in the flowers right in front of my home!”

“Uh, we promise to besiege the chaotic evil in that keep to protect the town. Remember, to fight evil, a little evil must be employed.”

“Just control your men. Otherwise you are no better than Roenald's lot.”

Without too much scolding, the Hydra company marched to the ruined keep on the morning of Sunstrong 8th. They reached it at noon, stopping a hundred feet away from the ruin.

Given that Rad was the chief scout during his previous expedition here, he immediately picked up that something was very wrong about the east tower.

Focusing his gaze, he could notice that the entrance Taaz broke down was covered with an ill fitting doors, which in turn were barred from the outside.

The improvised doors were splattered with blood; the splatter rising for nearly ten feet above the doors.

What now?

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#Wilderlands #SessionReport

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Character Class Description
Rad Thief level 3 A young, short and malnourished rogue.
Gomm Thief level 3 Swarthy, good looking, dark-skinned thief. Sweet opium-like aroma is his fragrance of choice.
Rhovar Fighter level 3 A generic Nordic guy.
Brawley Dwarf level 1 Stocky, baldy, scimitar-wielding sea knave.
Flamthwynn Magic-user leve 1 An older gentleman sporting fashionable dark blue robe with purplish overtones. Seeking arcane objects and offensive spell.
Eccy Throi Elf level 1 Wears a dark green cloak to hide his bulging muscles and crippling anxiety.
Ulster Fighter level 2 A former caravan guard with a promise to fulfil.
Mano Stern Cleric level 1 Wears a dark green cloak to hide his bulging muscles and crippling anxiety.
Taegen Ianlynn Elf level 1 Tan skinned wood elf of magnificent physique. Doesn't hide it.
Norwell Thief level 1 A finely dressed slim fellow of few words. Carries the scar of betrayal.
BuddyPuddingBottom Elf level 2 Peppermint scented elf followed by jingles, on a quest for the perfect gift.

Sunstrong 2nd, Waterday

The strength of Hydra Company was at full display in Tenoch: thirteen career adventurers joined by thirty mercenaries. Discussions were had, plans were drafted, until the final decision came.

The party will strike the cave of sinister Ack!, capture him alive for that sweet, sweet bounty of 4 000 platinum pieces, and then return to Tenoch in time to defend it from cannibal barbarians.

Eccy Throi and Taegen Ianlynn took the lead of the mounted unit: fighters Ulster, Delphine the Spiteful, and Herat; thieves Gomm and Norwell; the cleric of nature Mano Stern; and festive elf BuddyPuddingBottom. Their objective was to strike the caves as fast as possible.

Rhovar, Brawley, Flamthwynn, and Rad led the caravan with Vvagon and thirty mercenaries. Their goal was to reach Bathdawn, and wait for the return of the strike unit.

Numerous heads of the Hydra Company slept well, dreaming treasure, glory, and fame that awaits them. They marched out eagerly, alongside first rays of morning sun.

Sunstrong 3rd, Earthday

The strike team galloped to Bathdawn unopposed. There the villagers greeted them with open hands and broad smiles! Since the adventurers' last descent into the caves there haven't been anymore cattle or locals going missing.

“We are here to finish the job!”

Although they hardly needed him anymore, one of the young locals guided to the caves of fungimen. The party soon discovered it was not all as they left it last time...

Mossy ladders by the first waterfall were gone! Of course, what would that be for this group of ingenious profiteers. The thieves quickly secured fifty feet of rope to the cave wall, allowing everyone to descend with a bit of work. Some got wet, but no injuries otherwise.

But that wasn't it! The device used to activate the rerouting mechanism for second waterfall was gone as well. Now this was a much bigger challenge to the adventurers since the way down was entirely blocked by the falling water.

Eccy was first to find a hexagonal depression in the hole. It was filled with soft soil that was easy to claw out. The hole was so deep that the elf had to lie on his side and push his arm all the way down to reach the bottom. A smaller round hole with hard sides could be felt at the very end.

The party jammed a blunt side of the spear and tied a torch to it. Alas, Delphine's brutish strength was too much for this set-up, and she ripped the torch right off.

This obstacle perplexed the strike team for hours. One of them even went to look for an answer in an ancient tome they found somewhere in their backpack. Finally, the party decided to head back to Bathdawn and ask the villagers to help them dam up the stream leading into the caves.

Sunstrong 4th, Fireday

Whole day! That's how long it took the party to cut down enough trees, haul them to the cave entrance, and then construct a dam that was solid enough to withstand the water pressure. How long they had? Who knows...

Unwilling to risk finding out at the wrong time, the group decided to immediately descend, despite a day of hard labour.

The flow was now sufficiently weak to allow them to access the ladders leading down the second waterfall. Remembering the green mound that consumed Rhovar and DJ Basic they opted for the longer, east route, instead of going westwards.

They travelled unopposed, stopping from time to time to check whatever piqued their interest. The portcullis leading to the three cauldron chamber were still down. It resisted a lifting attempt by Taegen and Delphine. The latter threw her back in the process, while the former grinned at the woman who had embarrassed him just a few days earlier.

“Uh, we can go south, but there a giant a mad tree threatened to beat us up.”

“Let's send those who haven't been there yet!”

Well, those had a sorry sight to behold: where once a huge tree stood, mortared and chained to the ground, nothing but charred and chopped remains laid.

“Watch out! The red carpets are back!”

Indeed, as the party walked into the chamber two rectangular, blood-red misty shapes slowly descended from the ceiling. Brave folk of the Hydra Company ran as fast as they could, reaching the laboratory where Eccy was experimented on. The shelves were still empty, courtesy of Flamthwynn the Big-pocketed and DJ Basic the Quick-handed.

After entering the large chamber with cauldrons it really started dawning on the adventurers that this place had been abandoned. Fires under the vats were extinguished and parchments from the workbench were gone.

Further, entering into the bedroom of the giant mushroom revealed that two tapestries they've left behind were gone. There were also few flagstone on the ground, that were apparently used to cover a hidden compartment in the ground. Which was now, of course, empty.

“There is no doubt that Ack is gone...”

“Let's take a look through the east doors where another portcullis was.”

Indeed, the portcullis was still lowered. Gomm and Norwell took to the wooden penile mushrooms that were at the end of the round holes by the doors leading into the blocked corridor. With some experimentation (OK, a lot of experimentation), the party learned they can operate the heavy portcullises—yes, there were actually two of them, forming a sort of gatehouse down the corridor—allowing the party to pass without getting trapped. As long as they remained by the wooden mushrooms.

BuddyPuddingBottom led the expedition into the unknown. He discovered a large chamber bisected by a river that runs from the western to the eastern end. The southern half of the great cavern was lush with tall growths of pale fungi, mainly mushrooms; forming what could best be described a fungus jungle.

Festive elf, joined by Taegen just behind him, followed the river east. Mano Stern, Ulster, and Eccy came after, intent to investigate the chamber further. Just as they entered, BuddyPuddingBottom and Taegen made an intriguing discovery—a pile of washed up bones at the exit from this large cave.

At that same moment Mano Stern disappeared into an enormous mass of fungoid tissue that had emerged from the river. It swallowed him whole, changing its colour from a pale sickly white to a vibrant pink hue.

Finding himself upside down in a writhing mass of something unnatural, crushed from all sides, Mano uncorked his oil flasks and set himself aflame.

The huge monster emitted a high pitched sound and shook tremendously—as if it had sneezed! A byproduct of that was a massive ball of lightning that shot out of its body down east.

We shall never know if that was deliberate or not, but the results were the same none the less. Taegen the Buff screamed as he sizzled and turned into nothing but charred remains. BuddyPuddingBottom hid behind him, but even avoiding the full extent of the thunderbolt did not void the fact that he was standing knee deep in chilly, conductive water.

Against all odds the festive elf survived and remained just conscious enough to drop himself into the river, and float downstream, into the unknown. Surely whatever lies there cannot be as horrible as this horror?

But fungal mountain was far from finished. A yawning opening went for Ulster, revealing a burning fire within the monster, as well as two ropey tendrils. He too met his end here.

Eccy Throi ran back, down the corridor with two portcullises. Others followed him.

Sunstrong 5th, Spiritday

Eccy, Gomm, Norwell, Delphine, and Herat found themselves in the pitch black darkness, despite exiting the caves. Howla and Vannis were dim and it was chilly. They must've spent hours down there.

They could hear their dam falling apart just as they descended to Bathdawn. Tired and disheartened, all they could do now is wait for the caravan to arrive...

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#Wilderlands #SessionReport

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Character Class Description
Rad Thief level 3 A young, short and malnourished rogue.
Gomm Thief level 3 Swarthy, good looking, dark-skinned thief. Sweet opium-like aroma is his fragrance of choice.
Rhovar Fighter level 3 A generic Nordic guy.
Brawley Dwarf level 1 Stocky, baldy, scimitar-wielding sea knave.
Flamthwynn Magic-user leve 1 An older gentleman sporting fashionable dark blue robe with purplish overtones. Seeking arcane objects and offensive spell.
Blutvarth Fighter level 1 A skinny man with sharp features, curly hair and a sneering smile. He swears that he is friendlier than he looks.
Eccy Throi Elf level 1 Wears a dark green cloak to hide his bulging muscles and crippling anxiety.
Ulster Fighter level 2 A former caravan guard with a promise to fulfil.
Mano Stern Cleric level 1 Wears a dark green cloak to hide his bulging muscles and crippling anxiety.
Taegen Ianlynn Elf level 1 Tan skinned wood elf of magnificent physique. Doesn't hide it.
Norwell Thief level 1 A finely dressed slim fellow of few words. Carries the scar of betrayal.

Warmshade 13th, Earthday

At Bathdawn the adventurers agreed to split into two groups.

Rhovar and sick Blutvarth went towards Antil. Their job was to return the treasure recovered from fungi-men lair, recruit a number of mercenaries, and march to Tenoch as soon as possible.

Rad, Flamthwynn, Taegen Ianlynn, Eccy Throi, Ulster, and Herat rode to Tenoch. There Rad and Flamthwynn were to meet with Minn Almar, an eccentric mage who divulged that a clan of cannibal barbarians will wipe out Tenoch soon.

The scribes have conflicting reports on the exact details of what happened next, but some reports of both expeditions survive. They are presented below.

Rad, Flamthwynn, Taegen Ianlynn, Eccy Throi, Ulster, and Herat

The party reached Tenoch by the late evening. They were once again warmly welcomed by Merinthia and her father. She was disappointed that Taegen didn't make it, until Ulster explained the situation.

Flamthwynn visited Minn's manor, but was left hanging.

Taegen, encouraged by Merinthia's words and his seemingly permanent invisibility, waited for an opportune moment. Such presented itself when a maid went to Merinthia's room to change the bedsheets. He snuck in, just as the maid exited. There he placed a bouquet of flowers on the bed.

Merinthia, surprised and red in cheeks, spoke towards where she thought the invisible elf stood “I have a sweetheart in who is in Viridistan! I will return to him as soon as I recover. But I will always remember how you saved me!”

To that, Taegen said “He is a lucky man. But be certain that visible or not I will always be ready to rescue you from any danger.”

“Should you ever come to Viridistan, make sure to seek Wafim Sana—we'd be happy to show you around the most magnificent city in the world!”

Upon realising how silly Wafim would look offering a tour to an invisible person in the crowded streets of the city a grin escaped elf's lips, luckily one that remained undetected. Brushing aside this comical mental image with a wave of his hand, Taegen offered the young lady another promise:

“I will follow your advice in case I ever find myself there. I will let you rest now.” and he took his leave with intentionally too heavy steps so she can understand he is leaving the room. On his way out he couldn't help but think that he has made too many promises to a human woman which he is unlikely to keep when he will be still young and full of life while she will be old and wrinkled. If he lives that long despite being an adventurer, that is...

Warmshade 14th, Fireday

This was the day. Rad tried to make himself look as professional and proper as possible—albeit with little success. Flamthwynn informed Eccy and Taegen of his plans, just in case.

They travelled to the secret meeting place described by Minn at a steady pace. Indeed, the instructions were good enough, and the duo found the described grove well off the beaten path westwards of Tenoch.

The woods were lush and green, with plenty of wildlife moving around. Taking a few steps in, Rad noticed it god darker and quieter than he'd expect given it is noon and sun is bright.

Flamthwynn found the house—a sturdy looking, circular hut. It had single door, with three horizontal yellow stripes above them. He could see two circular shaped windows. Both framed and glassed.

Careful as always, he waited for some time before approaching the hut. Once he felt safe enough, he went to the doors and knocked once. Then he knocked thrice, but very fast.

As he leaned in for yet another knock, the doors flung open—and red faced Minn Almar whispered angrily:

“What?! What?! You can't do this any louder, can you?!”

“Apologies, esteemed colleague. I was merely trying to throw off any would-be eavesdroppers with a little... magic trick. Fine day for a secret meeting, eh?”

“I thought you were a learned man, Flamthwynn! Were you followed here? Did you speak to anyone of this meeting?”

Thinking for a second, Flamthwynn replied “We were not followed. Only I, and my friend Rad back there, are aware of this meeting.”

“Good, good... Please, come in.”

Rad walked in even before Flamthwynn got the chance to wave him to come forth.

Minn closed the doors behind them. Three audible clacking sounds could be heard—the thief recognised those for what they are: a strong lock.

The insides were as plain as the outsides. Furniture was sturdy and well made. A muscular, red-skinned figure dressed in leather armour was seated at a round table by the hearth. His armour seemed a bit off.

“Don't mind him. All will be clarified soon. Please, take a seat.”

There were three empty stools around the table, one next to the man, and two on the other side. Four wooden cups and two bottles of pale yellow liquid rested on the table.

“Come on, we don't have all day!” Minn sat down opposite the man.

Flamthwynn sat next to the muscular man, and started tapping his fingers on the table, awkwardly waiting. Rad took the stool next to Minn. He tried to find comfortable position, a process accompanied by lots of little squeaks.

“Finally!” and with that, Minn snapped his fingers. A naked, purple-skinned boy crawled from one of the cupboards, promptly approached the table, and poured Rad and Flamthwynn some of the yellow liquid in the cups. The red man sneered at boy.

“Flamthwynn, as I told you at my villa, Tenoch is in grave danger. There is a cannibal tribe that arrived in the area few months ago, and they've been harassing Tenoch since then.”

“They call themselves the Blood Spears. They impale their victims and skin them alive. Deggach here can tell you more. He is one of them.”

The man nodded.

“First I thought that Gof the Old would be smart enough to understand they must be exterminated. But he is too old, and too stupid to realise he cannot just be on the defence!”

“That's when I took matters into my own hands, and tracked them down. They've holed themselves in an abandoned tower just southeast from here. Holtar ap Tarj is the chieftain.”

“If it were just them, I'd have taken care of it weeks ago. But I made a horrible discovery which paralysed me with fear and anguish. I was convinced all is lost—until your boy Rad mentioned that mercenary company.”

“You see, not only are they disgusting cannibals... They also worship Harmakhis, a horrible deity. Deggach, please tell us more.”

The man spoke up “We used to roam the southern jungles, doing as we pleased, when we pleased. Few cowardly tribe came together and forced us out. It took us some years and many bloody battles to find our new home.”

“All was going well until Kruge, the old chieftain, got ill. He was replaced by Holtar. He was strong and savage, like a real leader! But he also listened to that wretched Marik. Suddenly we had to bow to some ridiculous sculpture. Even worse, we had to give a portion of our spoils to Marik. That portion grew bigger and bigger–”

Minn interjected “Yes, yes, and that's why you are working for me now. I did not ask you to tell us your history, but to share more about the tribe. And to answer our questions. Do you understand that?”

The man grunted with a sneer.

“Tell them what you told me—when do you plan to assault Tenoch?”

“One the night of two full moons, the rivers of blood will flow. We will feast on your flesh and curse your souls to eternal torment.”

Minn, turning to the enterprising duo, continued “Now, if my calculations are correct, Howla and Vannis should show themselves in full on Sunstrong 9th or 10th. Do you agree?”

Rad, leaning forward and joining the tips of his finger together, spoke up “Well first of all we need to discuss a few things. For starters, what is your estimate of average size of enemy forces?”

“Our tribe counts two hundred heads. Fifty of those have ate more than twenty hearts, each!” Dendrach grunted pridefully.

“Two hundred!” Rad shouted wide eyed, almost falling off the stool. Regaining his composure, he continued “For an operation like that we will need plenty of coin. At least in the high thousands.”

Flamthwynn join the discussion “Yes, 9th or 10th, that seems about correct. Now of course, we will need more fighters than the half-dozen we currently are. I believe Rhovar and Blutvarth, two of our companions, are already on route to Antil to recruit such a force.”

Minn continued “According to my research, they are very tribal. Killing the chieftain and shaman should throw them into disarray. Isn't it so Dendrach?”

“Without chieftain in place, anyone can take his role, as long as they can beat any other pretender. I had enough of this rotten place! Kill them, and I will rule the clan! I will take them back to the jungles, where we shall rule once more!” the brute explained.

“Would this chieftain in question have any definable features that would make him easy to spot on battle field as well as the shaman?” Rad inquired.

Minn snapped his fingers, and once again a naked slave-boy soon appeared with large parchment. The wizard took it impatiently and shooed the boy away.

“Here, this is the rough lay of the land...”

“Dendrach, tell us more.”

“Holtar spends most of his time on the top of the tower. His harem is there. You cannot miss him—he is the biggest man you have ever seen. He has a necklace made of elven ears, his favourite delicacy.”

“The shaman and his acolytes live in lower levels of the tower. I've never been there because I don't care for their dark magic.”

“Most of the tribe is spread out between four large huts. The weak ones are forced to live outside until they eat a heart of weeping human.”

Minn, talking over Dendrach, “So, Flamthwynn and Rad, tell me, how would you resolve this?”

“Well, just off the top of my head, they seem to rely on that well for water. Perhaps we sneak in there at night, poison water supply, and then after a day or two of them being weakened we launch a full frontal assault.”

Flamthwynn nodded in agreement with Rad's idea.

“Hahahaha!” the red man burst out laughing, throwing his head back. “You? Against the mighty Blood Spears? You and what army, little boy?”

“They will gut you without breaking a sweat. And if you live, your suffering will be legendary!”

Minn interjected “Oh, take it down a notch Dendrach. If you were so freakin' powerful, you would still roam your precious jungles.”

The man sneered, but otherwise remained quiet.

The wizard continued “You are onto something with well there, young man. I'm also confident that the tower has some sort of secret entrance. It predates these barbarians for several hundred years at least. And in absence of those, I've observed two large windows on the second floor.”

“Flamthwynn, you are a learned man. Surely you have some brilliant ideas on how to overcome this brutes through superior intellect?”

“Poisoning their water supplies sounds like it could work. I suspect such barbarians would be easily fooled as well, so distractions and subterfuges are definitely on the table.”

“Cowards...” Dendrach muttered under breath.

Flamthwynn looked at Dendrach intently for a second, then exaggeratedly looked around the room, saying “Or, we could find someone who wants to destroy the tribe, so that we can submit ourselves to their will in the hopes that they will kill the chieftain so we can take his place without a fight? I'm certain that would be a much braver plan of action, wouldn't it?”

The brute exhaled loudly. “Would you like me to open the front doors for you? Let's see how long you last before one of my brothers drinks your eyes with a straw!”

“Behave!” Minn smacked him with a long stick. “This is a man of high arts you are speaking to, barbarian!”

Rad, ignoring the exchange and lost in deep thought—obviously planning the assault and consequent riches—speaks up “If there is a secret entrance perhaps we can send a few of our strongest men to take care of the chieftain and end fighting quickly...”

“Well, that does sound like an interesting idea! Tell us more!” Minn demanded enthusiastically. “Dendrach, do you know of any other entrances than the drawbridge?”


“Well, I guess you could always try to scale the walls to reach the windows on the second floor. The ravine is quite deep, so your death is certain in case you slip. Dendrach, would you be able to let them in from inside?”


“Good! Sounds like a solid plan, if I may say so myself. See Flamthwynn, this is how it's done!”

“I am not used to your ways, esteemed colleague, but I must say you are quite convincing!” Flamthwynn lowered his head and muttered under his breath, absent-mindedly “Gotta get me one of those purple servants, could be quite useful...” He coughed and jerked back to attention “Yes, yes! a good plan indeed!”

Turning the discussion to business “Tell me more about your mercenary company. How many? When do we leave? How much for your services?”

Flamthwynn, appearing to count on his fingers (using his knuckles, base 12 style of course cause he's a wizard), “We are about a dozen at the moment, but more will be needed. Two of our members have gone to recruit more men from Antil, they will be back in a few days. As for payment, I am not well versed in the ways of gold myself, I will let my companions negotiate that element of our... contract.”

“Numbers, do you speak them?”

“What does that mean?” Rad asked, perplexed.

“Oy my, a man has to simplify everything for the young ones today! How much for your services?”

“Oh yes, well considering the large size of the opposition's army and their cannibalistic tendencies making them rather dangerous, I think 5500 gold is a fair price.”

“Hmmm... That might be fair, but I am no Green Emperor. How about a trade? 120 platinum pieces and I'll teach Flamthwynn here a few spells. I can also look over any arcane objects you have and figure out their use.”

“I’m afraid that is far too low for amount of danger involved. How about 4000 and two spells. If you don’t have that amount of gold on you right now it can be done in instalments as well.”

“My knowledge is much more valuable than that! Flamthwynn, please explain to your friend what kind of tribulations does a learned man have to endure to unlock arcane powers!”

Flamthwynn, looking back and forth between Minn and Rad “You are absolutely correct, esteemed colleague, the value of magical knowledge should not be underestimated! However, as much as I wish to be instructed by you, I understand my companion's concerns. For he and those of our company who are not practitioners of the magical arts, magic has little value, certainly they do not weigh it as heavily as I do against the danger of death–” somehow he tripped on his robe while seated and pathetically, slowly fell to the floor, not before being unable to catch himself by the table edge.

Minn, gasping and turning blood red, roars “You have wasted my time! What cruel joke you played on me, to give me hope! Get out! Get out!”

The duo ran out at the speed of light, and rode to Tenoch as fast as they could to report their smashing success. There Taegen and Eccy convinced them they should go to Actun. It is an old elven city; older than Antil. It is well known among elves, for it is still independent of both the Green Emperor and Invincible Overlord.

Rinendirlan Ælasyn, their mentor, gave them a letter “guaranteeing entrance, should they ever need help.” Eccy was convinced that the spellbook recovered from the lair of sinister giant mushroom must be the one Rinendirlan sent them after. Therefore he was quite eager to send it to him as soon as possible. With Actun being the closest know save haven for elves, he lobbied hard to get the party there.

Prior to setting out, they recruited another rogue-like figure. This was Gomm, a sweet talking and sweet smelling fine looking man dressed in leather armour with a long cape. Together they rode towards the Romilion sea, and followed the shore north-west.

Warmshade 15th, Spiritday

Another wonderful and sunny day in Barbarian Altanis. The party galloped alongside the ever narrowing sea as it formed Selget Haven. They kept as far as they could from the notorious Gristly jungle to their left.

Suddenly a troupe of armoured rides, followed by charging footmen, came at them for south-west.

“Whip the horses! Faster!”

Alas, the mounted warriors caught up with party in moments.

“Halt! Identify yourself!” the leading figure yelled in elven.

Eccy turned his horse to greet the figure.

“I'm Eccy Throi, accompanied by the Hydra Company. We are travelling to Actun to return what is the rightful ownership of our Master, Rinendirlan Ælasyn.”

“Thenan of Castle Silvan. We patrol these areas and ensure Actun remains safe for elves. I'm afraid your Master's name is unfamiliar to me.”

“Perhaps this letter will help you.”

Armoured elf read it with great interest.

“Hm, this is sufficient. Just follow the river upstream and you will find Actun soon enough. And make sure these humans cause no trouble.”

“Pssst, ask him if we can sleep at their place instead out here. It's a bit scary with that jungle nearby...” one of the humans whispered to Eccy.

“We are busy enough as it is. Go and ask yourself.” and with those words Thenan and his troupe marched southwards, continuing their patrol.

The party continued their journey.

“I don't understand. It should be just across the river. But where are the bridges? Or any crossings? Eccy, Taegen, these are your people. Tell us more!”

They found themselves at the bank of broad river that empties itself into Selget haven. According to their map, Actun should indeed lie at the other side. But nothing but thick forest could be seen.

“Any axes? Maybe we could make some rafts or canoes?”

But no one took any axes.

Few of the adventurers investigated the river. The edges were shallow enough to walk, but it gradually got deeper and deeper. It was Eccy who had most fascinating discovery—a narrow pathway that remained shallow.

He followed it, finding that it winds left and right, like a spasming worm, but remains shallow. Others soon followed him, in a line. The path was just wide enough for one mounted person. Flamthwynn noticed that there was no solid ground at moments—and yet he was still able to walk without falling into the azure river!

Progressing slowly, following the labyrinthine path, Eccy led the party to the other side of the river. Just in time to be greeted by twenty heavily armoured and armed elves.

“Welcome to Actun. Your identity and reason for visit? And why is he invisible?”

“It was a side effect of a potion he drunk.”

“Your paperwork checks out. You can enter Actun. Aeralyn here will accompany you in, escort you to Kylasrendi Lirielsinger, and help you leave.”

“How about our friends?”

“Humans? They stay out. Nothing will happen to them, as long as they behave. No fires. No loitering. No shouting.”

And so were Eccy and invisible Taegen led into dark forest, while Gomm, Rad, and Flamthwynn were left at the east bank of magnificent river.

“Well, I guess it's time to make camp. At least it's sunny?” The trio engaged in some recreative gambling, with Gomm picking up the lot.

The wood elves found it difficult to orient themselves in these woods. They were nothing like Scarlet Forest in Elephand Lands where they hail from. Some of the trees seemed to repeat themselves.

Suddenly a white-marble stone tower appeared in front of them.

“This is the home of Kylasrendi Lirielsinger. He is ready to welcome you.”

The duo entered into bright antechamber. The sun shone from above, as if there was no ceiling.

“Welcome. I know Rinendirlan Ælasyn quite well. What brings you here?”

“He sent us on a mission to recover stolen spellbook. He instructed us to seek help in Actun once we do so.”

“Can I see the book?”

Eccy passed on the leather-bound book retrieved from the fungi-men cave.

“This isn't your Master's book. Whose is this? Can you tell me more about that place?”

The duo explained everything in great detail.

“I'd like you to bring me the sentient mushroom alive. Could you do so? For four thousand platinum pieces?”

“We can try!” Taegen answered enthusiastically.

“I did not ask you if you can try. Can you bring it alive?”

“Well we can, but we have other matters to attend to first...”

“That's fine. I have time.”

“Now, about the invisible guest. That is rude, but I've been informed it's due to your incompetence. Tell me more.”

Taegen's explanation only lowered his already low status in the host's eyes even further.

“Wood elves... Like children... I can arrange for you to become visible, should you wish so.”

“Yes, please!”

“You will be visited tomorrow morning, and that will be taken care of. Now, I will take care of the book. Aeralyn will show you to your housing.”

And with those words their chilly host left them in the antechamber.

“Can we do some shopping while we are here?”

“Whatever you need will be brought to you.”

The duo was escorted through the woods to a simple stone building. A nourishing dinner and warm beds awaited them, unlike their three human friends who had to sleep without open fire.

Warmshade 16th, Airday

“Are you ready to leave?” Aeralyn was eager to escort Eccy and Taegen out of Actun as soon as possible. The latter was made visible by a disapprovingly looking elf. By now both of them felt quite unwelcome here.


They were quickly led to Gomm, Rad, and Flamthwynn, whose welcome seemed infinitely warmer than whatever it is they just experience in Actun.

“Hey, are there any ships in Actun that could take us to Antil?”

“Yes.” Aeralyn replied, and nothing more.

“Oook. Could you tell us about Stigrix? It's a settlement nearby?”

“Full of disgusting dog-men. Maybe they can give you a ride.”

“Oh, we have a funny guy here?”

“Fine, we will ride back.”

Aeralyn exhaled a sigh of relief, and went back into the dark forest.

Eccy once again led the party over the river, following the shallow pathway.

They reached Tenoch by Warmshade 18th, and decided to stay there until Sunstrong 1st—because that's when the market fair will be!

Sunstrong 1st, Airday

Rad spent his days telling stories of his amazing adventures to whomever wanted to listen—and many did! Villager of Tenoch donated nearly a thousand copper pieces, two sacks of potatoes, two chickens, one pig, one goose, one pheasant, and three days of animal feed. He also turned down seven marriage proposals due to insufficient dowry offered.

Gomm spent days at Bronze Lantern and foraging various herbs. He collected enough henbane to make two salves... Or one dangerous snack.

Flamthwynn and Eccy spent their time attempting to identify bottles the former had recovered from the fungi-men lair. The content of bottles were as follows:

  • Empty.
  • Blue-black liquid with the consistency of water.
  • Chunky liquid.
  • Blue liquid, highly viscous, almost a gel.
  • This bottle contains an eye suspended in a clear liquid; the eyeball is bigger than the mouth of the bottle.
  • The outside is painted with a scene of galloping horses.
  • Clear water.
  • Clear water; underneath this bottle is a scrap of parchment; stains render most of the note illegible; the few words that can be deciphered read “the finger is the key.”
  • The bottle is painted black.
  • Oak-brown solid or liquid.
  • Brown-yellow; labeled as goblin urine.
  • Clear; labeled as poison.
  • Birch-brown solid or liquid.

Uncorking the one with chunky liquid had proven rather disastrous. Even a small whiff sent Flamthwynn screaming like a mad-man. He ran around Tenoch, ruining his reputation in the process, while Eccy tried to calm him down. Minn watched with disgust from his villa.

Taegen used the time to train the local militia. He often spared with Thulkor, Gof's adopted son and leader of the militia. He learned that many consider Minn crazy and don't believe in the cannibal clan threat.

On 1st, Tenoch was bustling with more activity than usual. There were elven traders from Actun, miners from Quitzit, merchants from Antil, and all kind of folk from region.

The party used the opportunity to seek new recruits for the Hydra Company. Four individuals stood out:

  • Delphina the Spiteful, a titanic female warrior. At least a head bigger than next largest character. So ugly most people flinch when they see her. Loves slaughter.
  • Sister Nadia, a halfling female. Came from far far west.
  • Rondel the Fighter. Yellow hair, light blue eyes, double pupils. Claimed to be born this way.
  • Woodruff Proctor, male cleric, interested in learning about the Antilian peninsula. Scholar on his way to Antil. Fears water and looks like goblin.

Despite her rough (understatement) appearance, everybody was attracted to Delphina. Alas, neither Rad nor Flamthwynn had enough coin to please her. Their offers were welcome as much as Eccy and Taegen were at Actun.

Finally, Taegen the Charming stepped forward and invited her for a friendly sparring session.

She gleefully accepted. Gomm, Rad, and Flamthwynn, experience gamblers they are, quickly started taking bets. 2:1 in favour of the big woman.

Delphina dropped her heavy greatsword to the ground. Taegen walked in and politely approached her. He was rewarded with a rib-shattering blow to the side of his body which sent him flying. He landed on his face and took a long nap.

Eccy observed in disbelief.

The gamblers found themselves in trouble now—only one person bet on Taegen. Sixteen others placed their money on Delphina. Luckily for them, enough money circulated that they walked away with a humble net profit.

Gomm the Entrepreneur made a deal with Delphine to hold more matches during the fair. He also hired her as his muscle. Consequently, he started sweating if he'll be able to pay her on time.

Eccy, being the only responsible character here, tended to downed Taegen. They retreated to bed early.

Rad, Flamthwynn, and Gomm decided to party long into the night, losing everything they've made on previous days. Ah, such is the adventurer's life.

Rhovar and Blutvarth

Warmshade 13th, Earthday

Rhovar and Blutvarth took all the treasure to Antil. They were to gather reinforcements, sell the treasure, and get proper healing for Blutvarth, before joining others in Tenoch.

Five giant wolves surprised them in the woods just after they had crossed the majestic river Highcourse. Two went for Rhovar, and other three for Blutvarth.

One missed Rhovar's horse, but the other managed to bite off its hind legs. Rhovar fell down and rolled, uninjured.

Blutvarth's horse was also ripped to shreds. He fall down, a bit less gracefully than Rhovar, since he was still reeling from the trauma of transforming into and from lizard form.

The wolves circled the duo, ignoring the horses at the moment. They were larger than the wolves any of them have encounter so far. Each had a different mane, and some even had tattoos.

“This is it Rhovar... Death or Glory.” Blutvarth, still reeling from the pain, stood up, unsheathed his sword, and pointed it at the wolves defiantly.

Rhovar says “I'm sorry!” and turns to run away.

Blutvarth gave Rhovar one of his signature grins, though the melancholy was visible through his façade of defiance.

“I've seen too much death. I can't bare face it again” Rhovar utters through tears. But the wolf circle was too tight—there was nowhere to go.

“You cannot run from your own, my friend.” Blutvarth assumed an offensive stance, sword pointed forward.

One of the wolves started... laughing?

“You really know how to pick them, Meza.” the largest one spoke in chaotic.

“I don't want the cowardly one. They always soil themselves.” the smallest added.

“What do you desire beast?” Rhovar blurted “Is it flesh? What about this treasure? Will it please you?”

None of this made sense to Blutvarth. He just heard wolves growl and Rhovar bark. The man had truly lost it.

“Flesh! Treasure! Dominion! All!” the largest one barked back at Rhovar.

“You are terrible masters, take our treasure and the flesh of our horse and leave us be, and I shall leave ye a sack of gold as a toll on the way back here!”

“Silly little thing, what else will you offer before we rip you to pieces?” the smallest one spoke again.

“How about your friend over there. Look at him; look how bravely he stands.”

“Maybe we ask him to join us, and have him feast on your flesh...”

“Not a bad idea, Meza!” the large quipped enthusiastically.

“I bid ye, terrible masters, I will give you two sack of gold and another horse if you let us leave. What name shall I call my new masters, oh loathsome ones!”

Blutvarth, could see the wolves circling him and bark back and forth with Rhovar.

“Where were you heading to?” the small one asked.

“The city of the giant Eagle, where I have much coin stowed away. This here treasure is only a trifle compared to our stores.”

“Oh! The feathery pilgrims! Juicy, juicy, juicy!” the fattest one chipped in.

Blutvarth stood motionless, keeping his guard up, following the wolves with tired eyes. Although he didn't understand what's going on, he's prepared to die and didn't want to lose face at the last minute.

“Here is the deal little one... you bring us five pilgrims, and we let you live.”

“How shall I find ye, oh fearsome ones”

“Come and lounge by the great river; we will find you.”

“What name should I call my new masters?”

“Wormmour Clan.” the largest barks. “Go now! Go and bring us back the feathery delicacies!”

“As you desire, oh mighty Wormmour!”

They allowed Rhovar to step out of the circle. And then they tightened around Blutvarth.

“And my friend masters, he knows the feathered ones, I will need him to trick them! Look at his wounds, he is tired old meat! As I speak your tongue he speaks theirs!”

The smallest wolf spoke once more: “I'm sure you will find a way, o snivelling one. Your friend will stay with us. Depending how fast you come back, we might return him in one piece... or his bones.”

“Six clerics! Let him leave and I shall bring you six!”

The fat wolf gasped!

“Go, go!” and they let both go, despite Meza's protests.

As they hurried away, Rhovar told Blutvarth everything. “By the hair on our chin my lad!”

Horseless, but full of adrenaline, the duo decided to head towards Kestizar, the closest safe settlement.

“A boat, a boat is what we need my lad! A days sail from Antil 'tis all. Then we'll summon up a horde and come back and skin those dogs!”

They reached Kestizar by the end of third watch. It's a large fishing village with wooden palisades. Most of the guards were wounded or bandaged. On their way to it, Rhovar and Blutvarth passed a number of trashed huts and houses. There was a heavy atmosphere in the air, and most of the people avoided them.

“Hail guardsmen! What assails the noble Town of Kestizar?” Rhovar said to the guards “Tell, what aid I can give you?”

Most of them tried to ignore him or just mumbled something.

“We've been harassed by forces of chaos for weeks now. They strike at night with horrible howls and fiery hell. It's been getting worse... Many here have lost their kin just two nights ago...” one of them said quietly.

Another, with bloody bandage running along his leg, chimed in “That limp-dick Karnalt refuses to send any help whatsoever, choosing to hide behind castle walls instead!”

“You want to help us? Seek Elidarth the Elder, she will know best.”

“Thank you brothers. Keep up your chin and your shield. I shall talk to Elidarth to see how I can aid you.”

Blutvarth was paler by the hour. He retched often, and had little strength to move around. Although Rhovar's cowardice shocked him at first, now he's more intrigued by his craftiness than anything.

Rhovar traded in his plate mail for two leather armours. Then he found a safe place to leave Blutvarth to rest while he sought transport to Antil. Alas, most of the locals ignored him.

“You remind them of Skandiks, my friend. Brutal, pillaging lot they are. Blond and pale, just like you. Have you heard what they did in Zothay? Unspeakable horrors.”

“My name is Lenden. I might be able to help you. I usually take advance pay, but if you give your word and promise 150 gold coin, I can fix you up.”

“I am of the North yes, at my birth I was lain on the altar of Grimnir along with the head of a stag, as is the custom of the first born of my tribe. We may seem savage to you southerners, but there is an honesty in the battle lust. Aye, I will take you up on your offer friend, I have a companion who is gravely hurt, we must make Antil with speed so he can be healed.”

“Lady Luck smiles upon you then. We are leaving tonight, when Howla and Vanis are at their highest.”

“Two moons, good omen, may Freya bless our journey. I shall see your fists are stuffed with gold when we make port. I shall collect my companion and meet you at the boardwalk.”

Rhovar informed Blutvarth, and then went to seek Elidarth the Elder. He found her at the recently pillaged part of Kestizar. There a group of people was going through the remains, cleaning up and sorting surviving belongings. Among them was a young woman dressed in simple clothes.

The warrior approached her with a raised hand, and reverberated “Hail from the many headed Hydra Company. Condolences for your loses, Elder. Let us pour out this offering and sing to their passing.” He presented the wine he picked up on the way. “What assails the town of Kestizar? Perhaps our mercenary company could aid you.”

After she finished giving out instructions, she took Rhovar on the walk towards breached palisades. She was courteous, but didn't mince words.

“Brigands and their monstrous servants: goblins and hobgoblins. They are surprisingly well coordinated. Tarrak is certain he shot down a few of them, but we couldn't find their corpses in the aftermath.”

“I'm worried they are merely probing our defences. I've requested help from Antil many times, but they always write to ask Lord Karnalt. And he hasn't offered any help, no matter how much we ask for it.”

“I planned to ride to Antil several days ago, but am afraid Tenoch might fall in my absence. The spirits are low and people are broken.”

“We are fishermen and jewelers, not warriors.”

“Tell me, blond fighter, do you still believe you can crush this villainous horde?”

“A sharp blade will cut. Karnalt has lost his whetstone. You ask me whether I think we can defeat this menace? Two days ago we smashed to pieces the skulls of forty degenerate fungal men in the bowls of the earth. Here I am, Grimnir sees me breath still. See here, the slime of their brains still mires my weapon. My answer then elder, aye, I will kill any foe before me, or die trying. A true warrior never forgets to sharpen his blade, for a blade has but one purpose; Death.”

“Tonight I sail to Antil to gather troops. Tenoch is besieged and I have promised to destroy their enemies. I shall stop here on the way for rest, do you know where the enemy camp? Do you know their numbers?”

“I'm quite confident that I recognised some of them. And If I have, then those were men led by Roenald, a knave and scoundrel who lairs in an abandoned keep south-east from here. But they were always a petty bunch, so I might be wrong...” Elidarth replied.

Rhovar scratched his blonde beard in thought. “You know him? Does he take prisoners? What do you think his reaction would be if you offered him parlay? If you offered him treasure, or slaves, in order to leave the town alone? Would he jump at the chance? I am brewing an idea.”

Elidarth thought for a moment before replying. “Earlier this year, perhaps Dewsnap or later, a group of men got drunk and started causing trouble. They were bragging about how they are unstoppable, and have recently vanquished a party of adventurers. Apparently, they were about to get rich from ransoming a priest of the Sun and a dwarf from some far away clan. When asked to leave they got violent, so we forced them out with clubs and spears. It is then they mentioned this Roenald figure. I thought that'd be the last of them...”

“I can tell you one thing—whomever was attacking us over the last month was not talkative at all... They all seemed... Possessed, in lack of better word.”

She heard out the details of Rhovar's plan, but ultimately hadn't bought it. “Wouldn't you rather garrison here, and then counterattack?”

Looking around, all he could see were recently constructed palisades which look like they'll fall over as soon as someone blows at them.

“How often do they attack? We can counter attack here. I will return as soon as I can with as many men as I can muster.” He offered advice on how to improve the palisade before leaving.

He found Blutvarth where he left him, albeit much paler. The young warrior was dying.

“I do not think I will make it to Antil alive my friend. If I could choose, I would like to die in a prettier place than this...”

“Don't talk that way. You're gonna make it!”

Lenden met them after midnight. He led the duo to a small boat with four hunched figures. A large bald man accompanied him.

“Aegan will accompany you to your home, to collect payment for services rendered.”

Then he looked at Blutvarth.

“You look horrendous boy. What are you suffering from?”

“I wish I knew, friend. I was grievously wounded during a fight, and one of my companions gave me a magical concoction. I underwent some kind of... transformation. Then I felt amazing, strong, renewed. But after a while, I was myself again. My weak, wounded, bloodless self. My companion attempted to give me another concoction, but my body violently reacted to it. I've been feeling worse and worse since.”

Aegan, in his failed attempt to whisper subtly, grunted something like “slit” and “throat” to Lenden.

“Now, now, what these fine men do in private is no concern of ours as long as they pay their dues.” Lenden said.

“My man here, who will also be your captain for the night, is slightly concerned with what you just shared.”

“Will you oblige if he politely asks you to jump out of the boat in case you... Transform again?”

“Whatever magic caused him to transform is long gone, but take my word I will end him if it happens again. Death is the transformation quickly approaching him.” Rhovar said stoically.

After some back and forth both loaded this not suspiciously looking boat at all. They reached Antil by sunrise.

Warmshade 14th, Fireday

They disembarked in the most dubious part of the Servant's Quarters, far outside of the walled portion of the city.

“Done. Pay up!” Aegan demanded forcefully.

“This is not the location. Go up at the docks, we have a warehouse with the coin, as I told your master. I will hold this banner aloft for the guards to see.” Rhovar retorted.

“We are in Antil, are we not? Lead the way.”

“You are already over charging me dog, we'll be landing on my personal jetty for the price I'm paying. Raise sail, dog.”

“The boat stays here, dog! Now walk or I'll gut you myself!”

Blutvarth reflexively put his hand on the pommel of his sword, stood up slowly; and calmly, though with laboured breath, said:

“There is no need to get angry, both of you. Aegan, my good man, there is plenty of gold at the end of this for you, but not if you do not guide us to the exact place we need to go. Even less if you attack us now. Unlike our coffers, our purses are empty; and death would be quite a meager reward for the service you have provided us, wouldn't it? Let us not spill blood here.”

“This is the furthest we get on sea!”

“Why are you so reluctant to go any further. You can be honest, I have fought alongside all kinds.”

“Ask Lenden. Enough of this play, will you lead to your place and pay up, or are we going to carve you up right here, right now?!”

Reluctantly agreeing, the duo made their way through the Servant's Quarters. “Streets” are nothing but packed dirt. Urine, feces, and what not, are stomped into dry canals running alongside the pathways. Most of the houses are simple hovels, with only a few being multi-storied.

There didn't seem to be much life bustling around, except occasional gangs of urchins, begging cripples, and shady looking figures who observe the duo with as much contempt as they had for them. The closer they got to the walls, the better did conditions become.

“Name and reason of visit?” the guards at the Gates of Antil inquired.

“Morean, visiting the Walled Bazaar.” Aegan grunts.

“Rhovar, officer of hydra company, returning to base.”

“Blutvarth, prospective member of hydra company, accompanying my officer.”

“Oh my frog!” Kallahan exclaimed, seeing Blutvarth. “You look gloriously sick! ... Though maybe that's not such a good thing in your case. “Let's get you some help. I'm a poor healer but I might know people who can help you.”

Rhovar spent next five days recruiting mercenaries. He managed to hire eight heavy footmen and twenty two archers who had just landed in Antil port. Death of their lord made them jobless, so they were quite enthused to meet Rhovar. Perhaps they would be of different disposition had they known they are about to meet some cannibal barbarians.

He also signed up new Hydra Company members: Blutvarth, Norwell, Brawley, and Mano Stern.

The pale warrior was dropped off with healers of the most impressive bosoms, per his dying wish.

Just before ending up in the Hydra Company, Norwell had tried all sorts of jobs in Antil: From working occasionally as a waiter in taverns to the really hard work of unloading cargo from ship at the docks.

However, accustomed to the life of the great city he could not part from certain luxuries, such as accommodation in a good inn, fine meals and beverages and flirting. Although that meant that he had a great time he soon could not afford this lifestyle and unfortunately at the same time he agreed to join a gang of smugglers who appreciated the fact that he worked at the docks already.

The plan went all wrong, many of the smugglers slain by an older gang claiming the docks as their own. Norwell barely escaping death and having even lost his money pouch and desperate to leave Antil before losing his life again hurriedly offered his services to Hydra Company hoping he would be send on a mission to the countryside. Current estate: Clothes, tools, sword, sling, a few rations and 41 copper pieces he had somehow forgotten inside his toolbox.

Brawley got very drunk, telling everyone who would listen that he is a favourite son of the sea god, he survived being marooned and came into possession of a magic lantern.

He was so boisterous he started dancing on the bar, that was when a man marched up to him and told him to kindly shut his mouth. Brawley started fist fighting with the man wrecking a large portion of the pub.

Unbeknownst to Brawley the man was an influential figure in the city, and the next morning Brawley found himself waking up in the stocks of Antil's square.

He spent days there, all manner of food thrown at him, animals using him as a urination station. Once he was released he looked for the quickest way out of Antil and happened upon his friends who told him about the advert for the Hydra company. And here he was, his neck and wrists still bruised. He now spits at any mention of Antil.

Little is know of Mano Stern, probably because he was the only lawful member.

Rhovar, Brawley, Norwell, Mano Stern, and their force of thirty mercenaries, set out for Tenoch on Warmshade 18th.

They arrived at noon of Sunstrong 2nd, waving their banners proudly.

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