Attronarch's Athenaeum


Last year I collected 143 most recommended Dragon articles into a reading list. Given the size, I divided them into three collections: Player Advice, Judge Advice, and Setting Advice.

Now I'll begin reading the first collection, Player Advice, with the intention of noting anything interesting and worthwhile. I plan to share my notes as I go, since others might benefit from them.

Here is the table of contents for the Player Advice collection:

  • Player Advice
    • What good PCs are made of: Play characters with more substance than statistics (Katharine Kerr, Dragon 96)
    • Notes From a Semi-Successful D&D Player (James Ward, Dragon 13)
    • Be aware and take care: Basic principles of successful adventuring (Lew Pulsipher, Dragon 79)
    • Assessing, not guessing: How PCs can make their own value judgements (Lionel D. Smith, Dragon 104)
  • Characters
    • The six main skills: What AD&D game abilities mean in real terms (Jefferson P. Swycaffer, Dragon 107)
    • Realistic vital statistics: A new system for figuring heights & weights (Stephen Inniss, Dragon 91)
    • Short hops and big drops: Here's how far and how high characters can jump (Stephen Inniss, Dragon 93)
    • Sight in the Darkness: An open-eyed look at infravision, the Underdark, and your PCs (Roger E. Moore, Dragon 211)
    • The 7-Sentence NPC: A new way to bring nonplayer characters to life (in game, that is) (C. M. Cline, Dragon 184)
    • A new loyalty base: All the tables you need, all in one place (Stephen Inniss, Dragon 107)
  • Equipment
    • Swords Slicing into a Sharp Topic (David Nalle, Dragon 58)
    • Enchanting Weapons: Putting the “Magic” into Magical Weapons (Mike Nystul, Dragon 243)
    • Always Wear Your Best Suit: Making armor and weapons unique for all characters (Gordon R. Menzies, Dragon 148)
    • In Defense of the Shield: Shield-using skills in the AD&D game (Tim Merrett, Dragon 127)
    • Two Hands Are Better Than One: A handy guide on handling weapons (Donald D. Miller, Dragon 127)
    • Different Totes for Different Folks: Basic backpacks for every D&D game adventurer (Vince Garcia, Dragon 191)
  • Magic
    • “Oops! Sorry!” Spell interruptions can spell disaster (Donald Hoverson, Dragon 163)
    • Spells between the covers: Details for delving into magical research (Bruce Heard, Dragon 82)
    • The Laws of Spell Design (Ted Zuvich, Dragon 242)
    • Paths of Power: A variant magic system for the AD&D game (Wolfgang Buar and Steve Kurtz, Dragon 216)
    • The Color of Magic: Specialized spells for D&D game spellcasters (Dan Joyce, Dragon 200)
    • Even Wilder Mages: If your wild-mage PC isn't strange (Joel E. Roosa & Andrew Crossett, Dragon 202)
    • Good stuff for a spell: Magic focusing: a new dimension for possessions (John M. Maxstadt, Dragon 111)
    • Charging isn't cheap: How to make and fix rods, staves, and wands (Peter Johnson, Dragon 101)
    • The Mystic College: Magical academies for AD&D game sorcerers (James A. Yates, Dragon 123)
  • Psionics
    • Psionics is different... And that's putting it rather mildly (Arthur Collins, Dragon 78)
    • Overhauling the system: A three-part remedy for problems with psionics (Robert Schroeck, Dragon 78)
    • And now, the pscionicist: A class that moves psionics into the mainstream (Arthur Collins, Dragon 78)
    • Spells can be psionic, too: How and why magic resembles mental powers (Kim Mohan, Dragon 78)
    • Psionics: Sage advice (Dragon 78)
  • Procedures
    • Credit where credit is due: Elaborating upon the experience-point rules (Katharine Kerr, Dragon 95)
    • New charts, using the 5% principle (Lenard Lakofka, Dragon 80)
    • You've always got a chance: Using ability scores to determine success or failure (Katherine Kerr,  Dragon 68)
    • When the rations run out: Characters don't live on hit points alone (Paul Hancock, Dragon 107)
    • Wounds and weeds: Plants that can help keep characters alive (Kevin J. Anderson, Dragon 82)
    • Good Hits & Bad Misses (Carl Parlagreco, Dragon 39)
    • Magic resistance: What it is, how it works (Penny Petticord, et al, Dragon 79)
    • A Hero's Reward: The hero-point system for the AD&D game (Leonard Carpenter, Dragon 118)
    • The fighting circle: Gladiatorial combat in the AD&D game (Dan Salas, Dragon 118)
    • High Seas: Ships, fore and aft, in fantasy gaming (Margaret Foy, Dragon 116)
    • Same dice, different odds: Divided rolls add variety and uncertainty (David G. Weeks, Dragon 94)

More to come soon...

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For the last month and a half I've been scouring the web for peoples' favourite and most useful Dragon Magazine articles.

Once I've noted all the recommendations, I went through each magazine and skimmed it. This step was to mark the articles I'm curious about and would like to read closer, potentially implementing them in my game or simply reading them to become a better player and judge.

So, without any further ado, the 143 articles that made my reading list are:

  • Dragon Magazine 13 – Demon generation
  • Dragon Magazine 13 – How heavy is my giant
  • Dragon Magazine 13 – Notes From a Semi-Successful D&D Player
  • Dragon Magazine 20 – It's a good day to die
  • Dragon Magazine 23 – Random generation of creatures from the lower planes
  • Dragon Magazine 28 – The Politics of Hell
  • Dragon Magazine 39 – Good Hits & Bad Misses
  • Dragon Magazine 49 – Historical Names make for Better Games
  • Dragon Magazine 52 – Basic DnD points of view from the editors old and new
  • Dragon Magazine 52 – Knock, knock – The history of siege warfare
  • Dragon Magazine 53 – How to give disease a fighting chance
  • Dragon Magazine 53 – Some Universal Rules Making Your Own Campaign And Making It Work
  • Dragon Magazine 53 – Understanding Armory
  • Dragon Magazine 54 – Ruins Rotted & Risky, But Rewarding
  • Dragon Magazine 58 – Swords Slicing into a Sharp Topic
  • Dragon Magazine 59 – Gypsies A curse or a blessing or both
  • Dragon Magazine 59 – Make monsters, not monstrosities
  • Dragon Magazine 59 – Poison The toxins of cerilon
  • Dragon Magazine 63 – For the sake of change
  • Dragon Magazine 63 – Plan before you play
  • Dragon Magazine 63 – The humanoids – Goals and gods of the kobolds, golbins, hobgoblins, and gnolls
  • Dragon Magazine 68 – Weather in the World of Greyhawk – A climate for realistic AD&D adventuring adaptable for use in your world
  • Dragon Magazine 68 – You've always got a chance
  • Dragon Magazine 69 – Runes
  • Dragon Magazine 72 – Gems galore
  • Dragon Magazine 72 – The real barbarians
  • Dragon Magazine 73 – Non-violent Magic Items
  • Dragon Magazine 73 – The solo scenario
  • Dragon Magazine 74 – A player character and his money
  • Dragon Magazine 75 – All games need names
  • Dragon Magazine 75 – Beyond the rule book
  • Dragon Magazine 75 – The Nine Hells Part I
  • Dragon Magazine 76 – For NPCs Only – The Death Master
  • Dragon Magazine 76 – The Nine Hells Part II
  • Dragon Magazine 77 – Curses – Twenty good ideas for bad tidings
  • Dragon Magazine 77 – Tarot of many things
  • Dragon Magazine 78 – Mind Games
  • Dragon Magazine 78 – Spells can be psionic, too
  • Dragon Magazine 78 – The ecology of the mind flayer
  • Dragon Magazine 79 – Be aware and take care
  • Dragon Magazine 79 – Blame it on the gremlins
  • Dragon Magazine 79 – Magic resistance – What it is, how it works
  • Dragon Magazine 79 – The fights of fantasy
  • Dragon Magazine 80 – Five keys to DMing success
  • Dragon Magazine 80 – New charts, using the 5% principle
  • Dragon Magazine 80 – Who lives in that castle
  • Dragon Magazine 81 – Taking the sting out of poison
  • Dragon Magazine 82 – Rings that do weird things
  • Dragon Magazine 82 – Spells between the covers
  • Dragon Magazine 82 – Wounds and weeds
  • Dragon Magazine 87+88 – Beyond the Dungeon
  • Dragon Magazine 91 – Realistic vital statistics – A new system for figuring heights & weights
  • Dragon Magazine 91 – The Nine Hells Revisited
  • Dragon Magazine 93 – Short hops and big drops
  • Dragon Magazine 93 – The making of a milieu
  • Dragon Magazine 94 – An army travels on its stomach
  • Dragon Magazine 94 – Same dice, different odds
  • Dragon Magazine 95 – Credit where credit is due
  • Dragon Magazine 96 – What good PCs are made of – Play characters with more substance than statistics
  • Dragon Magazine 98 – Dragon Damage revised
  • Dragon Magazine 98 – Tailor-made treasure
  • Dragon Magazine 99 – A sharp system for swords
  • Dragon Magazine 99 – History of a game that failed
  • Dragon Magazine 99 – Tables and tables of troops
  • Dragon Magazine 99 – That's life in the big city
  • Dragon Magazine 101 – Charging isn't cheap How to make and fix rods, staves, and wands
  • Dragon Magazine 101 – For king and country An alignment system based on cause and effect
  • Dragon Magazine 101 – Plain it by the numbers A system for tailoring challenges to characters
  • Dragon Magazine 104 – Assessing, not guessing
  • Dragon Magazine 106 – The way we really play
  • Dragon Magazine 107 – A new loyalty base
  • Dragon Magazine 107 – Economics made easy
  • Dragon Magazine 107 – Revised reaction, loyalty, and morale tables
  • Dragon Magazine 107 – The six main skills
  • Dragon Magazine 107 – When the rations run out
  • Dragon Magazine 109 – Blades with personality
  • Dragon Magazine 109 – Fighters for a price
  • Dragon Magazine 109 – Giant-sized weapons
  • Dragon Magazine 109 – Locals aren't all yokels
  • Dragon Magazine 110 – Dragon Damage revisited
  • Dragon Magazine 110 – The Cult of the Dragon – Dracolich
  • Dragon Magazine 111 – Good stuff, for a spell
  • Dragon Magazine 111 – No campaign ever fails
  • Dragon Magazine 112 – Revenge of the Nobodies
  • Dragon Magazine 115 – Elven Armies and Dwarves-At-Arms
  • Dragon Magazine 116 – By Tooth and Claw
  • Dragon Magazine 116 – Hello Your Majesty Communication in history and fantasy
  • Dragon Magazine 116 – High Seas
  • Dragon Magazine 118 – A Hero's Reward
  • Dragon Magazine 118 – Gladiatorial combat in the AD&D game
  • Dragon Magazine 123 – The Mystic College
  • Dragon Magazine 125 – Armies From the Ground Up
  • Dragon Magazine 127 – In Defense of the Shield
  • Dragon Magazine 127 – Two Hands Are Better Than One
  • Dragon Magazine 133 – The Wild Warriors
  • Dragon Magazine 136 – A Room for the knight
  • Dragon Magazine 136 – Building Blocks, City Style – A city-generation system for fantasy campaigns
  • Dragon Magazine 136 – Fifty Ways to Foil Your Players
  • Dragon Magazine 136 – The Long Arm of the Law
  • Dragon Magazine 137 – Weathering the Storms – A new weather system for fantasy game campaigns
  • Dragon Magazine 137 – What's for lunch – A detailed hunting system
  • Dragon Magazine 143 – The Highs and Lows of Fantasy
  • Dragon Magazine 145 – A Castle Here, A Castle There
  • Dragon Magazine 145 – Bazaar of the Bizarre
  • Dragon Magazine 145 – Holding Down the Fort
  • Dragon Magazine 145 – Strongholds Three
  • Dragon Magazine 145 – Your Home Is Your Castle
  • Dragon Magazine 148 – Always Wear Your Best Suit
  • Dragon Magazine 150 – The Dragon's Bestiary – All life crawls where mind flayers rule
  • Dragon Magazine 150 – The Sunset World – In the realm of the mind flayers
  • Dragon Magazine 150 – Unspeakable Secrets Made Easy
  • Dragon Magazine 154 – All in the Family – Heraldry, politics, and feudalism in fantasy campaigns
  • Dragon Magazine 161 – It's sort of like a wand...
  • Dragon Magazine 163 – Magic Gone Haywire
  • Dragon Magazine 163 – Oops! Sorry!
  • Dragon Magazine 167 – Curses Are Divine
  • Dragon Magazine 167 – Just Give Me The Money
  • Dragon Magazine 174 – Bugged About Something
  • Dragon Magazine 179 – Something Completely Different
  • Dragon Magazine 184 – The 7 sentence NPC
  • Dragon Magazine 184 – The Referee's Code of Honor
  • Dragon Magazine 187 – The Wild, Wild Wilderness
  • Dragon Magazine 191 – Different Totes for Different Folks
  • Dragon Magazine 199 – Crude but effective – Simple tactics for humanoids
  • Dragon Magazine 200 – The Color of Magic
  • Dragon Magazine 201 – Seven Steps to a Successful Castle
  • Dragon Magazine 202 – Even Wilder Mages
  • Dragon Magazine 211 – Sight in the Darkness
  • Dragon Magazine 211 – The Ecology of the Dungeon
  • Dragon Magazine 216 – Paths of Power
  • Dragon Magazine 228 – Real Jungles
  • Dragon Magazine 234 – The Draconomicon – The lesser evils of the draconian undead
  • Dragon Magazine 239 – 101 Dirty Orc Tricks
  • Dragon Magazine 241 – Al-Quadim The Roof of the Wolrd – Yak-Man Homeland
  • Dragon Magazine 242 – Mage Construction
  • Dragon Magazine 242 – The Laws of Spell Design
  • Dragon Magazine 243 – Enchanting Weapons
  • Dragon Magazine 252 – 101 Hauntings
  • Dragon Magazine 271 – Creating Word Puzzles for Your AD&D Game
  • Dragon Magazine 271 – Riddles of the Rhyming Sphinx
  • Dragon Magazine 282 – Logic Missiles
  • Dragon Magazine 284 – Run For Your Lives How To DM A Dragon
  • Dragon Magazine 330 – Enter the Far Realm

Now to print 'em, punch 'em, and then scribble into the margins... When I'm done I'll share which I've kept and which I've discarded, with a few sentences about each.

Got a recommendation of your own? Write to me to let me know.

#Resource #DragonMagazine

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