Conquering the Barbarian Altanis: Session 121


Character Class Description
Ambros Cleric level 6 Follower of Aniu, Lord of Time.
Ignaeus Elf level 4 A slightly weathered looking elf with dull blonde hair and chiselled features. Seeks wealth and knowledge.
Nesterin Sylpetor Elf level 3 An avid lover woods and jungles.
Gomm Thief level 6 Swarthy, good looking, dark-skinned thief. Sweet opium-like aroma is his fragrance of choice.
Dalkanarion Fighter level 4 A youthful specimen in full strength, full of purpose, bluster, and eagerness to prove himself.
Balarus Fighter level 3 An ex-woodsman, quite a crackshot with his bow.
Zardon Cleric level 1 Fairly stout fellow with messy beard and rosy-red smiling cheeks. Follower of Teros, the God of the Forest.
Hedwig Hogwarts Elf level 4 An always alert owl masquerading as an elf.

Willowind 2nd, Waterday

Three weeks.

That's how long it took a party of ten—Ambros, Balarus, Beorg the Gravedigger, Dalkanarion, Gomm, Hedwiga, Ignaeus, Nesterin Sylpetor, Tarkus the Promising, and Zardon—to reach the bank of river Farhills just opposite Hara.

Before they left Ah'sas hut, Gomm buried a large cache of treasure they were unable to carry: nine thousand one hundred and eighty gold pieces. The thief sketched a treasure map so they can find it when they return.

Illustration by Dreadlord.

Once they broke out of the jungle, the party had decided to head south, towards Vigil Sound bay. There they buried another treasure cache counting six thousand eight hundred and twenty gold pieces. Nesterin drew this map.

Illustration by kickmaniac.

Then they spent some days seeking a keep they heard might be in the area. Having run out of rations, and failing to forage sufficient amount of food, some of the members had to go hungry. Although they did not find any fortifications—intact or ruined—they did stumble upon a trail.

They followed it south until they were close to the Castle of the Wode. They were too afraid to face Tagoler, so they gave it a large berth, at the expense of even more members starving.

But now they were in front of the ferryman. Dirty from days of travel, black pit in their bellies from days of fasting, and fear of what might they find in their minds. It's been months since they left the City of Merchants.

Hagar the Hewer, now deceased adventurer, was to become new Hara's castellan. That was the deal with the Namelin family, which the party had ultimately sided with. But Hagar died, and adventurers failed to offer a satisfying alternative. At the same time, Imrael family, as well as all those allied with them, blacklisted the party.

Finding themselves without friends, they decided to follow Ambros's geas to Ketche. There they helped the local cleric, but by accident Ambros had prolonged his own geas. And then a cascade of decisions led them through jungle and then back to Hara.

In order to minimise the risk, the party divided in two groups. First group was comprised of less known members: Dalkanarion, Balarus, Zardon, Hedwig, and Nesterin. Gomm joined them as well, pretending he is a stranger. They were to be the first to go. Then second group—Ambros, Ignaeus, Tarkus, Beorg—would arrive several hours later.

Since it was already night the ferryman had initially protested, but tossing a dozen of gold pieces shifted his mood rapidly.

Careful, if slightly paranoid, the adventurers' approach had paid off for none of them got into significant trouble. They were surprised to find the city in much better state than they left it. Streets were cleaner, guards were plentiful, and locals were in good mood.

“You will not believe this Gomm!” the thief was updated at the guild. “The Queen had bested all the Merchants' bloviations! Since they failed to agree on the next castellan, as she requested, she named her own!” his colleague continued, excited “Tsamar the Queen of Pirates is our new castellan! Well, they are privates now, but you get what I mean. Gomm, the Age of Thieves is upon us!”

These news pleased Gomm greatly.

Indeed, everybody grovelled at Tsamar's feet, striving to get in her good graces. Namelin's thugs were quickly put in place by Tsamar's experienced mariners. By all accounts, new castellan does her duties with an iron fist.

“I think the Red Queen now owes us big. We messed up Namelin's and Imrael's plans so much that she got to pick her favourite candidate.” one adventurer dreamt aloud.

What will adventures make out of this?

Will they make new allies or enemies?

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