Swords & Wizardry: 20 Halfling Fighters

Is it almost June already? At the beginning of the year I started making Swords & Wizardry Complete pregens as part of the Character Creation Challenge.

Since it took me just a month to make 180 characters and matching equipment packs, I thought I'd make all the demihuman characters by end of February. Oh, how wrong I had been...

Anyway, time to roll up some Halflings. As a reminder, rules-as-written, they can either be Fighters or Thieves. If they opt for the former then the highest level they can reach is 4, ie Hero.

Let's roll some attributes, 3d6 in order:

1 11 10 9 13 8 13 12
2 18 15 8 7 10 7 9
3 12 12 7 6 6 9 14
4 12 14 9 9 14 16 10
5 6 15 16 9 6 11 18
6 13 7 16 8 11 10 12
7 7 12 12 10 8 12 10
8 11 16 7 12 10 16 10
9 10 10 12 13 14 13 10
10 11 9 15 10 15 8 9
11 13 7 10 8 11 8 6
12 10 6 8 16 5 9 11
13 13 6 16 9 11 11 15
14 8 13 10 11 9 13 13
15 5 9 12 5 10 13 10
16 7 14 12 13 14 11 15
17 13 4 10 11 14 14 9
18 6 12 6 12 10 10 13
19 14 11 13 10 7 17 12
20 6 14 11 8 11 12 14

First ten are male, and following ten are female. In each group we have three Lawful, four Neutral, and three Chaotic characters.

1. Vinjo Farrow

Class: Fighter Ancestry: Halfling Alignment: Lawful Languages: Common, Halfling, Alignment

Appearance: 3'6'' / 1.07 m, 110 lbs / 50 kg; black hair; gold eyes; pale gold skin tone; 4'' scar Traits: fatherly, charismatic

Hit points: 2 Armor class: 5[14] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic


STR: 11 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs) DEX: 10 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none) CON: 9 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%) INT: 13 (max additional languages: 3) WIS: 8 (experience bonus: none) CHA: 13 (max # of special hirelings: 5; retainer morale adjustment: +1; experience bonus: +5%)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14).

Ancestry abilities

+1 bonus when using missile weapons.


Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Sword, long (1d8); 1 × Crossbow, light (2H, ROF 1, range 60’); 1 × Bolts, light (20) (1d4+1) Gear: 1 × Bell; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Hammer; 2 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Rope, silk (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Flask, leather; 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 6 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bottle of wine, glass; 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll Coins: 4 gp, 2 sp, 6 cp Encumbrance: 89 lbs

2. Suweld Highhill

Class: Fighter Ancestry: Halfling Alignment: Lawful Languages: Common, Halfling, Alignment

Appearance: 3'8'' / 1.12 m, 120 lbs / 54 kg; magenta hair; yellow eyes; pale blue skin tone; five-point star-shaped birthmark Traits: devoted, noble, calculating

Hit points: 6 Armor class: 5[14] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic


STR: 18 (to-hit modifier: +3; damage modifier: +3; open doors: 1–5; carry modifier: +50 lbs) DEX: 15 (missile to-hit modifier: +1; AC modifier: better by 1 point) CON: 8 (hp per hit die modifier: -1; raise dead survival: 50%) INT: 7 (max additional languages: 0) WIS: 10 (experience bonus: none) CHA: 7 (max # of special hirelings: 3; retainer morale adjustment: -1; experience bonus: none)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14).

Ancestry abilities

+1 bonus when using missile weapons.


Armour: 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Sword, bastard (1H 1d8; 2H 1d8+1); 1 × Crossbow, light (2H, ROF 1, range 60’); 1 × Bolts, light (20) (1d4+1) Gear: 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 1 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 6 × Torch; 2 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll Coins: 4 gp, 3 sp, 4 cp Encumbrance: 69 lbs

3. Frodo Edgewater

Class: Fighter Ancestry: Halfling Alignment: Lawful Languages: Common, Halfling, Alignment

Appearance: 3'4'' / 1.02 m, 110 lbs / 50 kg; grey hair; light green eyes; dark brown skin tone; pentagram-shaped birthmark Traits: homeless, wishy washy, downtrodden

Hit points: 1 Armor class: 5[14] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic


STR: 12 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs) DEX: 12 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none) CON: 7 (hp per hit die modifier: -1; raise dead survival: 50%) INT: 6 (max additional languages: 0) WIS: 6 (experience bonus: none) CHA: 9 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14).

Ancestry abilities

+1 bonus when using missile weapons.


Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 1 × Axe, battle (1H 1d8; 2H 1d8+1); 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Crossbow, heavy (2H, ROF ½, range 80’); 1 × Bolts, heavy (20) (1d6+1) Gear: 1 × Mule; 1 × Bell; 1 × Block and tackle; 1 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Grappling hook; 3 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 4 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 6 × Torch; 2 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 1 × Signal whistle; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bottle of wine, glass; 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll Coins: 4 gp, 9 sp, 9 cp Encumbrance: 95 lbs

4. Wally Margold

Class: Fighter Ancestry: Halfling Alignment: Neutral Languages: Common, Halfling, Alignment

Appearance: 3'5'' / 1.04 m, 100 lbs / 45 kg; grey hair; brown eyes; light tan skin tone Traits: grim, calculating, blunt

Hit points: 2 Armor class: 5[14] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic


STR: 12 (to-hit modifier: 0; damage modifier: 0; open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs) DEX: 14 (missile to-hit modifier: +1; AC modifier: better by 1 point) CON: 9 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%) INT: 9 (max additional languages: 1) WIS: 14 (experience bonus: +5%) CHA: 16 (max # of special hirelings: 6; retainer morale adjustment: +2; experience bonus: +5%)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14).

Ancestry abilities

+1 bonus when using missile weapons.


Armour: 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 1 × Axe, battle (1H 1d8; 2H 1d8+1); 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 3 × Javelin (1d6, ROF 1, range 20’) Gear: 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Hammer; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Rope, silk (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Lamp, bronze; 1 × Lantern, hooded; 1 × Lantern, bullseye; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 3 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll Coins: 5 gp, 0 sp, 0 cp Encumbrance: 83 lbs

5. Emrond Goodtub

Class: Fighter Ancestry: Halfling Alignment: Neutral Languages: Common, Halfling, Alignment

Appearance: 3'4'' / 1.02 m, 105 lbs / 48 kg; light blonde hair; green eyes; black skin tone; six fingered Traits: rebellious, lively, defiant

Hit points: 7 Armor class: 3[16] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic


STR: 6 (to-hit modifier: -1; damage modifier: 0; open doors: 1; carry modifier: -5 lbs) DEX: 15 (missile to-hit modifier: +1; AC modifier: better by 1 point) CON: 16 (hp per hit die modifier: +1; raise dead survival: 100%) INT: 9 (max additional languages: 1) WIS: 6 (experience bonus: none) CHA: 11 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14).

Ancestry abilities

+1 bonus when using missile weapons.


Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Chain (-4[+4] AC) Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Sword, long (1d8); 1 × Lance (2d4+1); 3 × Javelin (1d6, ROF 1, range 20’) Gear: 1 × Mule; 1 × Block and tackle; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Grappling hook; 4 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 4 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 2 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll Coins: 3 gp, 4 sp, 9 cp Encumbrance: 114 lbs

6. William Proudfeet

Class: Fighter Ancestry: Halfling Alignment: Neutral Languages: Common, Halfling, Alignment

Appearance: 3'7'' / 1.09 m, 115 lbs / 52 kg; bald; violet eyes; striped violet and pale orange skin tone; hermaphrodite Traits: prudent, hard, wishy washy

Hit points: 4 Armor class: 6[13] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic


STR: 13 (to-hit modifier: +1; damage modifier: 0; open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +10 lbs) DEX: 7 (missile to-hit modifier: -1; AC modifier: worse by 1 point) CON: 16 (hp per hit die modifier: +1; raise dead survival: 100%) INT: 8 (max additional languages: 1) WIS: 11 (experience bonus: none) CHA: 10 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14).

Ancestry abilities

+1 bonus when using missile weapons.


Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Sword, long (1d8); 1 × Crossbow, light (2H, ROF 1, range 60’); 1 × Bolts, light (20) (1d4+1) Gear: 1 × Bell; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Hammer; 2 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Rope, silk (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Flask, leather; 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 6 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bottle of wine, glass; 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll Coins: 4 gp, 2 sp, 6 cp Encumbrance: 89 lbs

7. Goldpin Yimrick

Class: Fighter Ancestry: Halfling Alignment: Neutral Languages: Common, Halfling, Alignment

Appearance: 3'5'' / 1.04 m, 105 lbs / 48 kg; white hair; green eyes; pale green skin tone Traits: kinky, devoted, idealistic

Hit points: 3 Armor class: 6[13] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic


STR: 7 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: 0 lbs) DEX: 12 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none) CON: 12 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%) INT: 10 (max additional languages: 2) WIS: 8 (experience bonus: none) CHA: 12 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14).

Ancestry abilities

+1 bonus when using missile weapons.


Armour: 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 1 × Axe, battle (1H 1d8; 2H 1d8+1); 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 3 × Javelin (1d6, ROF 1, range 20’) Gear: 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Hammer; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Rope, silk (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Lamp, bronze; 1 × Lantern, hooded; 1 × Lantern, bullseye; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 3 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll Coins: 5 gp, 0 sp, 0 cp Encumbrance: 83 lbs

8. Rinma Dunbarrel

Class: Fighter Ancestry: Halfling Alignment: Chaotic Languages: Common, Halfling, Alignment

Appearance: 3'6'' / 1.07 m, 110 lbs / 50 kg; bald; brown eyes; dark brown skin tone Traits: cautious, ruthless, shady

Hit points: 1 Armor class: 5[14] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic


STR: 11 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs) DEX: 16 (missile to-hit modifier: +1; AC modifier: better by 1 point) CON: 7 (hp per hit die modifier: -1; raise dead survival: 50%) INT: 12 (max additional languages: 3) WIS: 10 (experience bonus: none) CHA: 16 (max # of special hirelings: 6; retainer morale adjustment: +2; experience bonus: +5%)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14).

Ancestry abilities

+1 bonus when using missile weapons.


Armour: 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 1 × Axe, battle (1H 1d8; 2H 1d8+1); 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 3 × Javelin (1d6, ROF 1, range 20’) Gear: 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Hammer; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Rope, silk (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Lamp, bronze; 1 × Lantern, hooded; 1 × Lantern, bullseye; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 3 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll Coins: 5 gp, 0 sp, 0 cp Encumbrance: 83 lbs

9. Lawild Claypotts

Class: Fighter Ancestry: Halfling Alignment: Chaotic Languages: Common, Halfling, Alignment

Appearance: 3'6'' / 1.07 m, 110 lbs / 50 kg; cyan hair; dark brown eyes; pale blue skin tone Traits: mediocre, unsure, insipid

Hit points: 6 Armor class: 6[13] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic


STR: 10 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs) DEX: 10 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none) CON: 12 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%) INT: 13 (max additional languages: 3) WIS: 14 (experience bonus: +5%) CHA: 13 (max # of special hirelings: 5; retainer morale adjustment: +1; experience bonus: +5%)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14).

Ancestry abilities

+1 bonus when using missile weapons.


Armour: 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 1 × Axe, battle (1H 1d8; 2H 1d8+1); 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 3 × Javelin (1d6, ROF 1, range 20’) Gear: 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Hammer; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Rope, silk (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Lamp, bronze; 1 × Lantern, hooded; 1 × Lantern, bullseye; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 3 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll Coins: 5 gp, 0 sp, 0 cp Encumbrance: 83 lbs

10. Hadaca Oans

Class: Fighter Ancestry: Halfling Alignment: Chaotic Languages: Common, Halfling, Alignment

Appearance: 3'7'' / 1.09 m, 110 lbs / 50 kg; yellow hair; silver eyes; light tan skin tone Traits: cunning, defiant, unscrupulous

Hit points: 2 Armor class: 6[13] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic


STR: 11 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs) DEX: 9 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none) CON: 15 (hp per hit die modifier: +1; raise dead survival: 100%) INT: 10 (max additional languages: 2) WIS: 15 (experience bonus: +5%) CHA: 8 (max # of special hirelings: 3; retainer morale adjustment: -1; experience bonus: none)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14).

Ancestry abilities

+1 bonus when using missile weapons.


Armour: 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Sword, bastard (1H 1d8; 2H 1d8+1); 1 × Crossbow, light (2H, ROF 1, range 60’); 1 × Bolts, light (20) (1d4+1) Gear: 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 1 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 6 × Torch; 2 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll Coins: 4 gp, 3 sp, 4 cp Encumbrance: 69 lbs

11. Mimose Littletoes

Class: Fighter Ancestry: Halfling Alignment: Lawful Languages: Common, Halfling, Alignment

Appearance: 3'7'' / 1.09 m, 115 lbs / 52 kg; golden hair; light blue eyes; pale green skin tone; ½'' scar Traits: biter, dependent, distant

Hit points: 7 Armor class: 7[12] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic


STR: 13 (to-hit modifier: +1; damage modifier: 0; open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +10 lbs) DEX: 7 (missile to-hit modifier: -1; AC modifier: worse by 1 point) CON: 10 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%) INT: 8 (max additional languages: 1) WIS: 11 (experience bonus: none) CHA: 8 (max # of special hirelings: 3; retainer morale adjustment: -1; experience bonus: none)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14).

Ancestry abilities

+1 bonus when using missile weapons.


Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Leather (-2[+2] AC) Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Sword, short (1d6); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 6 × Dart (1d3, ROF 3, range 15’) Gear: 1 × Hammer; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (15 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 6 × Torch; 2 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll Coins: 4 gp, 2 sp, 4 cp Encumbrance: 69 lbs

12. Elwed Innswell

Class: Fighter Ancestry: Halfling Alignment: Lawful Languages: Common, Halfling, Alignment

Appearance: 3'6'' / 1.07 m, 110 lbs / 50 kg; red hair; light blue eyes; grey-green skin tone Traits: restless, meek, young

Hit points: 2 Armor class: 7[12] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic


STR: 10 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs) DEX: 6 (missile to-hit modifier: -1; AC modifier: worse by 1 point) CON: 8 (hp per hit die modifier: -1; raise dead survival: 50%) INT: 16 (max additional languages: 5) WIS: 5 (experience bonus: none) CHA: 9 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14).

Ancestry abilities

+1 bonus when using missile weapons.


Armour: 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 2 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Mace, heavy (1d6); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Crossbow, heavy (2H, ROF ½, range 80’); 1 × Bolts, heavy (20) (1d6+1) Gear: 1 × Bell; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Grappling hook; 3 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Shovel; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (15 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Lamp, bronze; 1 × Lantern, hooded; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bottle of wine, glass; 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll Coins: 4 gp, 7 sp, 5 cp Encumbrance: 82 lbs

13. Adalad Scatterleaf

Class: Fighter Ancestry: Halfling Alignment: Lawful Languages: Common, Halfling, Alignment

Appearance: 3'7'' / 1.09 m, 115 lbs / 52 kg; white hair; blue eyes; light brown skin tone Traits: calculating, blunt, passionate

Hit points: 8 Armor class: 6[13] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic


STR: 13 (to-hit modifier: +1; damage modifier: 0; open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +10 lbs) DEX: 6 (missile to-hit modifier: -1; AC modifier: worse by 1 point) CON: 16 (hp per hit die modifier: +1; raise dead survival: 100%) INT: 9 (max additional languages: 1) WIS: 11 (experience bonus: none) CHA: 11 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14).

Ancestry abilities

+1 bonus when using missile weapons.


Armour: 1 × Chain (-4[+4] AC) Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Sword, bastard (1H 1d8; 2H 1d8+1); 9 × Dart (1d3, ROF 3, range 15’); 3 × Javelin (1d6, ROF 1, range 20’) Gear: 1 × Mule; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Hammer; 1 × Ladder (10 foot); 1 × Pole (10 foot); 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (15 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bottle of wine, glass; 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll Coins: 4 gp, 6 sp, 9 cp Encumbrance: 108 lbs

14. Fatima Elrunner

Class: Fighter Ancestry: Halfling Alignment: Neutral Languages: Common, Halfling, Alignment

Appearance: 3'5'' / 1.04 m, 100 lbs / 45 kg; silver hair; hazel eyes; pale grey skin tone; eight-point star-shaped birthmark Traits: charming, bossy, painstaking

Hit points: 6 Armor class: 4[15] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic


STR: 8 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: 0 lbs) DEX: 13 (missile to-hit modifier: +1; AC modifier: better by 1 point) CON: 10 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%) INT: 11 (max additional languages: 2) WIS: 9 (experience bonus: none) CHA: 13 (max # of special hirelings: 5; retainer morale adjustment: +1; experience bonus: +5%)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14).

Ancestry abilities

+1 bonus when using missile weapons.


Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Sword, long (1d8); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 3 × Javelin (1d6, ROF 1, range 20’) Gear: 1 × Mule; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Ladder (10 foot); 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Shovel; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 4 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Lamp, bronze; 6 × Torch; 1 × Lantern, hooded; 4 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bottle of wine, glass; 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll Coins: 4 gp, 0 sp, 4 cp Encumbrance: 98 lbs

15. Ganny Proudfeet

Class: Fighter Ancestry: Halfling Alignment: Neutral Languages: Common, Halfling, Alignment

Appearance: 3'5'' / 1.04 m, 95 lbs / 43 kg; orange hair; hazel eyes; pale grey skin tone; circle-shaped birthmark Traits: pitiful, surly, dim-witted

Hit points: 6 Armor class: 6[13] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic


STR: 5 (to-hit modifier: -1; damage modifier: 0; open doors: 1; carry modifier: -5 lbs) DEX: 9 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none) CON: 12 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%) INT: 5 (max additional languages: 0) WIS: 10 (experience bonus: none) CHA: 13 (max # of special hirelings: 5; retainer morale adjustment: +1; experience bonus: +5%)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14).

Ancestry abilities

+1 bonus when using missile weapons.


Armour: 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 1 × Axe, battle (1H 1d8; 2H 1d8+1); 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 3 × Javelin (1d6, ROF 1, range 20’) Gear: 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Hammer; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Rope, silk (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Lamp, bronze; 1 × Lantern, hooded; 1 × Lantern, bullseye; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 3 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll Coins: 5 gp, 0 sp, 0 cp Encumbrance: 83 lbs

16. Haha Witsum

Class: Fighter Ancestry: Halfling Alignment: Neutral Languages: Common, Halfling, Alignment

Appearance: 3'6'' / 1.07 m, 105 lbs / 48 kg; light brown hair; hazel eyes; pale silver skin tone Traits: disparaging, intellectual

Hit points: 5 Armor class: 4[15] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic


STR: 7 (to-hit modifier: 0; damage modifier: 0; open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: 0 lbs) DEX: 14 (missile to-hit modifier: +1; AC modifier: better by 1 point) CON: 12 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%) INT: 13 (max additional languages: 3) WIS: 14 (experience bonus: +5%) CHA: 11 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14).

Ancestry abilities

+1 bonus when using missile weapons.


Armour: 1 × Chain (-4[+4] AC) Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Sword, bastard (1H 1d8; 2H 1d8+1); 9 × Dart (1d3, ROF 3, range 15’); 3 × Javelin (1d6, ROF 1, range 20’) Gear: 1 × Mule; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Hammer; 1 × Ladder (10 foot); 1 × Pole (10 foot); 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (15 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bottle of wine, glass; 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll Coins: 4 gp, 6 sp, 9 cp Encumbrance: 108 lbs

17. Rose Jollygoat

Class: Fighter Ancestry: Halfling Alignment: Neutral Languages: Common, Halfling, Alignment

Appearance: 3'7'' / 1.09 m, 120 lbs / 54 kg; white hair; blue eyes; pale blue skin tone; x-shaped birthmark Traits: fair, judgmental, lively

Hit points: 4 Armor class: 7[12] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic


STR: 13 (to-hit modifier: +1; damage modifier: 0; open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +10 lbs) DEX: 4 (missile to-hit modifier: -1; AC modifier: worse by 1 point) CON: 10 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%) INT: 11 (max additional languages: 2) WIS: 14 (experience bonus: +5%) CHA: 14 (max # of special hirelings: 5; retainer morale adjustment: +1; experience bonus: +5%)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14).

Ancestry abilities

+1 bonus when using missile weapons.


Armour: 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Sword, bastard (1H 1d8; 2H 1d8+1); 1 × Crossbow, light (2H, ROF 1, range 60’); 1 × Bolts, light (20) (1d4+1) Gear: 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 1 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 6 × Torch; 2 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll Coins: 4 gp, 3 sp, 4 cp Encumbrance: 69 lbs

18. Veran Goodtub

Class: Fighter Ancestry: Halfling Alignment: Chaotic Languages: Common, Halfling, Alignment

Appearance: 3'5'' / 1.04 m, 105 lbs / 48 kg; silver hair; silver eyes; pale orange skin tone; 1 ½'' scar Traits: dubious, unmotivated, youthful

Hit points: 4 Armor class: 5[14] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic


STR: 6 (to-hit modifier: -1; damage modifier: 0; open doors: 1; carry modifier: -5 lbs) DEX: 12 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none) CON: 6 (hp per hit die modifier: -1; raise dead survival: 50%) INT: 12 (max additional languages: 3) WIS: 10 (experience bonus: none) CHA: 10 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14).

Ancestry abilities

+1 bonus when using missile weapons.


Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Sword, long (1d8); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 3 × Javelin (1d6, ROF 1, range 20’) Gear: 1 × Mule; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Ladder (10 foot); 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Shovel; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 4 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Lamp, bronze; 6 × Torch; 1 × Lantern, hooded; 4 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bottle of wine, glass; 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll Coins: 4 gp, 0 sp, 4 cp Encumbrance: 98 lbs

19. Uwelle Burrow

Class: Fighter Ancestry: Halfling Alignment: Chaotic Languages: Common, Halfling, Alignment

Appearance: 3'7'' / 1.09 m, 115 lbs / 52 kg; dark blonde hair; dark brown eyes; pale blue skin tone Traits: curious, weak-willed, oily

Hit points: 4 Armor class: 5[14] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic


STR: 14 (to-hit modifier: +1; damage modifier: 0; open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +10 lbs) DEX: 11 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none) CON: 13 (hp per hit die modifier: +1; raise dead survival: 100%) INT: 10 (max additional languages: 2) WIS: 7 (experience bonus: none) CHA: 17 (max # of special hirelings: 6; retainer morale adjustment: +2; experience bonus: +5%)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14).

Ancestry abilities

+1 bonus when using missile weapons.


Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Sword, long (1d8); 1 × Crossbow, light (2H, ROF 1, range 60’); 1 × Bolts, light (20) (1d4+1) Gear: 1 × Bell; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Hammer; 2 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Rope, silk (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Flask, leather; 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 6 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bottle of wine, glass; 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll Coins: 4 gp, 2 sp, 6 cp Encumbrance: 89 lbs

20. Lavinia Ramble

Class: Fighter Ancestry: Halfling Alignment: Chaotic Languages: Common, Halfling, Alignment

Appearance: 3'5'' / 1.04 m, 105 lbs / 48 kg; grey hair; metallic blue eyes; dark brown skin tone Traits: incompetent, idealistic, enigmatic, mild

Hit points: 4 Armor class: 4[15] Saving throw, Fighter: 15 Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic


STR: 6 (to-hit modifier: -1; damage modifier: 0; open doors: 1; carry modifier: -5 lbs) DEX: 14 (missile to-hit modifier: +1; AC modifier: better by 1 point) CON: 11 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%) INT: 8 (max additional languages: 1) WIS: 11 (experience bonus: none) CHA: 12 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)

Class abilities

Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14).

Ancestry abilities

+1 bonus when using missile weapons.


Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC) Weapons: 1 × Axe, battle (1H 1d8; 2H 1d8+1); 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Crossbow, heavy (2H, ROF ½, range 80’); 1 × Bolts, heavy (20) (1d6+1) Gear: 1 × Mule; 1 × Bell; 1 × Block and tackle; 1 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Grappling hook; 3 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 4 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 6 × Torch; 2 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 1 × Signal whistle; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bottle of wine, glass; 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll Coins: 4 gp, 9 sp, 9 cp Encumbrance: 95 lbs

Twenty halfling thieves and matching equipment packs coming next.

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