#RPGaDAY2024 – Day 18: Memorable moment of play


Story time: in one of the sessions PCs were lost on third level of the dungeon (equivalent to fifth level), low HP, expired resources, no spells, chased by a pack of ghouls, bunch of traps, no known way out (they stepped onto a teleporter without knowing where it'd take them).

They figured a portion of the dungeon was controlled by gnolls, so they go to them and try to bluff / offer their “mercenary” services. It partially succeeds as they are taken to the chieftain (passing 30ish gnolls, several chambers, etc). There negotiations fail twice (first to come into their service, second to ransom themselves). At this moment it is clear they are deep into gnoll lair and that they will be taken prisoners and enslaved.

Players have a brief chat and decide “FUCK THIS WE'D RATHER DIE THAN BE ENSLAVED!11!!” Now these were mid-level characters with good stats, gear, etc. They had no chance of getting out alive from the dungeon. Naturally, they just start swinging and are slain. Except two characters who were subdued and enslaved anyway, and we have been playing their slavery journey via pbp for some months now.

Maybe one day they free themselves and rejoin other PCs.

Good times.


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