Twenty Dwarf Fighter/Cleric characters for Swords & Wizardry Complete Revised. All stats rolled with 3d6 in order:
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In Swords & Wizardry Complete Revised clerics can only be Lawful or Chaotic, hence I decided to make ten of each. Characters 1–10 are male, and 11–20 are female; first five are Lawful and worship a Lawful deity, following five are Chaotic and worship a chaotic deity. The deities were randomly sourced from Petty Gods. Equipment packs were rolled on the Cleric equipment chart, but you can subtitute them with the Fighter's chart if your Judge permits.
1. Goddi Happywall
Class: Fighter / Cleric
Deity: Yemeles, petty god of drunkards; symbol is a tipped-over bottle (Petty Gods p. 197)
Ancestry: Dwarf
Alignment: Lawful
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Alignment
Appearance: 4'5'' / 1.35 m, 140 lbs / 64 kg; silver hair; brown eyes; pale gold skin tone; pentagram-shaped birthmark
Traits: obedient, ignorant
Hit points: 6
Armor class: 5[14]
Saving throw, Fighter: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
Saving throw, Cleric: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Cleric: +2 against being paralyzed or poisoned, +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
STR: 11 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs)
DEX: 7 (missile to-hit modifier: -1; AC modifier: worse by 1 point)
CON: 15 (hp per hit die modifier: +1; raise dead survival: 100%)
INT: 9 (max additional languages: 1)
WIS: 18 (experience bonus: +5%)
CHA: 12 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)
Class abilities
Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); spell casting; banishing undead.
Ancestry abilities
Notice stonework features (sloping corridors, moving walls, and traps made of stone); can identify whether stonework is recent or not; 60' darkvision.
Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Chain (-4[+4] AC)
Weapons: 1 × Hammer, war (1d4+1); 1 × Staff (2H 1d6); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4)
Gear: 1 × Holy symbol, silver; 1 × Bell; 1 × Block and tackle; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 2 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 6 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll
Coins: 3 gp, 8 sp, 9 cp
Encumbrance: 98 lbs
2. Duregar Fennisson
Class: Fighter / Cleric
Deity: Qzyma’a, petty god of synchronicity; symbol is an eye in forehead (Petty Gods p. 149)
Ancestry: Dwarf
Alignment: Lawful
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Alignment
Appearance: 4'6'' / 1.37 m, 165 lbs / 75 kg; grey / auburn hair; light blue eyes; amber skin tone
Traits: puzzled, aristocratic, sour, secretive
Hit points: 2
Armor class: 3[16]
Saving throw, Fighter: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
Saving throw, Cleric: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Cleric: +2 against being paralyzed or poisoned, +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
STR: 16 (to-hit modifier: +1; damage modifier: +1; open doors: 1–3; carry modifier: +15 lbs)
DEX: 14 (missile to-hit modifier: +1; AC modifier: better by 1 point)
CON: 10 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%)
INT: 16 (max additional languages: 5)
WIS: 10 (experience bonus: none)
CHA: 10 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)
Class abilities
Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); spell casting; banishing undead.
Ancestry abilities
Notice stonework features (sloping corridors, moving walls, and traps made of stone); can identify whether stonework is recent or not; 60' darkvision.
Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Chain (-4[+4] AC)
Weapons: 1 × Mace, heavy (1d6); 1 × Staff (2H 1d6); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4)
Gear: 1 × Holy symbol, silver; 1 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 6 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Torch; 2 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Garlic, charmed; 1 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll
Coins: 3 gp, 3 sp, 9 cp
Encumbrance: 98 lbs
3. Ulfar Grindolsfind
Class: Fighter / Cleric
Deity: Zikcub, petty goddess of sickly animals; symbol is a bloody paw (Petty Gods p. 204)
Ancestry: Dwarf
Alignment: Lawful
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Alignment
Appearance: 4'6'' / 1.37 m, 165 lbs / 75 kg; brown hair; dark brown eyes; medium brown skin tone; all double joints
Traits: selfish, guiltridden
Hit points: 5
Armor class: 4[15]
Saving throw, Fighter: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
Saving throw, Cleric: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Cleric: +2 against being paralyzed or poisoned, +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
STR: 10 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs)
DEX: 15 (missile to-hit modifier: +1; AC modifier: better by 1 point)
CON: 10 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%)
INT: 10 (max additional languages: 2)
WIS: 9 (experience bonus: none)
CHA: 8 (max # of special hirelings: 3; retainer morale adjustment: -1; experience bonus: none)
Class abilities
Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); spell casting; banishing undead.
Ancestry abilities
Notice stonework features (sloping corridors, moving walls, and traps made of stone); can identify whether stonework is recent or not; 60' darkvision.
Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC)
Weapons: 1 × Mace, heavy (1d6); 1 × Staff (2H 1d6); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4)
Gear: 1 × Holy symbol, silver; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Grappling hook; 2 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 2 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Garlic, charmed; 6 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll
Coins: 4 gp, 0 sp, 9 cp
Encumbrance: 87 lbs
4. Kadri Zamnilsson
Class: Fighter / Cleric
Deity: Machuk, petty god of crafting and artifice; symbol is an anvil with a grinning face (Petty Gods p. 98)
Ancestry: Dwarf
Alignment: Lawful
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Alignment
Appearance: 4'6'' / 1.37 m, 150 lbs / 68 kg; black hair; black eyes; pale orange skin tone
Traits: lovely, eager, logical, calm
Hit points: 3
Armor class: 3[16]
Saving throw, Fighter: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
Saving throw, Cleric: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Cleric: +2 against being paralyzed or poisoned, +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
STR: 9 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs)
DEX: 15 (missile to-hit modifier: +1; AC modifier: better by 1 point)
CON: 11 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%)
INT: 9 (max additional languages: 1)
WIS: 11 (experience bonus: none)
CHA: 8 (max # of special hirelings: 3; retainer morale adjustment: -1; experience bonus: none)
Class abilities
Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); spell casting; banishing undead.
Ancestry abilities
Notice stonework features (sloping corridors, moving walls, and traps made of stone); can identify whether stonework is recent or not; 60' darkvision.
Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Chain (-4[+4] AC)
Weapons: 1 × Mace, heavy (1d6); 1 × Staff (2H 1d6); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4)
Gear: 1 × Holy symbol, silver; 1 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 6 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Torch; 2 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Garlic, charmed; 1 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll
Coins: 3 gp, 3 sp, 9 cp
Encumbrance: 98 lbs
5. Haakon Grimlisnev
Class: Fighter / Cleric
Deity: Somnau, petty god of forgotten injuries; symbol is an iron rod, partially wrapped in white linen bandages (Petty Gods p. 161)
Ancestry: Dwarf
Alignment: Lawful
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Alignment
Appearance: 4'8'' / 1.42 m, 145 lbs / 66 kg; vipers hair; black eyes; pale gold skin tone
Traits: deferential, trusting, sad, pensive, quick
Hit points: 2
Armor class: 5[14]
Saving throw, Fighter: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
Saving throw, Cleric: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Cleric: +2 against being paralyzed or poisoned, +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
STR: 14 (to-hit modifier: +1; open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +10 lbs)
DEX: 18 (missile to-hit modifier: +1; AC modifier: better by 1 point)
CON: 10 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%)
INT: 10 (max additional languages: 2)
WIS: 13 (experience bonus: +5%)
CHA: 13 (max # of special hirelings: 5; retainer morale adjustment: +1; experience bonus: +5%)
Class abilities
Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); spell casting; banishing undead.
Ancestry abilities
Notice stonework features (sloping corridors, moving walls, and traps made of stone); can identify whether stonework is recent or not; 60' darkvision.
Armour: 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC)
Weapons: 1 × Hammer, war (1d4+1); 1 × Staff (2H 1d6); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4)
Gear: 1 × Holy symbol, silver; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Lamp, bronze; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 1 × Lantern, hooded; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 3 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll
Coins: 4 gp, 3 sp, 5 cp
Encumbrance: 77 lbs
6. Grindol Roreksnev
Class: Fighter / Cleric
Deity: Corotus Thallian, petty god of flying apes and other chimerical beasts; symbol is a gibbon with bat wings (Petty Gods p. 31)
Ancestry: Dwarf
Alignment: Chaotic
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Alignment
Appearance: 4'3'' / 1.3 m, 145 lbs / 66 kg; blue hair; black eyes; pale blue skin tone; ½'' scar
Traits: bloodthirsty, greedy
Hit points: 6
Armor class: 5[14]
Saving throw, Fighter: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
Saving throw, Cleric: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Cleric: +2 against being paralyzed or poisoned, +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
STR: 7 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: 0 lbs)
DEX: 14 (missile to-hit modifier: +1; AC modifier: better by 1 point)
CON: 9 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%)
INT: 9 (max additional languages: 1)
WIS: 14 (experience bonus: +5%)
CHA: 12 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)
Class abilities
Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); spell casting; banishing undead.
Ancestry abilities
Notice stonework features (sloping corridors, moving walls, and traps made of stone); can identify whether stonework is recent or not; 60' darkvision.
Armour: 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC)
Weapons: 1 × Flail (2H, 1d8); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4)
Gear: 1 × Holy symbol, wooden; 1 × Bell; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 6 × Torch; 2 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Garlic, charmed; 3 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll
Coins: 4 gp, 1 sp, 9 cp
Encumbrance: 67 lbs
7. Hugnir Yorrisnev
Class: Fighter / Cleric
Deity: Fattu Feri, petty goddess of corpse candles and messenger of the tribes of the bog; symbol is a skull surrounded by a burning green flame (Petty Gods p. 49)
Ancestry: Dwarf
Alignment: Chaotic
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Alignment
Appearance: 4'4'' / 1.32 m, 140 lbs / 64 kg; red hair; light blue eyes; shiny ebon skin tone; 1 ½'' scar
Traits: defeated, gives up easily
Hit points: 3
Armor class: 3[16]
Saving throw, Fighter: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
Saving throw, Cleric: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Cleric: +2 against being paralyzed or poisoned, +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
STR: 9 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs)
DEX: 9 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none)
CON: 6 (hp per hit die modifier: -1; raise dead survival: 50%)
INT: 12 (max additional languages: 3)
WIS: 10 (experience bonus: none)
CHA: 11 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)
Class abilities
Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); spell casting; banishing undead.
Ancestry abilities
Notice stonework features (sloping corridors, moving walls, and traps made of stone); can identify whether stonework is recent or not; 60' darkvision.
Armour: 1 × Plate (-6[+6] AC)
Weapons: 1 × Hammer, war (1d4+1); 1 × Flail (2H, 1d8); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4)
Gear: 1 × Holy symbol, silver; 2 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 2 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Signal whistle; 1 × Garlic, charmed; 6 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll
Coins: 11 gp, 4 sp, 4 cp
Encumbrance: 108 lbs
8. Cranneg Sadclever
Class: Fighter / Cleric
Deity: Ywehbobbobhewy, petty god of magic mirror portals; symbol is a cracked mirror dripping three drops of water (Petty Gods p. 201)
Ancestry: Dwarf
Alignment: Chaotic
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Alignment
Appearance: 4'6'' / 1.37 m, 160 lbs / 73 kg; roan hair; blue eyes; pale blue skin tone; 8 point star-shaped birthmark
Traits: adorable, scruffy, snob, composed
Hit points: 1
Armor class: 6[13]
Saving throw, Fighter: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
Saving throw, Cleric: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Cleric: +2 against being paralyzed or poisoned, +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
STR: 9 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs)
DEX: 7 (missile to-hit modifier: -1; AC modifier: worse by 1 point)
CON: 7 (hp per hit die modifier: -1; raise dead survival: 50%)
INT: 7 (max additional languages: 0)
WIS: 11 (experience bonus: none)
CHA: 10 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)
Class abilities
Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); spell casting; banishing undead.
Ancestry abilities
Notice stonework features (sloping corridors, moving walls, and traps made of stone); can identify whether stonework is recent or not; 60' darkvision.
Armour: 1 × Chain (-4[+4] AC)
Weapons: 1 × Hammer, war (1d4+1); 1 × Flail (2H, 1d8); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4)
Gear: 1 × Holy symbol, silver; 1 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 2 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 6 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll
Coins: 6 gp, 9 sp, 9 cp
Encumbrance: 88 lbs
9. Alrik Thurgromsson
Class: Fighter / Cleric
Deity: Mico, petty god of burning oil; symbol is a broken bottle wreathed in flame (Petty Gods p. 110)
Ancestry: Dwarf
Alignment: Chaotic
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Alignment
Appearance: 4'6'' / 1.37 m, 155 lbs / 70 kg; light blonde hair; hazel eyes; yellow white skin tone; ½'' scar
Traits: fussy, oblivious
Hit points: 2
Armor class: 4[15]
Saving throw, Fighter: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
Saving throw, Cleric: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Cleric: +2 against being paralyzed or poisoned, +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
STR: 9 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs)
DEX: 16 (missile to-hit modifier: +1; AC modifier: better by 1 point)
CON: 7 (hp per hit die modifier: -1; raise dead survival: 50%)
INT: 3 (max additional languages: 0)
WIS: 6 (experience bonus: none)
CHA: 13 (max # of special hirelings: 5; retainer morale adjustment: +1; experience bonus: +5%)
Class abilities
Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); spell casting; banishing undead.
Ancestry abilities
Notice stonework features (sloping corridors, moving walls, and traps made of stone); can identify whether stonework is recent or not; 60' darkvision.
Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC)
Weapons: 1 × Hammer, war (1d4+1); 1 × Staff (2H 1d6); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4)
Gear: 1 × Holy symbol, silver; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Grappling hook; 2 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 2 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Garlic, charmed; 6 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll
Coins: 3 gp, 0 sp, 9 cp
Encumbrance: 87 lbs
10. Belgol Thrudnsson
Class: Fighter / Cleric
Deity: Jexvenna, petty goddess of the spoilage of rations; symbol is a black weevil (Petty Gods p. 76)
Ancestry: Dwarf
Alignment: Chaotic
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Alignment
Appearance: 4'5'' / 1.35 m, 150 lbs / 68 kg; light blonde hair; hazel eyes; yellow white skin tone; ½'' scar
Traits: philosophical, jovial
Hit points: 4
Armor class: 5[14]
Saving throw, Fighter: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
Saving throw, Cleric: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Cleric: +2 against being paralyzed or poisoned, +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
STR: 11 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs)
DEX: 6 (missile to-hit modifier: -1; AC modifier: worse by 1 point)
CON: 12 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%)
INT: 15 (max additional languages: 4)
WIS: 14 (experience bonus: +5%)
CHA: 9 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)
Class abilities
Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); spell casting; banishing undead.
Ancestry abilities
Notice stonework features (sloping corridors, moving walls, and traps made of stone); can identify whether stonework is recent or not; 60' darkvision.
Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Chain (-4[+4] AC)
Weapons: 1 × Mace, heavy (1d6); 1 × Staff (2H 1d6); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4)
Gear: 1 × Holy symbol, silver; 1 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 6 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Torch; 2 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Garlic, charmed; 1 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll
Coins: 3 gp, 3 sp, 9 cp
Encumbrance: 98 lbs
11. Brondra Magdasniz
Class: Fighter / Cleric
Deity: Fallen One, petty god of fallen warriors and unsung heroes; symbol is an unmarked grave stone (Petty Gods p. 49)
Ancestry: Dwarf
Alignment: Lawful
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Alignment
Appearance: 4'7'' / 1.4 m, 150 lbs / 68 kg; roan hair; yellow eyes; medium brown skin tone; ¼'' scar
Traits: young, needs social approval
Hit points: 3
Armor class: 5[14]
Saving throw, Fighter: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
Saving throw, Cleric: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Cleric: +2 against being paralyzed or poisoned, +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
STR: 12 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs)
DEX: 13 (missile to-hit modifier: +1; AC modifier: better by 1 point)
CON: 9 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%)
INT: 13 (max additional languages: 3)
WIS: 9 (experience bonus: none)
CHA: 10 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)
Class abilities
Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); spell casting; banishing undead.
Ancestry abilities
Notice stonework features (sloping corridors, moving walls, and traps made of stone); can identify whether stonework is recent or not; 60' darkvision.
Armour: 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC)
Weapons: 1 × Mace, heavy (1d6); 1 × Staff (2H 1d6); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4)
Gear: 1 × Holy symbol, wooden; 1 × Block and tackle; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (15 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 1 × Lamp, bronze; 1 × Lantern, hooded; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 6 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll
Coins: 6 gp, 0 sp, 5 cp
Encumbrance: 77 lbs
12. Berta Haughtytarge
Class: Fighter / Cleric
Deity: Ooboora, petty god of clouds; symbol is a golden bell or chimes (Petty Gods p. 132)
Ancestry: Dwarf
Alignment: Lawful
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Alignment
Appearance: 4'5'' / 1.35 m, 150 lbs / 68 kg; roan hair; gold eyes; pale green skin tone; two hearts
Traits: bold, unlucky
Hit points: 5
Armor class: 5[14]
Saving throw, Fighter: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
Saving throw, Cleric: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Cleric: +2 against being paralyzed or poisoned, +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
STR: 10 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs)
DEX: 12 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none)
CON: 14 (hp per hit die modifier: +1; raise dead survival: 100%)
INT: 13 (max additional languages: 3)
WIS: 12 (experience bonus: none)
CHA: 11 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)
Class abilities
Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); spell casting; banishing undead.
Ancestry abilities
Notice stonework features (sloping corridors, moving walls, and traps made of stone); can identify whether stonework is recent or not; 60' darkvision.
Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC)
Weapons: 1 × Hammer, war (1d4+1); 1 × Staff (2H 1d6); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4)
Gear: 1 × Holy symbol, silver; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Grappling hook; 2 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 2 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Garlic, charmed; 6 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll
Coins: 3 gp, 0 sp, 9 cp
Encumbrance: 87 lbs
13. Sifna Haughtyhead
Class: Fighter / Cleric
Deity: Anwyn Wood, petty god of favors; symbol is a left-pointing arrow with right-pointing arrow beneath (Petty Gods p. 6)
Ancestry: Dwarf
Alignment: Lawful
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Alignment
Appearance: 4'4'' / 1.32 m, 145 lbs / 66 kg; mixed red and black hair; light green eyes; pale silver skin tone; 8'' scar
Traits: scheming, devoted, bitter, intimidating
Hit points: 2
Armor class: 6[13]
Saving throw, Fighter: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
Saving throw, Cleric: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Cleric: +2 against being paralyzed or poisoned, +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
STR: 7 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: 0 lbs)
DEX: 12 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none)
CON: 3 (hp per hit die modifier: -1; raise dead survival: 50%)
INT: 12 (max additional languages: 3)
WIS: 10 (experience bonus: none)
CHA: 7 (max # of special hirelings: 3; retainer morale adjustment: -1; experience bonus: none)
Class abilities
Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); spell casting; banishing undead.
Ancestry abilities
Notice stonework features (sloping corridors, moving walls, and traps made of stone); can identify whether stonework is recent or not; 60' darkvision.
Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Leather (-2[+2] AC)
Weapons: 1 × Hammer, war (1d4+1); 1 × Staff (2H 1d6); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4)
Gear: 1 × Holy symbol, wooden; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (15 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Torch; 3 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll
Coins: 7 gp, 7 sp, 9 cp
Encumbrance: 73 lbs
14. Karstin Frigasdottir
Class: Fighter / Cleric
Deity: Vindico Vindicatum, petty god of appropriated credit; symbol is a pair of crossed quills (Petty Gods p. 185)
Ancestry: Dwarf
Alignment: Lawful
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Alignment
Appearance: 4'9'' / 1.45 m, 150 lbs / 68 kg; dark blonde hair; copper eyes; light tan skin tone
Traits: anxious, weird, unlucky, obedient
Hit points: 6
Armor class: 4[15]
Saving throw, Fighter: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
Saving throw, Cleric: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Cleric: +2 against being paralyzed or poisoned, +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
STR: 10 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs)
DEX: 13 (missile to-hit modifier: +1; AC modifier: better by 1 point)
CON: 13 (hp per hit die modifier: +1; raise dead survival: 100%)
INT: 10 (max additional languages: 2)
WIS: 10 (experience bonus: none)
CHA: 17 (max # of special hirelings: 6; retainer morale adjustment: +2; experience bonus: +5%)
Class abilities
Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); spell casting; banishing undead.
Ancestry abilities
Notice stonework features (sloping corridors, moving walls, and traps made of stone); can identify whether stonework is recent or not; 60' darkvision.
Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC)
Weapons: 1 × Hammer, war (1d4+1); 1 × Staff (2H 1d6); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4)
Gear: 1 × Holy symbol, silver; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Grappling hook; 2 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 2 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Garlic, charmed; 6 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll
Coins: 3 gp, 0 sp, 9 cp
Encumbrance: 87 lbs
15. Vala Vanyrasniz
Class: Fighter / Cleric
Deity: Fimtakar, petty goddess of spices known & unknown, spice traders, and sea travelers; symbol is a mortar & pestle set over three wavy parallel lines (Petty Gods p. 51)
Ancestry: Dwarf
Alignment: Lawful
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Alignment
Appearance: 4'4'' / 1.32 m, 145 lbs / 66 kg; light blonde hair; silver eyes; pale green skin tone
Traits: fussy, saintly, dynamic, worried
Hit points: 4
Armor class: 6[13]
Saving throw, Fighter: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
Saving throw, Cleric: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Cleric: +2 against being paralyzed or poisoned, +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
STR: 5 (to-hit modifier: -1; open doors: 1; carry modifier: -5 lbs)
DEX: 9 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none)
CON: 13 (hp per hit die modifier: +1; raise dead survival: 100%)
INT: 12 (max additional languages: 3)
WIS: 13 (experience bonus: +5%)
CHA: 9 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)
Class abilities
Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); spell casting; banishing undead.
Ancestry abilities
Notice stonework features (sloping corridors, moving walls, and traps made of stone); can identify whether stonework is recent or not; 60' darkvision.
Armour: 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC)
Weapons: 1 × Hammer, war (1d4+1); 1 × Staff (2H 1d6); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4)
Gear: 1 × Holy symbol, silver; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Lamp, bronze; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 1 × Lantern, hooded; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 3 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll
Coins: 4 gp, 3 sp, 5 cp
Encumbrance: 77 lbs
16. Grondi Angrybull
Class: Fighter / Cleric
Deity: Vodei, petty god of the seas of Aelio; symbol is a four radiating fists of water (Petty Gods p. 185)
Ancestry: Dwarf
Alignment: Chaotic
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Alignment
Appearance: 4'6'' / 1.37 m, 150 lbs / 68 kg; blonde hair; yellow eyes; amber skin tone
Traits: mild, terrible
Hit points: 1
Armor class: 5[14]
Saving throw, Fighter: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
Saving throw, Cleric: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Cleric: +2 against being paralyzed or poisoned, +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
STR: 9 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs)
DEX: 9 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none)
CON: 11 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%)
INT: 13 (max additional languages: 3)
WIS: 17 (experience bonus: +5%)
CHA: 11 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)
Class abilities
Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); spell casting; banishing undead.
Ancestry abilities
Notice stonework features (sloping corridors, moving walls, and traps made of stone); can identify whether stonework is recent or not; 60' darkvision.
Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Ring (-3[+3] AC)
Weapons: 1 × Hammer, war (1d4+1); 1 × Staff (2H 1d6); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4)
Gear: 1 × Holy symbol, silver; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Grappling hook; 2 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 2 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Garlic, charmed; 6 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll
Coins: 3 gp, 0 sp, 9 cp
Encumbrance: 87 lbs
17. Sigrun Silvergriffon
Class: Fighter / Cleric
Deity: Kaldrabikkia, frigid petty goddess of violence; symbol is a red, spear-shaped rune (Petty Gods p. 81)
Ancestry: Dwarf
Alignment: Chaotic
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Alignment
Appearance: 4'4'' / 1.32 m, 145 lbs / 66 kg; light blonde hair; silver eyes; light tan skin tone
Traits: intellectual, fussy, slovenly
Hit points: 4
Armor class: 4[15]
Saving throw, Fighter: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
Saving throw, Cleric: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Cleric: +2 against being paralyzed or poisoned, +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
STR: 8 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: 0 lbs)
DEX: 11 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none)
CON: 9 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%)
INT: 8 (max additional languages: 1)
WIS: 13 (experience bonus: +5%)
CHA: 14 (max # of special hirelings: 5; retainer morale adjustment: +1; experience bonus: +5%)
Class abilities
Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); spell casting; banishing undead.
Ancestry abilities
Notice stonework features (sloping corridors, moving walls, and traps made of stone); can identify whether stonework is recent or not; 60' darkvision.
Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Chain (-4[+4] AC)
Weapons: 1 × Hammer, war (1d4+1); 1 × Staff (2H 1d6); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4)
Gear: 1 × Holy symbol, silver; 1 × Bell; 1 × Block and tackle; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 2 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 6 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll
Coins: 3 gp, 8 sp, 9 cp
Encumbrance: 98 lbs
18. Freda Shortdrake
Class: Fighter / Cleric
Deity: Curdle, petty goddess of blind milk maids; symbol is a three-legged milking stool (Petty Gods p. 33)
Ancestry: Dwarf
Alignment: Chaotic
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Alignment
Appearance: 4'6'' / 1.37 m, 150 lbs / 68 kg; red hair; blue eyes; medium brown skin tone; crescent-shaped birthmark
Traits: unscrupulous, enigmatic, disturbed
Hit points: 2
Armor class: 6[13]
Saving throw, Fighter: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
Saving throw, Cleric: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Cleric: +2 against being paralyzed or poisoned, +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
STR: 12 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs)
DEX: 10 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none)
CON: 11 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%)
INT: 11 (max additional languages: 2)
WIS: 11 (experience bonus: none)
CHA: 9 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)
Class abilities
Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); spell casting; banishing undead.
Ancestry abilities
Notice stonework features (sloping corridors, moving walls, and traps made of stone); can identify whether stonework is recent or not; 60' darkvision.
Armour: 1 × Shield (-1[+1] AC); 1 × Leather (-2[+2] AC)
Weapons: 1 × Mace, heavy (1d6); 1 × Staff (2H 1d6); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4)
Gear: 1 × Holy symbol, wooden; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 3 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll
Coins: 7 gp, 3 sp, 9 cp
Encumbrance: 73 lbs
19. Harga Dernasdottir
Class: Fighter / Cleric
Deity: Thuf, petty god of secrets and unexplained winds; symbol is an iron candle-snuffer, Thuf’s eyes on a black field, a black field with no symbol (Petty Gods p. 169)
Ancestry: Dwarf
Alignment: Chaotic
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Alignment
Appearance: 4'6'' / 1.37 m, 165 lbs / 75 kg; dark brown hair; light blue eyes; pale blue skin tone
Traits: oblivious, quaint, impressionable, bitter
Hit points: 4
Armor class: 5[14]
Saving throw, Fighter: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
Saving throw, Cleric: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Cleric: +2 against being paralyzed or poisoned, +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
STR: 10 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs)
DEX: 11 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none)
CON: 13 (hp per hit die modifier: +1; raise dead survival: 100%)
INT: 11 (max additional languages: 2)
WIS: 13 (experience bonus: +5%)
CHA: 6 (max # of special hirelings: 2; retainer morale adjustment: -2; experience bonus: none)
Class abilities
Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); spell casting; banishing undead.
Ancestry abilities
Notice stonework features (sloping corridors, moving walls, and traps made of stone); can identify whether stonework is recent or not; 60' darkvision.
Armour: 1 × Chain (-4[+4] AC)
Weapons: 1 × Hammer, war (1d4+1); 1 × Flail (2H, 1d8); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4)
Gear: 1 × Holy symbol, silver; 1 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 2 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 6 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll
Coins: 6 gp, 9 sp, 9 cp
Encumbrance: 88 lbs
20. Ulla Boldsword
Class: Fighter / Cleric
Deity: Ykelu, petty wolf god protector of the Skapti; symbol is abloody fang (Petty Gods p. 200)
Ancestry: Dwarf
Alignment: Chaotic
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Alignment
Appearance: 4'9'' / 1.45 m, 165 lbs / 75 kg; light blonde hair; light blue eyes; grey-green skin tone; x-shaped birthmark
Traits: thoughtless, tall
Hit points: 2
Armor class: 6[13]
Saving throw, Fighter: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Fighter: +1 bonus on all saving throws except against spells (including those from wands and staffs), +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
Saving throw, Cleric: 15
Saving throw modifier(s), Cleric: +2 against being paralyzed or poisoned, +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic
STR: 13 (to-hit modifier: +1; open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +10 lbs)
DEX: 6 (missile to-hit modifier: -1; AC modifier: worse by 1 point)
CON: 7 (hp per hit die modifier: -1; raise dead survival: 50%)
INT: 10 (max additional languages: 2)
WIS: 10 (experience bonus: none)
CHA: 13 (max # of special hirelings: 5; retainer morale adjustment: +1; experience bonus: +5%)
Class abilities
Multiple attacks; parry (only if DEX ≥ 14); spell casting; banishing undead.
Ancestry abilities
Notice stonework features (sloping corridors, moving walls, and traps made of stone); can identify whether stonework is recent or not; 60' darkvision.
Armour: 1 × Chain (-4[+4] AC)
Weapons: 1 × Hammer, war (1d4+1); 1 × Staff (2H 1d6); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4)
Gear: 1 × Holy symbol, silver; 1 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 2 × Case (map or scroll); 6 × Torch; 1 × Flint & steel; 6 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Bedroll
Coins: 5 gp, 5 sp, 9 cp
Encumbrance: 88 lbs
Elves next!
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