Join us

Are you considering joining our Wilderlands campaign?

I strongly believe that good games are to be had with good players. That's why I care more about your attitude than skill or years of gaming experience.

Read on to see if our group would be a good fit for you!

I asked the players to answer three simple questions:

  1. How would you describe your ideal coplayer?
  2. Why should they join our game?
  3. What advice would you have for them to be successful in our game?

Here are their answers.

How would you describe your ideal coplayer?

Why should they join our game?

What advice would you have for them to be successful in our game?

Still interested?

If above resonates with you, then feel free to send me an email to attronarch[AT]mailbox[DOT]org or a direct message on Discord (you can find me on the Mythmere Games server). We welcome players of all skill.

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