Conquering the Barbarian Altanis: Session 127
Character | Class | Description |
Thorm | Dwarf level 2 | Ashen hair, beard, and eyes. Left his own clan due to financial trouble. |
Thorin Whiteheart | Cleric level 1 | Wide-eyed and innocent goodie-two-shoes. |
Centuria | Elf level 1 | An academic elf fond of teasing those of lower status. |
Tu'Fles | Elf level 1 | Massive dork for dragons. |
Gloomfrost 14th, Fireday
“And where excatly is this bandit lair full of treasure?” Centuria inquired Balarus. “Shrieking purple mushrooms, orcs with flaming eyes on their shield, white apes, bandits, yes, anything else?”
A humble party of four led by Thorm the dwarf rode to the the bandit lair that Balarus, Bragi, Ignaeus, and Foxglove had just returned from. They wanted to maintain the momentum and prevent bandits from regrouping.
Thorm was joined by Thorin, follower of Umannah, and two bookish elves, namely Centuria and Tu'Fles. They passed the shrooms and descended down the trapdoor into the bandit lair. Eight pig-faced beastmen corpses greeted them, just as Balarus had described.
Illustration by IdleDoodler.
They turned south, then west, forced doors open, then forced south doors, followed the corridor to the junction, turned east, and marched into the chamber.
Thorin failed to see, smell, or hear two large hairy brutes hiding just around the corner. He barely survived the initial onslaught. Beastmen had weird bestial faces—as if someone had flattened a tiger's face by repeatedly hitting it with a shovel. Standing just over seven feet tall, and armed with battle axes, they were no laughing matter. Both focused on Thorm and hacked him to death in less than ten seconds.
Illustration by IdleDoodler.
Centuria and Tu'Fles fell back into the corridor so Thorin could withdraw. Acolyte of Radiant Death poured oil on the ground. Beasts pursued, despite one of them already being on fire! That caused exact result adventurers were hpoing for—both monsters caught fire.
Stench of burnt hair and flesh permeatted tha hallway. Beasts swung wildly as they burned to death. Thorin did not escape their mighty blows, and his light extinguished forever.
Once the flames subsumed the elves recovered one hundred fifty four platinum pieces from the beastmen. Then they decided to haul Thorm's corpse back to Hara. There Centuria kindly requested Ambros ap Mortain to perform a miracle.
Illustration by IdleDoodler.
“Would you please raise Thorm from his sliced up death? We were prepared for the orcs, white apes and bandits, but the adventurer's scouting party had made no mention of there being bugbears!”
Ambros performed another miracle—Balarus being his first one—and brought Thorm back to life.
“Clean out that den of thieves in the name of justice.”
Thorm uttered “Ambros be praised!” with great difficulty, experience of death still fresh in his mind and body.
“Don't forget that you both have to clean the place out...”
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